The FaeKind are a set of adoptables which were brought to PonyIsland in late 2006 in their current form. A previous version of the Faequine had been released around 1998.
While initially every Faequine was unique, the adoptable grew until standard lineart for each type was needed. Still, there are no shading, marking, or mutation templates, everything is done by hand for each Fae.
The FaeKind are a somewhat involved adoptable, with many more options available to those who actively roleplay. Standard adoptable options for collecting and breeding are acceptable though.
The Faequine themselves are equine-like in appearance, resembling draft horses in many ways. They are exceptionally intelligent, attuned with nature and the elements, and very gentle souls. However, there are now even more types of FaeKind.
Types - All the different types of FaeKind that are currently known.
Familiars - And other creatures.
If you would like to learn more about the FaeKind background and information, check out these pages.
Spirituality - The belief system of the Faequine.
Powers - The four primary powers of the Fae.
Lands - The lands surrounded the Faequine Fields, where Faes are found.
If you are here seeking a specific FaeKind, please look at this information.
Markings - Most are fairly common, but some are a little odd.
Mutations - The strange things that happen now and then.
Bling - In case you needed more sparkle.
Please remember that if any of the FaeKind choose to bond with you, it does so of it's own free will. Respect them, or they may leave you.
All things FaeKind are protected by U.S. copyright law, including but not limited to the artwork, the characters, the story, and the website layout.
The FaeKind are hosted on which is owned and paid for by Naomi McFarland.
Direct linking off the site is considered bandwidth theft, and I may replace your images at any time with something you may not like.