The FaeKind are a magic race of creatures. They hold within them various abilities, though their powers have been lessened over time and the dilution of blood. With each generation removed from their dieties, they become weaker in the ways of magic. Only those who study and seek the blessings of the Dieties will be rewarded.
Mental Control
Mental Control is the general term used to refer to a host of FaeKind abilities which channel through a Fae's mind. These powers include but are not limited to telepathy, telekinesis and future sight. Since a great deal of FaeKind communication is telepathy, even low levels of Mental Control allow Fae to Fae mental speech.
Shifting is the ability of a Faequine to achieve alternate forms for limited periods of time. The exact amount of time and the variety of forms known is based on strength of the ability.
The FaeKind have twelve general elements. A Fae may only have one element, if they have one at all. Their level in Element represents their ability to influence their given element and to what extent.
Purity is a complicated notion wrapped up in FaeKind mythology and spirituality. For Faes, ones Purity represents how far removed one is from Ien and Una, and is mostly determined by the generation in which one is born into - although it can be learned through devotion and blessings. However, Purity is also the strength of a Fae's internal magic, the wellspring from which all the other powers draw off of.