There are a wide variety of markings in the FaeKind. As a general rule, these are naturally occuring equine markings for all types of FaeKind.
Anything unnatural will be a Mutation.
If you are here planning a semi-custom, you must order based on these examples. Anything without an example on these pages is not a semi-custom. However, some markings can be combined - a pegasus can have faded tip wings with barring. Please combine markings with discretion and your base lineart in mind.
Other Faes you have seen may have Markings which are very beautiful, but which may be unique to that Fae and may not necessarily be available to others. Please respect this. Some owners have paid a great deal for a fully custom Faequine. If you want something entirely new, wait for a full custom, and your idea may be granted.
~*~ Marking Examples ~*~