The world of the FaeKind is confined to a single island continent. This continent is isolated, and therefore many of the species on the island are unique, or have evolved along their own lines differently from those found elsewhere.
Despite being large, the island has been relatively secluded and boasts only a very small human presence in recent years.
Faequine Fields
The Fields are a vast expanse of rolling grassland, vast enough for many large herds of equine. Travel from the borders of this great Field take a swiftly moving Fae at least several days.
Large rivers flow down from the mountains and meander their way through the fields, many forming large lakes before continuing on their lazy journeys to the ocean. There are also small groves of trees here and there upon the fields, as well as small rocky outcroppings, but nothing to be considered anymore than a hill or perhaps a bluff. Overall, it is a very gentle place, safe and peaceful.
The primary Field Herd spends most of its time in the northwest corner of the Fields, near the banks of the largest river and its lake.
Faith Forest
Forest information here.
Trial Marshes
The Trial Marshes are a very large area in the center of the Faith Forest. It is an area where the forest trees thin out, and rivers from the Fields and the mountains pool and stagnate. The very center is the most dangerous with the deepest waters, and Marsh faes know the route to take to avoid it. They believe this is where Mother Earth drinks away the bad things in the world to protect her children from them. They stay there to be sure good things, like passing FaeKind, don't get caught in the bad and dark magics there and become swallowed.
Structurally, some of the marsh has firm ground, the trees root deep and keep some stable earth around them. Move away from trees, and years of erosion has left muck and standing water. Marsh faes can tell by looking just how deep a pool is, and sometimes it is necessary to cross pools that would be waist-deep on a human. Even so, the ground can give way at any time, especially under larger, heavier faes. Faettes are usually safe from sinking, but they have their own problems with keeping their heads above the water.
Given the "dark magic" in the area, the plants and animals of the Marsh are more hostile and dangerous. Many plants are not safe to eat, and some can even attack with thorny vines or shoot needles. Animals include vicious bat-like things and Rodents of Unusual Size - okay they're not quite like that, but close! Generally, things are not friendly, and a big strong stallion ready to defend you is a handy thing.
Willow Glade
Glade information here.
Gaurdian Mountains
Mountain information here.
Gem Desert
Desert information here.