There are several varieties of mutations for FaeKind, so please read carefully.

Semi-custom mutations allow only color mutations, not line-editing mutations .

Generally speaking, a colour mutation includes one or two colours. For example, silver sparkles. When ordering a deco, specify the type, location, and color. If you do not, the deco is up to artist's discretion.

Naturally, rainbow mutations include the colours of the rainbow, with only slight shade differences.

Some mutations can be combined into one area - a deco fade blanket can co-exist with deco fade stockings on the body area. But please combine mutations with discretion and your base lineart in mind.

~*~ Color Mutations ~*~

~*~ Line-editing Mutations ~*~

Line-edits are reserved for full customs, usually with custom poses. A full custom is exactly that, whatever you can think up, even if it's a new mutation.