Though most FaeKind don't have hands to work with, enough of them specialize in the metal element to make fancy jewelry made of metal, or more crafy Fae who manage to use leather, twine, and other things.

Some use bling and tattoos to represent their spirituality, others just like it because it's pretty.

Bling can be ordered with a Full Custom, within reason. More complicated additions will carry an additional fee, but simple things often don't. However, bling is most easily obtained through consistent roleplay and character development.

When a foal grows into adulthood, there is also the option of obtaining bling through any Rites of Passage or family traditions the foal may go through.

Bling can also be added through the CookiePoints Shop

Standard earring Barbel Piercing Eyebrow Piercing Ear cuff Horn piercing Nosering

Standard bracelets Symbol earring
Pendants Hoof Guard

Spiral Bracelets Bangles
Headdress Hair Crimp

Horn Drapery Head Net Bracelet Net Beaded Bracelet Tail Bangle