Customs are currently:

Please read the full-custom versus semi-custom rules on the Markings and Mutations pages, and know which one you are able to order. Basically, a full custom is anything where the lineart examples below are changed.

Line editing mutations are available only when full customs are specified.

base cost - 50k
single horn - add 5k
dual horn - add 10k
wings - add 25k

The linearts:
- pony male ~*~ female
- unicorn male ~*~ female
- dualhorn male ~*~ female
- tricorn male ~*~ female
- pegasus male ~*~ female
- winged unicorn male ~*~ female
- winged dualhorn male ~*~ female
- winged tricorn male ~*~ female

Color mutations - add 10k each
- individually designed simple tattoos must have reference pictures
- mutations include anything not "natural" to an equine

Colorable areas: Easy Reference
You pick a color or two, and any Markings
- at no extra charge
- extras - eyes, hooves, and any horns - usually one color
- hair - mane and tail - usually one color
- body - self explanatory - one main color, plus any markings
- wings - if present - usually the body color

base cost - 25k
single horn - add 2k
dual horn - add 3k
wings - add 10k

The linearts:
- pony male ~*~ female
- unicorn male ~*~ female
- dualhorn male ~*~ female
- tricorn male ~*~ female
- pegasus male ~*~ female
- winged unicorn male ~*~ female
- winged dualhorn male ~*~ female
- winged tricorn male ~*~ female

Color mutations - add 5k no matter how many areas are included
- individually designed simple tattoos must have reference pictures
- mutations include anything not "natural" to an equine

Colorable areas: Easy Reference
You pick a color or two, and any Markings
- at no extra charge
- extras - eyes, hooves, and any horns - usually one color
- hair - mane and tail - usually one color
- body - self explanatory - one main color, plus any markings
- wings - if present - usually the body color

The Form
Name: Yes you must name it.
Gender: Please don't forget this
Base: One of the base linearts above
Body: The colors, markings, and mutations of the body
Hair: The colors, markings, and mutations of the mane and tail
Extras: horns, hooves, and eye colors - mutations DO NOT GO HERE
Wings: If applicable, the colors, markings and mutations
Total: SG, USD, trade, or prize
Owner: if you do not specify, I will assume it's the account you post with