Dec 22nd

“Missed you so much today. Going to have to try very hard to be without me again tonight,” Lar growled, scooping Shoryu up and stealing her away from where she’d been chatting with Jenner.

Shoryu wrapped her arms around his shoulders, holding tightly, wriggling, “I don't want to be without you, was just a test to see how long it would take you to come find me. Jenner gave me new lesson plan.”

“I fear whatever plan he could give you,” the white wolf rubbed his cheek against his mate, scent-marking her as he prowled along.

“Should fear me, I get very naughty during heat. Jenner also suggested a shopping trip... you know, when we wouldn't be distracted by other things,” she smiled coyly.

“Shopping in the human world? Hnn.... no pretty tail... easier to see pretty little ass though.”

“Mhmm... trying on clothes, dressing, undressing, showing off to you what I find.”

Lar growled, heavy with pure lust, “Definitely like that idea.”

“What else do you shop for? Will find out,” she leaned up, nuzzling at his neck, licking a long line to find his pulse.

“Shopping in the human realm...” he paused at a juncture in the halls, heading to the left rather than the hall that would lead back to the room, “No idea, not done it.”

“We'll go exploring together...” Shoryu realised they were headed somewhere different, giggling, thinking perhaps the bathroom again, “Where are you taking me?”

“Away from people,” Lar growled threateningly, “Mine.”

Shoryu giggled more, absolutely delighted, “All yours, my mate, entirely yours, I won't escape again.”

“I think you might, just to make sure I don't get too comfortable or lazy,” he prowled into the music room, unused as it seemed today, it would afford them privacy even from other pack-mates.

“And to check your response times,” Shoryu winked, “Lar love?” she drew out the words, blinking prettily.

Lar paused right where he’d been walking, “Yes?”

Shoryu squeaked with delight, “So obedient!”

“You had me worried there.”

“Worried about what?” she giggled.

“That I had done something wrong, upset you,” he set her down upon her feet, but kept his arms tightly around her.

“No, was just going to ask you if your first orgasm was with me or not.”

Lar answered immediately, not even needing to think about it, “Yes, you were.”

Shoryu wriggled with some small delight, “Never even had experience pleasuring yourself?”

“By the Lunar Gods, no,” his lip curled slightly with disgust.

Shoryu stopped wriggling, disappointed, it ruined her plans, “Aww, don't like the idea, okay.” She rubbed her head up against his chest, trying to soothe him from the horrible question.

“Rather learn to pleasure you,” Lar grunted, nosing into her hair.

“Hmmm,” she hummed in thought, “Well then I'm sunk, no lesson tonight!”

Shoryu wriggled loose and scampered away. Lar immediately pursued her, making good on his threat not to let her go easily on this night. She scampered around the grand piano that dominated the room, putting it between them.

“I was just taught that you have to know how to handle yourself before you handle another.”

Lar stalked around the piano, slowly, carefully, “So now I can't touch you again until I touch myself?”

Shoryu put the whole bulk of the piano between them again, comfortable there. She leaned forward, arms resting on top of the closed piano, “Again? You haven’t touched me there yet.”

“You seem far too uncomfortable with me even looking there at the moment, let alone touching there.”

She blinked, realising that was quite true, she was often very uncomfortable at him seeing her male parts. “Okay, yes, very true,” she drifted off into thinking, more serious this time.

Lar leaned on the piano, “And making you more uncomfortable is up there with hurting you.”

“So you've not been touchy because I'm a spaz?”

“You could put it that way. I thought the discomfort would ease as you got to know me - or you'd just rather not mate with me at all, either way.”

Shoryu rolled over, back bent over piano, “How to handle this... hmmm,” she murmured to herself.

There was a soft growl from Lar, but he remained where he was, even if he was lusting strongly for her, “So you feel a masturbation session is in order?”

“Hmm... I suppose not,” she slid down off the piano and plopped down on the floor.

“You've changed your mind now?”

Shoryu had her back to him, but he could tell he had crouched down to her level. She curled her tail around herself, fidgeting with it, “Well I still think it's a good lesson for you.” It was just a problem of what to do about her and her insecurities. She couldn’t very well give him a lesson on how to touch himself to please her male parts if she couldn’t let him touch her male parts.

“But?” Lar’s sound and scent came closer, slowly, still wary and careful.

“But… you’re right, I’m a spaz,” Shoryu pinned her ears down. She watched a tuft of fur shedding drifting off her tail and float down to the floor.

“Your words, not mine,” he curled around her, licking at her cheek, “You're still uncomfortable with me, I understand you've had bad experiences and I can be a total murderous dickweed, so it would take time to relax fully around me.”

She shook her head a little bit, “I... eh... dammit,” she gave up on talking, thudding against him and clinging. Lar wrapped his strong arms around her, holding her tight. That embrace did so much to comfort her, just that simple gesture.

“Now you're upset,” he growled, as if irritated.

“I just…” she fought to control herself as her breath caught in her throat, “Why do I have to be so fucked up?”

“You in yourself are not. You're perfect,” Lar nuzzled at her cheek, brushing away a stray tear.

“Am fucked up... I am... all messed up from everything,” Shoryu realised she’d lost control, so many tears escaping, so she gave up trying to reign them back, breaking down upon her mate.

Lar licked at her tears affectionately, “If you're messed up, it's from fucking ignorant idiots putting you through hell. Which is not your fault, and makes it understandable why you'd be wary of others.”

“Shouldn't be... not you... trust you… know I can trust you... so why...” her words caught on sobs until she finally gave up, curling up more against him.

He rubbed down her back, stroking at her hair, “Because I'm an inexperienced dolt? Because fears can apparently haunt us even when we know in our better judgment nothing bad can happen?” he nosed at her cheek enough to lift her head a little, just enough to lick at her tears again.

“Shouldn't be scared... have said plenty of times... you've said you…” she sighed, frustrated at being unable to express herself.

“Love you and never want to hurt you,” his tongue lathed over her skin, catching more tears.

“And you don't mind... things... can't even say it right out!” Shoryu exploded in anger at herself, rubbing at her head and eyes, then up around her ear like a fussy pup.

“No, I don't care that you have both genitals. I wouldn't care if you had one. I wouldn't care if you had neither really.”

Shoryu was calmed by the truth in his voice, thudding against him, more worn out now than anything, the sobs dying off. She even managed to nuzzle at him a little bit. “Right… you don’t care,” she tried to tell herself, get the words to sink in this time.

Lar held her securely, resting his head atop hers, “Mine. My pretty perfection who is patient with me. And does not deserve to be so upset.”

Shoryu sighed, a great deal of her tension rushing out with the breath, “Yours... who can't seem to get words into thick head.”

“Much as I cannot get it into my thick head that white is 'attractive' and not undesirable and cursed.”

“Hmm... true... but me thinking white is pretty doesn't interfere with being pinned against the wall and screwed until I scream for more,” she put her hand over her mouth, having not meant to say quite all of that.

“I suppose then my lessons will have to go on as planned, to ease your subconscious.”

Shoryu wriggled around so her back was against his chest, “Don't want to make you do something you don't want do.”

“I don't recall saying that. You asked if I had experience, which I don't. Because if I had done that during my puphood or any time prior to now, it would have put me on the same level as... Danyll,” Lar snarled his brother’s name like some sort of curse.

“And you don't like,” Shoryu lowered her voice, attempting to imitate Lar, “Danyll”

“He's not my favourite pack member no.”

“So this would be something entirely for me to show me how sexy you are?” she wriggled, excitement creeping over her again.

“Nhn,” Lar licked at her cheek, “And it makes sense to learn that before learning more for you.”

Shoryu grinned, tail thumping happily, “And it'll teach me by watching faster than I can learn by trying and looking for...” she reached around him and grabbed at the base of his tail, “reactions.”

Lar growled loudly. He dropped his head down, cheek against her stomach, marking up along her belly and up under her breasts. Shoryu squirmed and sprawled out, instantly flushed.

“Rarr, mean…” she protested.

“You started it,” his tongue caressed over her hot cheeks, “Pretty.”

“I know, white is very pretty,” she grinned again, sliding her leg to Lar’s other side, straddling his lap, sitting up proudly.

“Whatever you say...” he grunted, sliding his hands down her back where they eventually came to rest on her ass. He licked at her lips, lustful growls rumbling in his chest.

Shoryu just smiled and arched back where his mouth couldn’t reach hers. She stretched, thrusting her chest out as she made a show of taking off her shirt. “Hmmm… it’s so hot in here,” she casually flung the garment in a random direction.

Lar’s growled increased dramatically, his strong hands gripping her hips and pulling her closer, “Nhnn, and I don't think you're helping that matter,” he licked along her collarbone, tracing the entire contour.

She shifted in his lap, playing at trying to get away, thinking perhaps she could get him excited with a sort of lap-dance. “I know… it's all my fault, I'm the bad tempting from across the house scent.”

“Nnhnn...” he started to drift downward in his attentions, but abruptly snapped his head up. “But this is not the lesson I'm supposed to be having, hn?”

Shoryu petted the bridge of his nose, “You're very observant and very obedient.” She kissed him deeply as a reward, but kept the kiss short and teasing. She slipped away from him, prowling just almost out of reach and lounging there.

Lar started to follow, then sat himself back down where he had been. His tail thrashed, irritated, but he’d gathered up his self-control to stay there.

“Ooh, this is a test, you poor thing. I’ll have to pamper you… hmm… later,” Shoryu purred.

“Later...” the white wolf growled, too agitated to stay still. He prowled to the left and back, then to the right, but never closer to her. Finally he settled back down where he had been.

Shoryu stretched out on her back, arms up over her head, arching her back as she made a show of that as well. “You are so sexy... so not too much later,” she managed to tear her eyes off Lar somehow.

She brought her arms down, arms down over her chest, splayed hands passing over her breasts with just enough sensation to harden her nipples. She slid her hands down her belly, arching up into the touches as if they were the most erotic thing. Nimble fingers made quick work of the closure of her pants, shyly covering herself as she slipped sensuously out of the garment.

“Yes… you’re very sexy,” Lar growled, stripping off his own shirt, panting as if it were terribly hot in the room. His pants had grown terribly tight against the strain of his arousal, so he slowly removed them, much more slowly than he’d removed his shirt.

”Aww, and you put your belts out of my reach,” Shoryu giggled, reaching and trailing fingertips up his thigh, “I'd just use my hand but it might set you off.”

“I think I have enough welt marks for the moment…”

She stretched again, really only pretending to be looking for welt marks. Honestly, she was really just posing sexily to entice him. “Hmmm, I suppose it’ll do,” she swished her tail so it drug once over his lap, trying to get him going, encouraging every way she knew how. She wanted to see her man touch himself. He was already quite excited just by watching her, which in itself gave her quite a thrill.

Lar started to move toward her, then sat himself down again. He huffed, eyes roaming over her body as his hands came up off the floor. Uncertain, tentative, he curled his hand around his length, growling at the shiver that caused.

Shoryu made another show of moving again, finding a better spot in order to watch him. This particular position involved her resting on her elbows and knees, chin resting in her hands, hips higher than her head. “You are the most perfect mate,” she growled, nearly losing control of herself and moving toward him!

The white wolf stretched out on his side, giving himself a better view of her. “Not possible since you are perfection itself…”

The male growled as he took a deep breath, enticed by the scent of her heat. He kept shifting his touches, experimenting with different things, returning to the ones that felt the best in between those trials. She watched intently, making note of those preferred motions.

She swished her tail, sometimes exposing herself, only to hide herself from view again, “So you keep telling me.”

Lar thumped his tail against the floor, as if irritated, or frustrated, “Hoping it will sink in.”

“Well the pretty is starting to, perfect could take awhile,” she rolled her words into growls.

Shoryu stretched her legs out, hips settling down to the floor. She made a small distressed sound as her arousal was trapped between her and the floor beneath her weight, but she ignored it for the moment. She reached out towards where Lar was working, taking two fingers and rubbing at the underside of his sex, where the head met the shaft. Lar growled loudly, shaking his head and taking a moment to recover from the surge of lust.

She purred at the sight of her mate all worked up like that, deciding it was time to give him a visual example. She had a few nervous fears, but those were pushed aside for heat and lust. Shoryu turned herself onto her side without pretense of hiding herself, sliding her hand over her own male sex.

Lar’s eyes watched her intently where her hands were working, then slid back up along her arching body, “Nnhn, exceptionally pretty right now. Scent taunting me again,” his growls were continuous now. He obviously wanted to move but stayed, repeating all those certain touches which had felt the best.

Shoryu blushed in a combination of lust and embarrassment, “This is pretty?” She really couldn’t believe him, she’d never been told that before in her life. Here she was, a fairly attractive female, but stroking at a very aroused male sex, and this was pretty? The thoughts fled from her mind fairly quickly, however, as her body arched up into a particularly good touch, moans tumbling from her lips. She drew her eyes all along Lar’s body, wanting it badly.

“Insanely pretty. Damn enticing… and mine,” Lar growled even louder, shifting closer to her.

She couldn’t resist him any longer either, closer what remained of the distance between them. She spared a hand from her own sex to stroke along his, taking up the task of his hand. “Mhmm… yours… and this is all mine…”

Lar shifted his hips more into her touch, loud, lustful growls dying off before words could emerge, “Entirely yours.”

He leaned toward her, licking over her hip, that hand she’d relieved of its task moving to caress tentatively at her male sex. Shoryu growled loudly, moving into that, shifting just a little bit closer – the very last of the distance between them. There she could drape her arm over his thigh, ducking her head to nibble and lick at it. Her other hand joined the first in working at his length as his abandoned its work as well in favour of caressing up and down her body.

“Mmm,” she hummed, loving the flavour of his skin, “that’s enough of a lesson for now.”

Lar growled an affirming sound, sucking at the skin of her hip. She had to lay her head down and just enjoy that for a moment, his mouth and hand moving over her skin, especially that hand just barely touching her arousal.

Shoryu nuzzled at his thigh, gasping and moaning, arching her hips, silently begging him to touch more. Lar took the hint, gripping at her more firmly, a deep, long stroke that had her shuddering within moments. His mouth moved in that direction as well, but he hesitated.

“Gods… please… just a little,” she begged, actually whimpering, hand kneading at his thigh.

The white wolf grunted, ducking his head and licking at the head of her arousal. She shuddered harder and moaned, biting at his thigh. Lar growled lustfully, licking again, longer and firmer this time, lathing over the entire length, taking his time, as if savouring the taste.

Shoryu couldn’t resist doing the same, taking his length into her mouth and sucking hard, curling her tongue around the swollen head. The white wolf was growling continuously now, hips moving into her ministrations just slightly. As if following her example, Lar tentatively took the head of her arousal into his mouth.

She shuddered all over again, moaning around the hard flesh in her mouth, just barely keeping herself from coming right then and there. Very aware she wasn’t going to last long, she doubled her attentions upon her mate, caressing and sucking, hands and mouth working together at full force.

Soon it was Lar who was shuddering as well, growling loudly, tail thrashing as he tried and failed to keep his hips still. Shoryu was failing at the same, thrusting desperately into his mouth, the heat having overtaken the both of them.

Then suddenly, Shoryu tossed her head back, crying out, shuddering hard. Lar was startled back from his work as her length jetted out its release. She soothed him as quickly as she could gather her senses, caressing over his thighs and belly and sex.

She pulled herself up, curling around to prowl atop him, nuzzling up along his chest, pushing at him to lay back onto the floor. Shoryu straddled him despite any protests he might have had, positioning herself and sinking down onto his length.

Lar growled long and loud, arching up inside her like he’d been aching for it all this time. At least, she thought so because she’d been aching for him to be there inside her, heat pushing up into tight heat. She brought herself down upon him, slowly at first, hands kneading at his chest as she rode him.

Shoryu sped her movements, unable to keep a slow pace for very long at all. Yes her male sex had had its fun, but her female sex drive was still burning for release. It was a sometimes annoying circumstance that they would come at different times. She’d been worried that such a happening would leave her frustrated, but she wasn’t having that, the heat pushing her to take her mate like this whether he had objections or not. Thankfully, through the haze of heat, he didn’t mind too much at all.

The white wolf shifted himself beneath her, finding a better position to thrust up inside her even harder, hips slamming up to meet hers. Shoryu moaned loudly, pushing him even harder and faster, needing to come so badly.

“Shoryu,” he growled, eyeing up the length of her body.

“Ah… Lar… mine… my mate,” Shoryu cried out, arching her back hard.

“Mine!” Lar proclaimed with a loud growl, halting his movements at the apex of his thrust, held so tightly there in her shuddering sex, crashing into orgasm with her.

Shoryu gasped and panted to get her breath back, collapsing down onto Lar’s chest. Lar wrapped his arms and tail around her, rubbing up and down her back. Shoryu was very glad this was their normal position for sleeping, because she doubted she could have moved much at that point. She nuzzled against his heartbeat.

“Hmm… love you… so much,” she sighed.

“My pretty,” Lar growled softly, nosing into her hair. “Mine, forever.”

Shoryu couldn’t help but smile so much, even as sleep tugged at her, “Mhmm, yours… forever.”
