Dec 21st
Shoryu rubbed at Lar’s sweaty chest, massaging the strong muscles. He’d had a long, thorough workout in the training room. She’d watched every moment of it, lust rising constantly. It didn’t much help that heat was creeping in on her as well.
“Hmm, wash my big sexy sweaty mate… rar,” she wriggled, blush of excitement tainting her cheeks.
“Settle me down after I worked myself up?”
“Hmm... maybe rile you up more first, you really worked me up,” Shoryu purred, lots of really nice ideas going through her mind.
“So I scent,” he nuzzled at her, marking her. “So who worked your brother up?”
“Hmm... don't know... jealous of you? Jealous of everything? Jealous of the shirt I'm wearing far as I know,” she rolled her eyes. She felt slightly guilty about shrugging off her twin and his issues, but really, he was the furthest thing from her mind right now.
“Should I ever have to give you up, expect worse tantrums.”
Shoryu giggled, “Worse than my brother? My my, definitely can't ever leave you then, safer for everyone.”
“So kind of you to think of everyone else's necks.”
She leaned up to nuzzle and lick under his jaw, “And I'd never leave you anyway, I keep saying that can you not listen?” she rubbed at his ears playfully.
Lar flicked his ears slightly, “I have very bad hearing.”
“You hear just fine,” Shoryu tugged gently on his ear, “And no using that as an excuse when I'm scolding you.”
“I'm sure I'll try and get into trouble for it.”
“Pretend you can't hear me and I'll bite you,” she growled threateningly, nipping at his jaw.
“Maybe that's my plan.”
Shoryu wriggled, “Want me to bite you?” she nipped a few more times.
“I don't have to want, you do it,” Lar lowered her gently, down onto her feet now that they had reached the bathroom.
Shoryu quickly unbuckled and stole one of his belts. She scampered around and behind him quickly, smacking his rear end with it, “Wash! Dirty male.”
Lar growled, then reached to undo his other belt, “Not even going to let me pretend to be in charge, are you?”
“Today? No, I don't think so, I'm feeling dominating today,” she wrapped the belt around her waist, striking a pose for him.
“Very, very nice. I suppose I have to have one around my neck as a collar?”
Shoryu giggled, “No, not a real one... is a good enough one there now.”
“Symbolised by the bite marks, hm?” the white wolf stripped off his shirt.
She was caught watching him in that moment, those powerful muscles stretching and rippling. There was still a sheen of sweat over him, highlighting the curves of flesh. Heat rose to her face all over again, a thrill running through her.
The white wolf continued undressing as if he didn’t notice her staring, undoing his pants and kicking them off, “Or your scent plastered all over me like second skin,” he growled with a large measure of contentment and pleasure.
“Oooh yes... definitely yes,” Shoryu was taking in that scent, that sweaty male musk combined with her own unique blend. Suddenly she snapped the belt against his ass again, quickly assuming an innocent and beaming look.
Lar growled and prowled at her, backing her up against the wall, nipping at her, “Minx.”
Shoryu refused to be intimidated, standing up tall and proud. She slipped the belt around him, trapping him, pulling his hips closer against her, “Mhmm, your minx.”
He growled again, with more lust this time, licking down her neck, “Entirely mine. Going to get me dirtier before cleaning me up?”
She just kept up that innocent smile, “No, you're going to go get clean. Now go,” she tugged on his tail, letting the belt fall away. He grunted, licking a few more times before dragging himself away from her. She beamed, proud of her obedient mate, “There’s a good male.”
As Lar prowled into the shower, Shoryu tried the belt on herself some more, watching him out of the corner of her eyes. He’d left the door partly open, ducking his head beneath the spray of water, the clean wetness replacing the sweat down and over his skin. She found that to be a very nice sight and watched him for a long while as he wetted himself.
Then, silently, she slipped out of her clothes, “Why do you wear belts on your legs?”
“I haven't found one big enough for my waist.”
“Well you do have a big waist,” Shoryu slipped into the shower, wrapping her arms around his waist from behind him.
Lar growled lustfully, curling his tail around her. “Plus it's a semi-rebellion.”
Shoryu rubbed up against him, skin sliding against skin, hands wandering over his back, “Mhmm, you rebellious and yet trying to obey thing.”
“Trying to obey you at the least.”
“No worries there, you're a good male,” she purred, peering at this expanse of back and deciding to try and see where it was sensitive. She licked at the damp flesh, brushing aside his long white hair, biting here and there.
“At least you think I'm well trained.”
Shoryu smirked as he growled louder, when she bit at his shoulder and near the base of his tail. Shoulder, she had to remember that. Mischievously, she peered around him, hand idly rubbing at the base of his tail. “Am I distracting you?”
“I'm sure that's what you're trying to do too,” he growled with lustful contentment.
She held her fingers up, just a little bit apart, “Just trying this much. I could do more? Ooh,” she made a show of rubbing down over his stomach, “Missed washing here.”
Lar growled as her hand slid lower, caressing at his sex, rubbing it thoroughly, “I thought that cleaning could use a feminine touch.”
Shoryu paused at that word, drawing her hand back. She knew it was silly, this bad feeling tightening her chest, but she couldn’t help it. She couldn’t stop herself from murmuring, “Hmm, if you think that's what it is…” In a desperate effort to ward off that bad feeling she hugged tighter to him, “Mine, all mine.”
The white wolf turned himself around, catching one hand with his own, holding her tightly with his other arm, “And this piece of perfection is mine.”
Shoryu grasped back onto a happy feeling, beaming all over again. She licked up under his chin, then tilted her head and licked again, as if thinking. “Dirty there too!” she giggled and gave him a push, right back into the shower’s spray.
Lar raised an eyebrow, shaking himself off even though it was pointless. He reached up and grabbed the showerhead, aiming it towards her, “Minx.”
She squealed as the water hit her full on, scrabbling to win the showerhead from him, pointing it back towards him, “Okay, this means war!”
He growled and attempted to grab the showerhead back from her, despite the water pelting at his face. Finally he gave up and just grabbed her, lifting her up by her waist. Shoryu squeaked and found herself higher than him, aiming down at him with the water.
“Grrr, beast! Put me down! Don’t tempt me! I’ll use soap!” she threatened.
Lar grunted, “How dangerous.”
“That’s it! You’re getting soap!” Shoryu grabbed the nearest bottle of shampoo and doused him with that, working it deep into his hair.
Lar stood there, holding her far up off her feet, nosing at her chest as she attacked him with soap. He growled contently at the scalp massage, scent-marking against her breasts, now and again tormenting at a nipple.
He finally allowed her to slide down when his hair was thoroughly rinsed, eyes closed, continuing those content growls as she washed over his body.
Shoryu smiled as she worked down his abdomen, absolutely loving those rippled muscles. She deviated down one strong thigh, using both hands to rub all around it, making him shift his stance with legs further apart. Somehow she managed to tear her eyes away from his sex, kneeling as she worked down his muscled calves, over to the other leg and back up.
She took her time upon this thigh, much longer than she had on the first one, her gaze once again captivated to center. She couldn’t resist this time, gripping at her hip and taking his length into her mouth.
Lar growled loudly, hand coming down to the back of Shoryu’s head, but there was no pressure there, nothing forcing her. She was pleased about that, she hated being forced.
Shoryu took her time working on his length, sucking at the flesh as it hardened completely, licking up and down the shaft, finding those precise techniques that seemed to really please her mate. Lar was arching slightly into her attentions, tense, attempting to hold himself, but failing just slightly.
“Hnn… no,” he gripped lightly at her hair, just enough to get her attention. He grabbed her shoulders, encouraging her to stand up.
She obeyed him, slightly confused as he nuzzled against her cheeks, panting to catch his breath. She waited here, wriggling her body against his heavy arousal, hot as it was against her skin. Finally he gripped her hips to still them.
“Want you,” Lar growled, sucking moisture off her neck.
“Ahh,” Shoryu understood his predicament, wriggling more, freeing herself of his grip.
He reached to grab her, but she spun away, bending so the spray of water tumbled down her back and he was behind her. She lifted her tail, exposing herself, smiling mischievously over her shoulder.
Lar hesitated, cautious about this new situation. Eventually, lust won over caution and he grabbed her hips again. Shoryu did most of the work for him, arching back against him, tilting her hips just right for him to slide into her tight heat.
He growled, she moaned. The motion was swift and nearly complete on the first thrust, only a few more were needed before he was hilted deep inside her. Shoryu braced herself against the wall as his thrusts sped, coming harder now. He didn’t have a completely coherent pace, but it was much smoother this time, and the angle itself was amazing enough for her at his size.
“Ah Lar… yes… come on… little more,” she panted, tossing her head up.
The white wolf spared a hand, sliding it up along the water playing over her back, just lightly coursing his nails back down. Shoryu shuddered hard, moaning, nearly losing her footing. His growls were reaching that threshold.
She snuck a hand down, gripping at her own arousal, lacking in friction as it was. She just needed that little extra to shudder into orgasm with him, crying out in release as he came up into her.
He gathered her up against her chest, gradually turning her around. They held to one another for a long moment, just enjoying being together. Then, Shoryu smiled up at him, that glint back in her eye again.
“Well, now you’re all dirty again, have to wash you all over,” she purred.