Dec. 20th

Lar prowled into the room, laying Shoryu down upon the camp-bed. He slid atop her, covering her completely, something he did automatically now.

“Hmm... my blanket. So you’re going to annoy me with these faults you keep mentioning that I'm just not seeing?” she asked, coyly, squirming slightly beneath him to find just the right spot.

“I try and suppress them. For some reason the selfishness doesn't flare up towards you, just about you.”

“Hee... so you're selfish about me and too protective for your own good,” Shoryu rubbed up the bridge of his nose, “Any other glaring faults I'm blind to seeing?”

“A short fuse concerning anger, generally rude, don't usually bother to speak to people, lack of alpha-respect - a few other things.”

“You don't get mad at me, always polite to me, talk to me,” she caressed his cheeks with both hands. “And I am your alpha, grrr respect me!” she growled, her forehead to his.

Lar smirked just a little bit, “I more than respect you. Seems my faults try and suppress around you.”

Shoryu playfully tugged up the corners of his mouth, wanting to see just a little more of a smile instead of a smirk, “Little more,” she giggled and nuzzled him, “I'm a silly, hmm?”

“Adorable maybe,” Lar nudged against her hands, licking at them.

“You and your million adjectives- oh no, there’s smell of baby on me, must nuzzle it away!”

“Babies and Risor,” the white wolf growled, nuzzling and scent-marking her.

Shoryu giggled, “Right, he petted me when I was upset the baby didn't like me.”

Lar grunted, “Shouldn't care so much about scents of other pack members…” He paused his marking for a moment, then growled and returned to it, obviously caring.

She wriggled beneath him, “You are so cute and overly possessive and selfish.”

“You might be a little clouded in opinion due to nearing the full moon,” he canted his cheek against hers again.

“And so might you, but you won't let me use that excuse to get out of flattery,” Shoryu tilted her head, loving the marking, growling contently.

“No, you're definitely perfect,” Lar marked up the other cheek.

Shoren piped up from where he was peeking through the door, “”Humpa humpa.”

“Oh look love, we have a parasite,” Shoryu muttered.

“A loud one,” Lar continued his marking, not to be disturbed.

“Shoo parasite.”

“Mark mark mark, been marking for days,” Shoren whined impatiently.

“I need more, shoo baggy pants,” Shoryu made a face at those nearly falling off pants her brother had taken to wearing.

“Doubt he'll leave that easily,” Lar settled atop her, sure that he didn’t crush her with his weight despite covering her entirely.

“Go on, leave, scamper, chase your tail again.”

“Risor caught it, all better now. You got through the house okay,” Shoren grinned.

“Actually there was a near passing-out incident,” Lar growled.

“Can't breathy thing again? Should have someone look into that, ‘ryu.”

“Any healer would probably be unable to do anything unless they were around when it was happening.”

“Mrr suck… just don't get scared then.”

“Right right, easy, just like that I'm not scared… shoo!” Shoryu tried again, thrashing her tail irritably. Time alone with her mate usually meant time alone with him.

“Aahh but I cannot resist your delicious perfume,” Shoren grinned again, taking a deep breath as if to savour her scent.

“And if you can't indulge in heat instincts as you have previously, then you must make sure no one else can,” Lar grunted.

“Please, I'm preventing no indulgence... cute little toes,” Shoren cooed, wriggling his fingers over Shoryu’s toes.

Shoryu couldn’t help but giggle, jerking her feet away, “Hehehe... no.”

Shoren tugged Shoryu’s clothes out of his pants, which he had hidden there after she’d shed them to shift into her wolf form. “You want your clothes back?”

“You hid them in there? Eew, no.”

He drooped his ears and pouted, “Aaww you used to like things in my pants… fine fine, know when I'm not wanted,” he turned tail and scampered away.

“Geh... not my brother.”

“Scents and appearences suggest otherwise.”

“Yeah, I get that a lot,” Shoryu snipped at Lar’s jaw, blinking as her brother streaked past the door screaming like a madman about Lar speaking words to him, “It’s the moon, it’s just the moon, he’s not always like this.”

“Could have fooled me,” Lar rubbed down her sides. “Don't suppose I can be annoyed at him since I can imagine the frustration at losing mating privilages with you,” the white wolf snarled like he didn’t believe his own words, he was terribly annoyed.

Shoryu gave him a coy look, “Should he never ever been able to touch me, ever?”

“That's a complex question for me.”

She rubbed up and down his chest, gripping at the firm muscles, “Would think it rather simple. I've always been yours and should have waited for you to come and claim what's yours.”

“One of us should at least have some knowledge of what we're doing,” Lar ducked his head and nudged against her hands, “And it was part of how he protected you and made you feel loved in a world of idiots.”

“Mhmm, terrible idiots. Like that first one who slaved me as a child and bartered my services, he should never have touched what was yours,” Shoryu tried to keep the smile off her face, baiting Lar’s anger on purpose.

It worked, Lar snarled loudly, tail thrashing in anger. He reutnred to his previous marking work.

Shoryu giggled and squirmed with delight, “There's the protective reaction I was looking for.”

“Mine. All mine. Only mine,” Lar growled, seemingly intent upon marking every inch of her.

She shifted her body into the rubbings, growling contently, loving every sensation, “Only yours, all yours... love this.”

“Mine,” the male rolled the word into a growl. He nipped at her jaw, then canted his cheek there, marking it, and then up against her cheeks, “Mine to love. Mine to have. Only mine.”

Shoryu beamed and nuzzled back, “So very yours, every part, just for you.”

“No idiots past can take you away from being mine.”

Lar kissed her possessively then, consuming her mouth with his own. Shoryu made a short, surprised sound that melded right into lusty enjoyment. She slid her tongue against his for a short moment, drawing it back teasingly into her mouth. He followed, just as she’d been hoping, exploring her mouth, questing to taste every part of it.

Shoryu wriggled, delighted, curling her leg strongly around his as he broke off the kiss. Her burning lungs appreciated that. He continued his random nipping and licking, always returning to her mouth.

She took a moment to catch her breath, smiling dreamily, “You so know what you're doing.”

He grunted, “Instincts. Little practise you've been giving me.”

“Mhmm, practise at turning me on. You’ve been doing that very well for a week now.”

“Nhnn, like you've been pushing me into early heats.”

Shoryu smiled prettily, wriggling, arching her hips up against him, “Push... pushpush,” she giggled, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

“Hnn... being pushed-“ Lar paused abruptly, glaring towards the door.

“Oh, are you busy in here?” Jenner blinked.

Lar growled very loudly, “Yes.”

Shoryu giggled, wrapping her arms around Lar's head, “Isn't he cute Jenner?”

“Well you think so, that's what matters.”

Lar growled even louder, so Shoryu pulled his head down so he could be in intimate contact with her breasts. He growled softer, canting his cheeks and scent-marking her chest.

“So adorable. Something you want?” she asked Jenner.

“No was just looking for Risor... and was going to nap but I can do that somewhere else.”

“Risor was playing around with my brother, might have gone cow felling again. Sorry to put you out of bed.”

“It's okay, there's floors everywhere,” Jenner darted in to snag a blanket, scampering off.

“That door needs a lock,” Lar snarled.

“Hmm, you could pin me up against it...” Shoryu thought about that, very much enjoying the images her mind was giving her.

“Imagining me walking before I can crawl.”

Shoryu licked at his cheek, “All right, work on crawling… what's crawling?” she giggled.

“Actually making it into your heat, probably.”

She arched her body up, sliding it against his, trying to tempt him. “It's not that difficult really, and it's a lesson I'd really love to give.”

“Hnn... suppose should get over my... cautiousness and try this lesson before heat slams into me.”

“And then you'll know exactly what to do for such... slamming,” she rolled the word into a sensuous growl.

Lar growled in response, nipping at her lips, “Would be best my instincts knew what they were doing before I was too lust-lorn. Last thing I want it to hurt my pretty perfection.”

Shoryu licked at his lips with teasing flickers, enjoying tormenting him, “I'm not afraid of you hurting me anymore, I trust you.”

The male chased after her tongue, nipping at it, unable to catch, growling low in his throat, “I'm glad you do. Somewhat worried about having that much frustration around such a delicate creature.”

“Hmm… delicate...” she purred, letting her tongue linger in a certain place so he could finally catch it, rewarding him. She slid her hand down his back, rubbing, gripping at the base of his tail.

Lar shifted his entire body, rubbing himself against her all over, “Very delicate, beautiful... definitely would have to kill myself if I hurt you.”

Shoryu shivered at that all over marking. She rubbed around base of his tail and then up along him spine and back down again, “Shh, you won't hurt me, are going to make me very happy.”

“Would hope,” he growled, nudging her head up. “You should only be happy,” he licked and nipped along her neck until he found her pulse.

She tilted her head back, baring more of her neck for him, “You will... already the happiest… I've been in my life, can give me more.” She arched and shifted her body against his, begging for that all over rubbing again and receiving it.

“Try to be good for you then,” he swore, biting hard upon her neck, just short of breaking the skin, just the way she loved.

Shoryu cried out softly at that absolutely perfect pressure. She wanted to praise him for his good learning, but she just had to hope her noises were enough praise for him because suddenly all of her words had fled. She writhed, whimpering lustful begging noises.

The white wolf growled with equal lust, bringing his head up so his cheek rubbed against hers, resting there for a long moment. She knew he was just chasing off the last of those reservations and left him alone, just subtly shifting her body against his.

Lar grunted, pushing himself up from her, running his hands down her sides, then back up, underneath the shirt he had let her wear – the only thing she was wearing. She tried to wait patiently as the fabric slipped up over her, revealing her body little by little. Eventually she had to take initiative and pull the shirt the rest of the way off.

Before she’d even settled back against the bed, his mouth was upon her, kissing open-mouthed upon her chest, sliding his tongue over her skin. Shoryu buried her hands into his hair, shivering with each particularly good sensation. Her shivers doubled as he recalled previous lessons and slid his cheek along her abdomen, nuzzling up under her breasts.

“Lar,” she gasped, urging his head up, already flushed and breathless.

He obeyed, prowling back up along her body, licking at those reddened cheeks. Shoryu brought her hand around from the base of his tail, sliding fingers between the denim and his lower belly.

Lar growled, moving up more, nosing into her hair as he brought himself more into her touch. His growls rose dramatically as she opened the closure, freely sliding her hand against his sex. His hips attempted a rhythm into her attentions, everything else forgotten for the moment. Shoryu didn’t mind at all, she wanted him lost to the needing.

The scent of arousal curled around them both, inciting them further. Shoryu canted her legs further apart, noting a definite increase in the male’s growls, obviously scenting her need.

“Stay right like that,” Shoryu purred, pushing a little at his hip, guiding his length.

Lar’s eyes opened, breath quickening at feeling that wet heat. He started to lift up from her, but she reached up and wrapped her arm around his shoulders, encouraging him to stay.

“Don’t look,” she whispered, “just feel…”

The white wolf growled, frustrated and uncertain. Shoryu hushed him gently, rubbing their cheeks together, seeking out his hand to place it at her hip. Lar gripped at her with little direction, eyes darting to meet hers, silently questioning.

“Come on,” Shoryu smiled. “Just move forward a little bit…”

Lar tucked his head down, entire massive body tensing as he moved his hips just a little, then a little more, pushing a bare inch inside her. He growled loudly, teeth gritted together so tense Shoryu worried they would snap.

“Relax,” she cooed, running her hands up over his chest, down over his arms. “Just relax.”

“Don’t want to hurt you,” he forced through growls and heavy panting.

“You’re not hurting me,” Shoryu smoothed back his hair. “Look at me, do I look in pain? Watch my face, come into me some more.”

Lar lifted his head just enough to look into her eyes, breath pushing hot against her skin, his heartbeat drumming in her ears almost as loudly as her own. He pushed in another inch, halting there.

“Will be here all night if you insist going inch by inch,” she giggled softly, arching her hips up to meet him, sinking him deep into her.

She decided he had to have great willpower to be able to stay as still as he was, even as she settled herself back down, nearly losing him from inside her. Shoryu leaned up and licked at his lips, sucking at the lower one, nibbling.

“You try, come on,” she wriggled her hips a little, thrilling at his hands gripping tighter at her.

Lar put his head down again, arching his hips, pushing as far in as she’d taken him but no further. Shoryu arched her spine, taking deep breaths to stay relaxed herself despite the intensifying need.

“You’re small,” Lar forced through panting, words laced heavily with growls, nearly lost to them.

Shoryu smiled prettily, “You’re big. Just keep trying, I can manage it.”

The white wolf pinned his ears back for a moment, worry flashing in his eyes. But it was only for a moment, then he focused on watching her expression, eyes intense. He attempted a few thrusts, insanely gentle, none of them pushing the limit he’d hit. However, it did a great deal to get her worked up, arching and squirming.

“Please Lar… little more, give me little more?” she begged, curling her leg over his hip and trying to pull him in more.

“Don’t want…” his protest was cut off by a loud growl of pure lust, hitting just a little deeper inside her.

“Gods… Lar,” Shoryu arched up off the bed, gripping at his shoulders.

Lar shifted himself up a little more, a slightly different angle, returning to his gentle thrusting. They weren’t uniformly rhythmic by any means, a few at once, then a long pause that absolutely tormented Shoryu.

She realised he was up off her, able to look down at her body. She forced herself to let go of his shoulder, moving her hand down to cover her own erection as best she could. Lar grunted, pausing again to lean down, nudging at her arm, refusing to let go of her hips.

“Don’t look…” she whimpered.

He continued to nose and nudge until she moved her arm, stretching to kiss her tenderly. “Are beautiful, all of you, perfect and beautiful, no reason to hide.”

Shoryu blushed even more, squirming both from embarrassment and the temporarily ignored lusts. She tentatively kissed him, moving her hand back into his hair, easily caught up in the passion all over again.

Lar resumed his uneven movements quickly, lustful growls constant now. He was making an effort to smooth out the rhythm, she could tell, but he was losing it to demanding need. Shoryu attempted to move with him, tightening both legs around him to drive him in deeper. There was a twinge of pain, but she ignored it, definitely not letting it show in any way. His largest concerned seemed to be hurting her, even something so slight as that could have stopped him.

The white wolf settled himself down atop her again, sliding his arms beneath her, cradling her. He could only move a little bit as tightly as she was holding him with her legs, driven more forward instead of holding back.

Shoryu cried out as he hilted inside her, gasping and panting desperately, even with even less care to rhythm than him. Somewhere in the confusion and haze they met one another, matched perfectly together.

His bulk was starting to shudder atop and inside her, too soon, but not soon enough. Shoryu had waited days to feel this, and even as much as she needed the release right now, she wanted it to last forever. He was trying to force words through the growls, but they were failing.

“Just… just let go… ooh… ooohhh!” Shoryu found herself taking her own advice, tightening down around his length, shuddering and arching hard. “Aahh Lar!”

Lar tucked his head down against her neck, biting in the heat of the moment, holding on as his body was wracked with orgasmic tremors. His seed burned up inside her as Shoryu’s spread a hot wetness between them.

Shoryu collapsed, trembling, not willing to open her eyes for fear of the room spinning. She listened to Lar’s breathing, his heartbeat, bringing hers down as they returned to normal.

Eventually her mate roused the energy to move, nuzzling tentatively, licking at her face. “Now what?” he asked, quietly, so cutely naïve.

“Now… we rest, cuddle… enjoy being together.”

“You’re all right?” he nosed, licking at her lips.

Shoryu smiled, hugging Lar’s head, “I am very, very all right. And you…”

Lar stayed right where he was, ears back slightly, as if waiting for bad news.

Shoryu just smiled more, kissing him, “You were wonderful… thank you.”

“Hn. Thank you,” he grunted, nosing and licking at her face again. “Can I move?”

She giggled, having forgotten she’d told him to hold still all that while ago, “Yes, you can move. Planning on running away?”

“Never,” Lar wrapped his arms around her and shifted onto his back.

“Hmmm, good…” she yawned, curling atop him just perfectly, already drifting off to a very contented sleep, “Love you…”
