Tanji Hisaki
Gender - Male
Age - appears to be 16
Birthdate - he doesn't know, so he celebrates with Kesu
Character Type - Makai/Junjinkai halfbreed
Build - short and wiry, about five feet tall, shorter than Kino
Eyes - red, sometimes orange or yellow, Jagan is golden yellow
Hair - black, always kept in a ponytail, but very pretty if he lets it down
Facial Features
Tanji has angry eyes, always looks angry even when laughing (which nobody has ever really seen that much of anyway). Smiling and laughing are unheard of expressions rarely found with Tanji. If there is joy to be found, watch for subtle changes in his eyes. When it is said he is smiling, it is only a glitter in his eye.
Additional details
There is the mark of a phoenix upon his ENTIRE back, but it is actually a bonded spirit companion (it works much the same way as Hiei's black dragon from YYH). According to Yotaka, the phoenix is passed down through his Makai side and joined him as a baby, putting him through a severe test of strength for a large portion of his childhood. He also has a Jagan (demonic third eye) which Yotaka claims he's had since he was a baby. Besides the phoenix, Tanji has six other tatoos which are not visible when he wears his normal clothes, only three of which he hasn't had since he was a baby. In fact even his closest friends only know where a few are.
Tanji does his very best to keep quiet because it seems whenever he opens his mouth there's a fight. He doesn't purposefully try to cause trouble, it just seems to follow him. He's always annoying someone, except for Kesu, who has an odd affinity for him. Tanji swings hard and fast between energetic and complete depression, with a constant touch of loony. His emotions are much stronger than a human's, and they change fast.
Tanji is one of Yotaka's orphans, left at the Temple and raised there his entire life. There is no doubt that neither the demon world or the beast world would accept him, and it's possible that being the combination of mortal enemies would drive a child insane. Tanji's manner certainly doesn't deny that possibility.
Miscellaneous Information
Besides the bonded phoenix and the Jagan, Tanji is also excellent at fighting both physically and by sword. His true youkai magic has so far been only strong enough to support control of the phoenix, but is now growing to where he can actually use some of that fire magic. His speed allows him to move with only a blur to be seen. His strength and atheleticism matches that of a man-beast while he has the personality quirks of a demon. In a word, he's dangerous