
Can you breed two different breeds of dogs?

If you are a basic owner, then the simple answer is yes.

The more complicated answer is, you really shouldn't, to receive the full benefits of being a Kennel dog owner.

Even if you breed two dogs that would produce a "designer" dog such as a Labradoodle, we will not make this distinction. Any offspring of differing breeds will just be marked "Mutt."

There will be no disctinction how much of any certain breed a Mutt has, even if it resembles one breed more strongly than another. You will not receive unique lineart for your Mutt, they will resemble one parent.

Mutts will not be eligible for any Competitions.

Registered Kennels cannot breed impure dogs at all. Doing so will violate their agreement with The Kennel. So you will never be able to find services from a kennel for your Mutt.