MSM Ursae Majoris "Bear"
Personality: Bear may be getting on in years, but he's not ready to quit. Despite being retired, he refuses to stop working, and he was only getting depressed with a more leisurely lifestyle. So here at MSM he'll be contested just enough to keep him invigorated and healthy.
Skills: A retired sled dog, Bear spent his life in harness and has been in just about any type of pulling competition. He prefers the snow, of course, but he adapts very well to just about any demand involving pulling.
Coat: Silver brindle, brown eyes. Scar over the right rendered him blind in that eye.
Competitions won: Oct Agility (Mirror) - First
Points: 3
MSM The Two-Faced God "Janus"
Personality: Janus suits his name. Most of the time he is a trickster, a fun loving goofball who will steal your shoe when you're late for work just so you'll spend another five minutes playing with him. But when he's under harness, he's a different dog, focused and serious, and he'll even growl at any fooling around near him.
Skills: Janus grew up running beside Bear near the front of the team. He doesn't have the reserve to be a lead dog and take Bear's place, he's quite content to be second, and he's very good at being the swing dog.
Coat: Black and white, white heavy on the right side, brown eyes.
Competitions won: Oct Agility (Mirror) - First
Points: 3
MSM North Star "Polaris"
Personality: Polaris is a rock solid type, dependable, obedient, and patient. He's content with or without human attention, and may seem more laid back and lazy than he actually is. But if you look close, you'll see he's always watching, always alert.
Skills: Polaris lacks the adventerous spark that makes a good lead dog, but his large size and strength combined with his calm nature make him an excellent wheel dog.
Coat: Seal grey, light mask, dark brown near black eyes.
Competitions won:
Points: 0