The Kennel is an adoptable based on Secundi.net.
Adoptables are collectible graphics that users can interact with in various ways, depending on the adoptable. We do not claim to be a real kennel or do any business with real life animals.
Our kennels may use the proper word to refer to female dogs. It is used in the real world, and we encourage realism as much as we can. It is not meant to be offensive.
The Kennel involves as many real life activities as it can possibly imitate while still being graphics and text based.
Some of these activities include breeding of dogs and birthing of puppies, and we may reccommend some parental discretion. However, we strive to be childsafe.
The Kennel and all contents are copyrighted to its creators.
Individual images are sold to users with limited use terms, the original artists retain full rights. Theft will not be tolerated.
The Kennel is hosted on Lemontoss.com, a paid domain owned by Naomi McFarland, aka "Garnet Belial." Hotlinking is dicouraged, and considered bandwidth theft.