Just in case you're confused about any of our many items.
There are many kinds of Tag Its. You can find more detailed information about them on the Adopting page, since a Tag means you can adopt a dog!
This is a very rare item which means you can order a dog with completely unique lineart.

If you manage to get one of these, you can use it at any time, but be aware that such a special dog may take more time to be delivered.
This is an edit voucher, good for any lineart edit to a dog that you might want. This can include lengthening or docking tails, clipping ears, changing the placement of a leg, or adding a collar or other small accessory.

Larger edits may mean additional fees or the artist refusing your request. And some things just might not be possible.

This can either be sent in with a Tag being ordered, or applied to a current dog you own. If applying to an owned dog, please title the PM "Edit Voucher" and include the dog image being edited, as well as the voucher image. References pictures are always encouraged.
Generic Items are those items found in the shop, found in 8 generic colors. What you buy is what you get, it cannot be changed.

Generic items are moved immediately to your locker, and then a worker will check them out for you to take home. Once that is done (and they are in your owner folder) you can use them as normal.
Standard Items are beds and champ packs customized per owner. Each owner is allowed 3 standard designs which are applied to items. Each registered kennel can have 3 of its own standard designs. If you have more than one kennel, each kennel can have 3 more standards.

For items found in the Dog Park, you can choose to exchange for one of your standards rather than the generic you found. If you prefer your standard item, please change this setting in your Kennel account.

To see current standards, Go here. To set your standards, please send a PM to Kennel Bling with the subject: Standard Request