GG The Wise Old Lady
Personality: Abuela is a sweet girl who would rather spend her time looking after smaller dogs. She definitely can't wait for pups of her own, but first a few contests to see how she does.
Skills: Abuela loves pleasing her handler and she can tolerate a lot, so she does moderately well in competitions.
Coat: Red merle, brown eyes
Competitions won: None yet
Points: 0
GG Dainty Taste of Class
Personality: Brandy loves to play, but she loves to snuggle up and get petted more. She is very much a people oriented dog, and we're not sure if her energy and need to constantly play will help her in contesting.
Skills: Brandy has energy to spare, and a devotion to any person she takes a liking to, so she listens extremely well.
Coat: Tri-black, brown eyes
Competitions won: None yet
Points: 0