If you have any questions, you should refer to the appropriate page,
this is just a quick reference.
PMs on Secundi are preferred, though PMing TheKennel forum account is a fine alternative. Please remove the (directions) and insert the required information.
Custom Form
Those would be Tag Its, see the Adopting page.
To Name a Dog
Use the Name Tag item found in the Secundi shop.
To Register a Kennel
See the Kennel Guide button above.
Note: Most breeding is now done on a slot basis in threads, as workers have time. The information below remains from the old PMing system. When the thread instructions conflict with the below, follow the thread please.
To Breed Two Dogs - Subject: Breeding Request - Recipient: Kennel Cuddles
One breed per PM. Puppies will be added to your Pets Page.
Male Image: (IMG tags please)
Male Link: (Pet Page or Gallery)
Female Image: (IMG tags please)
Male Link: (Pet Page or Gallery)
Bed Image: (IMG tags please)
To Give Stud/RB Permission: - Subject: Permission - Recipient: Kennel Cuddles
Dog: (The dog performing the service, System ID# and Name)
Owner: (Your name)
Service: (Description of the service, stud or RB)
Recipient: (Name of the person and dog involved)
To Set Standard Item Designs - Subject: Standard Request - Recipient: Kennel Bling
Color: The base color of the items.
Design: A detailed description of the design, be it a stamp or initials. Send new stamps as black and white images.
Repeat up to three times. Kennel Standards send separate please, up to three in their own PM.
Equipping an Owned Item - Subject: Item Equip - Recipient: The Kennel
Can be sent many equips in one PM.
Item: (name or link of the item)
Equip to: (System ID# or pet page link of the dog)
Other Notes
Any questions or problems should be sent separately from any of the above. Breeding questions to Kennel Cuddles, and general questions to The Kennel.
If you send a question in with a form, the business of the PM may be handled without the proper person ever seeing the question.
We have many workers at the Kennel. Labeling them is the surest way to get your PM noticed.