General --- Items --- Breeding --- Competing --- Kennels

How can I get a dog?
- Watch for official events in Secundi's Market District, contact a registered Kennel for services, or check for current trades. You will probably not get a dog by begging, whining, or threatening to beat us with trout.

Can you run ____ event?
- We try to run a variety of events, some that earn us money so we can pay our workers, and some free. We can't run all events at the same time, so if you can't participate in the current event, just wait and we'll come up with a new one soon enough.

How much is a dog?
- We give a lot away for free, however some popular breeds and unusual coats can be quite expensive.

Do you do customs?
- On a very limited basis and usually only for USD. These customs are around the price of two dogs for $10, and will be in a post on a current thread if open.

Can I get a dog with wings/horns/different tails?
- TheKennel strives to be a realistic adoptable. We allow out of breed colors for customs, but they still must be natural colors. Sorry, no cyan dogs with angel wings and magenta sparkles.

Can I get you to make ____ breed of dog?
- No, our artists produce breeds as it pleases them. They may take suggestions and hints from discussion in current threads though, but no guarantees.

Will you ever make ____ breed of dog?
- Maybe. Eventually we would like to have many breeds available, but understand that this takes time and there are over 400 recognized breeds of dogs. That's a lot for one little adoptable!

I don't like the ears/tail/coat cut of that dog, can I change it?
- Our basic lineart was carefully done by our artists. However, in the spirit of customization we do offer a Line-art editing item so you may make small changes or additions.

This lineart says it is a "variation" of a breed, what does that mean?
- It means that the breed has different standard versions, such as long hair and short hair. They are still the same breed, and variations may occur randomly in litters. Different sizes of breeds, such as standard, miniature and toy poodles are NOT variations, but considered their own separate breeds.

What is a Tag It?
- Our Tag It is a semi-custom coupon. They are redeemable for one dog of breed specific color only. See the Adopting page for more info.

How can I get a Tag It?
- Tags are sold or given out as prizes.

What is a Gold Tag It?
- Our Gold Tag It is a rare item, a full custom good for any dog of any natural color, even beyond breed standards.

Can I bribe you to get a dog?
- Only if there is a bribe me event in session.

Are dogs tradeable?
- Yes, all dogs and items are tradeable at any time. However, only registered Kennels may make any monetary currency (ie. profit) off dogs and items.
Excessive trading will get this priviledge shut down as we do not have time to move a lot of things around for everyone.

Are puppies tradeable?
- Puppies are now considered the same as dogs and may be traded freely among owners and registered kennels.

Where are my dogs?
- Dogs are kept in two locations, the Owner Gallery button above, and - once imported - on your Secundi pets page.

Will my dog ever die?
- No, there will never be a circumstance where a dog will die. However we reserve the right to repossess any dogs from owners who have severely broken rules.

I don't want my dog anymore, can I sell it?
- Only if you are a registered Kennel may you make currency off our adoptable. You can gift your dog away, or simply return it to TheKennel to be rehomed as we see fit.

Can I help/guest color/get a job?
- We appreciate the thought, but we will let you know if we think you could help us with something.

Do workers own dogs?
- Yes, some of us do, we like to participate in our own adoptable as much as we can. We may also participate in events if we aren't the one running it. We like to step out of our "jobs" now and then.

Who runs TheKennel?
- TheKennel was thought up by Garney, TheSparki, and prettyhatemachine. Garney took off and ran with it, gathering two main colorists: Silvanon and Taruia, and the puppy colorist: Lectral. At any given time there may be guest artists and various helpers involved as well.

Will you make me an adoptable/lineart/shading template/color for me?
- Sorry, but no. If our workers want other projects they will advertise commissions or seek work independently.

I'm looking for the _______ form, but I can't find it.
- There is a link to all the current forms you may need right on the front page of the Kennel website. If there isn't a form, you don't need a form. We really aren't that formal.

My PM was read but not answered yet, what should I do?
- Each worker goes through PMs and answers what applies to their job, leaving the ones they cannot answer for other workers.
If we have not addressed your PM after several days, feel free to send another, unless it is a form. If it is some sort of form or business, we might be behind in our work and it could take a little longer.


I've seen items laying around, what do they do?
- Items allow you to participate in competitions, boost your dog's stats a bit for competing purposes, and breed.

So what items are required to participate in competitions?
- The leash is the only required item to participate.

What items are required for breeding?
- One dog bed. And yes, you must own it to breed your own litter.

How do I get items?
- Wait for them to become available for purchase. If there are no items available, then that's it.

When will you restock the Item Store?
- There is no set time for restocking.

Can I trade other people to get items?
- Yes, any person can trade items, but only registered kennels can sell them. A sale is any exchange involving currency (sg,USD, etc) and they are NOT trades.

How much should I sell my items for?
- Please see the price guide on the Item Shop and take into consideration the rule of not overcharging. Remember, this is only a guide, and may not reflect current supply and demand.

How do I equip an item to my dog?
- PM the item equip form to TheKennel on Secundi with the subject Item Equip.


When is breeding season?
- There is no breeding season. However, PLEASE CHECK to be sure that your dog breed is available for breeding before PMing requests. The link to the information is available on the "Breeding" link above. It may take some time for newly created breeds in particular to have puppy linearts to go with them.

How do I breed two dogs?
- PM the breeding form to Kennel Cuddles on Secundi with the subject "Breeding Request".

How many times can I use my bed?
- Beds are one use only, one bed per litter.

How many breedings can I do at a time?
- You can only have one breeding request in at a time. See the Breeding page above for more information.

How many times can I breed my dogs and how soon?
- There is no set rule for time in our adoptable. However, if you breed one female twice in a row very close together, your odds of getting a bad outcome increase, and your litter size decreases.

I got this bad message that something happened to a puppy, why? What can I do?
- Like litter size, the message you receive of a good or bad delivery is determined by random dice rolls. It is not pleasant, but sometimes these things happen, and rarely will it effect the health of your dog.

What if I don't have any dogs?
- You may use one or two dogs from other people with their permission. They will need to PM permissions to breed. You will not be able to breed any dogs that are not yours without permission.

How do I give permission to stud/RB?
- PM the permission form to Kennel Cuddles with the subject "Permission."

What should I charge for stud/RB?
- Whatever you please, within reason. You may even require a puppy from the litter.

How many puppies will my dog have?
- This is generally related to the size of the bed you have purchased. If it is the same size as the female (for example, a medium female and a medium bed), on average she will have three puppies. This can go up one puppy if you buy her a bed one size larger, and down one puppy if you buy one bed smaller. Litter sizes are not guaranteed. Litter size is also effected by competition points.

I have two beautiful merles, can I breed them together? What is a lethal white or double merle?
- As in real life, the double merle can be beautiful and useful, but also lethal. Most are born with defective sight or hearing. To quote Wikipedia; "Knowledgeable breeders who want to produce merle puppies mate a merle with a non-merle dog; roughly half the puppies will be merles without the risk of vision or hearing defects." As this is a complicated issue, you can find a lot more helpful information by just googling it.

Can my dog breed to a dog of a different breed?
- No, we have removed all mutt breeding from our adoptable. You may only breed purebreds.

What about designer dogs?!
- They're mutts.

Can a female who just whelped participate in competitions?
- Once you put in a breeding request, there is no guarantee when the female will actually whelp, it could be that week or the next.

Do studs need to be taken out of competitions if they breed?
- No, males do not lose the ability to compete after studding.

How long before my puppies arrive?
- It could be later that day, or it could be a week or more, it depends on how busy we are at the moment and where you are in the list. We try to give a report on said list as often as possible in any current thread we are running.

Other events are running, but where are my puppies?
- Puppies are colored by a different worker than the colorists for adult dogs, and the schedule of that worker may be different.

Can a dog turn sterile?
- Yes. You may simply choose not to breed your dog, and do not need to notify anyone about this. If TheKennel chooses to render your dog sterile for any reason (which is very rare), you will be notified.

When will my puppies grow?
- When you name them and either send in the naming form or post them on the trading board. Workers generally begin growing the litters for the prior month on the first of the new month.

How long do I have to name and grow my puppies?
- Puppies will grow in one month. You can trade and name them at any time within that month. If you are over your limit at the end of the month, we will randomly repossess the extra puppies.

How many puppies from a litter can I claim?
- Basic owners may claim one puppy per litter to keep and trade the others.
- Registered kennels may claim up to three puppies per litter to keep, or they may sell their puppies for profit. A registered kennel may sell all the puppies from a litter, or choose to keep three and sell the rest. They must pay a 10% tax to TheKennel on all sales.


Do I have to compete with my dog?
- No, competing is not mandatory at all.

Are these in any way related to Secundi competitions?
- No, the stats and levels from Secundi comps don't effect Kennel comps since they are randomly generated. The two systems are entirely separate.

What are the requirements for entering my dog in competitions?
- Your dog must be equipped with the "leash" item, then they will be able to register for competitions.

How often are competitions run?
- Agility, Conformation, and Stamina classes will be run on average once a month, each competition lasting a week with winners announced on Sunday. The last week of the month will run the Best in Show, taking the top placing dogs from the three prior weeks, so it does not require registration. Please watch for threads on competitions.

What do points do?
- Points give a slight competition bonus, affect breeding and the quality of offspring, and can be used to get items. Please see the "Competing" page of the website for more detailed information.

What is the "maxed out" amount of points for a dog?
- 30 points. There is no breeding or competing benefit after 30, except to simply earn you points.

What does the ribbon do?
- It looks pretty. Really, that's all it does, it shows your dog made that place at least once. Ribbons are not given for multiples in the same place. You can however keep ribbons on your dog's website and keep track that way.

How do you determine the winner of a competition?
- The comps are randomly generated. However, there are items that can give your dog's stats a little boost if they are equipped. Please see the "Competing" page of the website for more detailed information.

I'm upset that I didn't win a competition, I don't think it should have ended that way. Is there anything I can do?
- Sorry, we don't control what numbers your dogs get. Try increased prayer to the Dice Gods.


Do I have to have a registered kennel if I have a dog?
- No. You are welcome to be a basic owner and may continue to own, breed, and compete with your dogs.

What are the advantages of having a registered kennel?
- You may hold your own kennel threads and events, sell dogs, puppies and items, pay half price for items, and double the limits of regular owners in the shop.

What are the terms that I must agree to if I want my own registered kennel?
- You must never overcharge on sales, always link back to the main Kennel site, and pay a 10% tax on all sales. Please read the kennel agreement to be sure you are aware of all the details.

What is overcharging?
- Generally, it is selling an item or dog for more than TheKennel has sold a similar item or dog for. When in doubt, ask before doing, and place reasonable BINs on auctions or you will be held accountable.

I don't like the 10% tax! Why do you have it?
- Because we are allowing you to profit off of our work. You hold events and sell dogs, puppies, or items, but we must do the work to produce all those things, so a 10% tax is extremely fair. This tax does not apply to stud or RB fees.

How much does it cost me to register a kennel?
- A fee of 10k

Do I have to make a website for my kennel?
- Yes. We take kennel registration very seriously. Please see the kennel registration page for more information about what you will need to have on your kennel site before you register.

Do I really need to own dogs before registering a kennel?
- Yes, you must own three adult dogs of the same breed, one male and two female, on the website. You can have more, of course, but this is the minimum breeding foundation. Puppies do not count, adults only.

Okay, I want to register my kennel. How do I do it?
- PM the registration form to TheKennel with the subject "Kennel Registry". You must send the 10k fee at the same time, or you will not be registered. Your form and website will be inspected for correctness, and when it passes the inspection, you will be registered and recieved a personalized graphic for your kennel. This graphic must be displayed on all events and sale threads you hold.

Can I buy items from the store at half price and resell them for the normal price?
- No, reselling is not acceptable. If you have extra items or win them in contests, you will not be faulted, but if you buy and resell items to make a profit, this is a violation of the agreement and will not be tolerated.

What happens if a kennel violates one of the agreement terms?
- Official kennel status will be revoked. You can reapply in one week if you wish to have a registered kennel again and are willing to uphold the agreement terms. Repeat offenders will not be able to reapply indefinitely though and we reserve the right to refuse any application.

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