Automated Comps
The Login Page
Without an account, the only page you'll see is the login interface.
To register a new account, click on the link "Don't have an account yet?" and fill out the form. Your email must be valid, and we prefer you use a username similar to the one listed as Owner.
Then you must PM TheKennel account to have your account activated. We check for accounts needing activated now and then, so if you forget to PM you'll be activated eventually so long as we recognize your username.
If you have forgotten your password to your account, click on the link "Don't remember your password?" and enter your username in the box provided.
The Kennel Dog Account Page
Here is the page where you add new dogs, update existing dogs, or change your email or password.
This is also the place where you enter your dogs in competitions if there is one accepting registrations. A dropdown menu of open competitions will appear at the top when they are open.
Add a New Dog Form
Dog's ID - The number of the file in 000 or 0000 fashion without the # sign. It is very important you get this number right.
Secundian dogs: If between 0 and 2412, use the System ID plus an s at the end, such as 2412s. Dogs over #2412, use just the System ID, ie. 2413. There is no need to change the number if you import dogs already added, unless you want to make life easier for the ribbon adder.
Name - The name of the dog as listed on the cert.
ShowName - The name the dog shows under, usually related to the call name, but not necessarily. This is just something you make up and can have put on their cert if your dog acheives Champion status.
Image URL - This is very important, your link MUST be from the Owner's Gallery (see Owners button above) or the LINKING IMAGE provided in the Agency Info box on the Secundian pets page. It should begin with http and end with .png or .jpg
Points - How many points your dog has from past competitions.
Has this dog ever won in Agility? - Any placing of 1st, 2nd or 3rd counts.
Has this dog ever won in Conformation? - Any placing of 1st, 2nd or 3rd counts.
Has this dog ever won in Stamina? - Any placing of 1st, 2nd or 3rd counts.
This dog is good at: Select First Class Type - Some dogs specialize in a particular class, but they don't have to.
And also is good at: Select Second Class Type - If your dog is also good at another class, but this isn't required.
Does this dog have a leash equipped? - Every dog must have a leash equipped to be added to the comp.
Does this dog have a ball equipped? - Adds a bonus point of Speed.
Does this dog have a bowl equipped? - Adds a bonus point of Strength.
Does this dog have a brush equipped? - Adds a bonus point of Beauty.
Further bonuses such as item grabbing rounds are added by the workers, there is nothing you need to do.
Update a Kennel Dog
You are allowed to edit each dog one time a month. For example, if you equip bonus items or used the wrong image link. Only the items which need changed should be entered, the rest will remain as they are in the system.
Each editing stalls the competition since they are flagged and need to be reviewed by staff, so please edit only as needed.
You do not have to update the points or past winnings of a dog. The automatic competition does it for you when a dog places.
Your Dog Page
This lovely gallery of images comes right from the links you first entered. You can click on an image and it will take you to the Individual Dog Information page. Here you can check the name, show name, points, past wins, current equips, and competition specialities.
Owner Points
The Owner Points page is updated automatically by the competition system. When you spend points on items, workers subtract the cost from your total.
Dog Points
The Dog Points page is also updated automatically by the system. These points never go away and give your dog all those bonuses for competitions and for breeding.