Male dog + female dog = puppies!
- You must have permission from the owners or be the owner.
- The dogs must be the same breed.
- Delivery time is based on our current workload.
- Owners keep one puppy, Kennels keep three.
You must wait a month from your last litter received to request another breeding. A January 5th breeding means February 5th. Months having less days than the month before defaults to the 1st of the next month, ie. January 30th means a March 1st day.
Any puppies beyond the limit rule still in the possession of the breeder at the time of growing will randomly be retaken by TheKennel.
The particular process and requirements will be noted in a Secundi Market thread currently marked "Breeding" or some other such title.
Females who whelp can not compete that week, even if they are properly registered.
Beds have been removed from the breeding process. All dogs produce, on average, 3 puppies. The actual result can vary considerably given competition bonuses and random chance.
Stud Fees
Puppies may be required as a stud or RB fee by both users and Kennels.
The one puppy per litter rule still applies to basic owners, they can charge one puppy as a fee. Kennels may require up to three. It is up to the individual if they do charge or not.