Official Kennel Agreement
Kennel registry will always be optional. It's like paying for a membership for a site instead of being a free user. No one has to register a kennel. You can own, breed, and show dogs all you please and never have a kennel. But like all paid memberships, there are benefits.
However, we do consider this to be a very serious, binding agreement. You are basically starting your own adoptable business as a sort of "franchise" of ours. This requires maturity, responsibility, and sometimes work. It is not for everyone.
In opening a registered kennel of your own, you are required to abide by this agreement, positively reflect the Kennel, and uphold our quality standards:
- Never overcharge for dogs, pups, items, or services.
- Maintain a kennel of at least three dogs, one male, two female, of the same breed.
- Always advertise the main Kennel by having our button linked on your kennel website.
- Pay a 10% tax on all monetary income to the Kennel (services exempt).
In exchange, you may:
- Have your own Kennel threads and events.
- Sell dogs, puppies, or items.
- Pay half price at item sales and some other events (Secundi currency only).
- Double the limits of regular owners at item sales and some other events.
While the 10% tax may not seem fair, we are allowing you to profit off our adoptable. You may sell in any currency you please, and pay us our tax in any currency, at a fair exchange rate.
Services may include stud or rb fees, and they are exempt from the tax.
We determine what is overcharging, but generally if you are selling for more than any of that same item has gone for in a Kennel event, you are overcharging. Use the price guide on the Item Shop for quick reference.
Any event where the half price/double limits bonuses are applicable will state so. For some events this may not be practical.
Any kennel found buying items for their half price and consistently reselling them for full shop price will have their kennel status revoked. This doesn't mean you can't sell items at regular price if you don't need them, or win them in a contest. Just that you may not purchase them at discount with intention to resell.
Any kennel found not in agreement with this contract will have their official status revoked. After one week you may reapply by repeating the registration procedure and sending the appropriate fee again. This may seem harsh, but official kennels represent our business, and we take that seriously.
Closing your Kennel
If you would like to terminate your Kennel, you must contact us. You cannot sell your entire Kennel to someone else. Once you have less than the required dogs you no longer have Kennel status and cannot make any profit - though you can still trade as any basic user.
We would prefer that anyone wishing to give up their dogs contact us first and give us the option to take them. We will then rehome them to loving owners as we see fit. If you think this is unfair, remember that this is our adoptable, our work, and we allow kennels the benefits they have. It isn't a right, it's a favor.