Here is a list of breeds we currently have at the Kennel.
Breed Directory

We have four methods of dog adopting:

Tag It
Breed restricted.
Gold Tag It
All dog coats.
USD Customs
All dog coats.

Our Tag It is a coupon good for one dog, what some call a semi-custom. The required information is on the image. You fill it out any time workers state they are taking Tags, following their instructions. Reference pictures may be allowed, but they must match the breed you are ordering.

Some Tags come with Champ Packs, these are bonus items for competitions.

Gold Tag Its are an upgrade from the basic Tag It. With them, you can order a coat uncommon to the breed of dog you want.

Tag Its are considered an item and fall under the rules like other items in the Item Shop.

If we are currently accepting USD custom orders, it will be noted in our current thread.

We encourage our registered kennels to hold their own events, and they often sell puppies or breeding services. Look around at our kennels, maybe you can find a dog that way. But please remember, do NOT buy from someone who does not have a registered kennel button!