
Name: Yalea Dans nee Drair.

Orientation: Straight and she was happily mated, now widowed.

Origin: From Datan, a mainly Were town on the Northern disc of the First Realm.

Significant Other(s): Rann Dans, now deceased.

Background: The youngest girl of the Drair family, and almost the youngest pup all together, she was undoubtedly the girl with the looks and grace. She outgrew wrestling with her siblings at a fairly early age, and excelled in learning to become a respectable lady like her mother. She had no shortage of suitors, but she chose one that she loved as opposed to some of the stronger more warriorlike Wolves who tried for her hand. Sadly her husband was killed in a fight to defend her after only five years of thier being together, while she was pregnant with his litter. The shock, people guess, killed her litter of five, making them all still-borns. Since then she's been rather subdued and locked in mourning.

Employment: She was a housewife happily, preparing to be a mother, now she stays at home with her mother and father and helps take care of the house there.

Appearance: Yalea is a very pretty wolf, a rich chocolate brown with golden eyes and long thick hair. She has a curvy figure, small waisted and very feminine. She has a heart-shaped face, which is dominated by her very large expressive eyes, framed by her very dark and very shaped eyebrows and sweeping lashes. Her nose is a little 'cute' button nose and her cheeks almost have a childlike chubbiness about them. Her lips are cutely pouting and full, while she has a beauty-mark on her right cheek, near her mouth.

Distinguishing Characteristics: She has three notches in her left ear and two in her right - she put them there herself in memory of her lost litter.

Quirks: She's quiet, which is odd for wolves as I believe I've said. She can generally settle her brothers down from their angers with great ease. Like Risor, she also has an oddly Russian sounding accent.

Sin-of-Anger: Yalea has always had a good temper, very little need for anger - so long as you don't prevent her from sleeping as much as she wants. Nowadays she has even less anger than she had previously.

Sin-of-Envy: Yalea envies people who are happy with their mates and people with litters - but really, you can't much blame her for that.

Sin-of-Pride: Since She-wolves of the first Realm can only carry maybe 2 litters in their lifetime at the most, Yalea is now considered an undesireable female since she probably won't litter again. When you're undesireable your pride goes waaaaay down. Her family beef it up for her, but she doesn't really have much anymore. She will still spend hours making herself look pretty though.

Sin-of-Gluttony: Even after years she's still depressed enough not to want to eat that much, silly girl.

Sin-of-Lust: Once a month heat-lust is very frustrating when your lifemate is dead and buried.

Sin-of-Avarice: She would give you the shirt off her back, she's not a greedy girl.

Sin-of-Sloth: I wouldn't call her captain busy, but she's not really lazy either. She does what is required of her in due time for it to be completed and all.

Virtues: Yalea is very good with children - which might be why she can settle her siblings down. Children tend to like the quiet girl and put her in a good playful mood.
