
Name: Rixen Drair.

Orientation: We're not quite sure. Whoever he falls in love with will be the one.

Origin: From Datan, a mainly Were town on the Northern disc of the First Realm.

Significant Other(s): None at the moment, looking for his lifemate apparently although maybe he'll never get one since the point of pairing is mating and he's not into it.

Background: Second of the litter of Ranys and Oria, he was instantly faulted with a gay tail - a tail that curls too high over the back. Even though his father would have made him totally self-conscious of the fault, his siblings worked hard to make him comfortable with it (when they weren't pulling it straight and watching it curl back over again). He had the same training and education as his brothers, although he loved more the running, jumping and climbing trees parts to the actual fighting. He had some bad experiences when he was younger, and although his family know something happened, they don't know exactly what - nevertheless they supported and cared for him and he didn't end up unhappy with himself.

Employment: More interested in the non-fighting parts of training, and having a heart like his mother which wants to help people, he works in a orphan house, teaching all those things he likes best, and is best at, to homeless pups.

Appearance: Rixen is a brown wolf, an almost orangey-brown, with slightly tilted upwards golden eyes and flicked, fine hair that falls about his shoulder blades. His build is fairly slender, since he does so much running, but just as muscle packed as any Were-male should be. His length of 6ft3 is mostly in his legs, which is probably why he likes running so much. His face is a general mix of his parents, a long nose which sweeps up at the end and a long but softened face that ends with a somewhat sharp chin.

Distinguishing Characteristics: His gay tail fault is generally the most noticed thing. It's easy to spot a tail that curls high over the back when everyone else’s are hanging low.

Quirks: You'd often think Rixen doesn't know the meaning of the word walk, even his slowest moving seems to be a jog. Although he's as generous as all give out, he's very tight with his money

Sin-of-Anger: Rixen has a habit of appearing calm, but he's got a lot of pent up anger that can just come out for no apparent reason, it will usually just result in a shouting and snarling match though. Big things, he'll prove he was paying attention during the fighting lessons and go for you, though.

Sin-of-Envy: Even though his siblings have made him feel unique with his tail, Rixen does envy near enough everyone else's tails. He'd like to have a straight tail without the actual effort of forcing it that way.

Sin-of-Pride: Pride really is a Were trait, he has a ton of pride in himself (thank you siblings) and in his pack. You step on his toes about either of them and you're in for a snarling/clawing match.

Sin-of-Gluttony: Rixen is nearly always nibbling on something, but he never finishes anything or actually eats very much.

Sin-of-Lust: Rixen has once a month lust like all Weres, but he's had the lust pretty much knocked out of him. Before he was an adult and working around as an adolescent he was not only picked on a lot, but beaten up, pinned down and raped. He's decided sex is a pretty ugly thing and doesn't much want anything to do with it.

Sin-of-Avarice: Rixen is greedy with his money, he wants to start his own training home and that takes a lot of money. He might lend you some money if you beg him enough and he likes you enough, but it's a rare enough thing to raise gasps. If he does you a big favour, he'll expect some form of payment. He's giving with his time and care, not his money.

Sin-of-Sloth: He's not lazy, he rarely sits down, any free time goes to running.

Virtues: He has his mother's big heart, where she wanted to help people, he also wants to help people by teaching them what he can.
