
Name: Risor Drair

Orientation: When it comes to his lifemate, gender is not an option.

Origin: From Datan, a mainly Were town on the Northern disc of the First Realm.

Significant Other(s): Kai

Background: The first pup of a litter of ten, and apparently the one that set his father up for a fall being as he was "perfect". His childhood was spent with his siblings, playing, learning and training - but being the pick of the litter he was worked slightly more vigorously than his siblings and soon it was only learning and training that took up his time. The undisguised favourite of their father's, he tried to make it up to his siblings by giving them the fatherly kind of love and affection they weren't necessarily getting from him. He started work early and despite problems he came across being so young and naive, has worked up to being a respected Were in his own pack and out of it.

Employment: The general work of a male Were, bodyguarding being his preferred method of work. He likes to feel he's protecting people.

Appearance: Risor is a black wolf, with golden eyes, and some combination of his mother's straight hair and his father's flicks. He's just slightly smaller than his father, being 7ft9 and very muscled but not quite as wide as his father. Despite his personality, he has what I'd call a "big bad wolf" face. Handsome enough, but you get the feeling at any moment he's going to eat your children and run to grandma's house. He's handsome enough, having inherited his father's rugged features with a slightly softer tone like his mother, but there's something just disconcerting about his looks. He's always ready to smile and grin, as his mouth seems rather large when pulled like that and that doesn't help him seem less of a threat.

Distinguishing Characteristics: He has a long scar running down his body, stemming from his brow over his left eye, cutting down over it, across his nose, down his right cheek, chin and chest before curving around his waist and ending just above his tail.

Quirks: Although Risor is the perfect son and soldier, when his father isn't around and he's not working, Risor is more then happy to make like he's a pup again and find other children to play with. He speaks with what sounds like a Russian accent

Sin-of-Anger: Risor isn't the angriest of Weres. He has a temper, but it doesn't really flare up for small matters, it's big ones like hurting people he loves where he can lose his cool and then you have a fight on your hands.

Sin-of-Envy: Risor sort of envies children who get to play and be happy when he had his ability to play stolen from him - he settles the envy by playing with them now.

Sin-of-Pride: Praising Risor normally rolls right off his back with a "Thanks, yah". He's been praised all his life by his father and he's pretty sick of praise to himself, it doesn't fill him with any pride. Now his pack and siblings? He's very proud of them, he will talk up any member of his family for hours.

Sin-of-Gluttony: Risor has a large appetite, but he's generally polite enough to wait until other people around him have eaten before he takes his share.

Sin-of-Lust: He gets the once a month lusties, but it doesn't bother him.

Sin-of-Avarice: I don't think you can call Risor greedy.

Sin-of-Sloth: You can't much call him lazy either, even when he's lying around you get the sense he's busy watching and scenting and protecting.

Virtues: Although he's a little slow sometimes and runs around with pups and likes to joke and laugh, Risor is dependable. If you ask him to do something for you, he will. If you need him, he'll be there. If something serious has happened, he will be serious and deal with it and then try to cheer you up again at the end.
