Name: Ranys Drair
Orientation: Straight and happily mated.
Origin: Originally from Denia, a mainly Were town on the Northern disc of the First Realm.
Significant Other(s): Oria, his wife, who we'll be looking at tomorrow.
Background: Ranys had a fairly normal Were childhood, being that as soon as he was able he was trained hard to become a strong fighter. He wasn't the best of his litter, but he worked hard enough to become the best because he hated to be second to anyone. He moved around from pack to pack for a while between the ages of twenty to fifty, when he finally came to Datan - another Were populated town - and decided to remain and work there. While there he met Oria, and subtly began to pursue her, eventually winning her heart after saving her life. They got happily mated and several years later had a litter of eight. Ranys then gave up working for a period to bring up his sons - he has yet to return to work.
Employment: Work for Weres is generally whatever comes along - fighting in wars, bodyguarding, bounty hunting. He's done a bit of everything.
Appearance: Ranys is a black wolf, so he had black hair - along with black furred ears and tail in his usual form. He has only one eye - the right one - and it's vibrant green-yellow, he wears an eyepatch over his other side, but three scars tend to span out from beneath it. He's seven-foot-ten, which is a fairly tall height even for Weres. His build is extremely muscled, thick and tall. He's not exactly handsome, but he has a pleasing look - with thick eyebrows, a straight roman nose, thin lips which his fangs can normally be seen overhanging and a set square jaw.
Distinguishing Characteristics: He has three scars down each of his arms which he gave to himself, for reasons I have not yet discovered. His tail is shorter than average due to part of it being torn off in a fight. He's missing part of his left ear and all of his left eye due to the same fight.
Quirks: Never seems to have a good word to say about anyone in his family, and yet will feircely defend them the second someone else insults any member of his family
Sin-of-Anger: Like a lot of male Were's, Ranys can be controlled completely by his anger and often is. It'll fuel his words and actions and if he gets really pissed off? He will go for you and tear you to pieces. It's a very rare person who can get him to calm down, and it's rare for him to be in a good enough mood to smile.
Sin-of-Envy: Ranys will envy anyone with a child he considers to be a fine specimin. Why aren't HIS kids like that?
Sin-of-Pride: Ranys has a chock fucking LOAD of this. Most Weres do, but that's besides the point. Pride will win out over everything else with Ranys, he will never admit to being wrong.
Sin-of-Gluttony: Ranys should, as a male, eat last after his family, but he has a wicked selfish streak. He would always have to be the first to be served and the last to finish eating.
Sin-of-Lust: While looking for his lifemate Ranys was... untraditional (Weres traditionally only mate with one person their whole lives) and visited whore houses and various other things. Once he met Oria he changed, his lust is now controlled by her (and the moon).
Sin-of-Avarice: So far as possessions go? Ranys isn't that greedy, he could live in a box for all he cares - and he has.
Sin-of-Sloth: We think he's being slothful now, since he hasn't gone back to work despite his litter having left home. He's just gotten used to the comfort he gets being Oria's mate which he hadn't noticed before he stayed home. He's happiest when working really, not slothing.
Virtues: He's a big ass bastard really. But he is very protective of his family, he will die to defend them if he has to.