
Name: Oria Drair (by marriage)

Orientation: Straight and happily mated.

Origin: From Datan, a mainly Were town on the Northern disc of the First Realm, a fairly well off Were family.

Significant Other(s): Ranys, her husband of many years.

Background: Out of a litter of ten she was the only girl, and as such much doted on by her parents and brothers. Their family was very well off and she never really wanted for anything, spending her time learning whatever took her fancy and having fun. Although she was white, and as such an undesireable colouring, she wasn't pure white which meant any offspring she bore would probably not take up that colouring, so she was quite well pursued. However she didn't really have firm plans to be with any suitor until Ranys showed up in town. After he saved her from being raped and abused by another suitor, at great damage to himself, she ended up becoming his mate and later the mother of his litter.

Employment: She never really needed to work, coming from a rich family, but she liked to volenteer at the local hospitals and work as a nurse. Now she's a full time mother, even with most of her children out of the house.

Appearance: Oria is cursed as a white wolf, but blessed not to be pure white, since the tips of her ears and tail are black. That meant, basically, that the chances of her giving a whole white litter were slim, so she was still considered desireable - I've said this and it's rambly. She has long, straight white hair, which she generally keeps up in a high bun, pale skin and golden eyes. She has a pretty slender build, but with very large hips, which seem to make her top half very small. Her face is softly rounded and her nose has a slight turn at the end.

Distinguishing Characteristics: Being a white wolf - pure or stained - is pretty rare, that's quite distinguishing.

Quirks: Oria is the mistress of sudden, unexpected mood swings. One moment she can be the quiet, submissive and well brought up wife, and the next she'll be screaming like a fishwife and swearing like a docker.

Sin-of-Anger: As I just said, she can have a wicked temper, particularly when her children are concerned. But her anger is generally well contained, she doesn't blow up all that often, which makes it seem strange when she does over seemingly nothing.

Sin-of-Envy: Oria has never needed to envy anyone, since she's been spoilt all her life.

Sin-of-Pride: As a mother, she is of course proud of her children. Being spoilt? She has had a lot of pride in herself instilled too.

Sin-of-Gluttony: She's a mother, she doesn't eat! She fusses and makes sure her children eat.

Sin-of-Lust: Once a month heat-sex and she's fine. She's not such a lustful thing, she's more for making other males feel lusty.

Sin-of-Avarice: Even though she is spoilt, has always gotten what she wanted and so on, she's not greedy. She would give everything up in a second for her family's happiness.

Sin-of-Sloth: She's definitely not a sloth, she's constantly being a mother/housewife and then using all her spare time to learn new things that take her interest.

Virtues: She's a very sweet she-wolf, who beings joy to her whole family and their connections. She will go out of her way to make people comfortable and at ease - which is why she was a good nurse when she worked there.
