Dec. 16th

Shoryu crept outside behind Risor, but lingered in the doorway beneath the awning. A sudden rain was pelting down that had soaked Lar before he could drag his kill beneath cover. She couldn’t resist reaching and fussing at his wet fur worriedly, “Are all wet.”

The white wolf growled an affirming noise, licking his claws as he finished cutting up the meat from the sheep. He shifted up from wolf into his normal form, standing up from his crouch, “Should get a towel then.”

Shoryu found herself unable to move, even though she knew she was blocking the doorway. Her eyes were riveted to Lar’s naked body, shimmering as it was from the rainwater, moisture sliding down is skin. Heat rose up into her cheeks.

Lar grunted, “Will you be coming then?”

That was enough to break her from her trance, nodding and backing up quickly until her back met the wall. She averted her eyes in a desperate attempt to collect her senses, “Ahem… yes.”

“Right then,” he wrung out his hair before stepping into the house, nodding down the hall, “Lead the way?”

Shoryu put her head down, thankful he was letting her go first. She nearly jumped at feeling his hand at the small of her back, leading her the correct direction at a juncture of the halls. She appreciated that as well, still more than a little skittish of this new place.

“Lost my brother somewhere,” she murmured, “Was just me and Risor talking about pups…”

“Sure he’ll turn up again,” Lar prowled away from her once he’d led her into the bathroom, finding a towel to attack his mass of drenched hair. “So now it’s just me and you… with something we should probably talk about.”

Shoryu’s heart fluttered. Suddenly she couldn’t just stand there, she had to move, to do something. She found another towel and pattered around behind him, rubbing down his back, “Oh? Okay…” she found that once again all words had fled.

“Right…” Lar seemed to be struggling with words as well. “Because… we’ve both obviously been considering each other for matehood…”

“Mhmm, very seriously considering,” Shoryu hummed, running her hand down his back to make sure it was dry – a nice excuse to touch him. He was working up to say what she’d wanted to hear for days, she was certain of it. She hadn’t been considering anyone else, and neither had he as far as she knew.

Lar growled low, closing his eyes and pinning his ears back, “Even so... you don't really know me and all my faults yet... but even so...” he growled again, more in frustration this time, turning to face her.

Shoryu waited when he didn’t immediately say anything, letting him think. To stem her nerves she rubbed up his chest with the towel instead, smiling prettily up at him, trying to put him at ease.

“You’re gorgeous, amazingly beautiful. You could have anyone, but I don’t want you to be anyone else’s, even if they are superior to me.”

Shoryu tried to suppress that happy, flattered giggling sound, swinging her tail. Even though she wanted to argue with him, tell him he was the most superior creature she’d ever seen. But she kept quiet, letting Lar go on. If she interrupted him now he might never get going again, and she’d been waiting days for this conversation.

“So I should stop waiting for you to find all my faults, in case someone else swoops in during the wait. I should just ask you now if you'll be my mate.”

She squeaked, unable to stop herself, hopping up and hanging off his shoulders, “Yes you should, because I only want you, have only wanted you since first saw you.”

The white wolf relaxed a little bit, expressed mostly in his eyes, moving his arms around her, holding her securely there, “Well then... will you be my mate?”

Shoryu nuzzled, “Yes yes yes, yes for every moment I've been waiting for you to ask.” She kissed him, a quick delighted little kiss.

Lar growled low again, licking her lips and canting his cheek across hers, “Thank you.”

“Oh you... such a silly, wonderful,” she nuzzled back, “There is no one superior to you, not for me.”

“I have a lot of faults, inexperience for one...” he moved his cheek along her jaw now, scent-marking her, “But we can't all be perfect, it's a position taken by you.”

Shoryu blushed, “Am not perfect, you're just too sweet…” She tilted her head up, loving being marked like that, the feeling and all its implications. Sure she’d been marked by her brother quite often, but this was so wonderfully different.

“You're too modest,” Lar licked along the line of her neck.

She shivered from that, thrilling easily at something so small, “Hmm... and you obviously haven't seen the emotional wreck I've been lately, worrying...”

“Noticed it, but I didn't know why you were worried,” he lifted his head back up, rubbing his cheek against her other one, “You can't have thought I'd not realise from the start that you were perfect, beautiful, smart...”

Shoryu tilted her head that way for him, loving just that simple motion, “No... thought would think me a freak... other-worlder... annoying and pushy and rushing you…”

The white wolf grunted, “Far too modest...” He moved back down to her lips, licking in tentative little motions, affectionate but cautious.

“And let's not forget ruined... damaged goods... impure...” she flicked her tongue teasingly against his, trying to entice him.

The words seemed to only entice his anger though, an irritated growl rising form him, “No idiot's lusts could make you impure... myself included, I suppose,” he added.

Shoryu wriggled, delighted at the protection that elicited anger promised, gripping tighter at him, “Going to protect me from my past?”

“Somewhat difficult, but I aim to try. Definitely from anything that might happen in the future.”

She smiled softly, “Like your family hating me?” She took her time, caressing her lips over his, hazily enjoying herself, “See? Me and my... insane worries…”

“Very insane worries, there's no way to hate perfection.”

“You are so biased already!” Shoryu declared with utter delight, giggling and squeezing tighter, “Are mine, and I didn't have to pull tail or club over head like I’d been planning if you hadn’t eventually made a move.”

“Hn... feisty,” Lar licked against her pulse, “Others are probably scavenging my kill...” he drifted off, more interested in licking than caring about his sheep.

“I got what I want,” Shoryu hugged even tighter for another moment to make her point.

“You should always get what you want.”

Shoryu growled, tilting her head and nipping at his jaw, “Well.. this is a really good start. Sure will think of more later.”

The white wolf smirked, “You make a list then…” He went back to marking, quiet for a long while, intent on his task, “Nothing else you want right now?”

“Hmmm... this is good... very good... just want this.. holding and cuddling and...” she tilted her head up, growling a very content growl. “More of this.”

Lar made sure she was well-gathered in his arms, prowling down the hall the way they’d come, walking and continuing to mark her as he went. “Of course.”

Shoryu found herself settled down on the camp-bed she’d claimed in the games room they’d taken over, Lar crouched over her. He moved down from her cheeks and neck, running his cheeks over her chest. He was being very thorough about his scent-marking, licking now and again as he went.

It made her feel so very special, wanted, loved like never before. Her brother had loved and marked her plenty, but it was definitely very different from this.

She tried to think of things she might want, but all she could think about was being marked just a little further down or over, just a moment before Lar seemed to read her thoughts and nuzzle there. He took his time over each arm, growling contently as her fingers played over his skin, brushing over his lips. A spark of lust made Shoryu wish he’d take those digits into his mouth, but he just moved back up along her arm and back to her chest.

Lar shifted down, hands moving up the sheer fabric that draped from her left shoulder so he could move uninhibited over her skin. He nuzzled upward, nudging up under her breasts. Shoryu gasped at that jolt of pleasure, gripping at his shoulders in a silent begging.

The male seemed to read her well, repeating the motion over just slightly, nudging up under her breast, nosing there. She couldn’t help but shiver, gripping harder at him, moaning softly. He nuzzled there until she was veritably squirming, prowling up to lick at her flushed cheeks.

“Mine,” Lar growled, making sure he was covering her entirely with his bulk.

Shoryu smiled through the haze of pleasure, adoring him, breathing the promise, “Yours.”
