Name: Lar Drair.
Orientation: Straight - pretty much - and newly mated.
Origin: From Datan, a mainly Were town on the Northern disc of the First Realm.
Significant Other(s): Shoryu
Background: Although he's the sixth Cub of the litter, and the fifth male, he's generally considered by himself and (most of) his pack to be the second son - since he's not only the second tallest after Risor, but he constantly placed just behind Risor for every test they could do. He constantly felt the need to try his hardest and prove himself because of his colouring and that is still what drives him most of the time today.
Employment: Unable to get much work at his hometown, or most other Were towns, he finally snapped at left the Northen disc and went for some snowy districts in the Southern disc. He does various rescue work around there and working with his hands and bulk.
Appearance: Lar, unfortunately, was cursed as a pure white wolf. He picked up his
mother's whiteness, her straight hair (mostly), her gold eyes and her pale skin. But that's where comparisons with Oria end, because Lar looks almost exactly like his
father. He has the same thick, muscled and tall build as his father. He has the same not exactly handsome, but still pleasing look, with chiselled features and a strong jaw and the same straight roman nose. He even has the same fangs that are just slightly too large for his mouth and overhang his lips. Even his near permanent scowling is the mirror image of his father. He hates all of this.
Distinguishing Characteristics: The whiteness is generally the most distinguishing thing. Rare and not exactly a blessing. He's also missing a large section of his right ear.
Quirks: He doesn't much like to talk to people, generally just growling at them (which is fair enough in a Were town, they can communicate without words that way). He tends to speak better than most of his siblings (just to try and not sound like his father).
Sin-of-Anger: He's got a terrible temper. Seemingly anything can spark it up and often enough it'll take a LOT to calm him back down afterwards. Like his father, he's mostly fuelled by his anger, and it can either be quiet brewing annoyance or snarling loud anger. Of course, a great deal of his anger is aimed at his father.
Sin-of-Envy: Lar envies most of his siblings because they don't have white colouring, get things easier than him, etc etc and get annoyed at them - then he'll feel guilty about such unpack-like thoughts and get angry at himself.
Sin-of-Pride: This is difficult. He's conflicting. He does have a hell of pride in himself, he will carry himself with pride, his pride will make him act about as much as his anger - but he also has no pride at all. He's a white wolf, he doesn't get much praise from anyone outside of his mother and sibling group. All his life he's put up with people talking and whispering about him. He's pretty much scum. He almost seems to force his pride upon himself.
Sin-of-Gluttony: Lar is selfish, so like his father, he wants to eat first and get the best food. However - his saving grace - he seems to at least allow his new mate to eat before him and get picks of food.
Sin-of-Lust: Lar's never been bothered by lust before - after all, he was a white wolf. No one WANTS a white wolf, so he didn't want any of them back. However he's met Shoryu, who likes him and such - and soon it'll be the monthly heat and we assume he's not gonna handle it very well =3 This girlie works up his thought to be non-existent lust.
Sin-of-Avarice: He's selfish-come-greedy. If he has anything? It's HIS. Not yours. If he wants something, he will generally do whatever he can to get it. And then? It's HIS. You see?
Sin-of-Sloth: He's not really lazy, he's always trying to work at this and that and better himself and prove himself so that one day maybe his dad will give him some undisguised praise. The only time he sloths is if he gets ill, he'll just be lazy rather than admit to being sick.
Virtues: All his faults - the greed, the selfishness, the lack of pride and forced pride, looking and being just like his father, the emotional constipation - are instantly forgotten when he has to protect those who he cares about. He's also generally a sensible and fairly quick thinker, even in crisis.