Name: Jenner Drair
Orientation: We're pretty sure he's gay - which is good because no self-respecting female would look at a runt
Origin: From Datan, a mainly Were town on the Northern disc of the First Realm.
Significant Other(s): Raze
Background: Jenner was the last of the Drair litter and the runt of the litter. He never caught up with growing, finally halting at 5'4". Added to this he was one of the few Weres who are unable to shift forms - well he can have his normal form and wolf - but more human and beast forms are totally out for him. He's by far the weakest of the litter and a disappointment to his father who only wanted big strong boys. Because of that he avoided that education as much as he could and ended up with his mother and sisters a lot - pretty much he ended up having a more feminine upbringing, which might not have helped matters. As if to make up for his lack of ability to shift, he learnt to use and enact healing stones with his shifting magic instead.
Employment: Learning Healer, under the tutelage of Solexi.
Appearance: Jenner, by colouring, is the prettiest pup of the litter, having basic black ears and tail but silver hair/coat everywhere else (Silver is a rare colour for Weres and not nearly as hated as white). He has wide green eyes and a delicate rounded face like his mother, with a young chin and slim jaw line. He inherited his father's flicky hair more than anyone else in the family, and trust me, it's natural in its doing that. He is of course, being the runt, small and slender in build, with no muscle refinement at all.
Distinguishing Characteristics: The silver colouring is pretty distinguishing.
Quirks: Can only shift between two forms instead of four. Can enact healing stones, while Weres don't have magic other than shifting.
Sin-of-Anger: Jenner doesn't have much anger, that's something his brothers have for him. Even if he gets annoyed, he's not threatening at all. He gets frustrated more than annoyed, I'd say.
Sin-of-Envy: Jenner envies the ability to shift - but in a kinda awed childish way. Envy's not really his thing, he loves his siblings too much to even envy that his father cares for them more than him.
Sin-of-Pride: Jenner doesn't have a lot of pride in himself at all, any compliment will have his overjoyed for hours but it'll fade and he'll lose his pride again quickly. Pack pride he has a lot of pride in though, but we know this as a Were trait.
Sin-of-Gluttony: Jenner may be tiny but he can eat for the Realm - he will take the chicken out of your mouth if you give him half a chance.
Sin-of-Lust: He gets fidgety during once a month heats, especially if there are tall Wolf-like build people to crush on. But really? He's quite nervous of actually being in asexual position himself.
Sin-of-Avarice: Jenner's not greedy, he wants to devote his life to healing and helping people. Other people come before him at all times.
Sin-of-Sloth: Jenner's not a sloth. At the moment he's up all night like a Were should be, then sleeping from 6AM to 9AM when he scampers off to working with Solexi until midnight. He is constantly doing something.
Virtues: He can sometimes forget things in a panic, but he's doing his very best to become a healer and is especially good treating children, since he's gentle and smiles.