
Name: Deltia Drair.

Orientation: Whoever the lifemate may be, that's who we're attracted to. But we're thinking it'll lean towards female.

Origin: From Datan, a mainly Were town on the Northern disc of the First Realm.

Significant Other(s): Shoren... the poor thing.

Background: The fourth pup of the Drair-pack and the one that likes to rebel against her father's wishes the most - although she loves and respects her father, who's he to tell her not to wear bright, revealing clothes, or not to get her brothers to teach her killing techniques? She had a different training to her brothers, being taught mostly by her mother and with added lessons like music and arts. Although she did try to learn those things, she was happiest when she had her lesser fighting and hunting lessons with the boys.

Employment: She's taken on a boring, menial job in a large shop while she waits for her dream job - whatever that is, it would probably involve dressing up like a male and going to the army - to come along.

Appearance: Deltia is a coffee-brown wolf, with long hair that she'll usually keep up in a bun of some kind - flicked like her father at the front and long and silken straight at the back like her mother. Her eyes are green, fairly large and expressive and framed with long, dark lashes. That is pretty much where her femininity stops. She's not the prettiest of the pack, her eyes being just a little too far apart and her nose being a little too flared at the end. Her face is unappealingly oval, and her body is generally solid and stocky with little room for curves. She also has her father's thick eyebrows (Although they are well shaped, thanks to her mother)

Distinguishing Characteristics: I'm going with her hair, in a bun and held up by two long pins, which are really, really weapons.

Quirks: Deltia doesn't want to be a boy, but she wants to be treated like one. She's just not pretty enough or refined enough to be treated like her mother and sister, she'd rather play rough and tumble. Also, despite her usual appearance and ways, she can have shock moments of girliness.

Sin-of-Anger: Deltia can have a bad temper, and if you made her go for you, she'll slash with anything, claws, the weapons from her hair, teeth - and woe betide you, if you try to fight back while her brothers are around. They will kick your ass.

Sin-of-Envy: Deltia kind of envies her mother and sister, she wishes she could be that graceful and respected and loved. She also envies Jenner, on her girlier days, for having the most desirable rare colouring when she gets to be a rather unattractive shade of brown.

Sin-of-Pride: She has pack pride, and whenever she can pin her brothers (and since they try not to hurt her, it can happen a lot) she will absolutely glow with pride for days afterwards.

Sin-of-Gluttony: Deltia likes to eat, when food is given to her she will eat more than her fair share, which might be why she's lacking in curves and refinement - but no one likes to say that.

Sin-of-Lust: Until she finds someone who'll be a good mate, she's pretty much ignoring this emotion, even through monthly heats. She wants to emulate her mother like that, and be pure and ready for her mate.

Sin-of-Avarice: Deltia doesn't care about possessions. Possessions mean very little to her, maybe from having everything she wanted or maybe it's just her nature, wanting to emulate her father and have very little and get a lot. What she cares about is doing what makes HER happy, not what she can buy to make her happy.

Sin-of-Sloth: This girl was always the last to bed and the first awake. This girl was always the one tailing her brothers during their free time "What did dad teach you? Did he teach you to kill someone? Will you teach me to kill someone?". This girl was always the one who'd accompany another on a run. She's generally not for sitting still.

Virtues: Deltia is very rebellious about ideas and does what she wants to, but she's very respectful to her elders and very loyal to her family. In a pinch, she's there and although she might not be good at being sensitive with words, she will lick and nuzzle you as much as you need.
