Name: Danyll Drair.
Orientation: Whatever attracts him, gender's not important..
Origin: From Datan, a mainly Were town on the Northern disc of the First Realm.
Significant Other(s): None at the moment.
Background: Danyll was the third pup of the litter and born a whole two hours after the first two pups were born due to several complications. Nevertheless he was a healthy pup with no glaring faults, which pleased his father. Although he never excelled in lessons and fighting, his did his best and is happy to continue to do so. He's almost the black sheep of the family, having somewhat different attitudes and ideas to the rest of them, but due to being pretty much a standard acceptable Were he gets away with it.
Employment: Most of his work seems to be along the lines of bounty hunting / fighting / paid assassin line of work.
Appearance: Danyll is a charcoal grey wolf, almost black but just not quite. His hair (which I so can't draw, yay for that chibi) is shaved short at the back and sides, with longer hair at the top which falls around his head and face with no real care to it. He also has shaved and shaped sideburns and a shaped goatee - the reason for which being he has an oddish looking chin** and he thinks it looks better with a goatee. He's 6ft5 and somewhat stocky, like his father, but no fat, just toned muscle. His green eyes, are just a little nearer than you'd like them to be, giving him a somewhat sly look, which isn't detracted from by the near constant smirk he has on his lips. He has his father's large incisors and they overhang his lips while closed - one side more than the other thanks to the smirk. He's certainly not the best looking of his pack, but he doesn't hold anything against his kin or seem to mind.
Distinguishing Characteristics: He has a very fine scar across his forehead from an accident in childhood, but you have to get very close to see it. He also has a large burn scar along his left arm from wrist to elbow - because of that he usually wears some sort of covering over that arm.
Quirks: Compared to the rest of his family he seems kind of quirky in just general attitude - but he's just a different kind of wolf to them really. Par example, most wolves never cut thier hair, he does constantly to keep his chosen style.
Sin-of-Anger: Danyll generally seems to laid back to get angry, but oh boy he can. Unlike his kin though, he's doesn't fight if you annoy him. He tends to just be vindictive, hold a grudge, make a note of it, snarl at you and then later pay you back some obscure way.
Sin-of-Envy: Danyll envies no one.
Sin-of-Pride: Danyll has a lot of pride that his father instilled in him, pride in himself, pride in his pack, more pride in himself...
Sin-of-Gluttony: Danyll eats his fair share, but he also deviates from traditional Wolven meals (meat, some roughage for the digestion track) and will eat near enough anything.
Sin-of-Lust: He gets the once a month lusties, and moreso. He really doesn't want to disappoint his parents on their traditional teachings of "Save yourself for your lifemate" so he's chosen to define 'sex' in his own way. Sex is penetration, so anything that doesn't involve that is fine with him and he'll have "not-sex" often enough.
Sin-of-Avarice: Danyll tends to be willing to share some things with his siblings, if he bought with intent to share. Anything he bought for himself or that was bought for him, however? You can't touch, grrr, off, it's mine!
Sin-of-Sloth: Danyll might be the laziest member of the pack. Anything he can do tomorrow, he'll do tomorrow. He can work like a dog, but only at a deadline.
Virtues: Much as he can and will mock/taunt/tease/cause friction and everything else to his family, he adores them and would die for them - he considers himself the one that could die without too much upset, so he would put himself in that position in a rare show of nobility.