
Name: Aster Drair.

Orientation: Looking for his mated, and that could be anyone... and he'd probably miss them

Origin: From Datan, a mainly Were town on the Northern disc of the First Realm.

Significant Other(s): None.

Background: Fifth of the litter, Aster was another not-really-faulted-but-can't-compare-to-Risor pup. He had dreaminess around him he never really outgrew and you often felt like even though you were talking to him and he was nodding, he was somewhere entirely different. Nevertheless, if he tried he could apply himself to tasks and do well - he tended to save that for their father's teachings and because of that did reasonably well, but fell back into dreaminess later. He was more often curled with a book than wrestling his siblings when he had spare time.

Employment: He just doesn't seem to have the focus for fighting and tracking 99% of the time. So he ended up working in a library, and he's very happy with that.

Appearance: Aster is a multi-grey wolf, being a dark grey with lighter grey points along most of his hair and fur. Being 7ft2 and very slender, he might seem to be ungainly and lanky, but he's very toned with muscles and moves with an almost ghostly manner that seems like he's floating and out of control when he's actually not. He's much like his sister before him, with a long oval face and eyes slightly too wide apart, but the look fits him better with his size and build. His eyes are green and more often than not, dreamy and unfocused seeming. He also has a long, thin and straight nose and - this is odd to say but - a large brow line. His hair has teh mad fleeks and falls to just about his tail - he tends to tie it out of the way.

Distinguishing Characteristics: Probably those dreamy eyes or that general air of not being all there.

Quirks: He's quiet and reads a lot? Really, most Werewolf males are not~ like that.

Sin-of-Anger: He's hard to get worked up, unless it's something very serious he tends to just have a fleeting moment of clear anger and then poof. Off it goes.

Sin-of-Envy: We don't think Aster is focused enough to feel envy.

Sin-of-Pride: Apart from pack pride, I don't think there's much of that in Aster. When you're slightly different, it's hard to get all headstrong about yourself.

Sin-of-Gluttony: Aster tends to forget to eat for long periods of time. Not a glutton.

Sin-of-Lust: Aster's just never seemed interested in the whole mating/sex/lust thing. His family often wonder if he even gets monthly heat or not.

Sin-of-Avarice: His books are HIS. You can't touch them! Unless you ask first maybe... and are careful... and put them back... But they're HIS books. - that's kind of his thought process, you work it out, cos I can't.

Sin-of-Sloth: Aster is lazy, he likes to lay around with his books and not actively do very much. And now his training with his father is over, he doesn't much have to even pretend to work anymore.

Virtues: There's something about Aster you just can't help but like, even if you feel like he's too dreamy and not there to trust with your life, you end up letting him drive the car along the cliffs anyway - or something. Fact is most of the time he's a lot more focused than his general air gives off.
