January 29, 2003
Sabine had moved much larger objects, to be sure, but the trick was to move them in a controlled and deliberate fashion. With that stress, a mere textbook was almost too much for her.
She ignored the sweat beading on her forehead, staring at the book aloft in front of her, keeping it there as Yotaka had commanded. The temple Keeper was seated nearby, silently sipping tea, watching her carefully.
"All right now, set it down gently," Yotaka spoke softly to not surprise her.
Sabine dug her teeth into her lip, concentrating hard on lowering the book in a controlled manner, practically collapsing when it was safe on the floor. Yotaka offered her a cup of tea. She scooted to the small table and smiled in appreciation, taking the cup carefully.
"Kino could have stayed where you were and took the cup from me, someday you will find that level of control and ease."
Sabine gradually got her heart to quit pounding, taking deep breaths and sipping at her tea. She felt absolutely weak, "Madame Yotaka, did Kino have this much difficulty?"
Yotaka set her cup down, steepling her hands in front of her, "Kino was identified very early in her life, I began her training when she could first understand that she had it. She went through these same problems as you are going through now, yours are only much worse because your energy is already bursting and is extremely hard for you to control."
Sabine peered down at her cup of tea, knowing this rest would be short, she had to ask her questions while she had the freedom. "Why... do I have this power, Madame Yotaka?"
Yotaka smiled easily, comfortingly, "Some people are just special, Sabine. If you'd been found early this wouldn't be so difficult, try not to see it as a curse my dear."
Sabine set her cup down and reached over to where her bag rested against the wall, drawing it into her lap. She withdrew the picture she'd found in her father's bedroom after he'd left, the one she assumed was her mother. She passed it over the table to show Yotaka.
"Do you know who she is? When my father left... I found that among his things."
"She looks a little like you, the face structure, the shape of her eyes," Yotaka took the picture, examining it closely. "This landscape behind her... you can see a bit of a bridge over a pond, that could very well be the same bridge that's in the gardens surrounding this Temple."
"So you know her?"
Yotaka smiled softly, apologetically, and handed the picture back, "So many students pass through here quickly enough, and some merely stay for a little while and then move on, asking for shelter or passage between worlds and then vanishing. My dear, I can't remember all of them."
Sabine sighed, shoulders slouching as she took the picture back, gazing down at it. "Did you notice anything... strange about her eyes?"
Yotaka looked at the time, "Your lesson time is nearly over," she picked up the tray of tea, standing fluidly, "We shall call it a day, walk with me back to the kitchen?"
Sabine got up, head bowed respectfully, "Oui Madame."
They stepped out of the training room into the cold morning. Yotaka walked slowly along the wooden walk, "She appears to contain some sort of power herself, doesn't she? And if the picture was indeed taken here at the Temple, it's likely she crossed..."
"From another world?" Sabine's eyes widened, "Oh, Madame, I am sorry for interrupting you."
"It is fine," Yotaka stepped down from the walk and up onto the walk surrounding the tea room. "You're searching for your past, it's natural for you to get excited."
Yotaka moved through her chamber and into the small kitchen adjacent to the tea room, setting the tray down on the counter. She extended her hand toward Sabine's, "Let me see it again."
Sabine gave her the picture again, hope shining in her bright blue eyes.
Yotaka tilted her head, "Hmmm... she doesn't appear to be full blooded of any race, but her features are slightly reminiscient of youkai. Perhaps she was a half-blood herself."
Sabine blinked, eyeing the picture, "Half-blood?"
Yotaka waved her hand over the picture, "Yes, her features are far too human to be full blood, and that effect of her eyes reminds me very strongly of youkai, jujinkai eyes don't react in precisely the same way, it's more of a fire demon trait."
Sabine sighed, "Do you remember anyone who might have come through... aren't there rules about demons and humans?"
The Temple Keeper nodded grimly, "Indeed, very strict ones. Although... there was a youkai who came through here when I was young, stripped of his powers, and banished. He stayed here for a very short while, deciding to assume a human life, entirely human life mind you. Even if he was stripped of his abilities, it is likely they carried somewhat to any children he might have had, although diluted."
"And... would this bring any consequences because of the rules?"
Yotaka handed the picture back to her, "Not if it was Reikai that banished him in the first place, then it would be their "fault" he was here and had to assume a human life. Any children would be closely monitored by Reikai, would likely be tied to this Temple for their whole lives, any powers they exhibited stripped as well."
"What if... this is true... and she is my mother?"
Yotaka gazed at Sabine with a mixture of sternness and concern, "Then Reikai wasn't informed that she'd had you, or they wouldn't have let your father take you back to France to raise you."
"But it explains my powers?"
"Yes it does."
Sabine's eyes widenend, "If Reikai finds out... would my powers be stripped? Could I be punished?"
Yotaka sighed, "It's unlikely. Your power - while unruly - is not uncontrollable. If she is your mother and my memory hasn't deceived me about who she is, then you are only a quarter fire demon, and no threat. The fact that you are now separate from humans and under tutelage here would be enough to satisfy Reikai."
Sabine gazed down at the picture, "I don't fit in with humans... I never have."
Yotaka put her hands on Sabine's shoulders, "You are in no danger."
Sabine blinked up at her, tears in her eyes, "But I am... a messenger came... I heard... that Reikai is... that they might."
Yotaka laid her hand over the picture, "They don't know about this, tell Obliette to inform them. They are likely concerned because they don't know who you are, it happens when things "cross boundaries" so to speak. You got lost in the systems. Have him tell them, they will understand who you are and that you are now under my care and trust in me."
Sabine nodded, putting her arms around Yotaka and hugging, blushing as she pulled away, "Forgive me, Madame."
Yotaka smiled in that comforting, motherly way she had, smoothing Sabine's hair. "I'll see you tomorrow morning."
"Oui, of course Madame," Sabine stepped back and bowed at the waist as Yotaka bowed, smiling as she stepped out into the morning.