Pestilence is copyrighted to Sallie Drazzi
It was different: But of course, that was to be expected and it wasn’t like Jenii could really focus on that. There were too many nerves – nerves he didn’t really know why he had.
Death had transported them to the edge of a large woods, which he now looked around at while he spoke, seeming as if he was musing to himself, whereas he was really talking to them. “If you go ahead and get prepared, I shall take your things back to your home, drop the rings with the Shaman performing the ceremony, then return to the Sixty-Fourth Realm and bring the guests here in due time.”
Pestilence smiled and hummed an agreeing noise, “Mhmm, sounds good. My place is locked, can you get in?”
Death merely looked at Pestilence and raised his eyebrows slightly.
Pestilence smiled sheepishly, “Of course you can.”
“There are no locked doors to Death himself,” Jenii completed Pestilence’s thoughts.
“Nope, there aren’t. Okay,” Pestilence smiled at Death again. “Thank you for the help and being a lift, will see you later!”
“You know the way?”
Pestilence pulled a face, “Follow the path, I’m not a child, Death.”
“Of course not. Well then, until later.” Death vanished just as easily as he had made them all appear there.
Pestilence giggled, slipping his hand into Jenii’s and tugging lightly, “This way.”
“Hn.” Jenii didn’t move for a moment, instead pulling Pestilence back against him and nosing into the thick blonde hair, breathing deeply. “He seems protective today.”
Pestilence smiled and tilted his head up, kissing the Demon’s jaw. “They’re always protective of me. Now I’m going to be the First Horseman to get married – and probably the last at the same time – so they have to be protective, even if they all like you.”
Jenii grunted an unaffected noise, “All?”
Pestilence paused and then smiled that sheepish smile again, “Well… Death and Famine like you. War’s… a silly thing.”
The little throb of melancholy in that melodic voice wasn’t missed by the Shadow, who grunted somewhat aggressively. “I’m sorry I couldn’t do anything to make him come around.”
Pestilence shook his head a little, smiling as much as he could manage and looking back up at the Demon. “It’s fine. I never expected any of them to come. Death avoids things like births and weddings since the whole… well Birth thing happened. Famine’s… well, she’s herself and War is odd about me. Would never expect him to accept people I was in love with, let alone force himself along to any wedding I was part of.”
Jenii held his lover with a serious gaze. “However, Death and Famine are coming.”
“Mhm!” Pestilence smile brightened considerably at that thought, it almost made Jenii guilty to have to continue it.
“So maybe part of you thought he’d surprise you too and come along.”
The Force’s smile waved a little again. “Maybe a little… But most of me knew it wouldn’t happen. Always expected that he wouldn’t come, so I don’t know why it’s so upsetting – maybe because Death and Famine could… ‘pull their heads outta their asses’ as Famine would say.”
“Hnn. And he calls himself your best friend.” Jenii found it exceptionally easy to turn most of his aggression towards War, although most times he tried to avoid it.
Pestilence smiled brightly again. “He is my best friend. Protected me for years and years, could never even begin to ask him to come to my wedding. It would hurt him and I could never hurt him, even if he hurts me.” The blonde took a moment to carefully rub Jenii’s left arm, before taking his right hand again, “Come on!” The moment of downheartedness had passed with amazing ease, leaving Pestilence once again seeming like he was just barely holding back from bouncing.
The Force’s excitement was always somewhat contagious to the Demon, who had to smirk a little, allowing the blonde to pull him into movement. “Very hyper today.”
“Of course!” Pestilence beamed the largest his smile could get, making his face the brightest it could get. “I’m getting married to my Shadow!”
“Nhnn.” Jenii looked off at the surroundings to glare at that jolt of nerves.
He managed to force himself away from it by distracting himself with those surroundings. They’d left Earth and the Sixty-Fourth Realm sometime just before sunrise, in this Realm it was maybe an hour past sunrise. There was still dew on the grass and the sun cast long cooling shadows. The vegetation was extremely different to that in Makai, and very different from things in Earth – the trees sporting amazingly coloured foliage, strange fruits and the occasional odd creature.
The air was different from the blank, empty air there was in the human-world, more charged and almost electrical across the skin. It made sense being as this was one of the more magically charged Realms – Jenii had already had a taste of that, being able to speak and understand Rumanji as easily as if it were his native tongue.
Pestilence seemed more alive here too – he’d seen Pestilence seem that way in Makai once before, almost becoming more real and vibrant in a land where he existed, but here it was different. There was no pestilence in this Realm, but the magics in the air – the fact he’d been created upon these very soils, it all backed him up somehow; made him almost seem more solid.
Jenii couldn’t tell if focusing on Pestilence was a good or bad thing, since it made the confusing nervousness increase as well as decrease. He grunted again, pulling the little Force against his side as they walked. “You seem happier here.”
Pestilence giggled, “I’m very happy here, because I’m with you.”
“Hnn, well being with you makes anywhere bearable.”
“You say that,” Pestilence giggled again, “but I’m sure you’ll be hiding as soon as you see some of the technology from the Realm.”
“So long as we’re here, it’s fine.” Jenii gestured with his right hand around the woodlands, pausing when his sight fell on a large bush growing some unusual items.
Pestilence sensed his confusion and looked at the vegetation, before smiling up at him, “Shoe-Tree.”
“A shoe-Tree?”
“A tree that grows shoes.”
“Hn… Perhaps I spoke too soon.”
Pestilence smirked, “It’s a very “punny” Realm. S’ilana and Ti’lan have odd senses of humour.”
“So I see.”
Pestilence slipped around to Jenii’s other side, rubbing his left arm again. The appendage was left nearly immobile after the battle with the Onyx not too many days ago. One of Jenii’s cursed scars had been attacked, locking up his muscles and leaving the arm like rock, particularly around the shoulder. “My poor Shadow.”
“It’s nothing to worry about, certainly nothing we can do about it.”
Pestilence sighed, “I know.”
Jenii tugged him back around to his good side, being sure to keep tight hold as the Force found his shaky balance again. “Don’t worry beautiful, much prefer your hyperness.”
Pestilence caught his feet under him, ignoring his stumble as if it happened all the time – which it did. “Good, because you’re going to get a lot of that for the next few…”
Jenii smirked again. “I can cope with that.”
“You better had, General.” Pestilence resettled the bag containing their wedding clothes over his shoulder, wriggling closer to Jenii’s side for balance and just to be near him.
They walked quietly, a combination of not needing to spoil being together with speaking and their being locked with their own thoughts and emotions keeping them silent.
It was only fifteen minutes later though that Pestilence broke the silence, gesturing up. “Most Wood Elvish buildings are up in the trees.”
“Hn, and we’re getting married up a tree?”
Pestilence giggled, “No, we’re getting married on the ground. Near the earth is very important for the ceremony. Just letting you know we’re in the village now.”
“Thank you for telling me, I’ll refrain from the “Two Wood Elves walked into a brothel” joke I was about to tell you,” Jenii said dryly.
Pestilence laughed happily, smiling back up at Jenii. His ever-expressive eye was sparkling with so many emotions, the majority of them happy ones. Jenii couldn’t help but smile back a little at his lover.
The woodlands seemed to pull back, leaving them in a wide, open area; a few buildings dotted here and there, the surrounding trees flanked by ladders and stairs. Beings who had momentarily been going about their busy daily lives, took a few moments to pause and glance at them, before getting back to their work: Some chattering in Rumanji and others in Elvish about how that was the Force Pestilence and that was the man he was apparently going to marry.
Jenii grunted to himself, but Pestilence caught it and looked up at him. “What?”
“I’m still not accustomed to people not clearing out of the street when they see me,” Jenii muttered, glancing around at the nearest group of Elves he’d heard use Pestilence’s name.
Pestilence would have giggled again, had he not been interrupted at that moment by a soft voice. “The Force Pestilence?” The blonde readily turned on his smile, turning towards the person who’d spoken to him while feeling Jenii’s arm tighten a little possessively around his shoulder.
A female Elf smiled back at him, her dark brown hair done up in intricate braids interspersed with beads. “I am Kneenah, who will be performing your ceremony.” She lay her hands palm to back, lacing the thumbs together and lying her hands atop her chest, her forefingers against her collarbone, bowing her head slightly. “We humbly thank you for choosing to have your wedding here.”
Pestilence replicated the gesture of thanks, his voice bubbling with excitement. “We thank you for allowing us to do so.” He gestured at Jenii with his hand, unable to hold the love out of his voice, “This is Jenii of the Shadow Clan of Makai, who I’ll be marrying.”
Kneenah smiled politely and bowed her head slightly, “Greetings to you.”
The Demon merely grunted an impassive noise, nodding his head vaguely; leaving Pestilence smiling behind his hand at the Elf’s surprised blink.
“Well… er…” She recovered herself. “The first part of the ceremony is your cleansing and dressing, after which you can make your way to the Holy ground.” She gestured towards a path between the trees which was decorated with petals across the walkway. “As I said, that’s later, for now please follow me.”
Pestilence nudged Jenii with his hip, managing to retain his balance since his lover was keeping a good hold of him, a subtle, wordless ‘behave, you bad Shadow’ before they started to follow the Holy Elven maiden.
Kneenah took them across the open woodland area, to a large white, stone building, decorated with some kind of lilac growing vine. The building lacked windows, but also had no roof, so more than enough sunlight penetrated through, reflecting off the tiles within. A large, beautifully fresh pool of water was contained in most of the room; little private rooms set off to the side and covered by rich embroidered curtains.
The Elven maiden bowed her head a little again, smiling at them. “I will leave you to get prepared now.”
“Thank you very much,” Pestilence smiled brightly at her, seemingly compensating for his mate’s lack of one. Once she’d left he giggled and grinned up at Jenii, “My happy Demon.”
“I am happy,” Jenii said in a perfect monotone.
Pestilence smiled honestly, wrapping his arms around Jenii’s neck so he could tug his head down to nuzzle him. “I know. It’s just cold feet and nerves.”
“I have never had ‘nerves’ before in my life, and I shouldn’t have them now.” Jenii growled a short irritated sound at himself.
The Force said nothing, just smiling prettily and sliding the tie out of Jenii’s hair so he could slip his fingers through the fine ebony strands.
The Shadow’s growling shifted towards more purring sounds, although his body refused to relax at all. “We have to do this cleansing thing?”
“Mhm, it’s an important part of the ceremony.”
“Hn.” Jenii had cycled into heat again and was finding it hard enough keep from molesting Pestilence when the blonde was dressed.
“I’ll be unsexy.”
“You couldn’t if you tried,” Jenii sighed. Maybe he could focus more on those nerves than on Pestilence – that shouldn’t be hard, they were growing more each second. As was his irritation at them, his mind had long been made up that he wanted to be tied to Pestilence forever; he had no idea why the sudden anxiety had cropped up.
Pestilence pushed up onto his tip-toes so he could kiss Jenii lightly. “Are just supposed to be covered in the water, don’t even have to touch me. Just have to dunk yourself.”
“And then you’ll slip and fall on top of me, and I’ll have to push you to the floor and ravish you.”
Pestilence gave him a look, “I’m not that bad.” He pulled away from Jenii, setting down the bag with their clothes in upon a small tiled table. The blonde pulled off his shirt, folding it neatly and laying it down, looking over his shoulder back at the Demon. “And no swimming in the Holy waters,” He warned.
Jenii smirked, “Aw, but sir…”
Pestilence stuck his tongue out a second, before starting to work on the opening to his pants. “Are you going in with your clothes on?”
Jenii grunted an amused noise, stepping over to the table himself. At least with focusing on undressing himself he wouldn’t have to watch Pestilence strip.
The Force folded his jeans, setting them down before carefully walking over to the graduated steps into the pool. Obviously trying not to fall, he stepped carefully taking each step with both feet before slowly and carefully walking down the slope to the deepest part of the pool. The water rose high on his chest, almost lapping at his collarbone, but with his feet firmly on the floor he didn’t have much fear. He also didn’t appear to notice that being surrounded with water as opposed to thin air did wonders for his balance.
Jenii tossed his clothes on the table with no pretence of folding, walking over and stepping into the pool where the Force seemed to be waiting for him. Being so much taller than the blonde, the warm, clear waters only covered him to his stomach, barely reaching the base of his ribs. “No washing?”
“Nope, don’t need to touch at all.” Pestilence smiled, taking a deep breath and filling his lungs before he plunged himself down into the waters. A mere few seconds later he rose up, soaked and glistening, shaking his damp hair from his face. “Just dunk,” He explained.
Jenii didn’t answer or even make any movent, his eyes completely riveted onto Pestilence’s body, trying to internally battle against those lusts and losing badly. Even the overwhelming and annoying nervousness was nowhere to be seen right now.
Pestilence tilted his head slightly, only taking a moment to realise what had happened, smiling what could have been a soundless giggle and moving closer to Jenii. He slid his arms around the Demon’s neck, tugging his head down. “Do you know what you’re supposed to be doing?” He seemed to almost sing the words in his melodious little voice.
“Nhnn…” Jenii didn’t really seem to focus on the question, trying to capture those tempting little lips so close to his own.
“Well then…” Pestilence drawled, tightening his arms a little, “dunk.” No sooner than the word had left his mouth, he pushed the Demon down into the waters, managing it easily due to catching him off guard, giggling to himself as he started out of the pool.
Jenii pushed himself back out of the waters, dramatically flinging his damp hair over his head and gasping for the breath he hadn’t managed to take before being confronted with only water, glaring over at Pestilence.
“Think that’s better than a cold shower,” Pestilence managed to get out between giggles, carefully stepping back onto the dry tiles and not trusting himself to move anymore.
“Trying to drown me?” Jenii muttered, starting his way back across the pool with an irate growl.
“Trying to make you cleansed and holy,” Pestilence excused. He waited until Jenii was out the water, pressing against his arm for support. “Forgive me?”
“Ehnn…” Jenii wondered where his aggression had fled to the second his naked, wet mate had pressed against him. Damn Force was tricky.
“Thought would say that.” Pestilence tugged towards a certain corner of the room. “This way, please?”
“I could go that way myself and leave you stuck here, afraid to move in case you fall back in the pool.”
“But you won’t,” Pestilence chimed in a sing-song voice, giving Jenii a pretty look.
Jenii smiled, just slightly, “No, I won’t.”
“Good,” Pestilence beamed, nodding towards where he’d been tugging. There were some tiles over there that weren’t just pure white, marked off with runes and shapes. “Heating circle, will dry us off in no time.”
“I am a Fire Demon, I could do that myself.”
“But you’re a lazy Fire Demon.”
“And that is entirely your fault,” Jenii returned, easily picking up the little Force and slinging him over his shoulder.
Pestilence squeaked a surprised noise, holding on where he could although he trusted Jenii not to drop him. “I can walk if you help me.”
“Watching you walk with clothes on is dangerous enough at the moment.”
“And carrying me wet and naked is any better?”
“Hn… good point… and nice, round ass,” Jenii mused as he squeezed that latter body part.
Pestilence squirmed so he could take in the back of Jenii’s head with his limited vision. “Pervert.”
“Not until you came along, like I said, it’s entirely your fault.” Jenii paused on the heating circle, momentarily closing his eyes against a whoosh of warm air that pulsed past them from foot to head, leaving them bone dry – and in Pestilence’s case, a little fluffy.
“Now will you put me down?” He could hear the smile in Pestilence’s voice.
“Do I have to?” Jenii pouted – he swore, that was something else that was all the Force’s fault.
“Yes, silly.” Pestilence squirmed and wriggled, trying to get out of the Demon’s grip, even though he knew he had no hope of escaping until Jenii wanted him down. “I can’t get married naked and over your shoulder.”
“I’m sure you could…”
Pestilence giggled, trying to push himself down. “Okay, I could, but it would be a horrible waste of all my sewing.” He managed to squirm his way somewhat higher, so he could almost see the side of Jenii’s face. “Don’t want to see my wedding outfit?”
“Hn… Ravishing you to within an inch of your life or seeing this outfit…” Jenii mused to tease the Force, slowly letting him down. “Well, you did stab your hand for days just to make the outfits.”
Pestilence stuck his tongue out at Jenii, holding his hands up to show how every last needle-hole had healed up, before turning back towards the table with all the elegance of a foal that hadn’t yet found its feet. He carefully pulled out the black and red outfit of Jenii’s. “Help you with yours first, then go put mine on.”
“I’m not trusted to put my own outfit on?”
“No.” Pestilence giggled, waiting for Jenii to come closer to him. “You never tried it on; I want to know if it fits. Anyway, your arm is sore.”
“Hn, it’s fine.”
“We’re not talking about my ass,” Pestilence smirked, giving Jenii an almost coy boyish look. “Now just be a good Shadow and let me dress you.”
Jenii complied, finding it somewhat easy to be a ‘good Shadow’ despite Pestilence’s hands smoothing and adjusting the outfit across his form. The outfit was just another step towards this whole wedding thing, and Jenii’s inexplicable nervousness was flaring up again, causing him to have to glare off at a fixed spot elsewhere.
Pestilence carefully affixed the red almost silken band of fabric around Jenii’s waist, eyeing the whole effect almost critically. The outfit fitted perfectly – as one might expect seeing as the blonde knew Jenii’s body intimately – the fabric all light and as natural as Pestilence could get, knowing his lover despised more man-made “heavy” fabrics. It comprised of black, loose pants, overlaid with a sash of the richer red fabric specifically chosen because it matched Jenii’s eyes. The shirt was also loose, with a wide neckline, which spread from almost the very end of his shoulders, only to finish midway down his chest, with wide loose-fitting sleeves that fell to roughly the elbow. The hems of the outfit, and the neckline, were decorated with extremely fine stitching, which was impossible to see from a distance, but which Pestilence had spent hours working on.
Jenii raised his eyebrow the longer Pestilence’s fussing went on, tilting his head down and looking at his still naked mate. “Not good enough?”
Pestilence smiled honestly, practically sparking with the expression. “My Shadow makes the clothes I made him look so handsome.” He wrapped his arms around Jenii’s neck, trying to make him lower his head.
Jenii obliged, closing his eyes slightly as the Force ran his fingers through the Demon’s hair, gathering it carefully. His fine, feathered hair was normally a first-class pain to control, and today was no exception. However it seemed a little easier for the Force to tie it back with another band of red then the task might have for Jenii.
Jenii opened his eyes slowly as the task was completed, only half-lidding them, aware even before he did so how Pestilence’s face would look, that wide and enthralled smile across his deep red lips and his eye radiating with so much joy.
“You look so sexy, handsome and rarr!” Pestilence only just managed to keep from squeaking.
Jenii smirked, nudging against the Force’s cheek. “Rarr… What is ‘rarr’?”
“You are!” Pestilence tightened his grip around the Shadow’s neck, pushing his body closer and seeming unwilling to let go.
The Shadow knew if Pestilence stayed there that much longer, he couldn’t be held responsible for pinning him to the floor and making some explosions, so he forced himself to nudge the little dark-skinned Being away. “Getting married naked?”
Pestilence gasped a little, like he’d forgotten, slipping away from the Demon and almost tumbling over. He managed to catch himself, scooping up the bag from the table and starting towards the curtained off areas. “Will be just a second, I want it to be a surprise, so just stay there, okay?”
Jenii grunted an amused sound, wondering where exactly he would go. “Don’t take all day, or I might have to wander off.”
“I don’t take that long!” Pestilence ducked under one of the curtains, disappearing from sight.
Jenii shook his head with amusement. Maybe not a day, but he might not have expected to see the little Force again for at least an hour. It left him plenty of time to have that internal battle about his nerves while wondering why he was so worried.
It was either his excitement or the fact he wanted to prove he could get dressed in less than an hour, but Pestilence got ready with remarkable speed considering who he was. It was maybe only fifteen minutes later that the curtain fluttered again, the little Force stepping out almost nervously, making sure each step was carefully placed so he didn’t fall over. He tilted his head slightly, with a little bit of uneasiness, standing in a light spot so his mate could get a good look at him.
His outfit was considerably lighter than Jenii’s – primarily purple, lilac and yellow. His trousers were made from a rich purple fabric Jenii had bought him in Makai, ballooning and then catching at his ankles, tied around the waist in a way akin to Jenii’s pants, but with a rich, softly shimmering yellow fabric that echoed his hair. Falling down from his sash was a rich lilac fabric, edged with the same yellow and ending in a delicate golden charm. He had no shirt, instead compensating for it with a semi-translucent lilac veil, which fell over his hair, curtaining either side of his face, and pooling and sliding over his shoulders and chest like liquid. Golden decorations and jewellery dripped from his arms and neck, some nestled within his hair, catching in the light and making his deep chocolate form seem darker and richer.
“You like it?” Pestilence asked anxiously after a moment of silence. He fidgeted a little, turning himself in a clumsy circle and then skittering closer to his lover. “I know, it’s just a little home-made thing, but-”
Jenii silenced the Force by reaching out and tilting his face up towards him. His calloused hand lingered there a moment, tracing over the boyishly delicate jaw, before tracing down along a fold in the veil, looking down Pestilence’s body before back at his face.
“I never thought it possible for you to look this beautiful,” He said with quiet honesty in his gravely, baritone.
Pestilence made a soft noise, almost embarrassed but definitely flattered. He pushed himself onto the tips of his toes, pressing his lips just barely against Jenii’s, the softest and purest of kisses. “I love you.”
“Hnn,” Jenii nuzzled against Pestilence’s cheek softly, licking a short, affectionate lap across the skin. “We should get to that Holy ground before I set about making you impure and dirty.”
Pestilence gave a little amused noise, turning back and forcing their clothes back into the bag, tying it up and leaving it by the door for it to be collected later. He turned back to Jenii, holding out his hand cutely. “Ready?”
“Not nervous?”
Jenii paused a moment visibly, before taking Pestilence’s hand, neatly avoiding the question. “I’m ready.”
Pestilence smiled lovingly, nuzzling against Jenii’s right arm affectionately, whispering softly, “I am too.”
Jenii picked up on the fact Pestilence was answering his avoided question, although the relief from not being the only one of them suffering with these internal feelings of worry was only minute.
They stepped out into the now-empty open area of the Elvish town, Pestilence tilting his head up towards Jenii. “They leave it clear for wedding processions.”
Jenii nodded, “So I see.”
“It’s just this way-ee!” Pestilence was suddenly tugged away from Jenii’s hand, stumbling and thudding against someone’s chest.
“Watch it klutz.”
Pestilence blinked dizzily, “Sounds like War.”
“No, really?”
The blonde lifted his head, looking at War’s brown eyes before squealing and wrapping his arms tightly around the other Force’s neck. Then, just as abruptly, he pulled back, pouting seriously. “I told them not to make you come.”
“Good thing they didn’t then, innit?” War slipped his arm around Pestilence’s waist tugging him a little further away from Jenii. “Portal’s are great aren’t they?”
The Shadow remained silent, half internally reminding himself not to rip War’s arm out of its socket and half musing. He was aware that War wanted to talk to Pestilence in private, but he wasn’t going to allow him that kindness, especially not after all the upset he knew the other Force had caused Pestilence. Instead he merely folded his arms over his chest, casually fixing his gaze on the two of them, eager to let War know he wasn’t going to get any privacy today.
It earned Jenii a glare that would have left the Fire Demon six-foot under if looks could kill, but that just made it a little more sweet.
War turned his gaze back to Pestilence, expression totally shifting to a softer, more affectionate look. “You know, I love ya, and you know there’s this little unselfish bit of me that’s kinda glad you’re happy and everything, but I got too much selfish in there, Sunshine. So sorry, most of me would wish you were only somewhat happy and hanging around with me.”
Pestilence opened his mouth to say something only to have War put his hand over his mouth. “Shaddup, I’m talking. In any case, the unselfish part of me is happy for ya, even if you are getting married to a corpse who should be long dead and is no where near good enough for you.”
“Ass.” Pestilence smiled behind War’s hand. “Only you would insult me on my wedding day.”
“Am I talking?”
Pestilence nodded a little, smiling a little more and not saying another word.
“So basically, the unselfish bit also wanted me to come and say I’m sorry I couldn’t come, ya know? That part would like to, small though it is, but even that little bit would rather die than have to watch myself give ya up like that. Clear?”
Pestilence smiled brightly, pulling War’s hand down from his face. “But you did come!”
War almost smiled, “Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I’m not staying.”
“I don’t care!” Pestilence flung his arms around War’s neck, nuzzling against his friend’s cheek. “You still came!”
“Heh… dork.” War wrapped his arms around Pestilence’s waist tightly, turning his head a little and kissing Pesti’s cheek tenderly. He shifted his head towards the blonde’s ear, whispering very softly towards him – and Jenii found enough courtesy in himself not to strain and listen to what War had to say; barely.
War lifted his gaze from Pestilence’s head, to Jenii’s face and it was amazing how fast his expression shifted back to incredibly hard and full of hatred. Jenii prided himself on being able to read people’s body language and he knew exactly what War was sending despite the abhorrence. The simple message that if Jenii did anything, anything, to upset Pestilence then War would not hesitate in killing him.
The Shadow Demon inclined his head just barely, hardly perceptible had anyone been looking, accepting that condition. Rather than settling the plum-haired Force, it only intensified his glare, before he reached behind him, unclamping Pestilence’s hands with an ease that must have taken years to learn. He kissed the back of Pestilence’s hand softly. “Later Klutz. Love ya.”
Pestilence was positively shining with his smile, “Thank you!” He waited, watching War until the point he couldn’t see him anymore, before turning to Jenii and squeaking happily, “War came!” as though Jenii hadn’t been standing there the whole time.
Jenii couldn’t help but find Pestilence’s happiness completely infectious, smiling a little as he wrapped his arm around the Force’s waist, bringing his face close to his lover’s and speaking seriously, “I noticed.”
“He came!” Pestilence squealed again, unable to get over it.
Jenii smirked, setting about nuzzling over Pestilence’s face. It was more a move to remove War’s scent from his lover than to settle him, but it seemed to do that as well, the Force taking a deep breath and smiling calmly, taking hold of Jenii’s hand again.
“Are we going then?”
“Nhn…” Jenii managed to bite back mentioning that he didn’t mind if they remained here. After all there was no need to mention that, he wasn’t nervous; much.
Pestilence smiled reassuringly, “Just have to do whatever I do, remember? And agree to my vows, nothing to worry about my love.”
“I know. You’ve explained it to me.”
“Okay then,” Pestilence nuzzled against Jenii’s arm once more, then tugged his hand once again towards that decorated path between the trees.
The pathway was somewhat narrow, flanked by thick, softly coloured trees and carpeted in pliable grass, remaining that way for a fair distance before it suddenly opened out into a more open, circular area. The seating was natural, as one might expect from Wood Elves, separated into two sides with a path between them which lead to the – equally natural, with vines and flowers growing upon it – alter, where Kneenah stood in light, flowery clothing, waiting for them.
Death had been as good as his word, which could have been expected, bringing everyone who had wished to come to the First Realm. Now all the guests, who’d been gossiping amongst themselves and waiting patiently and not-so-patiently, turned towards the soon-to-be-weds, a little ripple of whispering waving through them, although they were mostly quieting down now.
Jenii decided that nerves had without a doubt hit him for the first and strongest time in his life, and he definitely did not like it.
Pestilence, on the other hand, without a shy bone in his body and used to dressing as an extrovert, merely smiled brightly at everyone, letting go of Jenii’s hand. “If I fall,” He informed everyone with a giggle, “you’re not allowed to laugh, because it’s my wedding.” With that the little blonde took a deep breath, tilting his head a little higher and starting to walk down the aisle between the seats.
He took each step slowly, very carefully, very calculated, bringing one foot down and then drawing the other foot beside it before moving that foot forward, absolutely determined not to fall on his backside on his wedding procession. He almost managed with just a few little wobbles, which could easily be ignored, losing his footing at the alter, and falling onto one knee. Casually brought his other knee down, kneeling as he should and acting as if the whole thing was entirely intentional. He tilted his head up a little more and allowed Kneenah to lay two paint-like dots on his forehead before turning his head a little towards where Jenii remained standing, a little ‘Your turn’ expression in his eye.
The Shadow caught his hesitation, so he assumed most everyone else did too. Luckily he managed to keep his agitated growl internal. This was ludicrous; completely and utterly insane. Hadn’t he decided months ago that he was going to take this step to be with Pestilence? It was half the reason they had gone to Makai for Jenii to get Pestilence a promise-slash-engagement ring. He had been dead-set since the winter that he wanted to take this step with Pestilence and now he was suddenly of the impression that walking down to that alter was the single most terrifying experience he’d ever had.
No. No, it wasn’t. It was strangely nerve-wreaking right now, but in the end it would be one of the best experiences in his now Eternal-lifetime. Pestilence had told him this ‘cold feet’ thing was common, he wasn’t the only one to feel it, it was fine. He could cope.
He hoped.
Somehow the Demon managed to get himself to move, walking with a slow deliberateness down the aisle-way, mostly fighting with the urge to just turn around on each step and a little doing his best not to limp on his right leg. The heat of the atmosphere and dip in the pool – minor though it was – seemed to be doing it well though, so he didn’t have to work so hard to disguise it, finally completing what had to be the longest walk of his life, kneeling down beside Pestilence and accepting the clay-paint dots upon his own forehead.
Kneehan smiled, laying down her bowl of paint and holding her hands in an Elvish prayer-stance. “We learn about how to live from nature. We are all created alone, but we need others to grow and survive. The trees need to join with the soil to grow, and the soil needs the trees to help it become richer and more fertile.
“Higher Beings also need to be joined together in a beneficial union, which will help them physically, mentally and spiritually. With a union like this, they will grow in happiness together for so long as they both live.”
She turned her head a little, looking down at Pestilence and Jenii. “Do you both agree you wish to be joined in this union together? That you will help the other and that you believe the other will help you?”
Pestilence spoke first, as he’d promised to do so Jenii would know what to do. “Yes, I do,” He spoke with softness that made it seem like all his happiness had forced him to near-silence, yet his voice still carried easily.
Kneenah nodded and looked at Jenii.
Once again the Demon felt himself hesitate, just barely reigning back from scowling. Before he could even gather his thoughts to tell himself there was no need to be nervous, he felt a feather-light touch on his hand. Pestilence’s own little dark-skinned one had slid closer to Jenii’s, his little finger just lightly tracing over Jenii’s scarred flesh. As happened so often with them, Pestilence needed no words and Jenii instantly understood, glancing back up from their hands to the Elven Maiden. “Yes, I do.”
Kneenah nodded, picking up another wooden bowl and starting to mix spices and herbs within it while she spoke. “In order to grow together, you must first be willing to take and learn of each others pasts. Be willing to protect and save each other from your fears; yet understand that even with that there are some places within a Being’s mind that no one must tread.” She laid the bowl between them. “These are your pasts, every experience you’ve had alone, which you must both accept to have a future together.”
Pestilence nodded a little to show he understood, before dipping his finger in the bowl of spices. Although it was mostly dry, the herbs clung readily to his finger and the little Force lifted his hand towards Jenii’s face – not coming too close, as he didn’t trust his depth perception enough.
Jenii eyed the finger a moment, and then ducked his head forward, curling his tongue around the single digit, drawing it into his mouth, sucking off the spices before pulling back. For once he didn’t have to fight with himself to actually pull back. He really didn’t care for his nerves thing.
Pestilence dropped his hands back into his lap, tilting his head prettily at Jenii, that little ‘your turn’ expression back in his eye.
Jenii obliged, mirroring what Pestilence had done and dipping his finger in the Holy herbs, before holding his hand towards Pestilence, laying his finger against Pestilence’s lips. The little Force coyly drew Jenii’s finger into his mouth, not lingering over the action but it was still enough to spark some small smouldering of lust across Jenii’s nerves. It was good for the Demon to know he wasn’t entirely locked in his cold feet, at least.
Kneenah took a small stone, holding it over the bowl until the herbs burst into small amber flames before dying back down into nothing. “Now you both have promises to make, which no one else can say for you. If you agree to give your heart to someone, you must speak from the heart to be with them.”
Jenii side-glanced at the Elf a moment, oh yes, there was another emotion besides lust and anxiety in him. There was still some guilt. Pestilence had set up the wedding so Jenii – whom he’d known had difficulties enough expressing himself in private, let alone in front of a crowd – barely had to do anything. It felt like cheating somewhat to Jenii, even if he knew Pestilence’s fears were well founded. He doubted he could say much at the moment, much as he wanted to.
He was pulled from his thoughts by Pestilence taking his hands in his smaller ones, smiling – as ever, prettily – at his mate. “Jenii of the Shadow Clan of Makai, I give myself to you entirely, in any and every way I can.”
Jenii refused to allow himself to hesitate this time, focusing his almost-harsh dusky-red eyes on the little Force. If he ignored all else but his mate, it would likely make it so much easier. “And I give myself to you,” He managed to get out in his low voice.
The Fire Demon felt the Force’s hands tremble a little, although he could clearly see Pesti’s excitement trapped within the deep, amethyst eye. There was so much joy and love in there, while it was sparkling with a combination of happiness and tearfulness, it almost seemed deep enough to drown in. “I promise you I’ll do anything I can to help you when you need it, I will protect you with my very life if I have to.”
“And I promise you the same.”
“I swear I will share all my life experiences with you, the good and the bad, and I will gladly share yours with you.”
“I promise you the same.”
“I-” Pestilence’s voice waved a moment with emotion and he ducked his head down, having one of his rare shy moments. One of the tears that had been catching in his eye, slowly began to trace down his cheek, making him release his hold on Jenii’s hands with one of his, aiming for the droplet of salt-water.
Jenii’s hand got there first, brushing off the stray tear before using the barest of touches to nudge Pestilence’s face back towards him. He caught Pestilence’s gaze again with his own and for that moment he could almost have forgotten everyone else there. He could almost have been alone, with nothing and no one else around them.
Almost: He still knew they were there, the apprehension was still dancing across his nerves, but that ‘almost’ was enough to get him to find his voice before Pestilence could compose himself, speaking the vow that Pestilence had stumbled over in a velvet gravely voice, just a bare whisper from a purr. “I tie my soul to yours, and you are my everything, without you I have nothing and my soul will be nothing while my life is meaningless.”
For a moment the blonde was unable to find his voice, clearly overwhelmed. Rapture wasn’t a strong enough word to describe the joy that seemed to be shining out from Pestilence’s entire slender form. The Force finally managed to make a soft noise, before finally discovering words again. “As would mine.”
The moment’s ease – if he could call it that, having to force the words from his discomfort hardly seemed easy – vanished and Jenii could not have begun to say the next line to his mate. Luckily Pestilence had found his voice again, and was more than eager to take the weight off his Shadow again.
“I promise myself to you for the rest of my lifetime, and beyond.”
Jenii nodded his head a little, almost finding the ability to smile, but just falling short. “I promise you the same.”
Kneenah held out her hand between them, two rings resting on her palm. Rings Jenii had suffered through torture to get from Makai – rings which were entirely worth it, in his opinion. Pestilence silently selected the larger, plainer band from her hand, looking up with that tearfully ecstatic expression at Jenii. The Fire Demon indulged him his hand in the same silence, letting the little Force slide the ring onto his finger with delicate ease.
With a nervous giggle, Pestilence pushed himself up so he could reach Jenii’s forehead, making sure he didn’t accidentally poke him in the eye, using his finger to merge the two marks on Jenii’s forehead – no longer two separate souls, but two joined together.
Jenii waited for Pestilence to settle back down on his heels before he took the remaining ring. He slid his hand under Pestilence’s as he moved to slip the ring on, once again almost managing to smile at how much it was trembling, like a bird trapped in his hands. He pushed the band down to meet Pestilence’s other ring, a pretty little mate for it, before merging the marks on Pestilence’s forehead – with his finger, despite having teased the Force a few nights before that he would lick them together.
Kneenah finished adding some liquid to the burnt herbs and spices, lifting the bowl towards Pestilence, who took it with utmost caution because of his shaking hands. “From this point on, you are joined in the union of two souls who love each other. These are your future experiences you will have singularly and together. Please share this as your first experience.”
Pestilence smiled a little, delicately dipping his head and drinking a little of the mixture, before offering the bowl to Jenii who took it before his clumsy husband could drop it, mirroring his actions. The mixture was somewhat bitter, but only in some subtle background texture, mainly a combination of sweet, minty and sour. It was definitely an experience.
The Shadow placed the bowl down beside them, as Pestilence pushed himself back up towards Jenii’s face, wrapping his arms around his neck and pressing his lips against Jenii’s in the softest, purest of kisses. The tension and nerves were flying from Jenii’s every muscle and thought now, so he found it too easy to cup Pestilence’s fragile jaw in his hand, pushing the kiss just a little bit deeper, sweeping his tongue into Pestilence’s warm mouth. The taste of the mixture lingered there, just perceptible beyond the Force’s usual taste.
Jenii forced himself back from that mouth, much as he didn’t want to, Pestilence’s body lingering against his a moment before the Force found his own strength to pull back.
“The Forest, Gods and myself offer you our congratulations,” Kneenah’s voice was soft but obtrusive. “You will stand as joined souls, and we wish every happiness in your lifetimes together.”
Jenii rose with all the ease he could gather, managing to right himself in time to catch Pestilence’s little stumble. His arm wrapped around the Force’s waist, tightly and possessively – all the anxiety gone, without much trace of it ever having been there, leaving only lusts and affections. His arm likely would have remained there the rest of the day, if not for Lane pouncing onto his back at that point. Pestilence smirked a little, pulling back away from Jenii enough to allow Sex to pounce Jenii’s other side.
“Aw, tall, dark and scarry got married,” Sex gushed, grinning widely at the Shadow.
“And not to you and me,” Lane giggled.
“Well I suppose Pesti’s good enough substitute for us.”
“I’m still heart-broken,” The Koorime wailed, flopping dramatically.
Jenii grunted with mild irritation. “Shouldn’t you be watching your plant?”
“He’s fine, aintcha Jiinjiin?” Sex turned to look over her shoulder at the little plant-boy standing behind her, one hand attached to Sex’s pants, the other holding their gryphon against his chest. Mutely Jiin nodded and hid more behind Sex. “See? He’s good. Your outfit is fabulous sweetheart, I’ll really have to buy you a red shirt to go with your black jeans.”
Jenii hissed, using his one good arm to disentangle both Lane and Sex at the same time.
Lane giggled again, “I don’t think he likes the jeans.”
“He loves the jeans,” Sex insisted. “They turn Pesti on.”
“What doesn’t?”
“Good point!”
Halo, the little gryphonette, wriggled out of Jiin's grip, bouncing up onto Sex’s shoulders and then over onto Jenii’s. It gave a cross between a chirp and a purr, nuzzling against Jenii’s cheek and rubbing its snow-leopard-like body against Jenii’s neck.
The Shadow smirked, reaching up and scratching behind the ear-tufts of feather on the hawk-like head. “Bored during the wedding were you, featherball?”
Halo crooned, cracking open his beak enough to lick Jenii’s cheek affectionately.
“Nhnn, I bet you were,” Jenii was about half a tone from baby-talking the little cat-bird.
“Look at that affection,” Sex tutted, pulling Jiin up into her arms and letting him burrow into her breasts. “We don’t get that, do we?”
“Nope, not at all,” Lane pouted. “We just get pulled off.”
“I’ll pull you off later,” Sex smirked, bumping hips with Lane.
“Promises, promises,” Lane stuck his tongue out at Sex.
AralainShai, Lane’s mother, giggled behind her hand. “You two, really…” She turned her attention back to Pestilence, hugging the little Force with a happy giggle. “Now, you must take good care of my Shadow Knight, make sure he doesn’t run off to anymore battles. He’s a house-demon now.”
Pestilence smiled prettily at the woman everyone had once assumed Jenii was attracted to. “I promise; I’ll do my best.”
Ara affectionately fixed his veil, “I’m sure you will – and you,” She turned towards Jenii, laying her hands on her willowy hips. “I don’t believe I ever thought I’d see the day when you got married.”
“It’s only by some strange miracle that you have,” Jenii informed her in perfect monotone, still idly scratching the gryphon’s head.
Ara giggled, holding out her hands to the Shadow. Obediently Jenii took them in one of his. “I wish you every happiness, my gallant Shadow Knight,” The First Lady of Koorime said with a softly beautiful voice. “You’ve certainly earnt that much.”
Jenii inclined his head humbly, “Thank you.”
“How come he’s so nice to you and not us?” Lane pouted at his mother.
“I’m special.”
“But I bet you’ve never been in a hover-car!” Sex grinned, clicking her fingers and tapping her shoulder. Halo dutifully gave Jenii one last lick, hopping back over to Sex’s shoulder and then flopping across her head. “But I can fix that, come on ‘rimeys.”
Pestilence giggled, “Have fun.”
“We will!”
“And don’t do too much of what I exist for!”
Jenii saw the opportunity to get his arm back around Pestilence, and missed it by mere seconds, being tackled by a flying streak of orange, black and white.
“Jenii look pretty!” Bastian exclaimed happily.
“Mrr. Cat.”
Pestilence giggled, making sure Bastian didn’t agitate any of Jenii’s lingering battle wounds. “Yes, he’s very handsome.”
Bastian blinked his odd eyes at Pestilence, flicking his tail slowly with a little confusion. “Pesti pretty too.”
“Thank you,” Pestilence smiled happily, eager to accept any complement that came his way.
“Are both doing something special?”
It was Pestilence’s turn to blink, looking up at Jenii and then back at Bastian. “We just got married.”
“You were sitting right over there, watching,” Jenii sighed with irritation, trying to detach the cat-demon.
Bastian thought with complete seriousness for a few moments, before breaking into a wide smile, “Oh yeah! Yay!”
“You had to bring the fluff-butt,” Jenii growled with more irritation than he really felt.
“Ya tol’ me to; and her too,” Tanji muttered, holding up Jenii’s spiked sword; a container for the Youkai Goddess of War. Before Tanji could mutter something else and then disappear, Pestilence squeaked and flung his arms around the smaller Fire Demon’s neck.
“Thank you for coming!” Pestilence beamed as widely as he had when he’d seen War previously. “I know it was very difficult for you, but means so much to me.”
Tanji remained still a moment, almost as if unsure what to do with himself, or even internally battling with a thousand different thoughts at once. Then he wrapped his arms around Pestilence, being careful with the spikes on the sword hilt, hugging him back. “Yeah, well… ya know.” That said he pulled himself away from the Force, holding out the sword towards the newly-weds. “Wanna talk to her?”
“Er…” Pestilence blushed a little, he was always nervous of talking to the contained-Goddess for some inexplicable reasons.
“No,” Jenii answered simply, managing to detach Bastian and push him more towards Tanji; only to be pounced by yet another person.
“Jehnii!” Chance squeaked, trying to climb up the Shadow’s leg.
“Oyoy, Chancey,” Calm smirked, carrying the heavily pregnant Damael and stepping around Tanji – much to the Fire Demon’s delight as he could now go and hide. “It’s not polite to pounce everyone all the time.”
Chance happily ignored fa’i’s father, babbling away happily in Rumanji – far more proficient in that language than English. “Mama all sicky and ‘zoomi all grr, moody! Chancey happy t’ough, Chancey like wedding lots!”
Pestilence giggled, reaching down and plucking Chance off Jenii, straightening carefully and holding Chance closer to Jenii.
The movement had done nothing to dissuade Chancey’s babble, “Jehnii all pretty! Pestee all pretty! Chancey pretty too!” The little genderless dragonkin gestured to fa’i’s skirt – made from some left over fabric from Pestilence’s veil.
Jenii nodded, “Yes, you and Pestilence are looking very pretty.”
“And you are looking very handsome,” Pestilence smiled happily.
“Pestee smile lots!”
“He always smiles lots,” Mizumi muttered from down at Calm’s feet, trying to avoid having his arm clung to by Ecstasy.
“Smile more!”
“Everyone smiles on their wedding day,” Ecstasy hung off Mizumi’s arm. “When we get married, even Mizumi will smile lots!”
“We’re not getting married!” Mizumi glared before remembering he was supposed to be behaving, growling quietly at Ecstasy who just giggled at him.
“He might crack his face if he did,” Calm put in with a smirk.
“Dad! Don’t encourage her!” Mizumi pouted.
“Jehnii smile lots too!” Chance beamed, wriggling fa’i’s tiny little tail.
Jenii regarded Chance seriously. “Where?”
Chance and Pestilence both pointed to Jenii’s eyes at the same time, before giggling.
Calm rolled his eyes, good naturedly, at them. “Joined the ringed crowd now, big guy. Gonna have to have a pub night or something for all us married men.”
“No you won’t,” Damael pouted. “You are not going out and leaving me alone with the kids every night of the week.”
“Okay sir,” Calm grinned, “you’ll have to punish me later for suggesting such a thing.”
Damael flushed, distracting himself by changing the subject. “It was a lovely wedding.”
“Thank you,” Pestilence smiled. “But yours was nice too.”
“I preferred this one…” Calm cocked an eyebrow at Damael, making the Kouryou blush a little more. “Well there were too many people!” He excused.
“I know, I know. We’ll have to have a second wedding for our anniversary.”
Chance giggled, “Dada silly.”
“Very silly,” Jenii agreed, managing to get his arm around Pestilence and ducking his head to nuzzle Chance to distract himself from the overwhelming heat urges that were steadily building up. “I can’t imagine anyone wanting to go through that again.”
Pestilence fondly nuzzled Jenii while he was at the right level for it. “Poor Shadow had cold feet.”
Chance blinked with confusion, looking down at Jenii’s feet and then pointing with the highest amount of seriousness. “No s’oes.”
Pestilence couldn’t help but laugh, a totally feminine and happy sound. “No, no shoes. Me neither though.”
“Pestee ne’er wear s’oes.”
Pestilence just continued to giggle, nuzzling against Chance’s hair affectionately.
Ecstasy was pushed off Mizumi’s arm again, and she took the opportunity to blindly wander to Pestilence’s legs, tugging on the soft material of his pants. “Do you have flowers to throw?”
Pestilence shook his head before remembering Ecstasy was blind. “No, no flowers.”
“Oh,” Ecstasy pouted, obviously having heard of the human world tradition of throwing the bouquet.
Pestilence smiled handing Chance to Jenii and kneeling down, selecting one of the jewels from his hair and fixing it into Ecstasy’s. “This is a good luck wedding charm, you will have a happy wedding one day.”
The little Succubus beamed, turning back around where she could scent Mizumi, “Don’t I look beautiful?”
“No,” Mizumi stuck his tongue out at her.
Ecstasy pouted, her hands finding her little undeveloped hips. “Don’t you sass me, boy.”
“I’m not sassing you!”
Chance tugged on Jenii’s face, pointing over behind them, where the remaining guests were mingling amongst themselves. “Dweamie here!”
“Nhnn, I see.” Dream was indeed there, dressed in fa’i’s official working clothes, standing beside Life – both of whom had come as official representation of Pestilence’s species for the wedding. In fact, Life had insisted upon being present at the wedding. Jenii wasn’t sure how to feel about that. The blonde-haired female Force had twice tried to separate them – apparently doing her job, but that didn’t make him feel any kinder towards her.
“Nice of them to come,” Pestilence didn’t sound totally convinced at his words.
“Work related of them to come,” Calm corrected, watching Chance wriggle out of Jenii’s grip, dropping to the floor and scampering over to pounce the fellow Genderless Being. “And here’s Sabine, done tripping over her tongue because Famine’s at a wedding.”
Sabine gave Calm a look, “I am not tripping over my tongue.”
Calm smirked, “You’re very giggly though.”
“She gets that way around Famine,” Death dryly informed Calm.
Famine grunted, glaring at Death in a typical gesture to make him shut up. Death gave a charming half-smile, stepping back so that the smallest Horseman only managed to capture Famine in his bear-hug.
“I'm so happy you came!” Pestilence squealed, for what had to be the hundredth time that time.
Famine pulled what could only be described as a disgusted ‘he’s hugging me’ face, but clearly forced herself not to push him away – after all, it was the idiot’s wedding day. But that stiff, discomfort was all he’d get, Famine was in no way going to going to return the affection.
Sabine giggled at Famine’s expression, shifting the sleeping baby in her arms. “So cute!” She squeaked before she could stop herself.
“Hnn,” Famine was definitely not happy. She hesitated a moment, raising an eyebrow at a lingering scent on Pestilence before shaking her head and managing to untangle him. “Fuck off.”
Pestilence smiled affectionately, “I’m fucking off, Famine. Love you too!”
Calm made an amused noise, “Sabine and Pesti, the only Beings alive that can get away with calling Famine cute or telling her they love her.” He grinned at Famine’s glare, “What?”
Famine snorted, folding her arms over her flat, muscular chest. “You clean up okay, Shadow.”
Jenii smirked, “Shame I can’t repay the complement.”
The blue-haired Force snorted again; glaring at Jenii with the same ‘shut-up’ look she’d given Death. Famine had refused point-blank to get dressed up for the wedding – especially since it was ‘only the girl’s’. Besides which, the Force hadn't bothered to have any of the wounds from the Onyx battle healed, so her skin was hardly in the best condition - not that she seemed to care. The gender-confused Force reached behind her leg, pulling Remy around in front of her.
Remy blinked and then smiled nervously, “Congratulations.”
Sabine beamed with maternal pride at her son’s manners, while petting Honey’s little red curls to try and wake her.
“Thank you Remy!” Pestilence smiled teasingly at Famine and then looked back at Remy. “Is Famine going to take you to see her ranch?”
“Mhm, she had lots of equines and dragons… everything you can get in this Realm that you can ride.” Pestilence blissfully ignored the ‘shut-up’ glare that was heading his way.
Remy chewed his lip, unsure if he wanted to see dragons big enough to ride, but pretty sure he’d like to see the equines. He looked up at Famine, trying to catch her gaze. “Ranch?”
Famine finished glaring at Pestilence, glancing back down at Remy and shrugging. “Ask your mother.”
“That sounds fun, if it’s okay.” Sabine blinked pretty blue eyes at Famine. The French girl had to wait a few minutes before Famine grunted that noise she’d learnt meant ‘fine’, squeaking happily and hugging the sleeping baby against her chest.
“Oyoy, you got pushed into that one,” Calm smirked.
“You’ll find it difficult to push Famine where she does not wish to be pushed,” Death remarked. “I believe both your husband and your son wish to get home as soon as possible.”
“And Tanji,” Pestilence added. “And Din- oh.” The little newly-wed blinked around the faces until he spotted the Koorime who’d surprised them all by coming, squeaking and pushing his way over to thank and latch onto him.
“Are you sure you wanted to marry that?” Famine slowly raised an eyebrow at Jenii.
“Very sure,” Jenii smirked. He had to be amused that he was almost getting a repeat of the look War had given him earlier – only the versions Death and Famine were giving him were definitely friendlier.
“Hey Kiddo,” Calm looked down at Mizumi who was quietly growling at Ecstasy and trying to shake her off his arm again, “did you say congratulations?”
Mizumi glared at Remy, and then fixed his expression to his neutral behaving face, looking at the scarred Fire Demon. “Congratulations,” He at least half-attempted to sound like he meant it.
Calm glanced over his shades with a grin, “Oy… my kid, eh?”
“Shame he hasn’t learnt to at least act charming yet,” Sabine said, shifting Honey up on her chest. “Look who’s awake!”
Honey blinked her large yellow pupil-less eyes sleepily, before yawning and nuzzling back against Sabine’s chest and falling back asleep.
Sabine giggled and then playfully-pouted. “Honey’s not learnt to act polite yet either.”
“Ah well, what does an old warrior know of manners anyway?” Jenii offered to take Honey, holding her easily and nuzzling the sleeping little face. Honey opened her eyes again a moment before mumbling sleepily and closing them again. Jenii almost-smiled, giving her a short little lick, “No, I won’t miss you either.”
“Yeah, ‘wont’, sure she’ll spend the next however-long wondering where her adopted daddy is,” Calm grinned. “Or is that Famine?”
“Someone shut him up before I cut his tongue out,” Famine snarled.
Damael smiled nervously at Famine and then smacked Calm across the head with his tail. “Shush idiot!”
“Rarr, I love that.”
Jenii managed to hand Honey back to Sabine seconds before Pestilence attached himself to his arm. The Fire Demon wound his arm around Pestilence’s waist, pulling him tighter against him and nuzzled into under the veil to where he could find some thick, blonde hair. “Nn… Finally attacked by the person I want.”
Pestilence giggled, nudging his head up and kissing Jenii. “My husband.”
“You’ll be getting married next, right Famine?”
“Calm!” Damael squeaked covering his head with his hands from the attack he was sure was going to come.
Calm sniggered. “You’re right Moonlight, it is time we were heading home. Okay family and tag-along, quick march.”
Jenii shook his head slightly, returning his full attention to his new husband pressed against him. It was definitely getting hard to ignore those lustful feelings sparking across his nerves. “Where’s this house of yours?”
Pestilence gave Jenii a sly look, “Surprised you didn’t ask ‘where’s the nearest flat surface?’”
“Given a few more minutes it will turn into that. A few more and I won’t even care if the surface is flat.”
“Sounds like my heat-filled Demon Warrior.” Pestilence ran his hands over Jenii’s shirt, smoothing the fabric so it fell just right. “I’ll go get our bag, then Death can take us to ‘this house’ of mine.”
“Just you?”
“You might be tempted to make the Holy ground unholy,” Pestilence smirked. He lingered a moment before pushing up onto his toes and kissing Jenii’s jaw. “Back in a second.” He scampered back out of the area, only crashing into a few of the seats along the way.
Jenii watched Pestilence’s backside until it was out of sight, only then fully realising there was someone beside him. He turned his head slightly to take in the almost anorexic-thin figure of Life.
The blonde and lilac haired woman was glaring off at some fixed direction, seeming unwilling to take in anything else. Finally she spoke, without breaking her gaze so it seemed she could have been talking to anyone, “Your memories can be returned to you.”
Jenii took a moment to replay that sentence in his head. “Beg pardon?”
“You heard me.” Life pushed two long lilac braids over her shoulders. “Think about it.” And as suddenly as she had been beside him, she was back over the other side of the clearing, standing behind Dream who was smiling and talking to Chance.
The Fire Demon couldn’t help but blink in mild bemusement. He wasn’t given much time to really reflect on the matter as Pestilence stumbled back over and latched onto him with a wide smile. “My husband!”
Being as they were near-enough alone now, the smile was easier coming to Jenii’s face. He lowered his head and nuzzled into Pestilence’s hair.
The blonde Force smiled even wider at Jenii’s smile, as was so often the case, wraping his arms around Jenii’s neck and once again looking like he was barely holding back from bouncing. “I love you!”
“I adore you, and I’m going to ravish you until sunset right here unless you get us somewhere more private.”
“Mmn… a public showing of how very hot and sexy my Shadow is…” Pestilence mused seriously, tilting his head back a little as Jenii nuzzled his way down to his neck.
“I think perhaps you will be wanting transport elsewhere now, correct?” Death asked calmly, having stepped away from the conversation he had been pushed into.
Pestilence giggled, “He always knows.”
“You say that as though you are both not being somewhat obvious,” Death remarked casually, raising his eyebrow.
Jenii lifted his head from nipping at Pestilence’s neck, “Hn?”
“I said nothing of importance. Are you both ready then?”
“Mhm!” Pestilence beamed, refusing to remove his arms from around Jenii’s neck – which was somewhat of a good thing, since Jenii wasn’t letting go of Pestilence’s waist with his good arm.
“Very well then.” There was a brief second where they were standing within nothing, but it barely registered before they were standing outside the little house that Pestilence called home.
It was almost log-cabin like in design, which was fitting considering the surrounding area was a wide – near enough empty stretch of land. Behind the house were a stretch of mountains which gave the area a cooler air.
Pestilence gave a happy little gasp, “My home-” He paused before smiling brightly, “Our home now.”
“Nhnn,” Jenii licked the corner of that pretty mouth, unable to stop himself smiling at the happiness in his lover’s voice.
“I shall leave you two alone now then. I suppose I’ll be seeing you after your honeymoon.”
Pestilence forced himself away from Jenii enough to turn around and look at Death. “Mhm, thank you so much for all your help.”
“It’s quite alright.” Death seemed to hesitate a moment, before speaking again, his voice almost seeming less distant than was usual. “If any one of us deserves to find and be happy with their soulmate, it’s you. I would wish you both happiness, but I already know you’ve found it.”
Pestilence’s expression shifted to a somewhat softer more affectionate and almost proud smile. “Thank you…”
“In any case, as I said, I will see you after your honeymoon.” The Reaper’s voice was distant once again before he disappeared from sight leaving him alone.
“I think he approves of my ravishing you to within an inch of your life,” Jenii commented sombrely.
Pestilence laughed and pushed away from Jenii, towards the lock of his door. “It always comes down to getting into my ass.”
“Of course it does.” Jenii prowled back up against Pestilence’s back, gripping said-ass with his hand.
Pestilence swatted at his hand, “Bad General.” He found his golden rune-ring and placed it into a small indentation on the locking keypad, punching in some numbers and waiting for the door to open.
Jenii was too distracted too care about the technology, purring a little. “What General?”
Pestilence pushed open the door, replacing his ring and looking up at Jenii through his bangs coyly. “Bad General.”
The Shadow growled deeply in his throat, pinning Pestilence neatly against the wall. “You know I’ve been waiting a day to have you.”
“And you can’t wait a few more seconds to get in the house?”
Jenii contemplated the question seriously. “No.” He ducked his head to capture Pestilence’s lips, growling again at the taste of them, only then realising he’d been desperate for that taste since the wedding kiss.
Pestilence was breathless and attractively flushed when Jenii finally forced himself to pull back. The blonde pouted a little, “But… you promised you’d carry me over the threshold.”
“Nhn… but I didn’t promise it would be before sex.” Jenii’s eyes traced along Pestilence’s neck, his head moving towards it without his really realising.
Pestilence caught Jenii’s head with his hands, blinking prettily as he could manage. “Please?”
“Hn… like I can refuse that.” Jenii bit softly at those pouting lips before abruptly dragging Pestilence up and over his shoulder.
Pestilence squeaked and then giggled, “Don’t think you’re supposed to carry me like this.”
“New tradition.” Jenii closed the door behind him, glancing around at the room the front door lead in to, most things barely registering as he carried Pestilence over to a fireplace, setting him down there. “Nnn… sex by firelight.”
Pestilence laughed, “The sun is still up and I have beds upstairs.”
“Sex now, beds later.” Jenii glanced at the dry wood in the fireplace, stretching his hand towards it and concentrating until it burst into flames. “Sex now, by firelight.”
Pestilence shook his head, smiling with amusement, “You’re silly, my Shadow.”
“I’m barely holding back from throwing you to the floor and raping you,” Jenii nuzzled under Pestilence’s veil and hair, licking at his neck between words as he tried to sample each flavour of every inch of skin. “Even so, the first sex we have as newly-weds should be as romantic as I can make it, right?”
The blonde smiled and spoke with perfect honesty, “Jenii, every time I’m with you it’s romantic.”
“You have a strange idea of romance then.”
Pestilence hummed an agreeing noise, nudging Jenii’s head upwards so he could lick the merged mark off Jenii’s forehead. He made an amused sound at Jenii’s growl, “That was sexy?”
“Very,” A growl rumbled behind Jenii’s words as he tried to capture Pestilence’s lips.
“I didn’t do anything,” Pestilence teased, keeping his head tipped out of Jenii’s reach.
“Oh yes you did,” Jenii gripped Pestilence’s backside, pulling the little Force tighter against him.
“My poor heat-filled Shadow,” Pestilence hummed pityingly.
“Hnn, poor me. Have to have sex with the most beautiful creature in all existence.” Jenii gave up on Pestilence’s mouth for the moment, licking off the marking staining Pestilence’s forehead. It had a soft, almost savoury taste, only sweetened by the flavour of Pestilence’s skin. Jenii looked at Pestilence seriously, “I have told you that you look absolutely stunning today, haven’t I?”
A spark of pleased embarrassment lit up in Pestilence’s eye. “Mhn, told me something like that.”
“You look beautiful every day, but today you look breath-taking. More beautiful than anything on earth should look.”
Pestilence blushed a little, pressing his finger to Jenii’s lips to try and quiet him. “Shush, my Shadow…”
“So beautiful… There is no way you could look any more beautiful than you do now.” Jenii caught that finger with his mouth, biting it just less than gently while his hand ran down Pestilence’s spine, fingers seeking the small of the Force’s back and working against the flesh there.
Pestilence closed his eye, gasping a little wordless sound, almost completely losing himself at just that somewhat minor attention to his more sensitive areas. The barest shudder ran through him, almost unnoticeable except for how tightly Pestilence was pressed against Jenii’s chest.
Jenii growled around Pestilence’s finger, “There you go, proving me wrong.” He abandoned the dark digit, crashing his mouth against Pestilence’s and kissing him deeply, lust and need taking over where there may have been attempts at expressing his love.
Pestilence didn’t seem to care what emotions were there, so long as Jenii was close to him, wrapping his arms around the Demon’s neck to hold him there as long as they could manage without breath and sliding one of his legs against Jenii’s hip – trusting his Shadow not to let him fall.
Jenii growled loudly as he managed to force himself away to catch his breath, almost losing it to a possessive snarl. “Mine.”
Pestilence pressed his body a little closer to the Demon’s, dusting little affectionate kisses across his jaw. “Yours… no one can say… otherwise now.”
Jenii managed to bite back the words ‘need you now’, reminding himself that even despite the heat pulsing through his body and desperately trying to control his actions, he needed to make this special as long as he could. Difficult as it was he managed to loosen his grip on Pestilence just enough that he could settle them both down on the floor, Pestilence tucked almost possessively under his body.
The warmth from the fire beside them was nothing compared to the raging inferno burning through Jenii’s whole body, but somehow he found it in himself to pull back from that need enough that they could at least spend time on the foreplay.
And they did take their time, exploring over each others bodies with their hands and fingers, lips, tongue and teeth. Every last inch of skin that was bared as they unhurriedly stripped each other was subject to a thousand and one little attentions. Jenii was almost surprised at how comparatively easy it was to forget his lusts for the moment and just focus on Pestilence’s warmth and taste.
He could only ignore those desires for so long though, the second Pestilence took his hand and drew two of his fingers into his hot little mouth, the barrier holding back all the Shadow’s needs crashed and crashed hard. Pestilence had to know how very well he worked Jenii’s fingers, he had to know how very wild those soft noises he made while doing so made Jenii. It all had to be calculated and planned to push Jenii closer to the edge, there was no way it was a coincidence.
The Fire Demon wasn’t sure how he managed to hold himself back from just pushing into the Force’s tight heat right then and there, but somehow he managed it, finding the strength somewhere to take his time over preparing his lover, working out the resistances as quickly as he could without hurting him. He didn’t even think to tease Pestilence, that usual game was passed over without even a pretence of it, and Pestilence certainly wasn’t complaining. He didn’t need to be teased, he needed Jenii in him – which was lucky, since that was exactly where Jenii wanted to be.
He tired to savour that first complete thrust – the one that buried him to the hilt in his little Force lover – and for a few seconds he managed to appreciate the heat, the tightness and that delicious feeling of completion.
Only for a few seconds though, then the mating instinct in him flared up stronger than before, forcing him to take a deep and strong rhythm.
Pestilence didn’t seem to mind – he understood what this time of year was like for his lover – just making sure Jenii was as close to him as possible. Tightening his slender, dark legs around Jenii’s waist and using his arms to tug Jenii’s head as close to his own as was possible.
Jenii kissed Pestilence with a deep, lusty possessiveness, not lingering over the job lest he silence those beautiful noises spilling from Pestilence’s lips. He distracted his lips looking for the spot on Pestilence’s neck where his pulse echoed against the skin, pausing there and once again finding the strength to hold back his teeth a moment and just feel the sensations of that erratic heartbeat against his lips.
It was only when he couldn’t stand the need anymore that he bared his teeth and sank them deeply into the smooth, dark flesh, the hot blood spilling freely into his mouth and across Pestilence’s skin, darting across the Shadow’s tongue in a delicious slowing sensation.
Something within the bite pushed them both into a hard, mutual orgasm, leaving them shuddering in each other’s grips. Neither one was really aware of the shockwave of Pestilence’s that had literally rocked the room, and they were both only just realising they’d at some point joined hands, their fingers laced tightly around the others, gripping to each other as if their lives depended on it.
Eventually the weight of afterglow settled over them, calming them both down enough that they could kiss and lick at each other’s faces; the Demon lapping carefully and affectionately until Pestilence’s neck stopped bleeding. Their hands however refused to separate, in spite of how relaxed they got, remaining clasped together desperately.
Pestilence turned his head a little and gazed at their hands with his lone purple eye, before looking back at Jenii. “I love you, my husband.”
Jenii found the strength somewhere to pull their hands towards him, kissing Pestilence’s dark flesh softly. “And I love you, my beautiful husband.”
The little Force made what Jenii was sure was the happiest sound he’d ever heard in his lifetime, wrapping his free arm around Jenii’s neck, nuzzling against his skin and murmuring little wordless sounds. Trying to express everything he couldn’t put into words.
Jenii smiled affectionately, turning and licking lovingly at Pestilence’s cheek. “I know beautiful, I know.”