Water Dragon
Calm is copyrighted to Sallie Drazzi
Damael made a soft squeaking noise as Calm lowered him into the bath, a noise Calm hoped was just from the heat of the water and not from pain. There had been too much in Damael's life already.
The Kouryou settled back into the water, eyes closing, hair floating around him like clouds. He looked so peaceful like that. Calm smiled and settled down beside the tub, cupping water into his hand and spilling it gently over exposed parts of his lover, especially that growing belly.
"That feel better?" he asked softly, not wanting to intrude upon Damael's peace.
"Mhmm, much better... really helps my back. Can't wait until the pool's done, can just float about all day."
"This better than the hammock even?"
"Yes it is," Damael purred, somewhat teasing.
"After all the trouble I went through getting you one just for you and putting it up in the bedroom and... who am I kidding?" Calm grinned, dropping the act, leaning to nuzzle nose to nose with Damael. "My Moonlight's worth everything."
"Still think I'm being a royal pain."
"Nonsense, keep telling you, you have every right to ask for what you want."
"No right to whine..."
"You're in pain, I think if I were carrying our baby, I'd be in pain too."
"That's a scary image," Damael giggled softly.
"Just what I was thinking," Calm screwed up his face at the nasty thoughts. He went back to rubbing water over that tummy, lovingly, always paying attention for subtle movements or kicks. "Going to be a waterbaby holyman."
Damael made another little bubbly amused noise, making a very lazy attempt at splashing Calm.
"Oyoy, you remembered what happened last time, I ended up soaking wet."
"And in here with me."
"And then outta there with you, making sweet sweet love to you," Calm winked, grinning at that blush he'd caused.
Calm smiled even broader. He loved being called that. It meant he was stupid and being overly romantic and embarassing, and Damael was too coy and shy to admit he loved it - so it all got wrapped up into one word that just thrilled Calm to hear now.
"Mmmm," Damael stretched a little, sighing, "It would be so nice to have part of the labour in water, make it so much easier."
"Oyoy? But Spot 2 isn't due until like... late October, certainly can't labour in the pool."
"And people would object, I know, even if Chase came... sooner," Damael made another quiet whimper, and this one was definitely not from the heat of the water.
"Contraction again?" Calm didn't need to ask, he'd felt it under his hand, but he waited for that nod anyway. "Should get you to the Healers."
Damael made an objecting noise, "They'll just start up again later... they're coming faster each time we stop them."
"Well... he can't be born now, can he?"
The Kouryou tensed up, head falling back, panting softly. Calm gently massaged that taut belly, watching his lover worriedly.
"No... no," Damael gasped after it had passed, "he's only... as if six human months developed... is too soon."
"Well then... afraid we're going to have to cut your bath short, Moonlight," Calm sighed, sending the warm and comforting water away, wrapping his partner in a soft towel and cradling him as he stood up. "Sorry... know how you love these baths."
"Heh... it'll still be here..." Damael nuzzled against Calm's chest and closed his eyes.