
Pestilence is copyrighted to Sallie Drazzi


Jenii stopped in the bedroom door, glaring at the wide – and clean – expanse of floor. Everything tidied away, straightened, in their places. Tanji had cleaned it, again.

“I’m going to bite Tanji,” Jenii growled.

The Pestilence draped in his arms giggled, “Trying to make me jealous?”

The fire demon grinned, stalking over and swinging Pesti down onto the bed, pinning him there with his bulk, “A fiercely defensive and possessive Pestilence, yes, I’d like to see that.

The dark-skinned Force squeaked and squirmed into the blankets, either to get comfortable or to try and hide, “Hmmm... no, think would just tease my growling again.”

“I never tease your growling,” Jenii worked his hands beneath Pesti’s shirt, sliding them up along the warm, smooth flesh. Those nipples were so enticing, soft nubs of flesh beneath his calloused palms, but he was working here, had an objective, and couldn’t get distracted.

Pestilence wriggled a little at those touches, “Not with words... Get that look in your eye.”

He leaned up and nipped at Jenii’s bottom lip then, making a subtle noise barely above a whispered breath. Jenii felt a growl rising in his chest, but he suppressed it. There was an objective, no distractions… not even that hot… inviting… sweet…

Pestilence gave up on the nibbling, squirming away from Jenii’s hands. He removed his shirt for his partner, just very, very slowly. Jenii couldn’t keep from watching that, suppressing another growl. All right, he admitted that was a lovely show, and so he reward Pestilence with a long lick up that now-exposed stomach.

The Force arched his stomach up into that attention, demurely dropping his shirt onto the floor over the side of the bed. Then he oh-so-innocently slid his hands under Jenii’s shirt, murmuring in a matching innocent tone, “This off too?”

Jenii nuzzled up along Pesti’s chest, “If you so command,” he nipped at an exposed bit of flesh.

Pestilence giggled softly, “Think once told me, that I wasn't your com... mand... ing officer.” With that he slid Jenii’s shirt off him, licking a line up Jenii's chest as the skin was exposed.

Jenii shooed the shirt over the side of the bed and purred, “I think I once did... however… promotions can always happen.”

The bronze-skinned Force wrapped his arms around Jenii's shoulders and tugged him closer, “Have been promoted then?”

“Hnn... we'll see.”

Pestilence tilted his head a little, thick bits of blonde hair shifting around his face, “Have that bad light in your eyes again.”

“Bad light? What bad light?” Jenii couldn’t resist a little grin.

“The one there that means you are thinking very bad things.”

“It's just... one simple test,” the fire demon slid his hand down Pesti's stomach to undo his jeans, “you can handle it.”

Pesti tilted his hips to help in the removal of the garment, “A test?”

Jenii pushed the jeans down and off, caressing over those strong, lovely thighs, “Nhnn, or an introduction if you prefer.”

The slender Immortal curled one leg over Jenii’s hip to help shift into those touches, “An introduction now?”

Jenii caressed the underside of that thigh, bared in that motion, so soft and smooth, “Nhnn... a little later.”

“Mmmn... okay,” Pestilence sat himself up enough to just barely press his lips against Jenii's, parted just slightly so that his breath fell upon them, “Will wait.”

Jenii made a quiet little growl. He kissed his lover hard enough to push him back down against the bed, not that Pestilence put up much of a fight of course. The Immortal only fought his tongue against Jenii’s as the demon caressed over Pesti’s naked body. Pestilence squirmed, moving and chasing after each and every touch to prolong each one. His slid his own hands down Jenii’s chest to return some of that affection, thumbing firmly over scars.

Jenii nipped playfully at Pesti's lips, nosing at his jaw, “You're so lovely, my beautiful Pestilence.”

Pesti sighed a very content sort of sound, “You are so biased, my handsome Shadow.”

The large demon smiled, smoothing back Pesti's hair for a better look at his face, “Biased with reason to be.”

His little lover giggled softly, smiling that bright shiny smile, “Are just trying to make me totally happy and blushy.”

Jenii purred. Oh yes, he was right, and Jenii’s plan was working too. He kissed him softly and sweetly, “You're even more beautiful when you're happy.”

Without a warning he swiftly flipped Pestilence onto his stomach, the little Force squeaking in surprise. He held him down there, easily despite the meager amount of squirming that sexy little body was doing. His sharp, dark red eyes surveyed that expanse of back.

“Look at this,” Jenii caressed over Pestilence’s shoulder blades, eliciting a shiver from the Force, then down along the spine, “And this… oooh, very nice here,” he rubbed in a circular motion at the small of Pesti’s back, causing him to moan softly. Jenii kept up that attention, leaning to breathe hotly against his ear, “Hnnn yes, just lay there and enjoy this.

“Not giving… me much chance… to do… mmmm… otherwise,” Pesti’s body attempted to move back into those attentions.

The fire demon licked along the curve of Pesti’s ear, “No I’m not. Problem?”

Pestilence murmured a little wordless sound, taking a moment to find his words again, “No… no problem…”

Jenii nipped at that ear, so right there and tempting, begging for attention. Then he slid his body along Pesti’s, stretching over him, reaching and searching over the edge of the bed. The Force’s heartbeat was already tripping, breath already harder, little pleasured noises escaping with each breath.

The Shadow found what he was looking for, grabbing it, nuzzling against Pesti’s cheek, “So easily worked up, aren’t you?”

“By you… if you go for… that spot,” Pestilence turned his head, pouty lips seeking Jenii’s, releasing a little begging whimper.

Jenii buried his fingers in Pesti’s hair, playing in the soft, fluffy mass as he kissed his lover deeply. Pestilence responded with enthusiasm, murmuring soft noises against Jenii's mouth

Jenii pulled back with a smirk after he’d thoroughly tasted Pesti’s mouth, “Quite worked up aren’t you?”

He tucked a vial of massage oil between his teeth, showing it off to Pestilence before slipping back behind him. He massaged his slender lover with both hands, up and down his back. Pesti responded with a long, content hum, settling his cheek against the bed as his fingers slowly tightened on the bedsheets, fisting them whenever the touches ran over sensitive nerves.

“That’s right, nice and relaxed, little beautiful mate… have hardly begun,” he spoke as he set the vial aside, bending to kiss down Pesti’s spine.

Pestilence shivered a little, sighing another content sound, “Mm… hardly begun?”

Jenii knew his little lover tended to get worked up quickly, all of this attention was probably too much for him. “I’m sure you can manage,” he smirked, spilling a pool of oil at the small of Pesti’s back.

The slender body shifted slowly under that sensation, “Mmn… will try to.”

Jenii drew his fingers down through the oil, following the contour of Pesti’s spine, “I suppose it’s not a simple test after all then.” He slid his fingers lower, between the supple mounds of Pesti’s rear to find his entrance, pushing one oiled finger within Pestilence.

Pesti bit his bottom lip and shifted his hips back a little to help push that invasion deeper, needing it so badly, “Ah… never simple if you… exploit mmn… that spot.”

“Sorry, it was just too beautiful, the way you respond to it,” he watched Pestilence, gauging those reactions, how fast he should proceed, waiting for a moment before adding a second oil-slicked finger.

The Force gasped breathlessly, fingers tightening at the sheets again as his hips sought to take those fingers just a bit deeper.

“See? Like that... beautiful sounds and movements,” Jenii certainly did appreciate those movements, but that would take Pesti too far too fast to allow him that, so he kept moving his fingers away to not allow him that further bit of depth he was seeking for.

Pestilence made soft begging sounds, nuzzling his cheek against the bed, making an effort to get his breaths under control. That was good, he needed to calm down somewhat despite these attentions.

“You can punish me however you wish later, but I can't allow you too much at once,” he gripped a hold of Pesti's hip as he gathered more oil from that pool in curve of his back. Then he pierced him with three fingers, stretching the passage even further.

The strung out little Force gasped again, the sound falling into a long and throaty hum, “Mmnn... Jenii.” It was such a pouty and begging tone, full of needing.

“I suppose asking you to try and ignore it wouldn't go over too well.”

Pesti uttered a not at all happy noise, but obediently took long deep breathes to try and settle down just a little.

Jenii smiled, “You're such a very good mate, so very perfect.”

Pestilence lost some of those breaths into pleasured sounds as Jenii gave him a few more deep thrusts. Then Jenii withdrew his fingers, massaging down over Pesti’s thighs to try and help him relax.

“Beautiful skin... strong muscles beneath.”

Pesti settled more under the caresses, managing to find his voice again, “Trying to... massage my ego... too?”

Jenii massaged up Pesti's rear and sides, avoiding that sensitive part of his back, he didn’t want to push him that fast again, not just yet, “Just speaking what I'm thinking as I see you.”

Pesti’s breaths became more placid at those attentions, some of the need draining away from his tone, “Are too sweet… to me.”

Jenii settled over him to rub at his shoulders and neck, “And you're too kind to me, it's only fair.”

Pestilence sighed a very satisfied sound, his eye slowly sliding shut, “Can't be... too kind to you. Mmmnn… nice…”

“Well then I can't be too sweet to you,” Jenii kissed Pesti's cheek, “Nice and relaxed?”

That amethyst eye was drug back open, Pestilence gazing heavy-lidded at Jenii, "Mhmm... very relaxed.”

Jenii smiled, “Good, time for introductions then,” he lovingly brushed the hair away from Pesti’s face.

The relaxed Force turned his head hazily into that attention, “Introductions... right...”

Jenii stretched out his arm, hand open. A scant second later his sword lifted itself up from its resting place beside the bed and moved into Jenii’s waiting hand. “I think it's time you and her got to know one another better.”

Pestilence opened his eye a little more, a bit of confusion catching in the deep purple, “Me and her?”

The old warrior held the sword by the sheath, hilt toward Pestilence, tapping him on the nose lightly, “You and her.”

Pesti looked at the sword a moment, then shifted his gaze to Jenii, “Okay...” his tone was still unsure.

Jenii swept his hand through what was left of the oil on Pesti's back, gliding it over the black hilt of the sword, “You trust me then?”

His slender lover shivered a little, hazily watching what Jenii was doing, smiling softly, “Always trust you.”

Jenii leaned forward and gave him a short kiss, moving back behind him. He positioned the hilt so the rounded end rubbed against Pesti's entrance. A shiver coursed through him, a little titillation of the things the sword was feeling running along his nerves. Pesti’s heat emanated so strongly there, he knew that all too well. He wanted so badly for it to be him in that position, readying himself to push into his lover, but this had to be done, there would be time for the two of them later.

“You know she's been inside me, granted it was the more deadly part…”

He trailed off, concentrating on the task at hand. Jenii pushed the sword into his lover slowly, taking deep breaths to force down all those wonderful feelings that were being passed to him from the sword, focusing more on what Pesti was feeling to be sure he wasn’t hurting him.

Pestilence’s body tensed, more from surprise than anything else, but it was an action that didn’t precisely aid the invasion. It was uncomfortable enough being penetrated by something not flesh, cold and so much harder than anything living, tightening up would only make that more uncomfortable. The Force began taking slow, deep breaths to try and relax.

Jenii massaged up Pestilence's back with his other hand, attempting to help, waiting until most of that tenseness was soothed away before pushing any further, “If you want me to stop, just say so and I will.”

“Right…” Pestilence’s tone didn’t have any traces of pain, just uncertainty, a little bit of fear perhaps, fear of moving wrong and having it hurt.

The demon slid his hand up and down Pesti’s spine with the next little push, stopping at a small utterance from his lover that wasn’t exactly pleased. Pesti shifted his hips slightly, seeking a better angle that wasn’t quite so uncomfortable as Jenii withdrew the sword slightly, then gently back in again.

“She likes you, agrees with me that you are beautiful,” Jenii relayed the message from the sword.

Pestilence made a soft sound, either amused or embarrassed, or perhaps components of both. His hands were slowly unclenching from the bedsheets, the movement of the sword inside him becoming easier with every gentle thrust.

“Of course I knew she'd be impressed by my beautiful, strong mate,” Jenii purred, pushing the sword in a little further with this thrust.

“Ahn… don't think am not… er flattered…” Pesti’s tone was a little more breathless now, getting more and more into this every moment, pleasure rising higher than the discomfort.

Jenii paused to kiss along that lovely arching back, “You're getting her quite excited.”

Pesti shivered a little, “Oh?”

“Nhnn, she's really enjoying this,” Jenii resumed his massage of Pesti's back and the gentle thrusting that accompanied it.

The hot little Force made a few little motions into Jenii’s ministrations, but then tensed and stopped, again afraid of hurting himself, leaving it completely up to Jenii, “Is not the… mn… only one…”

Jenii purr-growled lustfully, “I know.”

Ooh did he know. The sword’s pleasure was soaring right along with Pesti’s, surrounded by that tight heat, thrilling at every little shiver. She not only felt them physically around her hilt, but felt them as if she were Pestilence being invaded as he was, and translated all of this to Jenii in a split second. Some of the stronger shivers coursed through the large demon, but he had been resisting the majority of them up until now, only “skimming” from what the two of them had to offer.

Jenii watched those vicious spikes on the hilt carefully to be sure he wasn’t pushing the sword in too deeply. He gradually opened himself up more to the link he and the sword shared until it was completely open and the sword could channel to him everything which she felt, half of which was what Pestilence felt. She was more enjoying being within that delicious heat, however Pestilence was more focused on Jenii’s touches to that sensitive part of his back. Jenii rewarded the Force, moving those touches into that nice circular motion Pesti really enjoyed.

“Love to feel your heartbeat... your heat… so consuming,” Jenii wasn’t certain if he was speaking for himself or for the sword.

He pushed the sword in just a little further, the furthest it could go without the danger of the spikes hurting Pesti. He drew the sword into a nice in and out motion, smoothed by the oil.

Pestilence’s breath suddenly caught in his throat, a shudder running through his body as the hilt slid across a particularly good spot inside him. When he found his breath again he murmured a pleased little noise, Jenii mirroring it, having felt a moment later exactly what his partner had felt. He shifted his grip on the sheathed blade, adjusted the angle and tried to find that spot again.

The poor tormented Force gave a hushed cry as that spot was manipulated again. His body shifted a little to help that sensation, “Ahhn… there… please.”

Jenii increased the speed of the thrusts just a little, keeping the motion strong and smooth, “Hnnn yes... that feels the best, right there.”

He laid his head down against Pesti, hair spilling in sable cascades over the dark skin of Pesti’s back. Pestilence’s breaths were becoming laced with pleasured sounds, each one louder and longer than the next, his fingers tightly knotting the bedsheets again.

Jenii outright moaned, softly, but still audible, losing the rhythm for a moment before recovering, “That feels… so very good.”

Pestilence moaned long in his throat as a hard shudder coursed through his little body, Jenii mirroring that shudder not a moment later. He could almost hear the pleasured cries of the sword in his ears as she was thrown into climax by that tightness shuddering around her.

Jenii panted hard, reeling at all the pleasure that had just coursed through him, nuzzling against Pesti’s back and purring, “Hnnn... yes... you've satisfied her.”

The Immortal struggled to find words, fighting against that shiver still playing through his form, “Am… honoured…”

The Shadow nuzzled and purred, increasing the rhythm just a little as he kissed down to the base of Pestilence's spine, biting at the flesh there. Gods he could feel that just as clearly as if someone were biting him, electricity playing up his back.

Pesti faintly cried out, nuzzling against the bed, tensing hard in an attempt not to be overcome by that shudder running through him again, “Ehnn… my shadow…”

Jenii licked at that sensitive spot, breath hot over the wetness, “My beautiful mate... let it come,” he encouraged, biting again.

Jenii could feel his own bite the way Pesti felt it, that sting of teeth driving into flesh, hot blood spilling both from his skin and into his mouth. Another hard shudder hit Pestilence, coursing through Jenii a moment later, causing them both to lose control.

Pestilence’s orgasmic cry was lost in the destruction of the room around them as his power pulsed out from him in a strong shockwave. Jenii’s own short yell followed quickly, feeling Pestilence’s orgasm ripping through him, pushing his body into release. He barely had enough coherency of thought to pull the sword from Pesti before those spikes did any damage in the confusion.

The link of Pesti’s feelings lingered a moment, then slowly faded from Jenii as he carefully laid the sword aside. He gathered Pesti up into his arms, holding him there, rubbing him all over as the Force panted hard, heart tripping wildly, shivering now and again.

Pestilence curled against Jenii tiredly, gradually relaxing under the touches, nuzzling his face against Jenii's chest. He tried to find his voice through the panting, “Get hugs... first... before her?” he teased.

Jenii nuzzled into Pesti's hair, “She doesn't like hugs, but she likes you.”

“Think you've said...” Pestilence took his time to catch his breath a little more before attempting to speak again, “ ...were feeling... what I feeled- eh... felt?”

The demon purred, “More correctly, I feel what she feels, and thus, what you felt.”

Pesti took a moment to think over that, “...So... she felt what I felt?”

“Nhnn, it is her power, she can feel everything of those touching her.”

“...mostly pain then, right?”

“Mostly, yes. She can control it, what she feels, what feelings she passes on to me.”

The Immortal nodded, “Right... I see,” he wrapped his arms around Jenii’s neck and burrowed there.

“It takes practice to receive what she gives, someone she knows... Bastian likes to get a hold of her and use her to poke happiness literally into me.”

Pestilence giggled under his breath, “Can imagine he would.”

“When he remembers anyway,” Jenii nuzzled his way along Pesti’s cheek, nuzzling and kissing.

His lover kissed back softly, “Passed test then?”

Jenii brushed Pesti’s hair back, smiling at him, “You did, passed it exceptionally well.”

The adorable little Force giggled and beamed, resting his head on Jenii's shoulder, brushing back strands of black hair, “... is really sen-... er... sen…” he couldn’t manage to come up with the word, blinking at Jenii for help.

Jenii smiled at him, adoring him, “What are you trying to say?”

Pesti tried to think, made a cute frustrated noise, trying again another way, “Able to feel things for herself?”

“Ah, sentient. Yes she is. Her name is Vestaraiah.”

The Force nodded in understanding, “So was not just you complementing me to settle me down?”

“No it wasn't,” Jenii watched his hand roam over Pesti’s sleek body, “Hmm... beautiful.”

“Heh... am glad she really likes me then,” he closed his eye, enjoying those nice touches.

“Hmm... it’s sort of a... letting me go for her, letting you succeed her.”

Pestilence opened his eye, blinking at Jenii, somewhat disbelieving, “Me succeed her?”

“Well it's not as if I'm leading an entirely warrior life here,” Jenii glanced around, then smiled at Pesti. “She’s been with me a long time, since I was very young and was given the sword. You see… she is not merely a sentient sword. The sword is a conduit for her.”

“A… conduit?”

”Vestaraiah… is a goddess of my people, a war goddess. The sword was created long ago as her way of helping and guiding those she chooses.”

Pestilence blinked, wide-eyed and blushing slightly, “A goddess?”

“Nhnn,” Jenii stroked lovingly through Pesti’s hair, giving him a chance to thoroughly process that.

Pestilence watched his hand trail down Jenii's chest, gathering his thoughts, “Don't think are seriously telling me that am allowed to be on level with her.”

The fire demon purred softly at the nice touches, “That is what I'm saying, on level or above. She is doing this to let me go, because I need to put that life behind me and be with you.”

Pestilence took another moment to think over that, then smiled, “Mhmm... makes it easier to come to terms with.”

Jenii settled back against the pillows, tugging Pesti more atop him, “She and I have been together a long time... tradition states I should give her to someone else, but I cannot yet bring myself to that.”

“Well is time for that...” the Force blinked, raising an eyebrow at Jenii, “And er... fucking me with her is tradition?”

Jenii smirked, nipping at those naughty lips, “No it is not, was just something my naughty mind thought of as the best way for her to experience you.”

“Mm... said that you had that bad light in your eyes.”

“You enjoyed it though, I know that.”

“Did not say I didn't... when got used to it.”

Jenii watched his hand play in thick, blonde hair, “I tried to be gentle.”

“Were, very gentle... is just... very different from body parts.”

“So I've heard from a certain damn cat, so I went slowly despite her insistence.”

“Oh, is like you and likes it fast and hard?” his adorable little lover blinked so prettily.

“Hnn, like me is it?” Jenii growled and swiftly rolled Pesti over, pinning him to the bed.

Pestilence smiled and ran his fingers over Jenii’s features, “Well… like you and me both.”

Jenii shifted atop his lover, purring when he hit a nice spot, “I like it slow as well, given different moods.”

“Know I like it that way too... you measure explosions after all.”

“And I like just being with you,” he nuzzled at Pesti’s neck and kissed there, “feeling so complete like this.”

Pesti’s smile actually brightening, “Don't know how much I love hearing you say things like that.”

“Get a good idea from that beautiful expression...” Jenii couldn’t help but smile in return.

Pestilence smiled even more, caressing Jenii’s smile, rare thing it was, “Don't think anything anyone has ever said to me means as much as some of the things you say.”

The demon purred, nuzzling against Pesti’s soft cheek, “And you make me smile, devious Force, me of all people smiling.”

Pesti wrapped his arms around Jenii’s neck, “Love knowing I make you smile.”

Jenii wriggled himself into an even better spot, rocking his hips slightly against Pesti’s, “Hmm… my beautiful mate... mine, all mine.”

The Immortal looked so very happy, purring a little content noise and nuzzling, “Yours.”

Jenii wrapped his arms around him and held him tightly against his chest, slightly up off the bed, “Rarrr... and I'm yours.”

Those slender arms tightened around Jenii’s neck, soft cheek rubbing against his, “Yes, mine. Anyone takes you from me... and can't be held res… pon... sible for my actions.”

“Hmmm, feisty Pestilence. This is a good change... belonging like this.”

“Belonging like this for nearly two months and a week… I think.”

“It's only the start, soon we won't be able to count years, let alone months.”

“Like to try and do it before lose count.”

“Whatever you want, my beautiful one, whatever makes you happy.”

“To make me happy? All really need is what's in my arms right now.”

“Just here? That's all?”

“Well, have lots of people who make me happy... and if lost any of them would be sad... but could go on and be happy again one day. If lost my Shadow, could never be happy again.”

“I could almost say the same, except aren't any others who I would be sad if they went... Tanji, for one.”

Pestilence smiled softly, “Of course... have no friends.”

Jenii grunted, closing his eyes, “None at all.”

Pesti giggled softly and kissed at Jenii’s mouth, then pulled back and blinked seriously at him.

Jenii sensed that shift in the mood, opening his eyes and looking back at him, “What?”

“Are feeling better enough that can start riding together again soon?”

Jenii caressed Pesti's cheek, “On warm days, it'd be best not to push it and take the chance, and not for very long at any given time. Will have to take my limp more seriously, as a warning,” he sighed, laying his head down on Pesti's chest.

The Force nuzzled his face into Jenii’s hair, hands stroking through it, “Warning at the moment maybe. Believe one day my Shadow will not be troubled by these things.”

“Well I've certainly improved... from laying in a bed all the time to laying in a bed ninety percent of the time.”

“Now are trying to be moody,” Pesti stuck his tongue out at him.

Jenii responded by sticking out his tongue right back, and Pestilence darted his head forward to trace the tip of his tongue over Jenii’s. Jenii paused, then growled and pushed forward, sealing his mouth to Pesti’s in a heated kiss, encouraged by Pestilence’s hand firmly holding at the back of his head.

The Shadow pulled back only when they were both breathless, “Did that on purpose to keep me in a good mood.”

“Did that because make me feel playful.”

Jenii put his forehead against Pesti's, attempting and pulling off a most serious tone, “Are you being playful with me?”

Pestilence blinked in all innocence. Then he growled a short and overly cute little growl and nipped at Jenii’s lips.

“Rarrr, feisty,” he gripped Pesti’s thigh and brought it up over his hip, “My feisty mate.”

“Mmmm... love that,” Pestilence wrapped the other leg around Jenii too, effectively trapping the shadow, “Yours.”

Jenii caressed his body against Pesti's within that grip, making his bulging erection quite evident through his pants, “Hmm so soft... and warm...” he stopped suddenly and collapsed atop his little lover, “Think I'll sleep,” and then proceeded to fake snoring.

Pestilence squeaked and poked his forehead, tone pouting, “Demand you wake up and make me yours.”

The demon was right back up, grinning playfully, “As you command my beautiful.”

Jenii slowly leaned in towards Pesti’s neck, but the Force caught his face in his hands and blinked prettily at him, “Mmm... no, not that yet.”

Jenii stayed there obediently, “What then, do you command first?”

The Immortal tilted his head so his hair fell over his eyepatch, “... Kiss?”

Jenii obeyed, cradling Pesti’s jaw in his hand and kissing, slowly, taking his time to sweep his tongue all around Pesti’s mouth, tasting everything his lover had to offer there. He pulled back at the usual time, the moment when they couldn’t go without breathing any longer.

“What next… do you command?”

“Have really… been pro… promoted?” Pestilence blinked up at him, cheeks so beautifully flushed.

“Nhnn, you have, you are now the first priority in my life.”

The slender Force shivered happily, smiling so beautifully. Quick hands fluttered down Jenii’s sides, deviating slightly to admire rippling muscles before continuing on to their task of pushing down Jenii’s pants. Then those strong legs tightened around Jenii, pulling him closer as Pesti’s hips arched to rub Jenii’s arousal against his warm skin.

“Want me?”

“Always,” Jenii growled lustfully, eyes sliding shut from those sensations.

“Then… can have me,” Pesti angled his hips just right to tease Jenii’s sex against his entrance.

Jenii didn’t need further invitation, just that feeling of heat against the head of his painfully engorged length was enough to drive him forward. The mingling of fluids from his previous orgasm and the oil slicked the passage so wonderfully that he hilted inside Pesti at his first thrust, shuddering hard.

Pestilence arched his back and cried out, hands digging into Jenii’s shoulders, nearly coming right then, length spilling a bit of fluid onto his belly. He slid his arms around Jenii’s neck, pulling him closer, needing them to be as close together as possible.

The large demon obeyed, settling atop his lover gingerly, caressing at those sweet lips with his own. He drew them into a rhythm, nothing too slow, but attempting to take his time and not rush this along despite his desires screaming otherwise. Pesti’s body seemed to demanding the same thing, those strong legs so tight, hips arching to follow Jenii’s movements, each thrust taking Jenii in right to the hilt

Jenii nosed against Pesti’s neck, breath hot and heavy, nudging against the skin and searching for just the right spot.

Pesti shuddered and moaned, letting his head fall back, giving Jenii more room without really thinking about it. His hands were tangled in Jenii’s hair now, pressing at the back of his head and encouraging him.

Jenii didn’t need much encouragement, once he found the spot where Pesti’s pulse echoed against the skin he could barely resist. He licked a few times, loving and affectionate, but that was the longest he could hold himself back. His teeth pierced into Pestilence’s dark flesh, blood spilling into his mouth so hot and delicious.

That burning taste thrilled him right to his core and he had to fight himself, tensing to hold off those shudders, not wanting to come before his lover.

Luckily for him Pestilence only took a few more deep thrusts, each one punctuated by a slightly louder cry until the last one caught in his throat, strangled to silence. The explosive shockwave of his orgasm filled that silence, but Jenii was too wrapped up in his own waves of pleasure to care, shuddering against his lover.

They spent a long time laying there together, tangled up in one another, panting and lethargic. Gradually they began caressing one another, lazily nuzzling and kissing.

“Hmm… love you, my Shadow,” Pestilence sighed as he managed to unclench his legs from around Jenii.

“Hnn, my beautiful mate,” Jenii grunted, wriggling down a little, stretching out and resting his head on Pesti’s chest.

The Immortal smiled lovingly at him, caressing over his face until the touches made Jenii close his eyes. Jenii let himself fall into the sedateness of the afterglow, purring softly as Pesti’s fingers moved through his hair.

Pestilence’s tone was loving and smiling as he whispered, “Sleep my Shadow.”

Jenii sighed contently, murmuring, “As you command, beautiful.”

It likely wasn’t loud enough to be audible, but it didn’t matter, Pestilence didn’t need to hear to know as Jenii drifted into sleep, he just knew.

