Tipol and other personifications are copyrighted to Sallie Drazzi
“Dear, can you get your cat to accept a good will gesture of clothing?” the Force of Love stopped Pestilence as he was following Genesis down the hall.
“Is not my cat,” Pestilence gave an embarrassed smile.
“Kitty kitty kitty,” Genesis half toddled and half bounced into Love’s room, pouncing on Tipol’s tail to cuddle it.
Ash peered into the room to find the Felinoid sprawled out, and looking terribly bored, on a very frilly looking bed.
Tipol slowly flipped himself over to regard Genesis, “What?”
“Brother scared,” the toddler giggled.
“That’s because he’s a baby.”
“Will be fine with his security blanket, or kitty boy,” Pestilence beamed, trying to nudge Ash into the room.
Ash was more concerned about the incubus he’d seen wandering around, peering down the halls for him, “Will be fine away from incubi, they stalk me.”
“Brother paranoid,” Genesis giggled.
“Of Obsidian? Oh, he probably went into Evil’s room,” Pestilence gave Ash a playful push toward the bed, “There’s your security,” he giggled, turning with intent to gossip with Love.
“Probably stalking me,” Ash muttered, crouching beside the bed and poking at it. It was exceptionally soft and fluffy.
“You should be so lucky,” Tipol glared in the direction of the gossiping Forces, “I can understand Rumanji you know.”
The two of them didn’t seem to mind in the least, continuing their gossiping and giggling. Tipol gave an exasperated sigh and flopped over onto his back to sprawl out.
Ash crept closer to Tipol, “What are you doing in here?” After all, this room was definitely not Tipol’s style, and Ash very much just wanted to leave it was creeping him out so much.
“Turning down clothing,” Tipol answered, rubbing at his forehead.
Ash watched Genesis bounce along the too very soft bed. Then she abruptly dropped off the far edge and vanished for a moment before her golden head came bobbing back into view.
“What are they twittering about?” Ash nodded his head toward the gossips.
“Us, and that's as much of it as I'm repeating.”
Ash shook his head in slight amusement, busying himself with poking the bed again. “This is really soft.”
“No shit. It was the best place to look bored though. Plus the sheets are kind of cool,” Tipol sighed as if he was so very hot.
Ash tilted his head, confused, “It’s already cold enough.”
“Cold? You got to be shitting me,” the Felinoid rolled over again, back onto his stomach, onto a new patch of sheet that his bodyheat hadn’t warmed yet.
“Nhnn, cold,” Ash eyed the spot Tipol had abandoned, feeling the heat radiating from it. He quickly slipped up onto the bed, annoyingly soft or not, and curled up in the warm spot.
“Are you fire demons just really wussy with temperature?”
“Yes, very,” Ash couldn’t resist scooting a little closer and trying to nuzzle Tipol.
“Explains a lot, anything below thirty Celsius and you shut down.”
Tipol shook his head, startling Ash away from nuzzling. The Felinoid uttered a rather annoyed sounding cat noise, which Ash blissfully ignored, scooting up closer against his warmth. Abruptly the cat flopped over again, his tail having retrieved a magazine to use as a fan.
“Please, don’t crowd me,” he muttered.
“Too fuckin hot,” Tipol hissed, shifting over again, rubbing at his head.
“Are you all right?” Ash dared to reach out again, petting at Tipol’s hair.
“Fine,” Tipol actually yowled in the back of his throat.
“Don’t sound fine.”
“It’s- … shit,” Tipol hissed and shook his head again, actually panting his breaths now. “This is fucking unreal.”
“Are you sick?” Ash peered at him worriedly.
Tipol tucked his head down and shut his eyes, too busy hissing and panting to answer. His claws were even dug into Love’s fine sheets.
And then suddenly they were torn out of the sheets, Tipol’s hands on Ash’s shoulders and pushing him back. Ash’s back hit the bed before he even realised Tipol had straddled his stomach. The scent hit him almost immediately, and even as naïve and innocent as he was, something within him knew that scent to be arousal and heat.
Tipol’s only response was a low cat sort of noise. The Felinoid began rubbing himself, his hips especially, against Ash. His eyes were narrowed, fixed on the demon pinned beneath him. He pushed up Ash’s shirt, leaning down to lick and bite over Ash’s chest.
Ash put his hands on Tipol’s thighs with every intent to push him off. For some reason his hands didn’t obey him, instead grabbing and pulling Tipol tighter against him. That incited Tipol, grinding his hips even harder, somewhat purring and somewhat moaning. He veritably pawed at Ash’s shirt until Ash got the hint and pulled it off, his mouth and tongue going anywhere his hands and claws weren’t.
Ash found himself lost in all those great feelings, plus the enormous pressure Tipol was putting on a quickly growing arousal. Tipol’s mouth made its way up from tormenting a nipple to Ash’s neck, and finally to bite at his lower lip. The cat yowled in his throat, a demanding and scolding noise.
Confusion cut through the waves of pleasure, forcing Ash to open his eyes, giving Tipol a confused look. Then something clicked in him that Tipol was doing an awful lot of work here, and Ash wasn’t giving anything in return. He slid his hands slowly over Tipol’s sides, admiring the slender form, then up over his chest.
Tipol arched right up into the touches, but didn’t pause the rhythm of his grinding hips at all. Those beautiful eyes slid half-shut. Tipol began biting and licking at Ash’s lips, Ash timidly making attempts at licking back. He really had no idea what he was doing here.
The Felinoid’s tongue darted, sliding and curling against Ash’s tongue, teasing away before touching again. His mouth was open, tempting, the tongue dancing as if trying to charm Ash inside.
Something akin to anger rose up through Ash, but it wasn’t anger. He couldn’t name it, couldn’t label it, couldn’t even think about it. He growled, gripping harder at the Felinoid, pursuing that hot tongue into the cat’s mouth.
Ash was so engaged in battling the cat’s tongue, he barely noticed his pants being undone and shoved down. However, he certainly noticed Tipol’s soft-furred tail curling around his sex, squeezing and undulating along it. Ash couldn’t resist arching up into that, driven into a thrusting movement by some sort of blind instinct.
Tipol was also slowly trying to wriggle himself out of his shorts, letting his mouth wander as his hands were occupied. Ash didn’t mind so much the loss of the kiss, not with the one bit of Tipol’s skin he’d never seen before now exposed. He moved his hands down over Tipol’s ass, curling his fingers over the curve of it, the fit almost seeming natural.
That wonderful tail attention ceased, the soft limb curling instead around Ash’s thigh. Ash wasn’t left wanting for long, though, Tipol running his hand over the aroused length, angling it as he positioned himself over it.
Ash could feel the heat just right there, so very close to his needing. He couldn’t resist trying to arch up, moaning when his sensitive arousal hit the burning heat of Tipol’s female sex. Something just told him he had to do that, he had to get inside Tipol.
The Felinoid seemed to be of agreement, bracing his hands on Ash’s stomach, slowly sinking himself down over the hard flesh, consuming it with his heat. His head rolled back, body shuddering, back arching. Ash took only a moment to gaze up at the being he adored, and then he found himself being driven again, needing to move inside that heat, just small, uncertain thrusts.
Tipol urged that small friction into something more, shifting so his male sex rubbed against Ash. He wasted no time in building the speed and intensity of their movements, oblivious to Ash’s touches, just needing that big hard length deep inside him over and over again.
Ash had to take deep breaths to keep himself relatively controlled, just sensing that he was right near some edge and that was not a place he wanted to go yet. He tried shaking his head to clear it, gaining a little bit of coherency, just enough to realise something he could try.
He moved his hand down Tipol’s body, over his sides and hips, caressing and admiring. Then down over those supple thighs, and to the length of sex grazing over his belly. Ash caressed lightly over the hard flesh, then more firmly, trapping it between his hand and stomach. Tipol outright moaned, thrusting into that sudden tight pleasure with abandon.
Ash shakes his head, taking deep breaths to keep that from building too quick, this is an opportunity here, wander his touches down, fingers caressing over Tipol's arousal, then more firmly, trapping it there, trying to repay some of those times before
The moans struck Ash in the way they always had before, despite his fighting, pushing him over that unwanted edge into orgasm.
Tipol quickly shifted himself off the spent demon, but he was far from understanding, and not going to let Ash alone, at least not until he was satisfied. He returned to grinding himself against Ash’s leg as his tail curled back around the diminishing sex to encourage it to firm up again.
The sensations were overwhelming, Ash feeling ten times more sensitive than he’d felt before. He shakily tried to hold onto Tipol, to get him to stop, but couldn’t find his voice to protest. All he could utter was quiet whimpering noises, squirming to try and get Tipol to stop touching those overly sensitive places. He silently begged for even just a moment of peace.
The message didn’t get through to Tipol, not in the least. His mouth roamed over Ash’s stomach, tongue lathing those rippled abs, teeth stinging now and again in sharp contrast. Now and again his hand would wander downward, curling over Ash’s length, squeezing it as if inpatient.
Ash felt like he was going to shake himself apart, continuing to try and cling to Tipol. His body really did not want to move anymore, but it found itself rising to Tipol’s whims anyway. Ash couldn’t resist thrusting up into the attentions of that soft tail, moving toward instead of trying to squirm away.
Then that jolt came again, that near anger which was not anger. Ash growled, rousing his strength and toppling the Felinoid over onto his back. He pinned the beautiful cat down into the soft bed, driving his hips forcefully against Tipol, piercing deep inside that tight heat in his first thrust.
Tipol yowled a noise that might have been pain or anger, or even pleasure, Ash wasn’t pausing to try and figure it out. All he knew was those legs were spreading wider for him, the slender hips and bendable body arching up to meet his strong thrusts.
Ash battled away a moment of worry about hurting Tipol, easing back on the strength but keeping a quick rhythm to his movements. The needing cat beneath him arched right up off the bed, shuddering and breathless, his panting breaths rising swiftly into moans.
The young Shadow demon tensed to suppress his own shudders, focusing on the pace. He lowered his head, biting gently along Tipol’s chest, up to his neck, never breaking the skin. He sought out the pulsepoint on instinct, biting a little harder, sucking at it. He wanted so very much to bite through the skin, to mark Tipol, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it, or stopped himself short of doing it, he wasn’t quite certain.
Tipol’s claws were deep into the bedsheets as he curled his leg over Ash’s hip, shifting the angle ever so slightly. His head fell back, body shuddering and arching as he moaned outright, both sexes lost to an intense release.
Ash couldn’t hold himself against that damned, beautiful moan. He managed a few more deep thrusts, but quickly lost himself in his own shuddering orgasm. He shakily kept moving, seeking out every last bit of pleasure from Tipol’s heat.
Tired and shaking though he was, Ash forced himself up off of Tipol, instead of collapsing down atop him like he would have wanted. He didn’t even feel Tipol’s tail slip away from his back. He didn’t make it far though, before collapsing down onto the bed. Ash had to close his eyes the room was suddenly spinning.
Tipol eventually eased his legs closed, staring at the ceiling as he rubbed his forehead, “Sorry…”
Ash rubbed his face against his arm, trying to center himself against the dizzy feeling, “Nhnn.” He meant to say he was sorry too, it just didn’t come out in anything more than a grunt.
The Felinoid took a deep breath and laid there quietly for awhile before sitting up, murmuring to himself, “Yeah, guess they were all right, I’m just a thrice-damned slut.”
Ash forced his eyes open, focusing on Tipol, or trying to. He ended up just whimpering and closing his eyes again. He wanted to argue with Tipol, but his body seemed intent on punishing him for the way he’d treated it. It took a long rest before he could even fix up his pants, and afterwards it felt as if that had been the most exhausting thing he’d ever done.
Tipol sighed, stretching out on his stomach and putting his face down against his arms, “Sorry again.”
“I should… you,” Ash managed to force out words, but even he wasn’t exactly sure what he’d been trying to say.
“Even with heat I don’t normally rape someone. Not that heat should be like that…”
Ash couldn’t ignore this anymore, couldn’t just lay there and let Tipol feel bad about it. He forced himself to sit up, even if he felt so very shaky and weak, “So it was just… random? Meaningless?”
“Random, I can agree to... I don't think it would be right saying meaningless.”
“Think it would be better... call it meaningless and forget about it,” Ash forced himself to say it, even if it hurt.
He found it rather easy to slide off the bed, it was just more difficult to keep his feet beneath him once he was on the floor, grabbing onto the bed to stay upright. His legs felt numb, separated from his body almost, and definitely not willing to support him. But he stretched himself and retrieved Tipol’s shorts, handing them back to the Felinoid.
“If that's what you want to do then. Thank you.”
Ash couldn’t stop his legs from buckling, so he at least made an attempt to look like he’d meant to sit down there, right there on the floor. “Not what I want…” he murmured, staring at the floor.
“Want to do what adults do and talk about it, then?” it was almost Tipol’s normal snarky tone, that usual degrading of Ash that he did, except it just didn’t have the same energy to it.
“Since it would be bad of me to do what I want... yeah.”
Tipol was quiet for a long while, then put his face back down against his arms, “I don't know what to say.”
“It doesn't... upset me that you did it.”
“At least that makes me feel slightly better. I don't suppose it would be surprising that my opinions are complicated.”
“You are complicated... of course feel complicated. I feel…” he looked up at the ceiling to sort it out, “two things.”
“I'm not up to counting my feelings yet. Want to share?”
“I want to... I regret having moved away from you… from the moment I stopped touching you, it felt wrong, like I should've stayed there.”
The Felinoid stayed quiet again for a moment, then exhaled a breath, “Want to come back up here then?”
Ash looked up there at the bed, “Yeah…” It took awhile, but he managed to get himself to move, at least back up to sitting on the bed.
“Like, next to me?”
“Yeah…” Ash repeated, slowly getting himself to move across the bed to lay down next to Tipol. He settled his head on his arm, too tired to hold it up.
Tipol grabbed Ash’s free arm with his tail and drug it over his shoulders, scooting himself closer to the demon, “Okay?”
Ash couldn’t help but smile a little bit, tired though he was, lazily petting at Tipol’s soft hair beneath his hand, “Yeah… much better.”
“So that was one thing, what's the other?”
“It upsets me... I think it won't ever happen again... that it was like... one chance.” He wasn’t happy with how he’d said it, but he couldn’t think of a better way.
“Right, okay,” the Felinoid sighed, “Want to run through my list then?”
“Go slow?”
“One at a time then. First, I’m confused as to where that came from so fast, and-or who's messing with me when Dannanko's elsewhere.”
“Right, the Demon,” Ash had had a fleeting through that Tipol might have been possessed – it had happened before when the cat had come onto him sexually – but he’d been… distracted.
“No, not him. Lack of mist and oppressive presence inside me. The next is hard to describe,” he pushed his hair out of his face, taking his time to think over his words before speaking, “I feel like a slut, whore. Everything they said I was, I am. "Built for pleasure" "Only good for sex" all that stuff. Apparently I can't even control myself around someone I really like.”
“You've done it so far, I mean… isn't this different? Something happened, maybe someone messing with you?” Ash tried to work it out, but he was far too joyful at the fact Tipol had said he liked him to give it any serious thought.
“Even if it is someone messing with me, forcing me into some intense heat or something... still feel sick with myself.”
The joy diffused, hearing Tipol talk like that. “I'm sorry,” Ash nosed at Tipol’s ear, trying to be comforting, but really at a total loss as to what to do.
“It's not your problem, you didn't force me,” Tipol sighed and put his head down. “Then I'm scared. Don't ask why or anything because I either don't know, or it's just too much to go into.”
Ash found a little bit of comfort in nuzzling into Tipol’s hair, “It's okay, I don't need to know.”
The Felinoid leaned a bit, resting his head against Ash’s arm, “Guilty too.”
Ash held the slender cat a little tighter against him, nosing at his temple, “Please don't be. I mean... my head is still spinning, but I don't think it's a bad thing.”
“One orgasm probably would have been more than enough for you,” Tipol threw Ash a slightly amused look, “You were good for a virgin.”
“I have no idea... what I really did... really... no idea... it just... happened,” the Shadow struggled trying to figure it out.
“It's called instinct. Actually, it's called animal instinct, or sexual instinct.”
Right, you mentioned that before. Think you mentioned it being dead though.”
“Think it revived for a moment.”
Ash went back to nuzzling at him, it made him feel better, “Well... feel guilty for that, you revived instinct.”
“Okay, I will.” Slowly, Tipol shifted over onto his back, working his way under Ash. “Where was I?”
Ash was more than delighted to let Tipol beneath him, cuddling him close and secure, “Guilty, scared slut built only for pleasure…” he growled, just saying it roused anger in him, he didn’t want Tipol to feel that way.
“Right. And I still feel like it's a bad idea to be in a relationship with you because I will only be bad for you.”
“That's a very weak reason, and not your only one.”
“It links to the other reasons,” Tipol paused, gazing off elsewhere in thought, “Probably only one more feeling after all that…”
“What's that?” Ash found himself staring at Tipol’s face, gently petting hair back and out of the way so he could get a better look at it.
“Maybe two things. Anyway, despite that and despite the fact everyone will be know-it-all bints and stuff, that I want to anyway.”
Tipol had lost him somewhere in there, so Ash churned over the last few things that had been said, tilting his head as he thought. The Felinoid left him alone, quietly grooming his hair, then reaching up and grooming Ash’s hair. Ash might have been more delighted if he hadn’t been thinking so hard trying to figure this out, but he did tilt his head into the attention and growl-purr.
“You… want to be bad for me?” he ventured a guess.
“Not quite. Still don't want to be bad for you.”
“Ah... you… want to be in a relationship with me?” Ash winced slightly, expecting some sort of violent or angry reaction.
“Well done,” the cat finished preening Ash’s hair.
Ash blinked several times before it sunk in that Tipol wasn’t mad at him, “Really?”
“Yep, that's what I said.”
Ash tilted his head the other way, Why? I mean... why now?”
“Because I do like you, and you are the sweetest guy I've known. And I doubt after that you could just go back to whatever we were anyway.”
“Well... I do have a tendency to forget things.”
“Well, if you're going to forget my raping you, then okay.”
The Shadow shook his head, “Don't think could forget that... and don't call it that.” Whatever little bit of proud Ash did have, which wasn’t much, had twitched at the word rape.
“Substitute 'raping' for 'being overcome with lust for' then.”
“Or reviving my instincts. Anymore complicated feeling things?”
“I think those are all the complicated ones.”
“So the two more feelings were in there?” Ash peered at Tipol’s neck, then over his chest. He moved his hand down over the Felinoid’s stomach, down to the hip he wasn’t completely covering with his body.
“That would be willingness to try that despite various things, and implied contentment at that thought, or something.”
Ash shifted off of Tipol a bit so he could look more closely, “Am sweet?”
“Yeah, you are. If odd,” Tipol added, having noticed Ash’s fascination with his hip.
Ash shifted over to the other side of Tipol to check other hip, peering around and under, “You're odd too.”
“I'm complicated and fucked up, there's a difference.”
“You're a good complicated, you have character…” Ash found what he’d not wanted to find, growling and licking at Tipol’s hip.
“You'd better get one, or I'll get bored of you. What are you doing?”
Ash sulked as if guilty of some terrible crime, “Hurt you.”
Tipol twisted to glance at his hip, and at the nail scratch there. He gave Ash a disbelieving look, “No you didn’t.”
“Yes I did,” the demon slunk back up along Tipol, nuzzling his cheeks for forgiveness.
“You are aware of what I used to go through, right?”
“Don't care, aren't there now.”
“Well, you didn't hurt me, you spaz.”
“Are you sure? Nowhere? Cos when I... eh…” Ash had no idea how to describe what he’d done, but certainly somewhere in there during the awakened instincts he’d been too rough, far too rough.
“You'd bloody know about it if you hurt me.”
Ash nosed at Tipol's cheek, “Never want you hurt,” he gazed at his crush with his big brown eyes looking so very sad.
“Well you didn't and you haven't, so stop spazzing you baby,” Tipol nudged his head against Ash’s shoulder.
Ash was delighted at the attention back, even the smallest attention. So long as Tipol hadn’t responded to his nuzzling he was unforgiven, despite anything Tipol said. But he’d been nudged, so everything was right again. Still, he worried.
“Wasn't too forceful… too fast?” he thought those might have been the right words, and he hoped Tipol understood what he meant.
“No, that's kind of why I was begging for it. Did you think it was?”
“Don't know… feels like it should have been different… but I don't know what different.”
“You'll probably learn how different you want it.”
For some reason, that opened a whole floodgate of new worries and thoughts and feelings that just overwhelmed him, leaving him startled and confused, shaking his head, “Lots of thoughts just went… ehn.”
“Go through them, then,” Tipol encouraged, as he always did with Ash, coaching him to work through things.
Ash rested his nose against Tipol’s temple, closing his eyes to focus, “That was what you wanted?”
“That was what I wanted then, I was half-wild with heat and lust, you know.”
“It'll be different, it could be different? It changes... depending on mood?”
“Yes, it can be different. Depending on mood is a good way of putting it.”
Ash didn’t want to ask this question, but he had to, he had to know, so he asked very softly, a volume that Tipol could pretend not to hear if he didn’t want to answer, “Will you want it again?”
“Assuming nothing much changes drastically, it's not unlikely.”
Ash exhaled the breath he’d been holding, resting his chin atop Tipol’s head, nosing into the soft, sweet-smelling hair. Tipol worked his face against Ash’s neck, closing his eyes and settling there into a comfortable place.
“Can we do this more? Like... even tomorrow?”
“This which? Lying around?” Tipol murmured tiredly.
“Yeah, this touching, it’s different.”
“If we're doing this relationship thing, then yes.”
“Good, I like this, I want to do this more,” Ash shifted, curling himself more around Tipol, cradling the smaller Felinoid.
“Haven't been in one before, I've only observed, so can't much say,” Tipol yawned, seemingly content enough in Ash’s embrace to go to sleep.
Ash was content too. He brought a blanket around the both of them, nuzzling at Tipol, purring softly. If a relationship meant more of these moments, these feelings, and the honour of just with Tipol, it was a very good thing to try.