Temporarily His, Forever Mine
Pestilence is copyrighted to Sallie Drazzi
Jenii scowled when he returned to Pestilence, bearing food for his mate. He knew that Karrak was in heat, but that was still no excuse to be rubbing himself up against Pestilence’s leg. The Force didn’t seem to notice at all, brightening at the offered food. Jenii settled himself down to the left of Pestilence, glaring at the Makai plant.
He grabbed the near pincher, palm against the outer side of course. The inner edge of those pinchers was razor sharp, but the outside was safe to grab – and quite sensitive to the plant.
“Hey you, off,” Jenii growled, giving the pincher a little push. “You just let him do that?”
“Is just is so frustrated. Feel sorry for him,” Pestilence smiled guiltily.
Jenii sighed and lounged, rubbing at the base of that pincher instead of pushing at it. He felt a little bad for the plant as well. At least he had Pestilence to satisfy those heat urges, but Karrak had no one. Thus far there had been no success in Karrak going back to Rose, and no ideas as to how they might help that situation.
He glanced down at where his hand had been attempting to squeeze Pestilence’s thigh, having run into Karrak nuzzling there. Jenii grunted softly, moving his hand to the other thigh instead. There was no point shooing Karrak off, he’d just return a moment later.
The demon licked at the corner of Pestilence’s mouth, receiving a quiet giggle, a little nuzzle. Jenii nibbled there, interfering with the last few bites of Pesti’s meal playfully. Pestilence giggled and set the plate aside, tilting his face into long licking attentions.
“Mmm... shouldn't really get started, should we?”
Jenii’s rising desires were definitely not agreeing with that. He licked teasingly around Pestilence’s eye patch, “No?”
The Force shivered, squirming slightly at attention to that sensitive area, “Ahhn… no, is not fair.”
“Not fair? Not fair to who? Not fair to me many times as I've had to listen to Damael and Calm going at it.”
“You were sleeping, must you voyeur even sleeping? And is not fair to poor heat filled plants.”
“I'm aware even sleeping...” Jenii excused, grunting in thought. Karrak had actually left his mind, distracted as he was by wanting Pestilence, “If we are to leave on a holiday to the First Realm, we really can’t leave him like that.”
Pesti’s little hand moved up into Jenii’s hair, pushing at the back of his head, encouraging the licks and nibbles, “Mmn... no, can't... would be so horrible...”
“Bet one time with my sexy kitten could fix him right away,” Jenii growled, fusing his mouth to his mate’s.
Pestilence veritably melted against him, moaning softly, attempting to turn toward Jenii despite the plant claiming his leg. Jenii took his time to explore every taste of that hot mouth, curling his tongue around Pesti’s, thrilling at every shiver and soft noise from the Force against him. Jenii finally released him when his lungs began burning for air, leaving Pestilence flushed and breathless.
“Oh Gods you’re so hot…” Pestilence panted, licking his lips, trying to collect himself. “That doesn’t seem like a very you suggestion.”
“Well he's there, he's not going away, I can't make him go away... rather like that time with it,” Jenii put on a rather disgusted face at the thought of those threesomes with Tanji.
“Are so mean about your prince,” the blonde leaned up and slowly licked up a cheek scar.
Jenii purred a pleased noise at that ripple of pleasure, “You’ve been trying to think of a way to help him, it’s worrying my poor beautiful kitten.”
Pestilence shivered and nearly purred himself, “Gods, love when you call me that.”
“If you have another method for shooing the plant off my thigh,” Jenii attempted to grip it again to assert his ownership of said thigh, “I'd love to hear it. Of course, I’m not really letting you think,” he growled lustfully, nibbling around that sensitive dead eye.
The little blonde murmured a very pleased sound, wrapped up in those wonderful sensations. Thinking was definitely not a high priority.
“Usually watching children distracts him, but I don’t he’d go for that right now,” Jenii attempted to slide his hand up under Pesti’s shirt, only to find another shirt beneath it, and then again. He was wearing several layers of heavy shirts since – without energy – Genesis felt very cold and demanded extra warmth. Jenii however, wouldn’t stand for it, “You’re wearing far too much. Strip.”
He was vaguely aware that he’d slipped back into a more military command tone, but Pestilence didn’t seem to mind. The sexy little Force drew up the bottom of the shirts and slowly pulled them up over his head all at once, shaking his hair out in a flashing mass of dazzling gold.
“Never did learn to deal with clothes, did you?”
“Why should I when you make it that beautiful?” Jenii growled lustfully, pushing Karrak enough away to claim his Pestilence entirely. He thudded to lay back on the couch, grabbing Pestilence by the hips and lifting him easily, moving the blonde to straddle him as he stretched his legs out.
Jenii indulged in a moment of rubbing his calloused and scarred palms over that protruding stomach, that growl rising in the back of his throat again. Pestilence definitely concealed himself far too often, especially now that the pregnancy was showing this much. All those strange articles of clothing that seemed more net than cloth had had their merits about showing off the gorgeous dark flesh. Jenii almost missed them.
“Was not… beautif- ahnn,” Pestilence gasped as Jenii’s hands slid up his back.
Jenii couldn’t help but smirk slightly, desires lighting like little fires up and down his spine at the sight of his lover arching like that, thrusting out his chest and stomach. It had always been a beautiful motion, that slender body curling like that, but here it gave Jenii more of a thrill with that swollen midsection accentuating the added life Pestilence carried.
The Force squirmed, moaning softly, the sounds tumbling down over one another. Already his arousal was straining against his jeans, those hips moving to seek out at least the friction of that denim. Jenii added a hint of nails down along that expanse of back, more fierce toward that very sensitive base.
“You’re right, is more than beautiful, is amazing and sexy and alluring.”
Pestilence moaned, curling forward in order to push back, tucking his chin down against his chest, “Are… mmn… so biased…”
“And you are so easy to get worked up,” Jenii remarked, that lusty growl back in his throat, “Not that I’m complaining.”
Jenii noticed a movement out of the corner of his eye. He looked to see Karrak was laying on his belly just beside the couch, shuffling along the couch towards them.
Pestilence curled forward more, nuzzling against Jenii’s jaw, flickering his tongue teasingly against Jenii’s skin, “Am no so- ahh… easy,” the Force had to take deep breaths to try and control himself, heated air pushing against that wetted skin in delightful ways. “So… you want to… include Karrak?”
The demon turned his attention fully to the creeping plant. There was definitely a little wiggle that ran through Karrak which could be nothing but delight at the prospect. Jenii grunted an amused sound and tilted Pestilence’s chin so he would look at the plant.
A bubbly amused sound burst its way out of Pestilence, “Think is... only option, right?”
“Can't resist that cute display... still mine though,” Jenii leaned up and bit at a fading neck wound from several days past, just to quell that little jealous streak that had reared to life inside him.
“Mmn... always yours... always,” Pesti’s little hand slid through Jenii’s hair in wonderful ways and pressed at the back of his head, encouraging the biting.
Jenii side-glanced to note his lover reaching out blindly, seeking for Karrak, massaging at the base of his pinchers to be the first to include him. He gathered up the once again rising jealousy and bit down hard, digging his fingers into Pestilence’s back.
The cry that exploded from Pestilence only encouraged him to bite deeper, sucking hard at it. The Force wantonly tilted his head back, rocking his hips harder, desperate for more friction. Jenii decided to reward him that, abandoning that sensitive expanse of back, drawing his hands around between them.
Pestilence was more than happy to assist in wriggling out of those jeans, kicking them away, murmuring happily at every brush of his skin against Jenii’s in settling back where he had been. Without shame he thrust his hot arousal against anything near enough, Jenii’s hands, Jenii’s stomach, he didn’t seem to much care what so long as it was now.
“Nhnn… hot little kitten,” Jenii licked affectionately at the wound he’d torn into Pestilence’s flesh, satisfied that his possessive marking was renewed.
He let his head fall back, just watching his beautiful lover. Pestilence was quite adamant about stroking himself against Jenii’s abs once those hands abandoned him. The little Force seemed to especially like them for some reason Jenii hadn’t yet figured out. So, with a devious smirk, Jenii laid his hands over that seeking length and pressed down, trapping it between his hands and his muscled abdomen.
Pestilence’s entire body shuddered, a long moan pouring from his throat, “Oooh Gods,” he gasped, thrusting himself into that tight space between calloused palm and rippled abs.
“Beautiful kitten,” Jenii purred. Pestilence was well worked up, all his doing, so there was no harm letting the plant join now. He glanced at Karrak, inclining his head slightly toward Pestilence.
The demon plant picked up on the hint, reading that body language and understanding so much better than spoken language. He prowled up onto the couch behind Pestilence, settling himself so he wasn’t crushing Jenii’s legs. Then he leaned forward and licked a long line up that earthen expanse of back offered to him.
Pestilence gripped hard at the couch, biting his lip to silence himself. Jenii settled back to watch, taking in the beauty that was his lover from a more relaxed position. His energy was fairly low, this was a great way to see his mate all worked up without expending a great deal of energy himself. With enough of this watching he might even be aroused enough to join in eventually.
Karrak was enjoying himself, nibbling his way back down along Pestilence’s back, leaving the Force in the predicament of whether to rock forward or arch back. Jenii thought it was a very beautiful display, his lover caught in that dilemma, whimpering, gasping and squirming as he was. Everything increased dramatically as the plant’s ministrations moved lower to that sensitive small of back.
Jenii tightened his grip upon the Force’s length just slightly in a rhythmic pulse. Karrak’s clawed fingers curled around Pestilence’s dark hips, threatening to break the skin but not doing so. There was, however, a tinge of blood in the air.
From the increasing sounds and movements from Pestilence, Jenii was almost certain he was being bitten by Karrak. The Shadow choked down a growl, soothing down his jealousy. Karrak was likely just doing it to pleasure the Force, perhaps soothe a little bloodlust, he wasn’t marking him. Jenii reminded himself as Pestilence gripped at his shoulders that the blonde had promised himself to Jenii, only to him, forever. Even if he was trying to move back more into Karrak’s attention than Jenii’s.
The demon demanded attention, leaning up and licking under Pesti’s jaw, “Is he tormenting you, poor beautiful kitten?”
Pestilence managed to slit his eye open, barely focusing on Jenii. He was panting hard for breath, whimpers and moans caught up together, hardly coherent. Jenii wasn’t going to receive an answer, just that little focus. It wasn’t enough for Jenii though, he freed a hand and caressed that beautiful face.
“Nhnn, I know, you’re so beautiful,” Jenii traced his finger lightly around the dead eye, purposively going for that intense reaction.
Pestilence shuddered and cried out without restraint, eye going closed again. The Karrak plant had moved up, away from Pesti’s back, pushing the Force forward. Jenii glanced at Pesti’s hips, finding one of Karrak’s hands to be missing. Jenii could deduce what that missing hand was up to well enough, especially when Pestilence began rocking his hips back towards Karrak.
The Shadow let his hand wander up into that soft mass of hair, giving Pestilence a moment’s rest from that overwhelming sensation of caressing around the edge of the dead eye. He had a strong urge to continue, to grab hold of Pestilence’s arousal and take him right over into orgasm before Karrak had a chance to even enter him, but he shoved it down. He had suggested it, for Karrak’s sake, he had no place to withdraw the offer now.
The blonde had tilted his face up, chasing after Jenii’s touches, murmuring wordless pleased noises. It was such an adorable reaction that Jenii had to smile.
“Such a lovely sight you are.”
Pestilence found a method of rocking forward and back, stroking himself once again upon Jenii’s stomach, “Mmnn… so good- ahhnn.”
“What? You want this?” Jenii rewarded him, bringing his touch back down around that eye once more.
The Force moaned in response, losing that little bit of rhythm he’d gained, tilting his face to be sure Jenii stroked more around that eye rather than drifted away again. Something had again jarred his body forward, and he arched himself back against the added pressure.
Jenii smirked, letting Pestilence catch his fingers in that hot little mouth, sliding them past those parted, pouting lips, “Would almost think you’re enjoying yourself,” he teased.
Dusky red eyes flickered to over Pestilence’s shoulder, glaring at Karrak rising up there. Those claws had returned to the Force’s hips, this time breaking the skin with the sharp scent of blood. Karrak for his part didn’t notice the glare, placing himself, thrusting hard up into Pestilence.
The poor little Force moaned in his throat, vibrating Jenii’s fingers as he sucked hard and hungrily at them. He’d lowered his chest toward Jenii, offering his hips up toward the plant. Karrak growled loudly with incited lust, losing what little hold he had on control and shoving deep into the blonde.
Pestilence made a sharp noise of surprise, gripping hard at Jenii’s shoulders to keep himself from skidding forward. Then those moans flooded back, volume rising dramatically as he and Karrak worked to find an rhythm somewhere in all that lust and demanding need.
“Easy,” Jenii attempted glaring again, but the plant was quite wrapped up in what he was doing. He didn’t like Pestilence being rode this hard – at least not by someone other than him.
Karrak put his forehead down against Pesti’s shoulder, those dark pinchers creating a eerie backdrop for that golden mass of hair. Jenii had half a thought to kick Karrak away, curl around his Force and protect him from that assault. Like the rest of his jealous thoughts, he pushed it down, reminding himself that Karrak needed it just this one time, then he could steal Pestilence off to the First Realm and have him all to himself.
The Force had given up attempting very much movement, lost in all the needing. Karrak more than took up the slack, the fierce pounding finding a quick pulse that shoved Pestilence into Jenii’s grasp without the blonde needing to thrust forward.
Pestilence was already shuddering, moaning, kneading his little hands against Jenii’s muscled shoulders. Jenii wanted to move, to claim some of that, but he didn’t want to end this lovely display quite yet, he needed to see so much more and likely any addition at the moment would put Pestilence over the edge.
“I need…” the blonde gasped, putting his head down all the way against Jenii’s chest, nuzzling.
Karrak was growling loudly, head tucked down, eyes closed, entirely focused on the mating. Jenii kept watch on those acid-tipped vines. One false move would give him the excuse to stop this. Unfortunately Karrak seemed to know that and kept his vines very still, his pinchers and spikes far from hurting Pestilence, only those claws digging into his hips.
The Shadow knew Pestilence was rushing up towards orgasm, he could tell by the subtle body changes, the differing sounds, the rising scent of heat. All the sensations wrapped around him, thrilling him wonderfully, causing growls to rumble out of him as Pestilence put pressure upon his hardening arousal.
Pestilence shuddered harder, pushing up from Jenii and arching his back, attempting to move back into Karrak’s thrusts, “Oh gods… need… please… need to… ahhn!”
Jenii shivered at Pestilence’s cry, loving when the Force hit that point. Obviously it incited Karrak as well, the plant speeding his thrusts even more, absolutely slamming into the Force, grunting with every slap of flesh.
The demon cradled Pestilence’s face in his hand again, thumbing firmly around the edge of that dead eye. Pestilence cried out again despite biting his lip, shuddering again and again, rapidly losing control.
“Ahn! Gods… ah!” the Force struggled, barely managing coherent words between the cries, attempting to drive himself back against Karrak, arching up even further.
Karrak howled shortly at that shifted angle, hitting something infinitely better inside the Force. Pestilence’s cries peaked as well, his length leaking out fluid over Jenii’s stomach.
“There… ahn, gods… there! Need… now!” the words dissolved into an even louder and longer cry as the scent of blood renewed itself in the air.
Karrak’s powerful jaws had taken hold of the back of Pestilence’s neck, all movement suddenly stopped at the apex of a powerful thrust that nearly threw the Force down onto Jenii. The Force tightened and shuddered hard, orgasm wracking his body. The plant was curled over him, growling as his own shudders peaked and slowly died off as well.
The plant remained there only a moment, pushing himself up shakily, nosing under Pestilence’s hair to lick at that bite wound. The growls subsided off to purrs – in the plant – Jenii’s growls were still very much growls.
Jenii was distracted from his rising anger at the Force’s dark, little hand seeking and finding his own, shakily twining them together. He couldn’t help but watch his husband lay there and gasp for breath, shivering, attempting to draw himself back together again.
“You’re so adorable,” Jenii nearly smiled, the entire situation suddenly reduced to just the two of them. “And so fucking hot…”
Karrak leaned up from the affectionate licking, rubbing his hands over Pestilence’s back and thighs to encourage them to relax. Pestilence murmured a content noise, relaxing much easier under that attention.
“Am not… mmn…” Pestilence lost the will to argue somewhere in a very nice touch.
“Oh yes you are, very adorable, and very sexy,” Jenii lovingly brushed golden strands from Pestilence’s face, adoring that very sated and content look.
The Force moved his head only slightly, orgasmic lethargy prevailing at the moment, but seeking after that hand for caresses and nuzzles. “You’re just… a bad, dirty voyeur.”
“Raarr,” Jenii thrilled at the words alone.
Karrak grunted a quiet sound, forcing himself away from the couple, thudding down onto the floor. He curled up, head resting on his folded arms, looking very content and sedated himself. That thrilled Jenii even more, the thought he had Pestilence all to himself now.
He wrapped his free arm around the Force, burrowing his face into that soft fluff of hair, breathing deeply. For a moment he could ignore his own desires, content to savour this unique scent of Pestilence that he so enjoyed. But that only lasted a moment, there was yet the scent of Karrak upon his mate, and that only enflamed his need to reclaim him.
Jenii held his husband tighter for just another moment, then moved his hand to slip between them. He rubbed a little at Pestilence’s belly, the Force murmuring content noises. That sparked his lust even more, some odd fetishistic desire from that swollen stomach.
His hand moved down, managing to push his pants down enough to free his aching length. Pestilence roused himself, blinking dozily, curious to see what that hand was doing. He lifted himself up and shifted slightly to the side, humming a pleased noise at the sight of his demon mate stroking himself.
“Hmm… excited you that much? Now I see what kind of man I married,” Pestilence teased, nipping at the corner of Jenii’s mouth.
“Oh yes, how dare I be turned on watching my lovely husband,” Jenii half-lidded his eyes.
The blonde slid his arms around Jenii’s neck and dusted little kisses over scars, “Yes… and how dare you touch yourself… I’m jealous.”
A shiver played up Jenii’s spine at that tone. He arched his back, accentuating what he was doing to himself, the long, firm stroke, the pleasure it gave him. Pestilence looked down the long line of Jenii’s body at that show, pouting the cutest little trying to be mad face.
“You’re doing that on purpose,” the Force sulked.
“Am not, am doing it to come,” Jenii purred, teasingly, taunting his mate.
The Force squirmed slightly, obviously turned on by that sight, even uttering a quiet, distressed whimper. He bit his lip, running his free hand down Jenii’s chest and over that rippled abdomen.
“Gods… my man is so hot,” he whispered lustfully.
Jenii shifted his stroke further down his length, leaving the head exposed as if in offering. Pestilence took up that opportunity, brushing his fingers over the hot flesh, wrenching a moan from Jenii’s chest. He let his head fall back, breathing coming rougher. All this watching and work and he still couldn’t complete with Pestilence’s excitability already.
The blonde slipped his hand down that hard length, up over Jenii’s hand to the scars there, rubbing at them before returning his attention back to that arousal.
Jenii moaned again, the pleasure rippling up and down his spine. It wasn’t all just show either, the touches of those soft little fingers was exquisitely teasing. He allowed himself to get wrapped up in it all, pleasure building upon pleasure.
Pestilence uttered quite the distressed noise, hand tugging at Jenii’s and tugging it away from its work. He shifted his leg in place instead, rubbing that heated length against his thigh, gradually increasing the pressure.
The blonde found a rhythm, caressing his lips over Jenii’s, “What does my man want?”
“Man wants his sexy kitten,” Jenii growled, nibbling back at those offered lips, “Not too tired?”
“Mmn... no, can more than manage for my man.. especially if calls me kitten mmm,” the Force wriggled with delight.
Jenii tugged his hand loose of Pesti’s and slipped it up under blonde hair. He felt out the bite, measuring the size of it, jealousy rearing it’s ugly head fiercely. Oh yes, he had to reclaim his little mate. His hand moved on, looking for that scar on the back of Pesti’s elegantly sloping neck.
The Force shivered when Jenii hit over the sensitive skin, arching up into the touch, stroking himself against Jenii. Jenii smirked and leaned up, fusing his mouth to Pestilence’s full lips, kissing hotly, deeply.
During the kiss, Pestilence slid his leg all the way over Jenii, shifting a little awkwardly with his bulky stomach but managing to straddle Jenii’s hips. He began rocking his hips, teasing his rear against his mate’s hard length, returning the kiss with a lazy and slow-burning passion.
Jenii couldn’t resist arching up, just the thought of getting inside his hot little husband driving him wild now. He hummed into the kiss before breaking it, breathing even rougher now and punctuated by lustful growls.
His strong hands grabbed at those claw-ravaged hips, dragging the two of them tightly together, grinding flesh against needing flesh. Pestilence shivered and arched into it, keeping his lips where they were, licking teasing flickers at Jenii’s lips.
Pestilence breathed over Jenii’s mouth, words barely louder than the breath that carried them, “Am all yours.”
Jenii growled loudly, “Mine,” he made his claim with another kiss, this one deeper, harder, more intense and possessive.
The Force moved his body, wriggling and squirming his hips until he’d nudged the head of Jenii’s heat against his still slick entrance. He pushed down just a little, eliciting a rumble from deep within Jenii’s chest as their tongues battled one another.
Jenii abruptly broke off the kiss, clenching those hips tighter, slamming up into his little husband with all the strength he had, absolutely unable to resist another second. The Force moaned and arched his back, rocking down to try and take even more of Jenii up into him. On the next powerful thrust, Jenii crashed up into Pestilence’s to the hilt.
“Ahh… mmn… gods yes,” Pestilence shuddered and moaned, head thrown back.
“Mine… my mate…” the Shadow growled loudly, arching up harder, grunting with every thrust. He moved faster, harder, totally relentless, driven by pure and immediate need.
“Ahn… Jenii… ahh!” the blonde cried out, shuddering hard against each thrust and barely able to find the coherency to drive back down upon that length. Every breath was lost to a moan or lustful cry.
Jenii let his hands wander, wanting Pestilence to do more, loving when the Force rode him like this. He continued slamming up into his lover, just as hard, just as fast, growling under his breath, “Mine… all mine…”
Pestilence steadied himself against the back of the couch, driving himself down harder, wildly, completely beyond control. Jenii felt like he was literally on fire in that tight heat, pressed so fiercely that he had to come now or he would burn up.
He rubbed his hands up Pestilence’s back, bringing his nails back down, needing to push the Force that much closer to release quickly. That need was almost as much as he needed to cover all those places he’d been touched by Karrak. It was so very sexy how Pestilence managed to move towards those scratches and still keep up his vicious rhythm.
“Ahh… yours… Gods yes… yes… all yours…” the blonde panted, dragging the nails of his free hand down Jenii’s chest.
Pestilence rocked his hips into a slightly different angle, taking Jenii just that little bit higher, his cry at the sudden explosion of pleasure crashing against Jenii’s ears. Jenii faltered slightly between all the crossing and overwhelming sensations, shivers playing through him.
“Hnn… right there… perfect,” he encouraged, gathering a little more strength behind his thrusts.
The Force seemed to notice the falters and shivers, signs Jenii was losing control. He managed to speed his own movements, riding Jenii harder, driving down against him at that amazingly good, tight angle.
“There… right there! Ahhnn Jenii!” Pestilence drew out his mate’s name in the most glorious way.
Jenii slammed up into his beautiful Pestilence and held there, arched up hard and holding there, captivated by the wracking shudders of an intense orgasm. The Force came not more than a second after Jenii’s scalding seed shot up into him, cry caught in his throat from its own intensity.
Pestilence curled forward against Jenii’s chest, the Shadow more than delighted to accept him there, wrapping his arms around him despite them feeling so heavy.
The demon purred without restrained, “Hmmm… mine.”
“Of course... always...” Pestilence shifted just a little, nuzzling up against Jenii’s neck.
Jenii moved his head to the side, thudding his head against Pesti’s, licking affectionately, “Love... really really love…”
He really didn’t want to, but he forced himself to move, grabbing some nearby blankets and dragging them over them. It was for Genesis’ warmth, he excused, not the fact he didn’t want anyone else to see his mate.
A tired giggle bubbled up from inside his Pestilence as he tilted his face into Jenii’s licking attentions, “Kolm ta.”
“Cute kitten... mine, all mine,” Jenii forced him to shift over slightly, tucking Pestilence between himself and the back of the couch – for warmth, not possessiveness. “Gen?”
Pestilence hummed a content noise, all snuggled and comfortable, then he blinked in confusion, “Gen? Check on her?”
Jenii nudged up against Pesti's temple, worried about the child he could no longer communicate with mentally.
“Mm right…” the Force closed his eye, taking a deeper breath.
The Shadow occupied himself as he waited, worry creeping in despite the orgasmic contentment. He fussed and preened over Pesti’s hair, watching as the Force stroked lazily over his stomach.
Then Pestilence looked at him, speaking in a very serious tone, “I'm bad.”
Jenii couldn’t help the grin that came over his face, “Raarr I know.”
The Force bit his little finger, giggling cutely, “Am bad because wasn't you first time.”
Jenii thought that over, then shifted down a little to poke at Pestilence’s stomach, “You know what, little lady, don't you presume to scold us.”
Pestilence giggled, hugging Jenii, “Oh my, she’s definitely presuming.”
Jenii put his forehead to rest there and growled, prepared for the long battle of stubborn wills.