First Time

This fantasy fic supposedly takes place shortly after Tanji and Kino can first be considered a couple.
Friday January 5th, 2001.


Tanji curiously peered through the small amount he’d opened the door, blinking in surprise. He shut the door and rattled the chain loose with an all-too-shaky hand, opening the door all the way with an apologetic half-smile.

“I got worried when you didn’t come back to the temple after school, figured you might be here,” Kino excused softly, stepping just barely inside as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

“Ya, I had ta come back here for some things for the punk, figured it’d be easier for me just ta stay the night… familiar environment an all. She’s not feelin too well either,” Tanji nodded at the little toddler curled up in a reclining chair with a fluffy blanket and her favorite stuffed animal, watching a children’s movie.

“Oh. So I guess Kesu isn’t… coming home then?” Kino blinked at the girl.

“Nah,” Tanji wandered toward the kitchen, “he thought it better if he stayed with his mother as long as they’d let ‘im, then he’s goin to uhh… ya know… stay with that vampire,” Tanji made a face, distracting himself with finishing preparing dinner.

“Oh… him,” Kino’s soft tone held a slight amount of distaste, a little more than she could tactfully conceal.

“Akiko are you hungry?” Tanji asked worriedly, peering around the corner at the little girl. She blinked large and sleepy eyes at him, dragging them from the TV, shaking her head slowly. Tanji sighed and decided not to argue with her anymore. “You hungry Kino?”

Kino had to admit she was, and that smell was delightful. “When did you learn to cook?” she asked bemused.

“Heh, with all I eat, if I didna learn for myself I’d starve,” he snickered.

Behind him he heard Kino laugh softly, settling herself down at a kitchen chair. So often the four of them had gathered around that table to study… or not study in the case of Tyger and Tanji. As the noodles finished Tanji poured them both some tea. He didn’t even have to take her the cup, she did it herself, drawing it right into her hands with a soft smile. Tanji just shook his head and dished out two bowls.

“Oh gonna make me serve this one, huh?” he grinned and padded over to the table with the noodles.

“Mmm… it’s only polite of you,” Kino’s smile surprised him, something of a sultry nature as she purposefully brushed her fingers against his as she took the bowl.

Tanji curled one leg under him as he sat beside her, glancing back at Akiko. Her movie was just about over, but the little girl’s head had fallen to the side to rest on the arm of the chair, her eyes closed and breathing heavier than normal. He’d checked her temperature earlier, she was fine, just really tired. It was pretty much her bedtime anyway.

“You cook very well,” Kino sounded a touch shocked.

Tanji laughed quietly under his breath, very pleased with himself at this surprise he’d thrown at her. It was good, but Tanji found he wasn’t exceptionally interested in eating at the moment. He took a deep breath and eased his hand across the table to slip atop hers, eyes wide and pleading when she curiously met his gaze.

“Kino… would ya… stay… I mean, ya know… spend the night, here?” he asked meekly.

A blush touched her cheeks, a natural reaction, and he thought it was so preciously cute. “Kesu wouldn’t mind?” she asked softly.

Tanji shook his head, “I doubt it, he’d understand I’d be bored to death here alone,” he looked away, canting his head down at his untouched dinner and slipping his hand away from hers.

Kino noticed it as well, setting down her tea and slipping a slender hand beneath his ponytail to his neck. “Are you sick, you’re always hungry.”

He shivered slightly at her touch, “I guess I’ve just got… my mind on other things,” Tanji excused softly, casting his eyes down to his hands folded in his lap. Much to his surprise Kino’s other hand slipped into his view, laying atop them. He darted a glance sideways to find she’d scooted to the edge of her chair, angled toward him. The fingers upon his neck were gently massaging.

“Other things like what?” her voice was deceptively innocent, her expression something he’d only seen in fleeting impulsive moments, playful, teasing.

Tanji didn’t have to answer, from that expression she knew what he was going to say, “Like you…”

“Like me spending the night,” she finished for him, blush deepening. “I don’t have a thing to sleep in.”

That nearly knocked him off his chair, heart fluttering suddenly. He had to scream to himself that that had been merely an offhand statement with no sub-context whatsoever. Yet that gentle massage at the back of his neck was saying something different. Kino was blushing badly, but he knew she couldn’t help it. Still, she surprised him again by leaning forward and kissing him, softly, but those lips were so sweet.

“Kino,” he murmured softly when she broke the kiss, pulling back just the barest amount. He slipped one hand from hers to gently caress her face.

“Of course I’ll stay,” she darted in another playful kiss and stood up, taking her cup and bowl to the sink. “Can’t have you being bored afterall.”

Tanji blinked, mostly thrilled, a touch confused. And he’d thought he wasn’t sure how to behave properly around her before. Maybe she was just throwing all these surprises back at him as payback. Hmm, probably. But then again, maybe not. He turned and watched her rinse out her dishes, noticed the slight smile on those beautiful lips, a plotting smile.

“I’ve got a bunch of clothes here… prolly got a shirt you could sleep in,” Tanji shut the TV off on his way back to Kesu’s bedroom, thinking maybe he should move Akiko to her room, but really not wanting to disturb her. She looked so peaceful.

The half demon padded back into the bedroom, nearly tripping on his duffel bag before turning on the light. He spent so much time here he had his own drawer in Kesu’s dresser, the bag had contained what now laid across the bed. A steel gray comforter dotted sparsely by branches that mirrored sakura trees, but had blue flower buds instead. He had no idea why he’d bought it, the black velvet pillows he could understand, those matched his black comforter back at the temple, but they looked really nice with the new comforter as well.

He blinked himself from his thoughts, pulling open ‘his’ drawer and rifling around. Tanji found what he was looking for, a large tee-shirt, perfect for sleeping in. With her staying the night, it crossed his mind that it would be better if he slept with a shirt on too instead of just his normal shorts.

“Find something?” Kino’s soft voice broke into his thoughts. How had she gotten mere feet from him without him noticing? “So this is Kesu’s bedroom?” she clasped her hands in front of her and looked around, not letting him answer. “Been here so many times, strange I’ve never seen it. It’s fairly… plain.”

Tanji blinked around, knowing she was right. There were a few pictures on the walls, a couple paintings he’d given him as presents now and again. A bookcase took up the far corner, a simple desk sat in front of the one window across from the door, the closet to the right, and the dresser and then the bed on the left. There were very few personal items of Kesu's, a few knick knacks of Saya’s high above atop the bookcase from when the room had been hers. Kesu’s mother had let him have the room when the girls had been born, excusing that a teenaged boy needed more room and privacy as she occupied the smaller room with the toddlers. Personally, Tanji thought the family just needed a bigger place.

He watched Kino walk quietly around him, sitting on the corner of the bed and looking out the window. Tanji knew she wasn’t admiring the view, it was just a narrow alley there. He nearly jumped in surprise when he realized Kino’s little fingers were undoing the closures of her blouse. Tanji looked away quickly, sliding the drawer shut and laying the shirt down on the bed beside her.

Tanji started to leave the room, but her little hand caught his and tugged him back. He looked at her questioningly. “Don’t you want… to see how it looks on me?” she was nervous, somewhat frightened by the sound of her tone. He could very well imagine what she’d look like, those beautiful legs… that alone was enough to drive him mad. Her hand led his toward the one closure of her shirt left, the one spanning the expanse between her breasts.

His heart leapt to his throat, but his fingers undid the clasp as if they knew what they were doing. Kino’s delicate hand guided his to part the shirt, finding the bra beneath. It was one of those ones that closed in the front, which Tanji also quietly undid.

Kino’s other hand gripped his free arm, pulling him down to sit on the bed beside her, still guiding his hand beneath the fabric of the bra to the soft mound of flesh beneath. She uttered a quiet little murmur and let her hand fall away, slipping closer to him and running her hands up his arms to knead his shoulders. He cupped her smallish breast in his hand easily, thumbing the nipple as it quickly hardened under the attention, rolling it gently between his fingers. Tanji repeated the motion with his other hand, then using both together to gently slip the shirt and her bra completely off.

Kino gasped at the cold rush of air, moving even closer as his hands clasped at her hips, pressing her bare chest against him and leaning to kiss his neck. Coincidence or knowledge, she kissed that one spot that just drove him right over the edge, shuddering against her.

Caught up in the sensation, Tanji’s hands took her pretty face in them so he could find those lips, kissing as if to thank her. His tongue slid gently caressing her lips, then further within to seek and entwine with hers. He felt her pull away, but not away truly, merely down onto the bed, and for that reason he let her go. His eyes wandered her perfect beauty, hand reaching to lovingly touch her exposed belly. Feeling a playful little tug to his shirt, he met her gaze.

“You are so beautiful,” Tanji whispered.

“I… am not,” she replied weakly, a soft smile touching her pretty lips. Her hand tugged his shirt untucked, slipping beneath the fabric to caress his side.

Tanji finished taking off the shirt for her, tossing it to the side with hers. He thought he would never, ever see their discarded clothes in a pile together. This was just too good to be true. Her other hand played across his stomach, then wandered over to his right hip.

“There’s two…” Kino laughed softly, fingers dancing over the flesh.

Tanji leaned down and kissed her, brushing back her crimson hair, “Are you counting tattoos?” he asked softly.

“One more I haven’t seen yet,” her tone was nothing if not daring.

Still he couldn’t get rid of those nagging reservations, he didn’t want to hurt her, he had to be certain. Half naked or not, it was still possible Tanji was just being blinded by his wants and not paying attention to what she was telling him.

“You sure?” his lips brushed hers as he whispered.

In answer, a telekinetic force quietly shut the door. Kino smiled innocently blinking, “So we don’t wake Akiko,” she excused softly.

Tanji shivered at the thought alone, his arms sliding beneath her slender form and moving her easily further up the bed, watching her hair as it contrasted so beautifully with his – their – black pillows. One of her hands reached up and touched the velvet.

“Doesn’t seem like Kesu’s style,” she murmured as he nuzzled his cheek to hers.

“I bought them and the blanket… for us… to be ours,” Tanji admitted, kissing that spot below her ear he loved so much, making her shift subtly beneath him.

Kino closed her eyes and submitted to the pleasant attentions of his mouth upon her neck, her hands wandering slowly, exploring. “Tanji I… I love you,” she gasped a little as his kissing wandered down along her collarbone. Her hands left their exploration as she looked at the blanket beneath them. It was beautiful… and it was theirs.

Tanji noticed what she was doing and paused to help her, slipping the thick comforter from beneath and settling it back over them. Then he sniggled back down and continued in his quest to make Kino happy. With their combined fire ki, it was quickly very warm beneath the blanket, and certainly a wonderful change from the coolness of the under-heated room. He gave the slightest pause, then turned his attentions to one perfect breast, making her wriggle a little more, uttering the cutest little noises to express her pleasure.

Kino’s fingers against his cheek made him pause again, sitting up a little further to gaze down at her, her touches slipping down to his stomach. “Tanji… stop,” she breathed, her eyes half-closed. “Don’t… I don’t mean stop… just…”

Her willowy fingers were tracing over the tattoo on his hip again, gently and barely pushing down his pants to do so. A thorny rose vine entwining a sword, painful but beautiful love capturing and holding cold unrelenting steel - Tanji wondered distantly if she knew it meant that. She didn’t give him much time to think about it, her butterfly touches wandering in innocent curiosity.

Tanji grasped her hand, blushing fiercely and settling back down against her, kissing the flat expanse of her stomach. His hands slipped gently between the fabric of her pants and her silken skin, her hands brushing against his to help. They moved slowly, taking their time, together in each motion, until the both of them were rid of all their clothing. Kino’s touches were not so light anymore, a definite insistence there… but he still didn’t want to hurt her.

His body shuddered at a firm, kneading pressure at the small of his back. Now that was a place he loved that drove him completely wild. Kino picked up on it, her other arm encircling him so both hands could attack the overly sensitive area together. Tanji couldn’t help but moan quietly against her neck, slipping a hand behind her head to cradle it as he kissed her, deeply this time. His other hand slipped to her waist and firmly grasped to steady himself. The last thing he wanted in all the worlds was to hurt her…

Kino’s cry was so sharp Tanji thought for certain he’d done something wrong, but her hands remained insistently urging, her sweet lips seeking another kiss.

“Ai shiteru, itoshii,” Tanji murmured against her lips.

He moved slowly forward, joining them together completely, their two bodies united. He resisted with everything he had left to control himself, to not speed the rhythm of their movements.

“Tanji…” Kino whimpered breathlessly, “be with me… forever?” she sounded so scared, it brought tears to his eyes as he nearly lost the pace of the gentle thrusting.

“Of course, my angel, forever… always,” Tanji swore soothingly, kissing her once more.

Kino broke the kiss, throwing her head back, body arching in a shudder beneath him, her hands fiercely claiming his flesh to center her reality as everything blurred in a haze of passion. He joined her in the blissful release, burying himself against her pretty neck and moaning quietly as he gave everything he had to her in a rush of fire.

“My precious love,” he breathed raggedly against her skin, no words were ever adequate enough, didn’t matter how hard he tried.

Kino wrapped her arms securely around him, tears in her eyes, shushing him quietly. Tanji smiled softly, wearily, and the two of them cuddled there together. No words were ever good enough, but the silence… that silence said everything.
