Pain is copyrighted to Sallie Drazzi
"Just what precisely are you doing here?" Pain lounged in the doorway, eyes narrow, glaring at the figure who was in his room.
"What does it look like I'm doing?" he replied, voice just as low and threatening as Pain's.
Pain knew that voice, that gravelly baritone. Even without the subtle glint of purple he saw as the light from the hallway behind him reflected off the intruder's eyes.
"Ran," Pain forced a smile, stepping into the room. "This is my room."
"I know that," Ran's tone was the same, charming, calm.
"These are my things. What do you think you are doing?"
"Using them of course, I should think that's obvious," the kitsune tested the blade of the machine, slicing his finger open.
Pain ignored the little thrill of watching Ran lick the blood from his finger. "I didn't say you could."
"I didn't ask, now did I?"
Pain couldn't help but grin, advancing forward and grabbing Ran's arm before the kitsune could activate the machine. "Here... let me," he sneered, inches from Ran's face, throwing the machine on.
Ran threw his head back and howled, which quickly dissolved into a laugh. Pain kept ahold of his wrist, heart thudding faster in his chest, ears singing with the rush of blood. Ran thrashed a bit, which only made it worse - precisely the effect he'd wanted. The smell of blood filled the room.
Pain cut it off all too early, enjoying the fact that Ran was displeased with this. He released the kitsune's arm...
And found himself slammed against the wall, Ran leaning hard against him, breath hot on his neck, teeth sinking into his flesh.
"Make you pay for that... I wasn't done yet," Ran snarled, muffled by the flesh and blood that filled his mouth, digging his nails into Pain's wrists.
Pain tilted his head, trying to fight how badly this all turned him on, and doing fairly well until Ran bit again, deeper into the wound, veritably gnawing at his flesh. He closed his eyes and moaned, bucking his hips up against the kitsune. Ran responded by slamming his body against the immortal's, driving him back into the wall hard enough to bruise.
It had been a long time since Pain had played passive... so he figured he might as well enjoy it.
Ran jerked back, tearing flesh from his shoulder, jerking on his arm and sending him face first onto the floor. Pain grunted as the wind was knocked out of him, trying to get his arms beneath him. Ran was atop him immediately, knee digging into the small of Pain's back, hands roughly grabbing his wrists and twisting them nearly to his shoulderblades. Pain growled, somewhere between lust and discomfort, but loving every minute of it.
The kitsune used his free hand, clawing down Pain's back, shredding both his shirt and his skin. Pain shuddered involuntarily, moaning unrestrained when Ran did the same down his side and thigh, slicing through his pants. Ran ripped what remained of the cloth, exposing Pain's ass, dragging his claws once more down the immortal's side, watching the beads of crimson flow over his skin, letting his fingers play in the slick warmth.
Ran growled softly in his throat, smearing the blood across Pain's ass, coating his fingers well. Making sure his claws were fully extended, he shoved three fingers brutally up into Pain. The immortal cried out loudly, feeling the talons shredding his insides, the heat of the blood, the strain of muscles stretched so quickly.
"Hmm," Ran purred, letting his fingers slip out of the immortal, taking a long look around the room.
"Ran," Pain drawled, attempting a warning tone, demanding more and not taking no for an answer. No way he would be tormented by being left waiting, that was just too... deliciously cruel. A grin spread across his face. "Can't think of anything else to do?"
Ran leaned down and bit at his ear, "Of course not, just figured since you've got all these nice things..." he left the sentence hanging, taking another look around the room.
"Ran," Pain growled fiercely, trying to get his arms loose.
"Tsk, impatient," Ran grinned, shoving his pants down and slamming up into Pain without warning, twisting his arms up higher on his back, digging his claws into his hip.
Pain grunted from the force of the entry, pressing his face against the floor and closing his eyes. His torn interior walls screamed in agony, the blood slickening them but doing nothing to ease the pain, much to his delight. And the scent of blood all around was just overwhelming. Laying there pressed hard against the floor among his blood and tattered clothes, taken forcefully, grinding his arousal against the floor - it was just what he needed.
Ran tore his claws from Pain's hip, reaching and grabbing a handful of the immortal's hair. Pain growled as he was bent backwards, tears springing to the corners of his eyes, the agony racing through his body making his arousal ache. He let his eyes roll back in his head and slip shut as his body fell back against Ran, the kitsune's length splitting him up the center. Every fierce thrust threw him up and back.
"Ran," the immortal heard himself whisper, dangerously close to begging. Of course he wouldn't beg, but still... it had almost sounding like begging.
The kitsune released his wrist, reaching around him, claws raking across his stomach, thrillingly close to his erection, teasing.
"Hnnnnn... Ran... more."
Ran breathed heavy against Pain's ear, loving how the lanky body was shuddering against him, all around him, the blood flowing down from between their joining. He gave Pain what he was asking for, grasping his hard length with claws extended, giving him a wicked stroke.
Pain cried out, reaching back and gripping at Ran's hair, back arching as his body shuddered in orgasm, revelling in the pain that overwhelmed him. It was delicious, the sensation of his hot seed mingling with the blood in Ran's hand mirroring that within him around Ran's jerking length.
Ran released him, falling back, movements a little stiff and lethargic. Pain knelt where he'd been abandoned, fingers lightly playing in the blood, smearing it over his flesh as he caught his breath. Once his heart had stopped pounding quite so hard he peered back over his shoulder at the kitsune.
"Spent already?" he sneered.
"Hardly," Ran grinned, winking back at him.
Playtime was just getting started.