Jenii and Pestilence
Pestilence is copyrighted to Sallie Drazzi
The bathroom door slammed shut.
The occupant, who had been showering in privacy, peeked out from behind the shower curtain, eyeing the other person that now occupied the room as well.
Pestilence blinked, speaking after a long pause, “Did you want to use the bathroom?”
The large, fairly scarred up demon grunted low in his throat, eyeing the door evilly, “I was coerced into showering here. I now see why.”
“Oh so not really?”
Jenii scowled, crouching to inspect the door’s lock, which was indeed locked from the outside. What a truly odd way to lock a bathroom door, normally such doors, he would have thought, would be locked from the inside so the person using the facilities could do so in peace. It seemed this door locked from both sides, only once locked from one, did not unlock from the other.
“I could indeed use a shower, however you are occupying it and we seem to be stuck in here.”
“Stuck?” Pestilence inquired with a touch of surprise.
The chocolate skinned Forced slipped out of the shower, snagging a nearby towel and casually wrapping it around himself. He pattered over to the door and tried it himself, just to be sure it was indeed locked.
Jenii laid his hand against the door, “It’s also magically warded so we cannot use powers to get out. How convenient for our captors.”
The fire demon crossed his arms over his chest. He attempted to keep his eyes anywhere except the direction of Pestilence, which was where they were tending to end up at the moment. He had met Pestilence several days before, hardly saying a word to one another, not strange considering Jenii didn’t speak many words to anyone. But even despite not saying anything, Jenii had found Pestilence to be highly attractive, desirable… and now here he was wearing merely a towel and some hot droplets of moisture-
Jenii grunted, silencing those inner thoughts and glaring at the door, “Do not let me disturb your shower.”
Pestilence smiled, “Is okay, I was probably near finished anyway,” he said as he wandered back over to turn off the water in the shower.
Jenii couldn’t keep him from watching that, choking down a lustful little growl in his throat, glaring back at the door again. Male demons of his sort cycled into periods of severe sexual excitability, often referred to as some sort of heat or mating instinct. This was one of those periods. Certainly he’d ignored his feelings before, but today was different, today his body was demanding to be listened to.
Pestilence blinked over his shoulder, concern piqued by the growl, “You're okay?”
Jenii straightened up, dusky red eyes harsh and focused on Pestilence, riveted there immediately, completely and utterly fixed there without hope of being torn away, “I am fine.”
“If you're sure,” the slender Force found another towel and started rubbing his hair dry.
Jenii caught his eyes wandering down along the length of that slender form; those strong legs as they poured themselves from beneath that towel, then back up along them, imaging what was concealed there. The smooth slope of stomach looked so inviting, the gentle curve into the chest area, those pert little dark nubs for nipples.
The old warrior snapped his eyes shut, but it was too late, the images were in his head now. And his body was responding to them eagerly.
Pestilence seemed rather oblivious, finishing with his hair and sitting on the edge of the bath. He stretched out one leg in front of him and rubbed it with the towel, “If you came in for a shower and still want one, it is okay.”
Jenii grunted, “Perhaps that would do me well.”
What he was thinking was that perhaps a cold shower would do him well. He stripped down, having no mind for modesty. If Pestilence bothered to look he would have seen quite the erection Jenii was sporting. Jenii stepped into the shower and turned on the water full cold despite being that he was a fire demon he really despised the cold. Highly displeased growling noises refused to silence themselves.
Jenii braced his arms against the wall and let the water pour over him, shivering now and again, not so much from the cold of the water but from the sensation of it moving over his sensitive flesh. He tried desperately to get his mind away from those enticing visions, but it steadfastly refused him at every turn. The heat in the bathroom was rising.
Pestilence glanced at the steam rising up from the shower, “You're okay in there?”
“As I said, I am fine,” Jenii thumped his head against the wall and let it rest there.
“Okay... sorry.”
Jenii sideglanced, watching as Pestilence perched himself on the sink just beside him, where he could see him past the curtain if he leaned just a little forward. The slender force loosened the towel from pinching him, just sitting there, swinging his feet a little.
The fire demon’s lustful gaze watched Pestilence, thoroughly looking him over. They flickered to the distance separating them, gauging it. Oh it would be so easy just to grab him and pull him-
No. Just, no. Jenii had always ignored his feelings; they were a burden, something to be shoved down deeply to avoid impeding the task at hand. Except the task at hand was a very demanding sex drive that he had never in seven hundred years had so much difficulty with. There was just something about Pestilence that he had never experienced with any other person.
That was mad, seven hundred years of damn near chastity and here was a slender boy of a Force that had him so hot and bothered he was to the point of losing control. It was completely mad.
Pestilence looked to be lost in thought, now and again wiping away a bead of moisture sliding down along his skin, glistening and slipping. Those little water droplets had to be in heaven, touching and sliding along that dark flesh. Jenii could just imagine how it must feel, smooth and so very warm… so close, so easy to reach out and touch…
Jenii’s arm flashed out before he could stop it, grabbing Pestilence’s forearm. Oh and once it was there, melding against that dark, smooth skin, all of Jenii’s resistances crashed and crashed hard. He couldn’t even begin to stop himself from dragging the Force into the shower, trapping him against the shower wall.
“Er… is there… something you wanted?” Pestilence asked, confused and a little surprised.
Jenii growled and kissed him in answer, more teeth than anything else, unable to stop himself from that either. His fiercely strong hands held the boy there needlessly, his large body had the smaller form pressed there tightly enough.
Pestilence tensed up in surprise, making a muffled shocked noise into the kiss. Yet it wasn’t long before that slender body was trying to press closer, his head tilting up, as if offering himself to Jenii. That mouth was so very hot and delicious, just as Jenii had imagined it would be. He bit at those soft, pouty lips, shoving his tongue past them and sweeping within that mouth for a long and thorough taste.
Jenii's growls increased dramatically. He forced himself to move away from Pestilence's mouth, almost as if afraid he’d be consumed there. No, there was much more to taste and feel here, so much more. He tasted down along his neck, sucking and biting, attempting to take in the individual flavours of every single inch.
His one hand palmed Pestilence’s back to hold him at the angle needed, the other tugging his leg up against his hip. Jenii slid his hand down along that silken thigh and over the curve of his rear. His fingers sought out and tested at that entrance there.
The dark-skinned Force moaned, begging, shifting his hips to help his plea. Those slender but strong arms wound around Jenii’s neck, giving just a little pressure to the back of Jenii’s head, encouraging those rough variations of kisses to continue.
Jenii had planned on continuing anyway.
He bit harder into that dark flesh, bruising the skin, causing a few little breaks and slight pinpricks of blood. At the same moment he shoved two fingers up into the boy, eliciting a loud cry that dissolved into whimpers and moans. Those elegant hips rocked, helping to impale himself onto Jenii’s fingers.
Jenii shuddered at the taste of hot blood in his mouth, minute though it was, it was enough to send a jolt of pure heat running through his body. He withdrew his fingers only to push in again, more smoothly this time, working out the resistances in the muscle.
He forced himself away from the bite wound, it was too soon to lose control like that, he had to reign back just a little bit, get some control over himself. His primary desire at the moment was getting himself into Pestilence, and this tightness just would not accommodate him as massively aroused as he was. Jenii carefully added a third finger, pushing up at the small of Pesti’s back to lift him into a better position.
Pestilence cried out again as a shudder ran right through him. He wrapped his other leg around Jenii as well, so hot against Jenii’s skin. That leg appeared so slender, and yet the muscle was taut and extremely strong, adding a most alluring curve where it bunched up tensely. The little Force’s noises quieted down to needing little moans and whimpers again, hips attempting to rock more against the threefold invasion.
Jenii pierced into him a few more times, sure the muscle was stretched enough for him to fit. He had no previous experience with this, it was just some combination of instinct and what little logical thought he had left somewhere in that storm of lust.
The fire demon withdrew his hand entirely, tossing his head back. He held Pestilence there around the waist, teasing both the Force and himself. He wanted to see how Pestilence would react. Perhaps if the Force told him to stop, he might, he could possibly draw back now, keep from raping the boy, this beautiful creature, he certainly didn’t want to hurt him. That thought alone would be enough to gather up his control. So here was a chance for Pestilence to tell him to stop.
Pestilence tightened his grip, pulling himself as close as he could. Those little begging noises increased dramatically, gasping desperately to find his voice, “Please…” he just couldn’t manage more than that. That amethyst eye forced itself open, gazing lustfully at Jenii, voice trying again, tumbling from his lips and nearly snatched by the sounds of the water and their mutual panted breaths, “Please…”
Jenii held him easily in one hand, pressing him tightly there against the shower wall. He sought out and found one of Pesti's hands, forcing it against his own chest. He tried not to growl or snarl, but the lust made that difficult as he commanded, simply, “Claw."
He drug his nails down along Pesti’s thigh, then back up, gripping it tightly, shifting him so he could tease his aching arousal against the Force’s entrance, pressing just a little within. That hand at his chest gripped him, nails digging and clawing as the boy desperately attempted to wriggle his hips, needing so much more than that teasing.
The fire demon shuddered, very pleased at that electric jolt of pain coursing through him. He lowered his head back to Pestilence’s elegantly sloping neck, nuzzling his mouth against that previously made bruise.
Simultaneously, he shoved himself hard up into Pesti and bit down without restraint, clawing at the Force’s back.
Pestilence tightened all over, arching and rocking down against that massive heat driving up into him, filling him up. His head fell back, lips parted in a silent cry. His fingers clawed frantically at Jenii’s skin
Jenii shoved the boy hard up against the wall, teeth sinking deeper as he sucked at the torn flesh. He shuddered again at that wonderful taste spilling into his mouth once more. Growls rumbled deep in his throat, rising with every hard thrust. Those tense legs found another level of tightness around Jenii’s hips, driving them even closer together. Shudders were already beginning to play up and down that slender, arched form.
The large demon gathered all those signs up and took them as encouragement. He pushed in harder and faster, keeping that biting hold on Pesti’s neck. He drug his nails harshly all the way down Pestilence’s back, his own pace beginning to falter, falling prey to his own shudders. His hands halted at the base of Pesti’s spine and dug in there, trying and failing to control his impending release, holding at the apex of his next strong thrust and jerking his scalding release deep into the Force.
Pestilence cried out loudly, explosions and crashes of all sorts going on beyond the shower curtain as the orgasmic shockwave rocked the little room. Jenii held there inside him for a long moment, enjoying the shuddering tightness around and against him. He thrust a few more times to milk a little more pleasure from the both of them as his shudders died off into now and again shivers.
He held Pestilence firmly against him, that little body was shaking slightly, breaths panted, heartbeat erratic. He pulled back from the bite, peering at it almost proudly, lathing it with his tongue in an attempt to soothe the broken flesh. Then he leaned back, letting the water slide between them and wash Pestilence off, staying where he was otherwise and holding him there.
The bronze-skinned Force settled more under the water, lessening his grip at Jenii’s chest, but that was all the movement he could manage at the moment, “Probably... want me to let go... get off now, right?”
Jenii grunted, "You are fine there."
He tossed his head back again, shaking his long mass of black hair back so it wetted thoroughly in the spray of the shower. His dark eyes then regarded the damage Pestilence had done to his chest, almost smirking.
Pestilence’s little hand shakily went up to the bite, rubbing it lethargically. Jenii grunted again, he’d made sure that had stopped bleeding, rubbing it wouldn’t help any. He ducked his head and nudged at Pesti’s hand, encouraging him to leave it alone.
Pesti must have caught the message, leaving it alone, sliding his arm around Jenii’s neck, resting his head against his upper arm as he focused on unclenching his strong legs enough to unwrap them from Jenii’s hips, placing his feet down so very carefully to ward off a clumsy episode. He closed his eye, lost in bliss as he stood there and let the water wash over him.
Jenii had no problem standing there, watching him, inspecting how the water moved over him, "Your skin is beautiful."
Pestilence quietly laughed a little, “Thank you.”
Jenii gathered Pestilence more against him, running a hand down his back to wash and soothe over the numerous scratches, "You're welcome."
The slender Force murmured a little noise at that attention, his head slipping down off his arm and resting against Jenii's shoulder. Jenii glanced down at that reaction, making a few more passes over that back to see if that had caused that response
Pestilence hummed a long noise, sounding very pleased, “Probably... shouldn't do that...”
Jenii raised an eyebrow, “Oh? And why is that?” he didn’t stop, of course, as he waited for a response.
“Is every chance might get... worked up again- mmnm,” he had to stop what he was saying and moan out the pleasure that had built up in him.
Jenii spoke in perfect monotone, “Oh no, how terrible.”
He kept up the attention, calloused hand gliding over that smooth though slightly rent skin. He reached and shut off the water, managing to keep Pestilence against him as he stepped out of the shower. He didn’t set him down on the floor, however. Oh no, he ignored the mess and destruction and returned Pestilence to where he’d been seated on the edge of the sink.
“And didn't think you...” Pestilence’s words had attempted to return in that little break of attention, but now they were fleeing again, “cared for that... this... kind of...” and they were gone entirely again.
“Hn, I don't often make my preferences public domain.”
Jenii bowed himself a little, nuzzling against Pesti’s chest. He sought out a pebbled little nipple, biting it just short of gently, rolling it between his teeth. The slender Force gasped, trying to arch simultaneously into the attention at his chest and those at his back. His body was falling under Jenii’s enslavement once again.
Jenii bit just a little harder, testing to see how much Pestilence wanted and liked. He spared one hand from Pesti’s back, letting it roam freely, exploring over that dark flesh a moment before finding the ignored nipple, pinching and roughly caressing it. Pesti’s little hands were moving lazily over Jenii’s shoulders
He breathed over the wetted and tortured nub of flesh to soothe it some, "Beautiful skin to look and taste." That said, he returned his mouth to its work, eventually working his way upwards along Pestilence's collarbone, making a slow trail up to his neck.
Pestilence tilted his head back as Jenii neared his neck, fingers working in a more firm motion along Jenii's shoulders. He managed to force a few words out between breaths, “Shouldn't.... you be careful... what you say?”
Jenii scraped his teeth teasingly, “Why? Who else to hear except you?” He sucked hard at Pestilence's neck, opposite the bite wound.
Pesti moaned shortly, cutting himself off, trying desperately for words to make his point, “But I... might get the... wrong idea.”
The fire demon pulled back to regard the only slightly discoloured flesh, not even hardly a bruise. “Wrong idea? Of what sort?” he nudged up under Pesti's jaw and nipped at the tender flesh there.
“That this is not just...” there was a long pause, “…heat sex…”
Jenii grunted, perhaps an amused noise, even he wasn’t precisely sure, “That previous was heat sex... this is foreplay,” he found an earlobe and had to bite to taste it.
Another little moan loosed itself, this one strangled off as well, “Why fore... play if heat is mmmm... dealt with?”
Jenii straightened up, watching Pestilence, pressing his fingers firmly and moving them in a circular pattern at the small of Pesti's back, “Because you are beautiful.”
At least that was the clearest thought in his head at the moment. There were hundreds of other reasons running through his mind, some of them highly confusing, others just bare wisps of coherency, none of them suitable to put into words. That one sufficed.
Pestilence’s fingers gripped at Jenii's skin as a shiver ran through, body once again in the dilemma of which way to arch and wriggle. Jenii smirked a little, pushing him forward by strengthening that touch. He pushed the slender Force to the edge of the sink, hips meeting hot flesh to support him.
Jenii barely had to arch up for his once again hard length to find the precise spot against Pestilence, sliding up into him oh so smoothly, made easy by the passage already being so slick from the earlier episode. He filled him up so completely, Pestilence so deliciously hot and tight around him he had to moan quietly.
“Beautiful to feel…”
Pestilence gave a little wordless cry, his head thudding against Jenii's chest, hot breaths panted against his skin. The Shadow General’s strong arms wrapped around him, hands playing in his hair. Jenii nuzzled and stroked his length inside the boy, each thrust strong, but extremely slow in comparison to the first session.
The Force began little attentions in return, moving his lips across Jenii's chest in gradually increasing sucks, his tongue caressing along any scars it came across. Jenii had to purr, not even a purr that might have been mistaken for a low growl, but a very definite and undeniable purr. Those scars were so highly sensitive he couldn’t stop himself. He kept up the strong and steady rhythm, letting the pleasure build by itself as those attentions trailed up along his neck, that hot little tongue working its way up and against one of those scars on his cheek.
Jenii's dusky red eyes slid just nearly closed. He drifted his hand down against Pesti's neck, massaging a moment before drifting further, dragging nails now and again just for a contrasting sensation. He shivered at a little content sound falling from Pestilence’s lips, that breath coursing over the skin that mouth had just wetted. That slender body against him was also starting to shiver as Jenii spread both hands to mirror one another over that sensitive area at the small of Pesti’s back, fingers eliciting all the pleasurable nerves he'd learned so far.
Then Pestilence turned his head, nuzzling his lips almost timidly against Jenii’s.
Jenii responded tenderly, kissing at Pestilence's mouth, tasting his lips. No tongue, no teeth, just a pure, gentle kiss. Pestilence murmured a soft noise against Jenii’s mouth, pressing himself closer, lips caressing over Jenii's as if whispering totally silent words.
Jenii forced his eyes open a little more, trying to chase this vague feeling he couldn’t understand. It was something very new, and very strong, rising with every moment, confusing him. Yet, despite the storm of confusion in his mind, beyond his mind everything was just too nice to stop. He drew himself completely out of Pestilence before pushing back in, making sure they fit together as tightly as possible.
Pestilence’s hands suddenly gripped at Jenii at that thrust and the shudder his body responded with. He was held completely enraptured by that flood of pleasure, unable to do much of anything until it subsided, exhaling the breath he’d been holding.
Jenii whispered against his lips, “Beautiful.”
He resumed the kiss that had broken with that shudder, curious, chasing this feeling once more, still lost as to what it was.
Pestilence shivered, legs tightening around Jenii's waist to help prevent any space between them. Jenii’s little purring noises rose to a growl for a second. That was just the perfect angle right there, those slender hips rocking to take Jenii that little bit deeper, little vibrations moving up his spine with each movement there.
Those soft and full lips parted just slightly against Jenii's, almost invitingly. It took a moment before Jenii to think this over, sucking at Pesti’s lip in hesitation before sliding his tongue into that hot mouth. This was a more cautious exploration, feeling delicately around, sensing out the intimate nuances.
Then Pestilence’s tongue slid slowly against his, caressing.
Jenii blinked, startled for a split second. He recovered quickly though, closing his eyes and attempting to move his tongue back against Pestilence’s, trying first one thing, then another, repeating those that garnered the best responses. Pestilence made a little attempt and headway at guiding him through this learning process, but then the moans began catching in his throat, the shivers building until coherency fled, Pesti just sucking on Jenii’s tongue instead.
The fire demon thrust his hips just a little stronger, hitting that delicious spot so deep inside him, hands kneading at his back more firmly, encouraging those shivers. He skimmed his nails up Pesti’s spine before drawing his hand up to cradle that delicate little jaw, grunting more breathless noises now that might have developed into moans given less self-control.
Those shudders were starting to wash over Pestilence’s entire body, not subsiding this time, the waves of pleasure just building without giving even a second to recover. He broke off the kiss, whimpering softly, needing so badly.
Jenii kissed up along the side of Pesti's face before nuzzling back into his hair, breathing deeply. He pushed away all the self-control and allowed himself to realize his own needs.
The demon sped his movements just slightly until finally he was unable to do anything more than hold Pestilence tightly against him; powerful, orgasmic shudders through him at the same moment Pestilence clung tightly and cried out again. Those last few objects the last orgasmic shockwave hadn’t touched, now exploded.
Jenii curled over Pestilence more protectively, shielding him from the explosions, otherwise not really bothered by them, as if they were completely normal. In fact they were more than normal, little thrills raced through him, making the release all the more sweet.
Pestilence clung desperately, as if afraid to fall, trying desperately to catch his breath, “That was not... just heat sex... right?”
Jenii glanced to the floor and kicked a clear spot, gathering Pestilence to his chest and sitting there. He pulled a towel around Pesti's shoulders, tone blunt and honest, “No, it was not.”
Pesti’s head fell against Jenii's shoulder as if too heavy to hold up, “What sex then?”
Jenii thought about it a moment, trying to sort through those elusive feelings and not making much progress, “I'm not entirely certain, I have had no experience beyond heat sex.”
“Right... will it happen again?”
Jenii tilted his head, loose black strands of hair spilling about freely, “I cannot predict what will happen, I would like it to happen again.”
Pestilence remained where he was, still and quiet for a long moment, appearing to be thinking. Then he shifted himself, leaning up and kissing Jenii's lips softly, “Okay.”
Jenii blinked, unable to stop himself from being somewhat startled again. Then, very gradually, his features softened and he returned the kiss, attempting to be gentle, “I'm pleased you're not entirely repulsed by the notion.”
“Why would I be?”
“I'm not precisely the most attractive specimen, nor the youngest... however I surmise you have no personal experience involving youth and age.”
“No, none. And I wouldn't really be... classed attractive myself.”
Jenii traced a finger over Pesti's eyebrow, gazing into that eye, “You are beautiful.”
The dark-skinned force actually had a split-second of coyness, looking down rather then at Jenii, “You've said... Thank you. Very few Beings think so though.”
Jenii gently tilted that adorable face back up, regarding him, perfectly serious, “Then they all have deficient sight.”
Pesti smiled, lighting up the room with that smile the way he always did, “Heh... should be careful... a person might think you had feelings and were... er... falling for them...”
“Oh no, to think I have feelings, it sounds as such a horrible thing,” Jenii smiled, just a little, but it was still an expression not often seen on his features, “You are more beautiful when you smile.”
The Force idly brushed his hair off his face, “Or someone might end up falling for you…”
“Now that would indeed be a tragedy, falling for an old man who has no charms or manners.”
Pestilence continued with his hair silently a moment, then murmured, “...too late.”
Jenii blinked at a coursing sensation that jolted right through his heart, making it lose several beats. Was that… joy? He ignored it for now, would analyze it later. Instead he took Pestilence's face in both hands, “Tragedy it may be, but no play is complete until the pages are bound, can always continue writing.”
“So write more with me again sometime...?”
Jenii kissed him softly, “Any time you wish.”
Pesti smiled and kissed him back, cuddling closer.
Jenii held him securely, nuzzling into his hair, taking a deep breath of that wonderful scent. He could never get enough of that deeply personal, entirely Pestilence scent. That had been what he’d first noticed of Pestilence, and then days of silence and sitting there memorizing his scent. And then there was that soft skin against him… so many beautiful things…
“Hmm... you warm an old man.”
The boy nuzzled against his neck and rested there, “Am older anyway.”
Jenii growled a sort of purring noise, “Indeed... older, much older.”
“Right... you don't usually hold er... conversations on this long.”
“I'm afraid you put me into a good mood.”
Pestilence lazily stroked fingers through Jenii's hair, “Do not think I'm sorry for putting you in a good mood.”
“I don't assume that you are, however you now have to suffer the consequences... hmm,” Jenii couldn’t manage to keep his eyes open for some reason. There was something about his hair being petting that made them close and made purrs rise out of him.
“Okay... will suffer them. Look tired.”
“Afraid you also might have worn me out.”
“Should sleep then, are a Being that needs sleep,” Pestilence let the strands of hair trail from his fingers, reaching lazily up toward the doorknob to try it.
Jenii felt a surge of panic, winding his arms more tightly around Pestilence, unsure of what to say, unsure why he was even panicking, just knowing he didn’t want Pesti to try and open that door, hoping that it was at least still locked and they could be alone in here longer.
Pestilence seemed to sense that, stopping with hand resting on the doorknob, blinking that amethyst eye at him, “What?”
“I would suffer staying awake here with you, than to be alone on that couch.”
That smile again, beautiful and shining. “You could… Forces don’t sleep so… my bed is free. You could sleep there, wouldn’t mind.”
Jenii buried his hand in flaxen hair, caressing the silken mass, “Keep an old man warm tonight?”
“No,” Pesti kissed him softly once more, “but will keep you warm tonight.”
His hand turned the doorknob, opening it easily now, and Jenii wasn’t afraid.