One Month
Pestilence is copyrighted to Sallie Drazzi
Pestilence fussed with the strip of ribbon around his waist, only the hundredth time he’d done that. He glanced around to make sure all the lighted crystals were lit and in the right places and wasn’t too much light to stay romantic and yet enough to see, also for about the hundredth time.
He took a deep breath, standing there in the center of the dimly lit room and trying out a few little poses that Jenii might think were sexy.
He should have done something else, something more romantic and creative, this was a special day and this was the best he’d been able to come up with, a dimly lit room and him naked but for a gold strip of ribbon.
The bronze-skinned Force waited for his lover, he’d told those outside that Jenii should be encouraged back to the room at midnight for a surprise, get their special day started. He wasn’t the best with numbers and dates, but he knew today, this was the date one month ago that he and Jenii…
Pestilence blushed, giggling softly, twirling the ring on his finger. Beautiful hematite-like ring, made even more beautiful by the promise that had been made, no more than a week ago.
Their relationship had moved so fast, been through so much in only just a month. Already Jenii had had his soul modified to an Eternal one, so when he had given Pestilence that ring and promised to be with him forever, he had truly meant it.
Pesti squeaked a happy noise at that thought, spinning a little in place, and naturally losing his balance and tumbling down to the floor. He hopped right back up, glancing around as if there might be someone in that room to see. At least he hadn’t knocked over any of the light crystals during that.
He pattered over to the bed, managing to only trip once, straightening up the bed sheets nicely. He’d done that only a few times, rather pointless considering how he was dressed and what was likely to happen.
Then again, the whole arrangement of the room was fairly pointless when one thought about it. All those delicate little light crystals, added to Pestilence’s propensity toward explosions during orgasm…
In fact, Pestilence was hoping for that, just a little something extra for his Shadow on their special day.
The slender Horseman fidgeted at his ribbon again, settling the tie over this hip… no this one, placing the ringed hand here to try this pose.
He’d only been doing this for over an hour.
Pestilence squeaked again, hearing footsteps outside the door. He tried very hard to stay in that pose right there, not stumble or fall over, despite he was trembling excitably as the door opened.
Dusky red eyes met amethyst. Then Jenii’s eyes flickered elsewhere, downward, as the Shadow closed the door behind him.
“Couldn't think of anything to get you, so am afraid you'll have to make do with this old thing.”
“Get me?” Jenii glanced around the room at all the light crystals everywhere, then back at Pestilence, his eyes couldn’t leave Pestilence for very long at all.
“Today… one month ago… we’ve been together a month,” Pesti beamed.
“Ahh… a special day then,” Jenii smiled, one of those rare, sincere smiles that wasn’t a smirk or a grin.
They always made Pesti’s heart flutter, those true smiles.
Jenii slipped off his boots at the door, striding across the room to Pestilence. Those eyes roamed up and down that chocolate-coloured body again. Pesti stayed still, in his pose, waiting for Jenii to take his “present”.
Jenii reached out and took one end of the ribbon, standing back up to his previous distance, far enough away that the length of ribbon was held between them, just barely slack. Then he stepped around one side of Pestilence, eyeing him from a different angle, the ribbon twining around Pesti as he went.
The ribbon tugged slightly, so Pesti turned in place, very careful not to move his feet, he didn’t want to fall. Jenii had come all the way around him, moving silently… some sort of quality Pestilence couldn’t name. It wasn’t anything like graceful, well perhaps something like it, but that was far too feminine a quality, something suited for someone more slender than Jenii. And yet Jenii, for all his bulk and muscle, moved a certain, almost beautiful way. Except beautiful wasn’t the word either. Pestilence cursed his limited knowledge of this language.
Jenii paced around him a little faster now so Pestilence had to turn faster, the two of them attempting to not break their gazes at one another for more than a moment.
Naturally it was Pesti who broke this, stumbling with a squeak.
He found himself cradled midway to the floor, safely against Jenii’s chest, that handsome face right above him, smiling fondly at him.
“Did that… on purpose,” Pestilence tried to blink away the dizziness.
“Hn, I might have.”
Pestilence wasn’t given the opportunity to challenge that, Jenii’s mouth closing over his, tongue slipping into his mouth. He uttered a muffled little moan, arms wrapping around Jenii and clinging, still dangled there precariously just above the floor. Not that he didn’t trust Jenii’s embrace entirely of course, just being as clumsy as he was…
“You taste so good,” Jenii husked, pulling Pesti back up onto his feet.
Pestilence let his arms slip away as Jenii stepped back again, even though he missed having his Shadow close to him. This was for Jenii, it was up to the demon what happened.
“And look so beautiful,” Jenii had taken hold of the ribbon again, pacing in the opposite direction.
The ribbon dipped lower this time, teasing over Pesti’s sex as Jenii sidled himself behind the Force.
“I’m not sure what I should do… or rather what I should do first. We have all day… just for us… right?”
“Right… all day…”
“So I should make it… very special for you,” Jenii’s low and gravelly voice purred.
Pestilence shuddered, feeling a featherlight touch at the nape of his neck, trailing down along his spine. He wanted so badly to move into that touch, but something told him to hold still for now, barely managing when it reached the very small of his back.
Jenii leaned in close, Pestilence could feel the warmth coming off his body it was so close, but it didn’t touch him. There were hot breaths right against the skin of his shoulderblade, moving up and over his shoulder to his neck, nothing more than slightly quickened movements of air, no touches. He resisted tilting his head away to try and entice Jenii into more.
“Are being a… tease,” Pesti gasped softly at the breath moving against his ear.
“Just admiring my gift… certainly not a ‘this old thing’ sort of present.”
“Well… I am older than you.”
“You always rub that in,” Jenii grunted.
“Oh!” that struck a memory chord in Pestilence’s oh-so-slightly ditzy brain. “There’s another present for you.”
“Is there?”
“Mhmm, but you have to take your clothes off and lay down on the bed.”
“Like a good General? I should follow your orders?” Jenii prowled back in front of him, slowly stripping off his shirt.
Pestilence’s eye danced over the flesh of his mate, crossed by those numerous scars. Muscles rippled beneath the flesh, so strong and powerful. He could feel himself burning up just watching that, so very afraid he was going to fall over if Jenii continued those slow, teasing movements in removing his pants.
And of course he did.
Pesti couldn’t believe this, Jenii was teasing him, playing, pushing those pants down inch by gods-thrice-damned sexy inch. Sheer willpower was holding Pestilence up at this point.
Jenii, now completely unclothed, prowled forward, hands moving as if to cradle Pesti’s jaw, but not actually touching.
“We both know I’m not good General.”
The bronze-skinned Force absolutely melted. Between that look and that tone and all the teasing, he just melted, collapsing into Jenii’s arms. He nuzzled and licked and kissed, trying to aim for the sensitive scars, but really not caring too very much. His arousal was heavy and needy pressed against Jenii’s thigh, rubbed there, desperate for attention.
Jenii growled somewhere near a purr, dropping them both down onto the floor, nudging away all of Pesti’s attempts at attention.
“I want this present first.”
The Shadow kissed down along Pesti’s chest, hands firmly at his hips. There wasn’t enough pressure to hold him down, but enough to highly suggest he stay still. Pestilence tried his best, but as Jenii kissed down his stomach he couldn’t help but squirm just a little.
And when that hot mouth enveloped the swollen head of his excitement, Pestilence’s body absolutely shuddered and leapt with a will of its own.
Jenii tightened his grip so the slender Force didn’t move much of anywhere, pinning him to the floor. He was going to do this at his pace, taking that tormented arousal into his mouth little by little, stretching out every moment, making each sensation burn.
Pestilence moaned, begging, pleading, hands tangled in Jenii’s hair and trying anything and everything, but that damn big demon wouldn’t move except how he wanted to move. His body arched and writhed, strung out so very quickly, pushed right to the edge of release and held there in some sort of ecstasy mingled with agony.
Crystals shattered, dramatically dimming the room, the chiming of breaking glass mingling with Pestilence’s orgasmic cry.
Jenii licked up the offered fluid, taking his time to clean and taste his lover. That was the present he had wanted first, just a little taste of his Pestilence to get things started. Then he playfully took the end of the ribbon in his teeth and prowled back on his hands and knees.
The Force propped himself up on his elbows, blinking his eye at his odd demon mate. Jenii had crawled back beside the bed, crouched there with the ribbon taut, tugging on it a little.
Pesti smiled, oh so now Jenii was going to be good to get his other present?
Pestilence forced himself up onto his knees, scooting after Jenii, carefully, still rather shaky and dazed from that wonderful orgasm. Jenii watched him, crawling up onto the bed and stretching out on his side.
“Should I lay on my front, or back?” he asked softly.
“Your front, please,” Pestilence settled himself on the bed beside Jenii, gathering the little vials that had thankfully not blown up in that shockwave.
His amethyst eye watching Jenii admiringly as he stretched out on his stomach, folding his arms to rest his head there. Those muscles seemed to just effortlessly glide beneath his skin. Pestilence smiled to himself, he was going to give those muscles some attention now.
Pesti unstopped the first vial, the scent of it permeating the air immediately, some sort of mix of spices, at first strong, but then diffused through the room to linger. He poured the pale blue fluid slowly, between Jenii’s shoulderblades and then down along his spine. His fingertips made quick work of spreading it outwards over Jenii’s entire back.
The Shadow moaned softly, eyes slipping closed. The oil forced tense muscles to relax, helpful in those extremely tense types like Jenii was.
Conditioned for a life of battle, Pestilence couldn’t blame him of course, but so often that need to be so tense and alert kept Jenii from resting, which made Pesti worry. He’d have to get some more of that oil, definitely. There were times when Pesti tried to massage his lover down from tense situations and there was just no way his hands could work those muscles.
He spread the oil lovingly, deviating now and again to trace over the numerous scars. He blinked at a sort of jagged cross on the left side. Jenii had a mirroring scar on his chest. Pestilence gently traced over it.
Jenii sucked in a breath, eyes slitting open. Pestilence immediately left it alone, Jenii usually hummed content noises when Pesti paid attention to his scars, but that had seemed nearer to a pained expression. Better to leave it alone.
“This second oil, when mixed with the first, is said to heat up to almost like burning… you being a fire demon… thought you might like that,” Pesti whispered, pouring the second over Jenii’s back in the same manner as the first.
The Shadow closed his eyes again, moaning. Pestilence could feel it where the two oils mingled on his hands, it did burn, sinking into the skin and twisting like fire. He didn’t mind it, and Jenii obviously enjoyed it, shifting a little beneath his lover’s hands.
Pestilence smiled, kneading his fingers into the muscles, pushing them to relax further until they were entirely slack. In a month of being together, Pesti had never felt him this relaxed, even while sleeping.
The little Force worked out over Jenii’s forearms, deep into his neck, thrilling at every little noise he caused Jenii to utter. He was very thorough, stretching over Jenii to watching his hands work against the far side, down over his hip, not hesitating in the least as he worked over Jenii’s ass. However he did pause and blink at the somewhat amused grunt Jenii made.
Pesti blinked, smiled, forgetting about it and moving on, down along Jenii’s thighs, paying a little more attention to the right one. So long outside working and training his stallion, and in not precisely the warmest weather, the scar there had to be hurting him.
When he’d finished over the backs of Jenii’s legs he gave his lover a little poke, sitting there on the end of the bed and prodding at his feet playfully, “Turn over,” he chimed brightly.
Jenii took a moment to respond. That made Pesti smile more, it meant Jenii was really relaxed and content, but Pestilence wasn’t done yet. The large demon stretched and gradually turned himself over, playfully prodding his little mate in the stomach with his foot.
Pestilence giggled softly, catching that foot and rubbing it, letting his eye wander up the length of Jenii’s body, lingering over the hard length of sex laying over Jenii’s belly. He blushed and looked back down at what he was massaging, but really, this was turning him on too, he’d just been ignoring that.
He worked his way back up Jenii’s legs, saving the right one for the last, working deeper into the scarred gouge there, deepest at the outer side and tapering nearly all the way around the front.
“It was a large weapon… hit here, dug in… and was drug out this way,” Pesti traced his fingers across the length of the scar, hovering his hand just short of touching Jenii’s erection, then diverting on to his other hip.
Jenii growled softly in frustration, but that quickly silenced as Pesti’s hands worked on each hip and up along his sides. He let his head fall back, closing his eyes, fine hair spreading out along the pillows like black liquid. Pestilence couldn’t help but pause again, gazing at him, admiring his handsome Shadow, so attractive relaxed like that.
The chocolate skinned Force quietly moved himself to straddle Jenii as he massaged up along his stomach and chest, making sure he didn’t touch him anywhere else. Except the ribbon. That naughty strip of gold teased over Jenii’s skin.
Without opening his eyes, Jenii brought his hands down and caught that ribbon. Pesti smiled and scooted higher, working over Jenii’s shoulders and arms. He felt little tugs at the ribbon but didn’t pay much attention to it, big bad generals never behaved long, he knew that. But Jenii had been good enough, laying still this long, and had let Pestilence finish his massage. Now it was up to him what happened next.
And really, even Pestilence could guess what Jenii had planned next.
Pesti laid his hands on Jenii’s chest and leaned there, smiling down at him, admiring that handsome face for a long, quiet moment. Jenii opened his eyes slowly, a little grin creeping onto his features, but it melded to a true smile the longer they gazed at each other.
Pestilence leaned down and brushed his lips against Jenii’s, so softly, just the barest touch. They played their lips against one another, eyes never losing contact with that gaze.
Then a jolt of pleasure shot through Pestilence. Jenii had wound those ends of ribbon around Pesti’s hard length and had tightened it suddenly, not painfully, just enough for a really nice pressure. Pesti glanced at each of Jenii’s hands with a strand of ribbon around them, then at Jenii’s smirking expression.
“That’s not… ahn… fair,” Pesti gasped, eye sliding closed.
“Hnn, very true. My hands are occupied, I can’t prepare you. Guess we’ll just have to sit here like this and ponder our dilemma.”
Pestilence moaned, arching his hips both into the pressure of the ribbon and then back against Jenii’s hot length teasing against his backside. “Could… let the ribbon go.”
“I don’t think so.”
“Ehn… well…” Pesti tried to get his mind to work beyond the building need. “Could just… not prep…”
“Not an option,” there was a slight growl tone in Jenii’s voice. Definitely not an option.
“Mmm,” the slender Force gasped, Jenii pulling on that ribbon and rubbing so teasingly was just not fair, “Jenii… need you…”
“How do you need me?”
“In… inside me.”
“Best do something about this little problem then.”
Pestilence gave up trying to massage Jenii into changing his mind, it just wasn’t going to work. Definitely had to do something about this himself.
The Force knelt up, arching his hips up as his hands slid down. He tucked his head down, squeezing his eye shut as he pushed a finger inside himself. He gasped and whimpered, swearing that Jenii was tightening that ribbon.
Jenii was growling, softly, but steadily growing louder. By Ti’lan that ribbon was definitely tighter now.
Pesti’s back arched, hips rocking up desperately as if his hand was just there to be worked against. Oh yeah and he worked it good, working himself up to three fingers very quickly.
“Hn. Enough,” Jenii growled, tugging down on the ribbon.
“AHN!” Pestilence had to brace both hands back on Jenii’s chest or risk falling over, resting there and panting.
He felt like he was absolutely burning up with need, actually arching into the pressure of the ribbon as if it could satisfy him. But there was Jenii’s hot length against his rear, yes, that’s what he needed.
“Want me inside you?” Jenii seemed to read his mind.
“Oh yes… yes… please yes,” Pestilence desperately tried to angle his hips into the correct place.
Jenii shifted subtly beneath him, arching up and hitting just the right spot. Pesti took deep breaths, calming himself enough to focus, pushing himself down.
“Oooh… Jenii,” the slender Force panted, pausing to wait for his body to accommodate for that invasion. He so very wanted to just push down all the way, hard and fast, but no, that would hurt, and they had all day of being together yet ahead, no sense in hurting himself.
The demon waited for Pestilence, not arching up again, letting him have control. Pesti worked himself down little by little, moaning with every bit gained. He tried breathing deeply, needing to settle himself, if he didn’t he was afraid he was going to come far too quickly, probably before he even had Jenii all the way inside him.
“Hnnn… yeah… nice and slow,” Jenii’s eyes were closed, breaths slightly quickened. “Have all day… no need to rush.”
Pestilence smiled, “Right… no need to…ahn… rush anything.”
Jenii moaned when he hilted fully inside Pestilence, the two of them just staying there, enjoying the perfection of being joined together that perfectly. Pesti gazed down at his handsome Shadow, taking deep breaths, nice and calm… there, some of the burning was sedated for now, the rest could wait.
Jenii’s dark red eyes opened, meeting Pesti’s. He smiled. “Love you, my beautiful.”
Pesti beamed, “Love you, my Shadow.”
“Come down here,” Jenii purred, giving just a little nudge with his hips to encourage him.
Pestilence obeyed, leaning back down to press his lips to Jenii’s once again. He kissed him softly, tenderly, trying to put all his loving and adoring emotions into the kiss. Jenii always did so well at reading them too.
They took their time, kissing deeply until they were both out of breath. Then so very slowly, Pestilence began to rock his hips, sliding up and down Jenii’s length. Jenii only barely moved back against him, matching his rhythm.
Pesti murmured quiet little noises, resting his cheek against Jenii’s and just enjoying the feelings washing through him. He didn’t want to come yet, but he felt himself nearing orgasm, he’d spent far too much time beforehand, getting all excited during the massage. His body began to disobey him, shudders playing up and down his spine.
Then the ribbon tightened, just enough so it cut off all possibilities for Pesti to climax. He wasn’t sure if he was grateful or agonized about that.
Jenii pushed himself up from the bed, causing Pesti to moan at the deep thrust. The Shadow rolled them over, pinning Pestilence to the bed, managing to never leave from there inside him. He braced himself with his hands on either side of Pesti on the bed, still keeping that ribbon just near painfully taut.
Pestilence wrapped his legs around Jenii, tilting his head up as the demon nuzzled against his neck, breath hot against his skin. He shivered at the mere thought of Jenii biting him. However, Jenii didn’t bite, he just nuzzled and gently kissed, drawing out of Pesti and pushing back in slow and smooth. The thrusts were strong, but not fast. This was not the animalistic and hurried sex they often had, it was far more gentle and meaningful.
Jenii now and again moved to the other side of Pesti’s neck, pausing, lingering over Pestilence’s mouth for another unhurried and emotion-filled kiss. Then he would nestle himself back on the other side, kissing every inch of skin he could find, as if worshipping.
Knowing Jenii, he probably was worshipping.
Pestilence blushed another shade of crimson at that thought, arching his back up off the bed. It felt so good to have his Shadow there inside him, huge and hot, stroking against all those really wonderful places. His body cried out for release, denied by that strip of gold ribbon.
He had no idea how long this had gone on, but it was far longer than any other time they’d been together. Jenii, his strong, demon warrior, was actually trembling from the exertion.
“My Shadow… please,” Pestilence eventually pleaded, unable to stand it any longer, gripping harder at his back, “Please… let me…”
The ribbon loosened.
The shudder coursed through Pestilence’s body harder than anything else in his eternal life, exploding outwards in a powerful shockwave.
Crystals shattered, plunging the room into absolute darkness.
Jenii’s heat spilled deep inside of him, searing his insides, fusing them together into one blissfully shuddering being.
They stayed together like that for a long while, just letting their mutual orgasm drain from them all tenseness and leaving behind it a quiet and peaceful contentment, tangled in each other’s arms. There was nothing but darkness and gradually slowing breaths and heartbeats, nothing but each other, together.
Jenii’s breathing slowed below normal, his body was trying to take him down into sleep. Pestilence stroked back his hair, smiling as the long strands poured down over his chest and onto the bed, tickling slightly.
“Sleep my Shadow… it’s okay.”
“Spend time… with you…”
“Sleep… we have all day,” Pesti smiled, continuing to pet his lover’s hair.
“Just… hour or two… maybe…” Jenii murmured, nuzzling, settling against Pesti’s heartbeat.
Pestilence knew better than that, but he didn’t argue as Jenii drifted off to sleep. A few hours was nothing not compared to a day, a month, or an eternity. Besides, Jenii was right there with him, nothing could ever be wrong about that.