Just a Little While
Pestilence is copyrighted to Sallie Drazzi
Jenii shouldered his way into the bedroom, attempting to not bash either of the two on his shoulders into any walls. As it turned out he was more careful about Pestilence, evidenced by Tanji’s pained yelp.
Tanji pouted at Jenii as the Shadow General slung him off his shoulder and dropped him on the bed, Pesti far more gently settled beside him. Pestilence smiled sympathetically and checked to sure Tanji hadn’t re-injured the Jagan. A little run-in with Pain had led to being slammed against a wall and the third eye was still giving Tanji troubles.
“That hurt… gonna carry someone ‘round over shoulder least be gentle.”
“Hn. You have a hard head.”
“Not that hard.”
“Shush brat,” Jenii sat at the foot of the bed.
“You’re okay,” Pestilence kissed Tanji’s forehead, above the Jagan. Then he scooted down the bed and sidled up against Jenii’s back, wrapping his arms around him.
Jenii let his eyes slide shut, humming a content noise. He’d spent a better part of the evening listening to Tanji and a companion of Tanji’s newest romantic interest bicker back and forth. Before that Tanji had been clinging to Pestilence for comfort, and then afterwards, until Jenii had hit his limit of Pestilence lacking.
Tanji was still emotionally shaken, Jenii didn’t need their meager telepathic link to notice that. He could smell the anxiety, the lingering tears. Simply stealing off Pestilence would have just left a shaken boy without any support whatsoever, and so Jenii had just stolen the both of them, slung over his shoulders.
So now Jenii had his Pestilence, and Tanji was in a secure environment where he could be watched and kept from doing anything stupid. Even with his eyes shut he could tell Tanji had curled up in the far corner, sitting on the pillows against the headboard. Jenii could hear his trembling heartbeat, he was upset again, so easily upset.
But Pestilence always felt so warm to Jenii, so comforting and soothing, he could ignore that for just a moment. Just hours separated from his bronze-skinned mate was too long for Jenii. And here he was, warm and comforting against his back, his heat and scent wrapping around Jenii like a blanket, so anything else could wait a moment, just a small moment.
“You should rest,” Pestilence whispered in Jenii’s ear as he nuzzled against the side of his face.
“Don’t want to rest.”
Jenii turned himself enough to capture Pestilence’s mouth with his own, sucking lightly at those petulant lips. He turned himself around as he pushed the kiss deeper, pushing his little lover down against the bed with his weight – not all of it, didn’t want to crush him.
“My shadow,” Pestilence whispered barely above hearing, breath pushing against Jenii’s lips.
“Hnn,” a very pleased noise, “Yours.”
Jenii ran his hands down Pesti’s slender body, then up and under the shirt he was wearing, pushing it up far enough to encourage Pestilence to remove it. Ah yes, there was the dark earthen flesh Jenii loved to touch and nuzzle against. He kissed and tasted as much of it as he could, taking his time.
“Jenii,” Pestilence shifted beneath him, twining fingers in his fine, black hair.
The large demon slid up along Pesti’s body, returning attention to that sweet mouth, kissing deeply, taking his time to taste that as well.
His senses tripped, Tanji had tensed up, was preparing to move. Damn, and Jenii had nearly forgotten about him.
Jenii fixed his dusky red eyes on Pestilence, caressing his cheek, murmuring, “Wouldn’t be fair to Tanji for us to do this… without him.”
Pestilence blinked that amethyst eye, slightly confused, “What?”
“You wouldn’t mind, would you, including him with us tonight?” Jenii purred. “Like the last time with you and him, only this time with me, would you do that for me?”
The Force smiled prettily, wrapping his arms tighter around Jenii’s neck and kissing him lovingly, “Of course I will.”
Jenii grunted, moving up and off Pestilence, slinking to one side. He’d timed this just perfectly, Tanji was just starting to get up from the bed to leave. That was at least the mental “hum” Jenii received over their small link, that Tanji didn’t feel he fit in here with the two of them and had to leave them alone.
Pestilence’s dark hand reached out and snagged Tanji’s pale wrist. Ruby eyes met amethyst, one framed by gold, the other by ebony.
Jenii had to admit, they were the most opposite twins, but there was no doubt they were twins.
“Please stay?” Pestilence blinked that pretty eye of his. “Come here?”
Jenii wasn’t sure if Pestilence had even tugged or not, but Tanji stepped back toward the bed, small and timid steps, in the right direction at least. It only took another moment of Pesti blinking before Tanji was lured all the way back to the bed.
“I should…”
“Take this off,” Pestilence slid his arms up under Tanji’s shirt.
“Not was gonna say,” Tanji pouted a little, but obeyed anyway, blush tainting his cheeks as Pestilence nuzzled against his chest.
“But we have the same mind,” Pestilence blinked up at Tanji, “don’t we?”
Jenii almost smirked, you could just see Tanji melt right there, sliding into Pestilence’s arms and surrendering entirely.
“Yeah… yeah we do.”
Tanji nearly closed his eyes as Pesti slid his jeans off, sliding dark hands over pale thighs, encouraging him closer. The only closer to go was bringing his knees up onto the bed, straddling Pesti. He sighed a little noise as the Force’s arms slid around his waist, mirroring the movement by winding his arms around Pesti’s shoulders.
The two slender figures curled against one another, matching against one another in such a beautiful and contrasting way.
Tanji was so much calmer around Pestilence, so much more at ease. Jenii could almost feel a flicker of self-worth, some sort of transference from adoring Pestilence, who he felt was a sort of part of himself, so therefore he had to like himself. It was a beautiful effect, when Tanji acted with confidence. Perhaps someday, with a little more growing, Jenii would see that effect more often, occurring naturally. The quality was there, hidden deeply inside Tanji, it just had to be nurtured – and Pestilence seemed to be the one that nurtured it best.
The dark-skinned Force bowed his head a little further, flickering his tongue against Tanji’s nipple and the silver ring there. He tugged at it gently, eliciting a gasp from the little fire demon, continuing to tug as he laid back on the bed, forcing Tanji to go down with him.
Tanji braced himself on his elbows, hands playing in Pestilence’s fluff of blonde hair, over the eyepatch covering the dead eye. Pesti tilted his head into that attention with a little pleased murmur, but didn’t relinquish his hold on the nipple ring.
Jenii watched and waited patiently as they worked on one another, gasping and moaning little noises. They moved well together, predicting and working with one another’s movements. However, every now and again Jenii would catch Pestilence’s gaze directed at him. He wanted Jenii, the Shadow could read that in that gaze, even as short as the looks were, Jenii could see the wanting, the pleading.
Jenii, of course, eventually had to give in. He crawled his way up the bed and knelt behind Tanji, reaching around the smaller demon to work at the closure of Pestilence’s jeans.
The phoenix across Tanji’s back shifted, flames rippling, wings spreading a little beneath Tanji’s flesh. Jenii glared at it. He didn’t need the opinions of a pissed off and temperamental firebird who only thought its own notions were correct. Jenii closed his eyes and blocked it out, he could hear his companions and sense their movements without sight anyway.
Pestilence moaned softly as Jenii slowly removed his pants, relieved as his arousal was released from those tight confines. Jenii ran his hand up along the length, curling his fingers around it, studying every bit of that flesh with just his touch. His other hand caressed over that slender and strong thigh, squeezing at the muscle. So finely toned, kept in shape for riding… or being ridden. No, Jenii’s mind couldn’t resist that little thought.
He also couldn’t resist looking, even if he didn’t need to. In just short of a month together, Jenii had already memorized Pestilence’s every feature, how it looked and felt and moved. And yet, he couldn’t resist looking at the bronze-skinned Force. Even the smallest glances had to be taken back for a longer look.
The slender Force was shivering beneath his touches as if electrified by them. With Tanji between them, Pestilence had no way of knowing what Jenii was going to do, so each touch was wonderfully surprising.
Jenii managed to tear himself away from his fascination with Pestilence, curious as to what had caused Tanji to moan like that.
Pestilence’s hand was curled around Tanji’s rear, two slender fingers working up into him and driving the little demon crazy with lust. Jenii smirked, stroking along Pestilence’s sex with the same rhythm. Tanji would get what those moans were begging for.
The Shadow General had to silence down a purr at the moans of his two companions increasing together, mingling and joining with one another. It was a gorgeous sound.
Tanji broke the harmony with a sharper cry, penetrated by a third finger and shuddering his first release. Boy never could hold off orgasm until a proper penetration.
Jenii laid his hand over Pestilence’s wrist, tugging just a little, but even that little bit got his point across to his lover. The Force removed his fingers from Tanji, gripping him instead by the hips and encouraging him down. Those coalescing moans began again as Tanji eased down along Pesti’s length, taking him easily. There was another punctuating cry of release from Tanji when Pestilence came fully hilted inside him. Pestilence waited, letting Tanji rest a moment curled against his chest before encouraging him to move again.
The two slender boys moved together into an easy rocking movement. Jenii cast his eyes back down to Pesti’s thighs, running his hands over them, listening to the two of them moan and move and breathe together.
Their heartbeats were even synchronized.
“Hnn,” Jenii grunted, making a little note of that.
He slipped his hands carefully beneath Pesti’s thighs, angling first one up, then the other, caressing them all over and gentle enough not to break the rhythm of his two companions. He cradled Pestilence’s ass in his hand, finger slipping into the cleft and rubbing against his entrance.
Pestilence moaned, rocking his hips harder, trying to get those touches to satisfy some need he had. This caused Tanji to cry out, shuddering into another orgasm – he was going so very easy tonight.
Jenii smirked, teasingly sliding his hand further beneath Pestilence, not giving him what he was begging for. A little whimper crept into his moans, pleading with Jenii. The Shadow shook his head to himself, whatever had happened to patience being a virtue?
The Force cried out lustfully when Jenii’s hand slid over the small of his back, at first gently, then pressing more firmly upwards until he was actually lifting the slender Being up off the bed. That had finally disturbed their rhythm, but Pestilence obviously wasn’t caring, lost somewhere in this fit of needing. Tanji bent forward and rested against his chest, laying his head down and taking a moment to catch his breath.
The large demon placed his hand where the other hand abandoned, rubbing again at the tight little opening of his lover. He rubbed and teased, lifting Pestilence up with his hand against his back. Gods those sounds were just amazing. It was like some demented version of playing a musical instrument, stringing Pestilence along, making those sounds rise and fall as he pleased.
Jenii bowed his head near his hand as he pushed a finger up inside his lover, thrilling at how the cries escalated. He shoved down his own pleasure, kissing and nibbling at Pestilence’s thigh, adding a second finger, pushing the small Force further toward that edge of ecstasy. Just a little more…
Sharp teeth sank into soft flesh, warmth erupting all around Jenii’s mouth, sliding down his throat. That heat shot up into Tanji as well as Pestilence released inside him, throwing him into yet another climax.
Jenii sat up and back, watching the pair of them cling to one another and recover from their orgasms. His hands roamed over Pestilence’s slender body, working at the muscles to gently bring him down from that intense high.
After a sufficient rest, Jenii slipped himself out of his own pants and positioned himself closer, drawing Pesti’s thighs over his legs. Pestilence wasn’t entirely recovered, true, but at this point he was very relaxed, and oh so easy to just push into, even as big as Jenii was.
The Force moaned long and loud, nuzzling his way past Tanji’s hair to peer over his shoulder, gazing heavy-lidded up at Jenii. His cheeks were badly flushed, hair a mess of golden fluff, some sticking to his dark skin by moisture, pouty lips parted. Jenii had never seen a more attractive and alluring visage.
Pestilence smiled then as Jenii drew himself out. Jenii paused, admiring his lover, returning the expression with a smile of his own before sliding back in again, this time hitting up to the hilt, the both of them moaning together.
Jenii braced his hands on the bed, head bowed, eyes closed, savoring the feeling of being buried that deep into Pesti’s hot little form. His dark-skinned little lover remained still, breathing heavily, chewing at his lip, seemingly also enjoying that feeling of the two of them fitted so very intimately together. Then he began squirming just a little, eager for more.
Dusky red eyes watched dark hands move down Tanji’s pale sides, back to his hips. Pestilence encouraged his friend to move again, reseating himself down along his once again tumescent arousal. Tanji arched up at impaling himself too quickly, too eagerly, tiny form shuddering with yet another climax. Kid was going to wear himself out, not that that wasn’t Jenii’s plan. A nicely sedated and satisfied Tanji would tumble down to sleep without crying or angst all through the night, just what they all needed.
The Shadow gripped at Pesti’s thighs, shifting to a better angle to begin slowly thrusting up into him. Pestilence closed his eyes and let it happen, Jenii’s movements pushing him up into Tanji. That had to be intense, filled up by one fire demon only to be filling another.
Jenii put his head down, thrusting a little faster, putting a little more strength into it. He wasn’t trying to drive Pestilence crazy so much as translate better into Tanji and give him that finishing orgasm the little one needed to collapse. Despite being so easy to climax, Tanji wasn’t at all easy to finish off.
Pestilence might have picked up on this urgency, seeking out the tattoos on Tanji’s hips and caressing over them before sliding his hands around to the small of the boy’s back, digging his fingers in there. Tanji cried out again, ignoring that minor orgasm entirely, driving himself down onto Pesti’s length desperately.
It only took a few more thrusts before Tanji cried out again, even more loudly this time, shuddering violently and curling against Pesti’s chest.
Jenii slowed his thrusts down to completely still, eyeing Tanji, patiently waiting.
Pestilence giggled softly, breathlessly, nuzzling Tanji’s face and giving him little kisses. Dark little hands moved over pale skin, working Tanji down, subtly encouraging him to move off to the side. Tanji didn’t argue in the slightest, blinking sleepily, hazy in his afterglow. In fact the boy tumbled right off the bed and into the pile of discarded clothes.
Jenii peered down at his Prince, listening to his breathing pattern. Tanji was asleep. Good.
Ooh, and there was his slender, beautiful, dark-skinned lover smattered and glistening with come and sweat. Jenii had to leave Pesti waiting just another moment, bending to lick his stomach clean.
Pestilence squirmed and lost his hands in fine sable hair, encouraging Jenii to bring his head up towards his mouth. Jenii obeyed, sealing his mouth against Pesti’s for a searing kiss, arching his hips so slowly his muscles trembled from the effort.
The Force’s hands tightening against the back of his head, legs wrapping around him and holding him so very strongly. Their tongues slid against one another, as slowly as the thrusting of their hips, all their movements betraying the desperate and strung out state their bodies were in. They were complete with each other like this, anything else could wait.
“Kolm ta, my Shadow,” Pestilence murmured, breathless from the kiss, gasps caressing over Jenii’s lips.
“Beautiful Pestilence, kolm ta,” Jenii put his head down and nuzzled against Pesti’s neck, seeking out that hot and quick pulse there.
Pestilence’s body arched up off the bed, starting to shudder from all the building pleasure. Jenii wrapped his arms around that slender form, cradling it tightly against him as he pushed himself strongly and deeply inside of it. His teeth gripped and pierced of skin of Pesti’s neck, hot blood flowing.
Pestilence shuddered hard, crying out, fingers digging into Jenii’s shoulders to center himself as an intense orgasm consumed him. The room crashed to pieces around them from the powerful shockwave, driving Jenii’s pleasure tolerance over the edge, pushing him to join Pestilence in blissful release.
The two of them laid there, shuddering against one another for a long while, idly nuzzling and caressing.
Somewhere in the lazy movements their hands bumped, fingers lacing together without true conscious thought.
Jenii brushed his lips against Pestilence’s, sighing, content and lethargic, “Should bring Tanji up onto the bed.”
“Mhmm… should… in a little while,” Pesti’s amethyst eye slid closed.
Jenii agreed with him, laying his head down and closing his own eyes. Just a little while...