Okay, Not Quite Failed
Tyger sighed, shivering despite it being plenty warm by ningen standards, even with a certain pre-dawn chill in the air. She was perched just outside Lane’s window, watching the koorime sleep where she’d left him.
I love you, Tyger.
Lane’s words still rang in her ears, keenly, like he was there speaking them to her again. She’d run for hours and hours, just running, not caring where she went. Then abruptly she’d found herself right back here, sitting in the same tree she used to creep into his room. His window was always open, even with these months having some severely hot days, the koorime boy suffered to leave her little entrance open and waiting in case she might return.
She returned only infrequently on purpose, she hadn’t wanted these kinds of feelings to come up. For a month things had been fine, she spaced her visits to keep the space between them casual. She’d thought everything was going fine, wonderfully… but those words and those feelings had still somehow crept into her perfect set-up!
Ty’s keen eyes watched Lane’s hand move across the sheets. He was still sleeping, and yet seeking… something. She caught herself creeping forward along the branch, stopping herself just outside the window. She was NOT going back in there! She forced herself back against the trunk of the tree, crossing her arms over her chest and going back to just watching him. She could even perceive the motions of him breathing, his legs moving in very slow motions as if to get rid of the blanket that tangled around them.
Lane looked so… beautiful. There was just no other way to describe him, as much as she hated referring to him like that. He was, a damn pretty boy, bred to be just that from what little she’d been paying attention when he spoke of such things. The living room light was still on, spilling into the bedroom and lighting it just slightly. He veritably glowed in that soft half-light, his pure whiteness contrasting with the midnight blue he’d chosen to decorate his bed in. It looked nice, she had to admit, and the canopy over the bed was a nice touch. He was slowly putting together a nice little nitch for himself here in Ningenkai.
Tyger found herself creeping forward again, this time her hand reaching to nudge the window open a little more. She growled at herself, her own lack of control. Why wasn’t she gone, totally and completely, why the hell was she back here watching him sleep? Better question, why did she want to go back in there?
True every night she stayed away, keeping that distance between them, she hated herself for doing it. Any other fling she found just wasn’t the same, and there had been a few in the past month. Lane was fun, and he fed her, there was nothing more to it, anything else made her just too nervous to think about. Well, maybe not nervous, no guy was going to make her nervous, just a little… uneasy, yeah… that was it.
She didn’t want to think what he might be feeling, but the thoughts were there anyway. He was sleeping restlessly, never still, burrowing into the pillow where she had been several hours before, his hand seeking as if he might find her beside him, lips barely parted in soft murmurs. Sometimes the koorime boy spoke during sleep, often in words Tyger didn’t understand, his home language no doubt. Sometimes she stayed just a little longer than normal to listen, never sure what she was hoping to hear, but listening anyway.
Ty couldn’t stand it, this angsty fidgeting, she had to do ‘something’. Unfortunately in doing ‘something’, she found herself creeping through the window and sliding silently into Lane’s room. She huffed at herself. Incredible, she just couldn’t believe herself sometimes.
She excused her presence to herself by slipping out into the hallway and turning the kitchen light off. Then she returned silently to the bedroom, pausing in the doorway for a moment before sitting on the edge of the bed just behind Lane. The koorime made a half-sleeping little surprised noise and turned to blink at her, chasing the fog of sleep from his vision.
“Tyger,” he smiled softly, turning over as much as her presence there would allow. He wasn’t about to say anything more than that, and especially not bring light to the fact that she’d come back. No use saying the obvious, and it might upset her.
“Still had all your lights on,” Ty tried a meager excuse, hating the awkwardness of the moment. Had to do something about it, and definitely avoid ‘that other’ topic.
Yeah, remind the boy this arrangement was still on her terms, she hadn’t come back for him or because of anything he’d said, just because she’d felt like it. And she’d leave whenever the hell she felt like it too. Yeah. Right.
“And your alarm isn’t set,” Ty’s amethyst eyes could tell that one little light on his clock wasn’t lit.
Lane’s slender hand was playing gently over her thigh, “Oh I don’t have to work until noon tomorrow,” his soft voice was completely casual, no hints of tone.
“Oh, so… what were you going to do with your morning off?” dammit Ty, this was the very subject that she wanted to avoid, it could easily lead back to that whole topic of him wanting her to stay.
“I occupy myself,” thank Reikai, his tone was the same, flat. Damn, icicle must really have been trying not to upset her.
“Oh?” Ty’s surprised look quickly shifted into something catty and playful, “I hate to imagine what you’d do with all that time… alone,” she emphasized the word.
“Hmm,” Lane mused, a little smile playing over his lips. His slender, pale body arched up from the bed, arms sliding easily around her shoulders. A strand of his hair caught between them as he pulled her against him, like cool silk, and exhilarating her no matter how many times it happened.
“Prolly somethin nasty,” she grinned, a breathtaking feeling creeping up on her.
“Not as bad as I can get with you,” Lane teased.
“Oh?” Ty arched a delicate eyebrow, and then she returned to grinning, “Prove it.”
Her eyes slipped closed as his lips pressed against her luxurious mouth, letting herself be carried away by it, because she wanted to and not because he had any power over her or anything like that. The koorime tugged her back onto the bed with him, Ty letting him pin her beneath him as he commanded the burning of her pleasure to increase. She moaned into the kiss as his tongue entwined around hers, so torturously slow, exacting in its precision.
“Prove it… your way,” Ty conceded softly, tucking a strand of white behind his ear.
Lane paused for a moment, blinking, swearing he hadn’t heard that right. Tyger had never let him… not once… weeks. It was just about the only thing she hadn’t asked of him.
“Your way, Lane…” she repeated even softer, her hands caressing him everywhere. She didn’t know why she’d said it, or even if she really wanted it to happen that way, for her to give up control. Of course she could just take back that control the moment she felt like it. Maybe she just wanted to see if Lane was up to the challenge, see what he could do. Yeah that was it, she was just testing him.
Lane nudged himself out of hesitating, throwing himself into another long and torturing kiss, his hands slipping between them and beneath her shirt. Tyger actually caught herself whimpering into the kiss, but caught that before it got too far, hopefully he hadn’t heard.
The Koorime wriggled a little lower, slipping his hands further down to her waist, then across her hips. He didn’t even move the shirt away as he nuzzled his lips against the supple mound of her breast, teasing the nipple erect. He licked through the clinging fabric, wetting it to cling even more.
Dammit he knew she couldn’t stand that, he was doing it on purpose just to get to her. Ty growled softly and nudged him just enough away to slip her shirt off. Immediately when it was all the way off, Lane viciously returned to attending to her breast with his mouth, and his hands both assaulted her nether region through her pants at the same time. She couldn’t help but writhe under that kind of pressure, trying desperately to get past him to undo her jeans.
Tyger moaned, deep and husky, the friction of the touches alone unbearable and coupled by that not quite painful licking and nibbling at her nipple. Her movements to remove herself of her pants were getting nowhere under that kind of attack, her body arching and thrusting up against him with abandon. She just couldn’t control herself, but she forced herself not to scold him, not to command him to undress her. Oh she wanted to, so very badly. Those cool and skillful fingers against her flesh would be so preferable to the rough friction of denim, but she would not. She had conceded control and anything he was doing was for his purposes.
Lane switched his attentions to the neglected breast, one hand slipping beneath her and lifting her slightly. She had no idea how, but somehow he was keeping any other part of his body from touching her. His attentions slowed, lost some of their ferocity, slipping lower and offering kisses to the hot skin of her stomach. Oh no he was not doing that, he wasn’t going to torture her with that kind of speed after getting her that excited.
The koorime nibbled at the edge of her navel, making her writhe and chuckle softly, distracting her from the fact he was actually freeing her of her jeans. With an all too easy tug he’d slipped the fabric from her, it suddenly making sense precisely why the hand at her back was lifting her slightly from the bed. His tongue made a painfully slow motion over her sex, wrenching a long and loud moan from her chest. He always did that, made her abandon her senses and just arch up against him seeking desperately for more. Her movements rewarded her with nothing except what he chose to pleasure her, driving her mad.
“Lane,” Ty moaned, cutting herself off. The begging tone had been enough, she was not going to take back control. The Koorime might have been driving her insane with want, but she trusted him to satisfy her burning.
“Hmmm?” the pale boy slipped back up along her figure, placing lengthy kisses along all her sensitive areas before finding her lips.
Tyger moaned into the kiss as his hand against her back lifted her tightly to him, making her shudder with absolute pleasure as his cool length contrasted so sharply with her heat. Totally at his mercy, what was she thinking? She was definitely not acting like herself. He had her all excited and was now taking his time, teasing her, just making it worse. Maybe he was trying to get her to whimper and beg, but no way, not her.
Lane smiled softly as he kissed at Ty’s ear, tongue playing along a delicate and curved ridge that made her shiver. Her claws were raking at his flesh, as if restraining themselves from hurting him. He’d pushed the Jujin to that border between excitement and angry frustration, any further and she’d get pissed and leave, but that was just where he wanted her. The highest level of arousal and wanting always made the completion that much more enjoyable. Something coveted that desperately would be an overkill of relief.
His hand supporting her shifted her slightly, letting him slide within her easily she was so ready. Ty closed her eyes in reflex, letting her head fall back. Gods that subtle chill was so soothing. His lips brushed gently over where he’d bit her hours before, pushing deeper and deeper within her. Ty wanted him to just slam forward to complete it, but this subtle nudging further each time was just as good… just in a different way.
Tyger moaned long and loud, breathlessly as he hit that deepest place, unable to do anything but arch up against him and wrap her arms around his shoulders. She forced herself to not say anything, to not take back her control. This was him. This wasn’t a matter of being trained to listen and obey, this was just him acting as he pleased, not because of her, but for her.
“Lane…” she gasped, burying her face against his neck, “Lane I…” Ty bit her lip. She couldn’t say it, it wasn’t who she was.
Lane blinked, wondering vaguely what she was trying to say, kissing gently at the elegant slope of her neck. Her tone was different, weighted by something almost… anguished. He continued, thrusting forward slow and even, stroking deep within her. Ty arched and shuddered up against him, pressed so hard to him that there was no space between them. Her strong arms were locked around his shoulders, fingers tangling in his hair as she offered her suppressed moans against the flesh of his neck. She was holding herself back, as if submitting to him wasn’t as pleasurable… how perfectly Tyger-ish.
Ty shivered as his teeth grazed her ear between kisses. She could hear his heartbeat perfectly, feel it reverberating against her chest, hers answering each pounding with its own. The beats increased together as his thrusting slowly sped up as well. It wasn’t much, still so excruciatingly slow, but just enough…
Lane winced as Ty’s claws dug fiercely into his back, the Jujin forgetting as her body shuddered violently, arching hard up against him, losing herself in the pleasure of release. The pain was quickly forgotten as he was overtaken as well, the two of them coming together as if they were one being. When the shuddering waves had subsided, Ty fell back against the bed, gasping and staring wide-eyed at nothing, loving the feel of the Koorime as he slipped slightly to her one side, a cooling and silken presence against her.
Tyger forced herself to stay still, blinking at the darkness and listening to his breathing, choking down the strong urge to slip away from him. She was going to stay, at least until he went to work. She didn’t have anything better to do after all, and neither did he. In fact he’d probably make her breakfast, wait on her hand and foot. It might be kinda nice for a change. It didn’t mean anything, it was just the option that got the greatest pleasure for her, and okay, maybe a little for the Koorime too.
She sighed, blinking again when Lane ran a finger across her eyebrow. Her violet eyes glinted over at him. Hey, weren’t men supposed to pass out afterwards? Well, not like he ever had to be truthful, hell he might even be up for another go, if she wasn’t so thoroughly content and exhausted of course.
Lane shifted a little more off her, pressing against her side, a slender leg hooked around one of hers almost possessively. He wasn’t keeping her there, not by any means, nor was his posture even suggesting it. In fact he fully expected her to vanish at any moment. He didn’t want to close his eyes for fear of it, telling himself he shouldn’t be scared, it was just like every other time she’d left. But it wasn’t like every other time. He’d admitted something very serious just a few hours ago, and even if she was choosing to ignore it right now, she’d still heard it, and she had still come back.
Maybe nothing would come of it, maybe…
But it was the hope that was keeping him alive.
Lane blinked at the sunlight, viciously scowled at it in fact, eyes immediately flitting to the clock before realizing he didn’t have to be at work – for at least five more hours. He looked a touch confused as he glanced back to his right side, finding a very curvaceous and very dark and delicious looking figure laying there.
Tyger had pulled away from him slightly during the night, turning on her side with the white sheet clinging to her hip in the most sensual and yet not quite revealing way. Even in sleep she had that sexual aura.
Lane resisted the urge to touch her for the moment. Instead he very carefully sat up, lounging back against the headboard with a little better vantage point to continue watching her sleep. Sitting idle would have normally driven him mad, but this wasn’t doing nothing, this was appreciating something beautiful, committing it to memory, indulging sinfully in every little sleeping noise that passed over those slightly parted and sensuously full lips.
[Kesu: Lane, precisely how long can you keep describing Ty sleeping?
Lane: precisely how long can I last at anything?
Kesu: nevermind]
She was still here, dawn had come and Tyger was still in his bed. He had cursed himself for even falling asleep, expecting her to be gone and that time he’d slept with her there wasted because he wasn’t awake to enjoy it. But she was here, so he’d take the time to enjoy it now.
Dark skinned and beautiful Tyger, all sexy curves and sharply enticing features. Her hair tumbled down, framing her pretty face, blending with the darkness of the pillow. Those dark tresses had fallen in such a way as to leave her neck exposed, that graceful arc that flowed into her shoulder perfectly. Strong and supple muscles beneath that soft skin, melding into one another in perfect definition, perfect example of beautiful power. The muscles of her upper back poured themselves into the alluring curve of her waist.
Okay he needed to quit that. He slipped easily from the bed without waking her, tugging on a pair of white shorts and padding out to the kitchen. The koorime opened the fridge and gave its contents a survey.
That was the one thing that continued to bother him about ningen, the food. Almost everything was simply too much for him to handle, too much what he wasn’t precisely sure, additives as they were called, or simply too much taste. Koorime foods, he’d found, were actually terribly bland compared to most everything he’d found in ningen. About all he could handle was bread, water, rice, and sometimes fish and eggs. The soda in his fridge was solely for Ty, as well as the spices he used on her plates alone. He loved cooking, he just couldn’t appreciate the tolerance of the human palate.
Lane bent and snagged the eggs from the fridge, setting them on the counter as he reached for a pan and the potatoes in nearly perfect quiet. Standing at the counter he had a direct sideways view into the bedroom and right at Ty’s gorgeous sleeping face, and not too far away either. Small apartment for certain. He busied himself with the cooking, glancing into the bedroom every now and then to make sure he wasn’t disturbing her, and of course to admire her.
Tyger was tugged from sleep by the most wonderful smell, slitting her eyes and chasing away the haze of sleep to blink at Lane standing a few meters away at the stove. Hmm, that smelled delicious, and the view wasn’t bad either. Yeah, staying definitely had its perks. She slipped out of the bed without him noticing, gliding to his closet and seizing a plain white tee shirt.
“I’m borrowing this icicle!” Tyger declared as she strode from the room, the shirt barely reaching halfway down her thighs.
Lane just smiled at her and continued cooking, stirring the confection as she wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed against his back, purring in the sultriest manner. She usually hated getting up this early if she didn’t have to, but that smell was just irresistible, and she’d slept really good on top of that.
“Hmmm, smells kinda good,” she peeked around him at the mix of potatoes and eggs. With some pepper that would be damn good. “What if I don’t wanna eat?”
“Then you don’t have to,” he replied quietly.
“What if I want you instead?” Ty nipped at his neck.
“Then I’ll have to give you the spatula treatment,” Lane waggled the spatula toward her, and while she was intrigued at precisely what he meant by that, her stomach was growling.
Tyger gave another bite to his skin and went to go plop on the couch, sprawling across it and stretching out. Breakfast in bed was just too corny, the couch would do just fine. Lane smiled and brought her a plate a moment later, vanishing back into the kitchen. She listened, he was cleaning.
“Aren’tcha gonna eat Laney?” she asked between bites. Ooh this was good, peppered and with a touch of something else. Hmmm, perfect.
“I am eating,” he replied softly.
Yeah sure, probably nibbling on toast, strange boy that he was. He finished cleaning the kitchen and slipped back into his room. Ty slid off the couch and took her empty plate to the sink, scowling and then actually rinsing it off. She turned around and leaned back against the counter, arms crossed over her chest, catching his attention.
“I need a shower, would you like to take one with me?” he offered a towel toward her, a little smile on his lips.
Ty grinned and snatched the towel, following him into the bathroom, slipping herself against his chest as he went to turn on the water. She reached into the shower as she kissed him, their hands absently and half-heartedly dueling over the hot water. Somewhere beyond the consuming kiss they found a happy medium in the temperature of the water. Tyger broke the kiss and divested herself of the shirt, slipping into the shower.
Lane slipped against her back an instant later, reaching around to caress her as the water did. She leaned back against him, throwing her head back as he kissed at her neck his fingers splaying and caressing over her chest and stomach. The water made her skin more sensitive, the touches that more intensely pleasurable.
The koorime turned her in his arms, Tyger closing her eyes as he ran his fingers from her forehead and back through her hair, the water soaking through the thick waves. Ty slitted her eyes briefly to inspect the shampoo, discretely making sure it was good enough before he applied it to her hair, his fingers working deftly into the wavy mass to lather it thoroughly. She just kept her head thrown back, arms loosely circling his waist, enjoying the attention as the water rinsed away the shampoo.
Lane pulled her a little closer against him, a gentle hand at the back of her head encouraging her to lean forward against his shoulder as he worked conditioner into her hair, keeping it out of the water for a moment. Ty glanced from the corner of her eye back to the hanging shelf on the shower wall. She snickered at the body sponge.
“Guys use these?”
“I use what I want to,” he replied softly, completely serious as he lathered the sponge and pressed it to her back, nudging her hair out of the way.
“True… you aren’t like most guys… hell you have more hair than Kesu,” Ty nipped at his ear as the sponge slipped to curve of her rear, slowly, cleaning thoroughly all of her skin and making it even slicker from the soap.
Lane smiled subtly, hanging the sponge back up and rinsing off Ty’s skin with smooth stroking motions of his hands. He turned her in his arms, tilting her head back against him. She purred as the sponge moved languorously up and down her front, arching herself back against him, rubbing herself back against his hard length. His fingers slipped purposefully between her thighs, making her gasp and arch her back even further.
“I’m perfectly capable,” Ty was interrupted by a stabbing of fierce pleasure, “of washing myself… oooh… Lane,” she moaned, veritably writhing under the touches.
The Jujin felt herself being turned to face him yet again, one hand at the small of her back to press her tightly against him. His other hand ran back through her hair, rinsing it of conditioner, that gentle touch completely opposite the other fierce claiming that ground her hips against him. She let a little smile play over her lips as Lane kissed at the underside of her chin.
Suddenly, now cleansed of all soap and conditioner, she found herself lifted and turned, pressed back against the cool tile of the shower wall, captured between it and Lane’s lanky form. He settled her down, perched on a tiny shelf, wrapping her legs around his waist as the water coursed through the white rivulets of his hair. Ty used that little bit of leverage, pulling him close and angling her hips to capture him within her, purring as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders.
Lane pressed his lips to her neck, the side opposite the shower, moving forward to slowly fill her tight velvet heat completely. Ty closed her eyes and tilted her face up to the falling water, her claws pressing lightly into his back, slipping down with the water. The sensations made him shiver, much to her delight.
He pressed her harder against the slick tile, bracing himself with one arm while the other supported one of her legs, pulling her towards him even as he pushed deeper within her. Gods, with that angle he was pushing her limits immediately, that exquisite pressure building very quickly, almost too quickly. She threw her head back, arching up to meet his increasing pace, losing herself in it as he pushed himself faster… harder.
Lane slid his hand from her thigh, up along her side, slipping over her belly and up to her chest, arched up to him as if in offering, the water coursing over her beautiful dark skin. He bent to nibble at the base of her neck, running his tongue along the sensitive artery there. She caught herself moaning, couldn’t stop, the sounds melding with his own as he tried hard to silence them against her neck. Those strong inner muscles of hers were already tightening down hard on him, clenching and straining. It was almost impossible for him to move she was holding him so tight.
Suddenly Ty’s entire body convulsed, the Jujin crying out, the sound battling the pattering of the shower. Feeling her drenched heat course over him was just too much, that shudder of release blissfully passing through him as he drove himself hard into her one more time. Ty purred at that chill that filled her, nuzzling against his neck and loving the massaging feel of the water at the back of her head. She couldn’t recall ever having something that good move that fast, but she wasn’t about to complain, it had been good.
Tyger relaxed slowly, just letting him support her for another long moment. The water was turning cold but he wouldn’t mind that in the least. Lane let her slip away from him without a word. Ty sighed contentedly and slipped out of the shower, trying to keep her legs beneath her long enough to wrap herself up in a towel, then her hair. She wandered in a half-daze out to the living room, flopping and stretching out languorously on the couch. Her keen ears listened to Lane finish his shower as she just relaxed there, a little contented smile on her face.
“Hey, you should put some clothes on,” she grinned as Lane appeared with a towel around his waist, running another through his hair.
“It’s my apartment,” he defended softly, settling on the edge of the couch.
“You have company, it would be polite,” she teased, reaching to trail a claw down his spine, giving a strand of hair a gentle tug to get him to lay down beside her.
“Well I can’t get dressed laying here,” Lane smiled.
“Well of course not,” and she made it clear he wasn’t getting up either.
Lane managed to move himself slightly beneath her, or was it her moving slightly on top of him, taking her towel and gently rubbing her hair, kissing along her jaw as he did, teasing her by avoiding her lips. Ty purred and buried her face against his neck, licking with slow and thorough motions of her tongue. She nuzzled her way up to nip at his earlobe, curling her tongue into those delicate ridges.
“Do something for me?” she asked, sliding a hand down his side, admiring the long slope from chest to stomach before firmly grasping his hip. Tyger smirked at his gasp, kneading that sensitive protrusion as he struggled to fight that pleasure.
Ty pulled back, admiring the blush just that simple little touch had brought to his cheeks. Lane’s heart had tripped and stumbled its way onto a thready rhythm, leaving him breathless. He was fighting hard for control, but she wasn’t giving in. In fact, that was just what she wanted him to do. She grazed her lips along his, “Let go, Lane… let go of that idea… that ladies first crap. Just feel, for yourself… be selfish, just this once.”
She gripped his hip even harder, his entire lanky frame shuddering as his eyes slipped shut. He did as he was told, letting the pleasure run rampant through his body, collecting itself in that area and radiating outwards. It was something he usually only allowed himself briefly, she was right, after her pleasure had been met. Commanded now to bask in that delight he did so without complaint.
Tyger slipped her hand from his hip, palming that cool hard length. She batted away his hand as it tried resting on her waist, not letting him touch her, leaving a good space between them as she pushed hard. She chased away another touch, the koorime getting the point and gripping the back of the couch instead. She did let him curl his leg around hers, because otherwise she probably would have pushed him right onto the floor. Not an unpleasant idea really, but that was for a little later. At the moment she just admired his beautiful features, totally surrendered as they were to the pleasure, and looking all the more radiant.
The Jujin curled her fingers around him, smirking as she heard his nails digging into the couch behind her. A small sound escaped with his next tortured breath, barely escaping those slightly parted lips. Those strangely tinted bluish lips that smiled so easily, so prettily, and were oh-so talented. She found herself wanting to kiss them, but she resisted.
Ty put him through a long and torturous stroking motion, squeezing now and again. It took a little while, but those tiny sounds gradually increased to husky and breathless moans, broken by sharp cries. She tore brutally through his reservations, crashed down all the barriers, broke all the codes he held about respectfulness and being the perfect submissive boy. And dammit he looked gorgeous! Entire thin body writhing, thrusting up against her touches desperately, abandoning reason. It was almost as if… this had never been done to him before. But… naahhh, certainly not.
“Ty!” he gasped in sudden begging, eyes opening in a burst of pale blue that startled her with their beautiful glittering quality. She’d expected him to ask her to stop much sooner, any normal guy wouldn’t have lasted half that time under her kind of… talent.
“Oh all right,” she growled playfully, not even going to admit to herself that watching him had gotten her quite excited, something she hadn’t really expected considering how satisfied she’d felt. Tyger slipped her hand away from him, arms encircling his shoulders as she turned him a little more onto his back, hooking her leg around him.
Her burning flesh, so wet with desire, slid to encompass him, cradle him, squeezing with ungodly pressure. Ty thrust her hips to turn his gentle push into a harsh slamming against her inner walls as he filled her totally. She pushed herself up into a semi-upright position and nudged him onto his back completely. She gazed down at him predatorily, running her tongue over her teeth, curling her spine as she lifted herself from him, sliding along his length.
“I didn’t say stop being selfish,” Tyger chided with a purr, running a finger down the bridge of his nose, feeling that tensing of his body that told of him holding back, controlling himself.
“Ty…” Lane gasped, her finger moving down to trace his lips, silencing what might have struggled beyond his failure at speaking.
As she sank down along him he had no doubt nothing more would have come from that attempt. The pleasure running rampant through him forced his eyes closed, slender body trembling as he arched up to meet her. With every motion she pushed the next just a little faster, running her hands up and down his chest, his stomach, gripping his hips and laughing quietly to herself at every reaction to that. Lane being selfish, now this was a rare sight, and of course it was her to get to see it, who else was good enough?
Tyger leaned forward over him, fingers playing against his neck and tangling in strands of silken white hair, her body just inches from his as she strained against her own rhythm. His skillful hand slipped between her thighs, cupping the enticing mound of flesh, his slender middle finger finding and pressing against her clit, finding an easy circular motion that matched Ty’s movements.
The Jujin found she could barely support herself, falling a little more forward, her hard nipples brushing so deliciously against his chest. He knew just how to manipulate that sensitive bit of flesh…
“Hey… what happened to… being selfish?” she gasped, throwing her head back and thrusting into the touch, unable to stop herself from desperately seeking that release, so close…
“If I weren’t thinking of myself… I wouldn’t need to make you come… right now,” Lane thrust up into her, shredding her senses to a white-hot fury that melted away the words, her own heart thudding so loudly in her ears she couldn’t have heard him if she’d wanted to.
Tyger collapsed against him, shuddering still as she came down slowly from that high, that coolness within her so soothing, those strong arms embracing her… comforting, secure. She hated comforting… right? Ugh, too hazy for thinking, she resigned to just listening to him breathing, his heart. And for that moment… that little moment when she wasn’t being hardheaded emotion-hating commitment-avoiding Ty, she didn’t want to ever leave.
Then she regained her senses.
“Okay,” Tyger sighed after a long while of basking in that afterglow of contentment, “I admit it, you’re good,” she nipped at his ear, purring softly.
“I must trust your judgment then.”
“Dammit icicle,” she had to try twice to get her arms to listen into pushing her up, scowling down at him, “don’t you have any ego? Aren’tcha spose to puff up like a… guy? Get cocky or summat?”
“Pride is… I thought it to be an undesirable trait.”
Those pretty blue eyes met her gaze like he’d done something wrong, not pouting, just concerned, curious as if he truly did not understand what she meant. Honestly he did not understand, he’d been raised to think how he did, anything else was so unfamiliar to him, and it was like needing to learn all over again.
“Lane…” Ty sighed, shaking her head softly and cradling his jaw in her palm, “nevermind,” she leaned down and kissed him, slowly but deeply.
Lane watched her slip away from him completely, gathering her senses from this… gentle touchy feely crap. She bounced up from the couch, trailing the towel behind her as she flounced merrily to the bedroom. He sighed and glanced out the window to check the time… time to get ready for work. Smiling contentedly he easily roused himself from the couch and trailed the pretty dark Jujin.
Ty was sprawled out on the bed, looking seductive despite whether or not she was trying to, having found her clothes but not deigning herself to put them on quite yet. She watched hungrily as he slipped into a pair of white shorts, those tight kind she just loved on that particular figure.
“I have to go to work now,” he noticed the gaze, turning away to find a pair of nice dress pants, as if ashamed with himself for needing to leave.
“Awww, it’s only,” she turned to look at the clock, “shit.”
“Precisely,” Lane sighed, leaving the pants undone while he slipped into a shirt, tucking it in.
Ty was watching every fluid movement, admiring. “I get the feeling itsa school day too, hmmm. Ah well, if I show up for lunch hour I can snag a free cheeseburger and fries before the headmaster notices I skipped all morning. Yummm, that sounds good.”
Lane brushed his hair back into the quickest braid he could manage, standing next to the bed and gazing down at her. “I would not leave if I didn’t have to…”
“Hey it’s cool,” Tyger bounced to sit up, seriously wanting to avoid the whole leaving/staying topic thing, moving swiftly into her clothes.
The koorime strode to the kitchen after slipping on his shoes, reaching into the cupboard for some bread, grabbing a water bottle from the refrigerator. He quirked a glance at the dark Jujin as she bounced from his room fully clothed, running his brush through her hair and tossing it back onto the bed. He really did not want to leave, but it had been a wonderful way to start a day, in fact he couldn’t have thought of a better way. Still, he had to keep his job if he was going to survive in this ningen world, and as fun as playing was, things had to be done. He snagged his keys from their place and went to the door quietly.
Lane turned to say goodbye to Tyger, but she was already gone, vanishing like she so often did – like he should have been used to by now. The apartment was completely empty and silent. He bowed his head and shut the door behind him.