New Years Party Continued

December 31 2000


Tanji sighed as he passed the Kiro Gate after sounding his first bell, pausing there, feeling like he should say something. He bowed his head, but not out of prayer or meditation, but shame.

"I've made such a mess already, why does that always happen? Nothing ever goes right with me around. Make any more of an idiot out of myself an' Kino will never..." he lowered his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest with fingers entwined, staring at the wrappings on his arms.

"Tanji you're such a fool, just a damned fool. It's amazing how anybody could care about you," his arms dropped, brushing against his sword. "Your parents didn't even care enough about you, father abandoned you and killed himself with that damn dagger... that same dagger..."

Tanji closed his eyes and dropped to his knees there in front of the gate. But he still didn't know what to say...

The phoenix slid a little bit, breaking Tanji from his thoughts. Wow, nine already? He sighed and stood, returning to the bell to ring it once more. He'd been thinking for half an hour and still couldn't think of anything to say, anything he wanted about the past year to change, anything for the new year to be different.

The bell sounded, solemn and yet delicate. Its sound was supposed to elicit true feelings from the ringer, to rid them of bad desires, but Tanji still felt nothing different.

He padded back down to the gate with his head bowed. Maybe he could be happier, no, then he wouldn't be Tanji. In fact everything that everyone was telling him to change would not suit who he really was, almost everything.

"You'd think one of us would know who I was," his eyes looked back at his shoulder, the phoenix shifted in response. "Yeah I know, you're just my companion, but you could be a little more helpful," he sighed. He didn't talk to the phoenix often, people might think he was even more insane, besides he never got much of an answer.

Tanji looked up at the gate, thinking for a moment about just trying to open it alone and go somewhere, get away from everything.

Kino sighed as she watched Ty work her stuff. Ty was always working her stuff... Kino shook her head and rubbed the daze from her eyes. She just hoped the Jujinkai would grow out of it one day... day...suuurrreee... maybe one day next millennium...

Thinking of millenniums...Kino decided she should go check the temple out, it was some odd affinity with Kino, she always had to get somewhere early. In about ten or so minutes, it would be her turn to ring the bells of the new year. Plus, the farther away she was from this throng of people, the better. Quietly, the slender, red, form entered the temple. Her sandals clicking against the stone softly.

"Oh." Kino said, her trademark word, once she came upon Tanji, kneeling in front of the gate. "Sorry for intruding..." Kino began, flushing. What was it with tonight? She kept bumping into Tanji everywhere she went for some kind of escape... Kino sighed softly, she didn't mind at all, but she was sure Tanji was annoyed by now.

Tanji's eyes went wide at that sound, Kino's voice. He bit his lip, pondering precisely how to NOT make more of an ass out of himself at this moment. He got up, slowly so he wouldn't fall on his face, and turned to face her.

"Hey Kino," he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Kesu probably wants my hide for hiding in here this long," he offered a sheepish little grin. "But I really don't wanna go back out there... yet," his tongue did a little stumble, redness creeping into his face.

"Besides... I know you're spose to like... think of something better for the new year," he looked back at the gate to hide that little blush.

Oh yeah, his plan to not make an ass out of himself was working... rrrright.

Kino clasped her hands behind her back and looked down to the ground. "I'm not so sure about Kesu, but I think you probably got that right..." She smiled. "I came in here early because of Tyger..." Kino shook her head. "You don't want to go out there." She confirmed glancing back.

"If you want, I'll leave so that you can make your new year's wish..." Kino looked up, snubbing one sandaled foot against the floor of the temple.

Tanji blinked back at her, "No no, please, I know you don't want to be out there anymore than I do, no reason we can't both hide... well at least til Kesu comes and drags us out," he gave a nervous little chuckle, going to put his hands behind his back and gave his arm a good whack into his sword. "Ow," he muttered softly.

Grinning, she shook her head. "No, you're wrong there, Kesu will only drag you out, because I have to ring the nine thirty and ten."

Kino looked surprised, but recovered quickly enough. Vaguely, she sought back to what Tyger had said... 'Tanji blushing, ridiculous...' Kino confirmed to herself, although the defense was weak, she refused to change her mind. She chuckled quietly as Tanji knocked his arm.

"Really though, don't think I'd be missed. After all, I'm... well you know what I'm guilty for. Really stupid of me," Tanji shook his head, actually being sincere, absently rubbing the part of the arm he'd knocked against the sword.

Kino expression turned soft as Tanji expressed his remorse, and she bit her lip. "Well, it's not really _that_ bad...most of the ningen are just taking it in stride... really love the stuff they do... those Kitsunes though..."

She tucked a lock of tightly waved, red hair, behind her ear as she watched him thinking. His eyes got that look of a thought twirling around his brain and he turned to the gate for a moment, bowing and whispering something. Tanji smiled when he turned back and looked at Kino again. Kino blinked confused and curious orange eyes. She rose an eyebrow at him and met his gaze for a moment, then glanced away rather quickly again, color tinting her cheeks. Though why, even she wasn't sure.

"So, finally figured out what you wanted to wish for? Would you mind telling?"

Without any hint of nervousness or fear, eyes closed in that happy expression, "I wished that I'd be able to pay you back no matter what it takes." Still smiling, he motioned toward the stairs that led to the bell, "Best get to ringing."

Kino noted the difference in his demeanor, the more relaxed stance, and still held this somewhat puzzled expression. After all these years, his mood swings were still surprising as ever...

She suddenly went bright red as he merrily told her his wish. Her eyes went wide, her features surprised, the temperature rose a couple degrees. Kino swallowed and recalled with sudden sharpness, the even only a few years ago. "Ahem, yes..." She said, delicately, but with that edge of being caught off guard in her voice.

Gracefully, she walked across the room, pausing at the steps only to side glance back at Tanji, making sure that he wasn't just acting to throw her off. Then after giving it some more thought, she climbed up.

Kino stepped up to the bell, and let out a deep breath. Her small hand gripped the rope steadily, and she pulled. It gave a sharp, acutely clear sound that rung in her ears. She grimaced slightly rubbed her temples. Well, maybe that was her wake up call...

Tanji opened his eyes as the bell sounded out through the temple. It was even more beautiful in the Gate Chamber, resounding over and over again in hundreds of tones that shook his frail body. He looked around at the chamber, upwards at the high ceiling in an almost childish wonder. He'd never stopped to really look at it, to see how pretty it was.

"I'm not acting like myself," he mused quietly. He'd had swings of happiness before though, what Kesu liked to call hyper, and he fully expected it to go away even if it felt a little different this time. This time it was almost like he'd been given new eyes.

The bells tone died and he could vaguely hear the music of the party outside. Tanji looked at the door, head tilted slightly in thought. Heh, he might have felt a little different, 'except' about going back to that party.

Kino waited as the last of the notes drifted away, feeling the sounds resounding deep in her chest. She sighed and smiled. Slowly, she made way down the steps and came before the gate... Kino bowed her crimson head and closed her eyes. Her voice began softly, yet solidly. "May the new year shower me with thy blessings, and..." Color kissed her cheeks and she furrowed her brow. "...rid me of my shyness and pride." Kino barely said.

After a few moments she only stood there, thinking quietly and then turned around, taking a resolute breath. "Thirty minutes to kill until I ring again..." She muttered, lazily glancing up.

Tanji was silent for a moment and then stepped forward, nodding at the gate. "Did you ever want to just try it out, without the others around? I know I know... we can't, it's too dangerous," he sighed. "But just to see if you could, maybe?"

"What happens when Yotaka's gone?" he wondered softly, an edge of fear in his voice, but otherwise just a sort of curiosity.

Kino blinked, completely surprised. 'Jeesh, is he just TRYING to confound me?' Kino thought, rubbing her head. She bit her lip, deep in thought...

"I've always wondered what the road was like, the astral plane, the mystery...before I walked it, Tanji...but alone? I...only to see if you are able? I..." Kino shook her head, stopping her own stumbling sentence. She looked down, thinking again...

Her attention was snapped back when Tanji as he uttered the last, very odd, sentence. "What?!" Kino asked, disbelief and alarm lining her voice. Her eyes were wide now. Without thinking, she walked up to Tanji and peered. Then Kino backed off a bit, scowling, and rubbing her pointed chin. She swore something was different, he seemed... Kino shook her head.

"Okay...who are you and what have you done with Tanji Hisaki?"

Tanji giggled and shrugged, "Probably just one of those moods, maybe it's just the New Year, maybe I'm just thrilled to not be out there. But really, there are things we need to think about," he stepped just a little to the side to pass her, gazing up at the gate.

"Think about it, Kesu's out there 'looking' for others like us, why? Yotaka pushing so hard for us to open the Gate. It's like a puzzle," he grinned in a sort of thrilled way.

He glanced back at Kino, expression softening to just one of contentment, "It's nice sometimes to just talk. Kesu is such a freakin mystic sometimes," Tanji laughed softly to himself, turning back toward the gate with one hand gently touching the back of his neck, the other hand moving his ponytail completely to one side to reveal a small and white eight pointed star.

Tanji's features had shifted again, into something almost sad, "My father stood here after ringing that bell... and he wished for a son."

Kino sighed, he was right, but did Tanji have to slug things like these out when she had her back turned? She grumbled to herself, she hated being surprised like that.

Kino listened to him, brows knit whilst she thought. He was right, Kesu and Yotaka were being rather insistent... "Kesu has always been mysterious." Kino commented. She recalled the time when she first noticed something was different about her close friend... but she'd always been too shy to ask up front.

Kino watched him with curious fiery eyes, noticed the star on the back of his neck. 'Pfftt, well there's something I hadn't seen before.' She thought flatly. 'Any other surprises? Tanji? How about telling-'

And then he did. He told Kino something personal about himself.

Kino's eyes went soft, she walked and then stood next to Tanji. "I'm sure you're everything your father wanted." Her voice was quiet, she glanced to him, and gave a smile. "I've seen my parents in visions, a few times..." Kino flushed and looked away.

Tanji smiled, letting his hair fall, looking sideways at her. He reached out and almost touched her face, not quite, diverting himself rather innocently and pretending his intention was to nudge a strand of hair out of the way.

"Yeah, I've seen them too, in memories. Maybe I just didn't have the strength before, but now... the phoenix has memories from when it was bonded to my father, it lets me see them," Tanji looked down at his feet, eyes closed. "Just a couple things so far. It takes a lot... and it hurts..." he trailed off quietly...

... and collapsed.

Kino glanced to Tanji with slightly nervous eyes as he moved aside a strand of her hair. She watched him, concerned, as he began speaking of his memories... He began to sway, Kino became alarmed... She stopped him right before his head hit the ground, Tanji's body suspended with her telekinesis. Kneeling, she cushioned his head with her hands as she let him go.

"Tanji?" Kino shook his shoulders gently. She pursed her lips, her face showing worry and annoyance. "C'mon, wake up..."

Tanji tore himself from the fire, struggled back, out of the memories of the phoenix. He'd gone too far, nearly lost himself. He latched onto Kino's voice and fought hard to pull his conscious separate from the companion.

"Ooowww," he winced, back in the real world, shaky hand lifting to cover his face as he opened his eyes. "Ooh... sorry... Kino," Tanji tried to sit up, couple times before succeeding. "Never did that before," he pressed his palms against his temples. "Think I'm gonna go back to my room and lay down for awhile... this hurts."

Kino sighed with relief. She supported his back as he sat up, and then scowled at him. "Don't do that again! Surprising me and scaring me... I'm going to have a heart attack at 16 and I don't even eat potato chips..."

She stood, helping him up, her voice changed swiftly and became concerned. "Are you sure you should be alone? In case out again?" Kino blushed, realizing she sounded like she wanted him to stay. She didn't mind if he did, but she didn't want Tanji to know that...

Yeah, that new year wish was really working...

Tanji giggled at potato chips, but stopped himself quickly because it really hurt, causing another wave of dizziness. He could only imagine what would happen if he opened those doors and that blaring music hit him... eeeh, not a pretty picture.

He nodded, just once because that hurt too, finding a nice safe wall to lean up against. He wiped the cold sweat from his face, tactfully hiding with his hand that his nose was bleeding. "Think you're right... stay here a bit," he imagined he looked rather pitiful standing there, shaky, chilled and sweating, still dizzy, staring at Kino's feet to keep the room from spinning. She had cute feet.

See, just when things were fine and dandy everything went to Makai in a hand basket. What time was it... hell what 'day' was it?

Kino frowned at Tanji condition... he wasn't looking so good...and was that blood? She touched his shoulder, sending a small wave of warmth. "Tanji? Did you see anything disturbing? Or do you know why you collapsed like that?" Kino brushed the hair from his forehead, worriedly. "Or I could get you some water..."

"Heh," Tanji half-heartedly smiled, a little apologetic, mostly appreciative, "it's all disturbing... to think my mother went back into that Gate and walked right off the path to lead them away from here."

He blinked, looking up at her. "I'll be fine," he shrugged just a little, that dizziness not going away just yet, but he braved another smile, "At least Kesu might pity me if I look this horrid... not kill me right away... I hope."

"Hey umm," he sniffed, still tasting blood, keeping his hand there, "better check the time."

Kino nodded, swallowing. "Alright...if you say you're okay..." She dropped her arm, "I wouldn't take my chances with Kesu though..." Kino smiled. "Probably best to sneak through..."

She blinked and glanced up, ooh yeah, that bell... "Umm, good idea..." Slowly she turned away, walking up the steps again.

When Kino rang the bell again, the notes rolled over Temple Kiro like a low breeze. She gazed out the glass-less window, and looked solemn. "May the new year be tranquil." Kino said, and then rolled her eyes.

Sure, whatever.

Tanji leaned his head back, just a little too hard against the wall. He moaned and curled forward, fingers burying into his hair. His legs really wanted to collapse but he resisted it as best he could.

"Trying to kill me you damn fire bird?" he muttered, the companion sliding in a 'you asked for it' motion. What else was new, it had been trying to kill him all his life, with its damn tests and its power. Companion, ha, more like torture. But then again those memories, even with the pain... they were worth it. He apologized silently.

Ah a slow song was echoing across the temple yard now, it was probably his best chance at getting to his room. He pushed himself away from the wall. Walking was not easy, and the doors were farther away than they looked.

Tanji pushed open the door to the temple with one hand, hearing it lock behind him as he quite literally tumbled down the stairs. Ooh, that would leave a burn on his knees.

The little Makai got back up, ignoring everything and everyone else, stumbling to his right and toward the student quarters. Dammit Kesu was sitting right there, with some girl, looking entirely pissed. Tanji just kept his head down and kept walking.

Kesu stood as he neared, "Tanji where have you been?" he demanded.

"Just leave me the hell alone tails," Tanji planted his right palm right square into his friend's chest, slamming him back against the wall with enough force to send him to the ground in a little rebound. Kesu looked totally shocked as he got back to his feet, watching the little guy waver down the walkway, wondering just what the heck had happened. He looked for Kino to find out.

Tanji stumbled again, scraping his bare shoulder as he ducked into his room, forgetting to shut the door again. He untied his sword from his belt as he tumbled onto his bed, reaching to put the sword on the stand. Instead it clattered to the floor.

Kino slowly walked down the steps, listening to her sandals tap against the floor and echo off the walls. She looked up to the ceiling of the temple, and studied the intricate patters... She stepped into the main area, noticing Tanji was gone. Red and slender brows knit in a dismayed annoyance.

'Why doesn't he ever wait, he's probably falling his way over to his room...' Kino slowly walked across the temple, reluctantly. She _really_ didn't want to go out there... but Tyger would be here later...much later...and Kino didn't want to be around her right now, she'd just go on and on about the flavor of the week. Kino blushed lightly. Those topics always made her uncomfortable. She opened the door and came out, coming up to her kitsune friend.

"Oh, hi Kesu...see Tanji?"

Kesu coughed, "Yeah, and felt him too," he rubbed his chest. "Must be another one of those deadly mood swings because he gave me a serious hit."

"What's the matter with him? He went down to his room weaving like he was drunk or half asleep," Kesu motioned toward the end of the building. "His door's open, but I'm not going in there... I value my life and he doesn't seem to happy with me right now."

Kino sighed and rubbed her eyes. "He was just stressing that you were going to nag him about hiding...then after tossing me a couple...surprises..."

'Couple...yeah, try five or more...'

"His phoenix sent him a vision, he went out pretty badly..." She glanced up, meeting his green eyes. "Tis alright, he'll cool off, us fire Makai are rather bad with parties..." Kino glanced warily to the throng of dancers.

"Just remind Tyger about the bells, but don't take her away when she's really..." Kino blushed. "Else you might get worse than a push, my good friend." Kino said, smiling sheepishly as she passed him and peered into Tanji's room. "Tanji?" Kino called in softly, but not coming in. "Are you faring any better?"

Tanji turned his head over, very slowly, his hair loose and tumbling over his eyes. He brushed the annoyance away and smiled weakly at Kino. "Yeah great, I just shoved my best friend into a wall and my lifelong companion tried to kill me."

Hmm, sarcasm probably wasn't the best tool at the moment, it was hardly ever appreciated. He sat up carefully, "Sorry, just ignored that," the dizziness was bearable now. Tanji motioned toward the sitting cushion, "Come in if you want," he looked around to see where that hair-tie had tumbled off to.

Kino took a good look at Tanji, and then smiled. "Eh, I'll be right back..." She flitted out, dodged into the tea room, grabbed two cups and a small but full pot, and then came back.

She entered a little meekly, and set the pot and cups on the table. Careful, Kino poured the hot tea. She handed a cup to Tanji. "Drink up, it should help with your dizziness if nothing else..." Quietly, Kino sipped her own.

Tanji smiled as he took the cup, taking a drink and waiting a moment for his ears to quit ringing. "Spose I just made Kesu more mad at me by hittin him," he looked back and noticed the sword laying there on the floor. He scowled and put it up on the stand properly.

"Just a few more hours to suffer, I think we might actually survive," he smiled at Kino. "Or at least I've got that long to live since Kesu's busy."

Kino nodded and settled herself down on the cushion, she didn't like sitting in this stretchy, well fitted material... Uugh, and some of her stomach was showing, like these Kino was glad to be skinny.

"Made him upset." Kino corrected, taking another drink. "He didn't even want to come in here..." Kino moved her tightly waved hair from her face. "Shouldn’t have done that though, Tanji." She added, in a quiet tone.

Kino grimaced and glanced to the door where music drifted in quietly. "Well, I just hope we never do this again..." Kino said grimacing. "It makes the filled with people school routine look like a solitary paradise."

"Probably worried about one of his fluffy tails ending up on my wall," Tanji slumped a little bit, looking at the tea in front of him, "Well I feel bad about hitting him... just wasn't in the mood for another of his lectures... but I do feel bad."

He blinked up at the door, "I thought I'd enjoy this, pfft, boy was I wrong. And at least at school I can hide behind my sketchbook," he chewed his lips and blushed in the same instant. That was not a subject he had wanted to remember any time soon.

Kino watched Tanji, an eyebrow slightly quirked. Gee, she was good at making him feel bad. " should say that to Kesu, not me..." Kino replied soothingly. "I'm sure after he and you cool off, it'll be fine."

Two patches of red rose to Kino's face as Tanji mentioned his sketch book, she concentrated on her tea. " draw very well to say the least..." She said helplessly as she went more red. "Maybe drew me a little too well, though." Kino shrugged and poured herself more tea, just to be able to turn away.

Tanji got that cute little guilty expression. "Yeah I spose so... give him time and we're always back to bein buds again. Don't see how he can stand me, really."

He looked around at the walls, mostly drawings of the garden or the temple, some animals, a few familiar people here and there. "I just draw what I see," he shrugged, reaching over and nudging one out of the way to reveal another of Kesu, like the entire wall was layered. "Like that one, hehe, surprised him at the spring when he was half fox. Love that expression," Tanji sat back up straight. "Had a big fight over that picture... but he got over that too and now he lets me draw him."

Kino studied the pictures with appreciative eyes. She didn't even try to draw, knowing that she'd just waste good paper and lead...but she was able to recognize the difference between a good drawing and bad.

This was good.

"You and Kesu are very good friends." Kino replied kindly, she took a satisfying drink from her cup. Hmm, tea was good, and it helped spread the warmth from her usual blushing face to the rest of her body. Involuntarily, Kino shuddered, it was getting late, and it was dark, her shoulders, arms, feet, and mid drift felt bare and exposed to the night...uugh, Kino really wanted to wear her kimono about now. Absently, she wondered if Kesu was going to remind Ty...

"The best of friends, in fact." She added after thought.

"Well all these years and he's still got secrets I can't wiggle out of him. Slowly gettin' there though. Every time there's a math test or somethin' he trades me... one secret for homework help," Tanji grinned, planting his hands behind him and leaning back.

"Can't get him to nail down how old he is precisely, guess he doesn't know absolutely, which is probably to be expected as old as he is," he snickered. "But he knows Makai really well, and things about Reikai that are just scary," Tanji nodded, eyes having traveled the entire room and just kept landing on her. Either it was just a small room, or the way she was dressed that made her unavoidable.

Kino chuckled quietly to herself, shifting on the cushion in an attempt to become more comfortable. Geesh, how old was Kesu anyway? He acted much older...some aspects...but in others, he seemed their age, or there abouts... Kino thought more on what Tanji said. 'Hmm, he knows a lot about Makai and Reikai...then I have to go ask him. Those darn ningen books never specify enough...'

Kino looked up abruptly, meeting Tanji's eyes. "Well, I guess you're just the person to get all his secrets out."

Tanji moved so that his knees were up against his chest, resting his arms there, one hand absently rubbing at his temple to remove the last of that headache. Yep looking at her was unavoidable, and it was definitely the clothes. Add cute little tummy to cute feet.

"Guess it was sort of natural, us guys sticking together. What about you and Ty, you two have kinda become bellies, I mean buddies!" he crashed his forehead down into his knees to hide his red face, giggling involuntarily, arms up over his head.

Kino almost gasped and then turned a horribly bright, distinct red. The temperature definitely rose more than just a few degrees and she put her face in her free hand. 'Now WHY did he HAVE to go and do THAT?!' Kino asked herself mournfully, and continued going a deeper red. She set the tea cup down on the table and then buried her head in her arms. But slowly, amidst the self-pity and humiliation, a smile cracked her face.

Then she started laughing. Laughing harder than she'd ever laughed before. Which only made her more embarrassed, which in turn, made her redder... Kino tried to stop, but found she couldn't, and felt tears of humor stream her face.

Unable to handle the two overwhelming emotions, the poor red head pulled all the cushions in the room toward her, and piled them a top her slim body. In her private sanctuary, she continued laughing, a little quieter now, but just as vigorous as before. Kino held her burning face helplessly. This had to be the worst experience she'd ever had...

"Oh, just make it go away..." She moaned between laughs.

Tanji found himself laughing so hard that he fell over backwards, tumbling into his sword stand and knocking that over. He grabbed the nearest thing there was, his blanket, and hid in there, even if it just made the heat even worse.

He figured the only thing that woulda made it worse was flying teacups in his direction.

He peeked out after a moment, getting some semblance of control over his laughing and breathing. He saw Kino huddling under the cushions and just started giggling all over again because they were both bright red and hiding. Quite a pair...

Kino slowly gained control over her breathing, but her face was still impossibly hot. Even the tips of her ears were red... Kino didn't know that so much blood get travel to one's face... "I swear I have some kind of excess circulation problem..." She mumbled, "Maybe I need MORE grease...then I can clog some of my arteries..."

After a few moments, pale but nervous orange eyes peeked out from amongst many cushions. "That's it, I'm getting out of this's so bad that even you're distracted...I bet Ty planned this all along..." And Kino rambled on in embarrassment and annoyance, emerging from her den and striding to her room...

She came back in her favorite flame embroidery robes, and plopped herself on the cushions. "I still can't believe you said that..." Kino muttered, holding her still red face...

Tanji pressed his lips together in a fine line as he crawled out of his blanket, busying himself with setting his sword stand back up. A few giggles escaped when Kino came back, putting the sword back .

"Try being the one who said it," he sniffed, wiping away those laughing tears and rubbing the back of his neck as he reached for the dagger, barely keeping himself from falling on his face. "I'm sorry about that," he refused to look at her he was still so flushed.

Kino let her head drop, her hair covering her face...heck, it was even the same color... "No, thank you, I'll pass on that opportunity." Kino replied in a dreary, muffled tone, for the hands holding her face limited her jaw movement. Which was all the better for her, it would keep her from saying anything she'd regret later...

"Just thank the gods that Ty wasn't here." She added, shaking her head. Kino's eyes became a little softer behind dark red hair. "Sure I uh...guess it's...umm...alright...eeeh..."

Tanji very very carefully set the dagger in place, mainly because he was really edgy about doing something else stupid. He'd knocked the stand over twice again when she'd been gone, who knew how he'd embarrass himself next. He continually surprised himself.

"Yeah Ty... or Kesu... or anybody!" he declared with a serious amount of fear.

He really wanted to just keep his mouth shut, but at least she'd come back, was still there, blushing yes, but there. He resumed his place with his head against his knees, knocking his arm against the table in the process, but just biting his lip and ignoring it.

"Maybe I'm through makin an idiot out of myself for the year, live the last hour with you in heaven.. I mean... damn!" he pulled the blanket back over his head.

Kino groaned and threw a cushion at the small form under the blanket that was Tanji, hitting him squarely. Then Kino, flushed and flustered, sank back into her annex of cushions. She lay on her side, curled, head resting on a smaller pillow, the rest piled about Kino's slender body in a mound.

'Uuugh, this isn't one should be able to become this embarrassed!' Kino thought to herself.. But she refused to think about the hint in Tanji's slips, banged out the image of the too good painting, and locked away any traitorous thoughts... Kino was simply too shy to accept any of those kind of concepts about herself...

But then again, Tyger always did know how to shatter Kino's barriers...

'Didcha know Tanji was blushin' when he looked at ya?'
'Did not.'
'Did too.'
'Did not. Why would he?'
'Okay, whatever you say, but I know what I saw...'

The conversation burned through Kino's memory, and she scowled angrily. Kino curled up tighter. Uugh, why was she even still here, she should just roll out and go to bed... But Kino didn't.

'Dammit, I could use a VERY strong cup of tea right about now...' She thought, annoyed with herself.

Tanji flinched as something hit him, ah just a cushion. Well he was expecting - and thought he deserved - way more than that. He let himself tumble to the side, blanket secure over his head. If nobody had ever seen someone so embarrassed they were crying, he wasn't about to show them.

"Damn damn damn damn," he muttered repeatedly. "I shoulda wished to quit making such an ass outta myself. That's it, I'm vowing silence and I'm gonna be a hermit, just stay right here the rest of my life," he whimpered, curling up into a little ball.

Maybe she'd left, then again he didn't want her to leave. If she left then there would just be a REALLY unbearable situation between them whenever they ran into each other, which it was pretty damn hard for them to avoid one another. Yeah he had to fix this, first step was out of the blanket. Heh, easier said than done, certainly much harder than standing on one hand for twenty-seven minutes or facing a pack of wild Makai-beasts.

Tanji rubbed his eyes and wiped off his face there under the blanket, taking a deep breath and sitting up, letting the blanket fall. She was still there, looking just as mortified about this as he felt.

"Kino... I, uhhh," maybe it was better if he just kept his mouth shut... vow of silence, that sounded great.

Kino blinked and side glanced to a small clearing in-between pillows at the sound of Tanji's voice. She rustled her robes, and moved a bit, lifting her head and poking half of her face out.

She watched Tanji with careful orange eyes, jeesh, she didn't know that anyone could go as red as herself...

"Something you wanted to say?" Kino asked, a touch of sarcasm in her voice, she couldn’t help herself though... She rose both eyebrows expectantly, half praying that the worst of it had passed... 'Just say it ALL ENDS!' Kino cried to herself.

"Well uhh... just... umm... I'm gonna just forget I said that cause it just was a slip of the tongue not like anythin important or nuttin not no meaning or context don't even know why I said it," he realized he was rambling on and the only reason he stopped was because he needed to breath, covering his eyes with his hand and looking down.

He took a deep breath, "There's my hair-tie," his tone scolded the inanimate object and he snatched it up.

"So umm," something Tanji, anything, casual, friendly, and for pity's sake relax! "Got the impression you don't like my music," he motioned toward the yard. "Kinda strange livin here with you for this long and I still feel like I don't know you... I mean... know what you like and stuff," he fidgeted with the hair-tie. Damn, didn't blushes ever go away? At least with his hair loose it kinda hid it.

"Oh." Kino replied in a perplexed manner. She scrunched her face in thought, trying to make sense out of whatever Tanji had said... She rubbed her eyes tiredly.

"Oh...well..." Kino began quietly, glancing outside and listening to the music. "It's alright...good for umm, dancing and things like that..." She bit her lip, "But I like softer things...techno mix...Enya, Dido...Moby..." She shrugged, causing her delicate sanction to tip a little. She continued chewing on her bottom lip, brows slightly knit.

"I don't suppose it's all that strange...not knowing my preferences and all." Kino answered, a little distantly. "I'm not exactly talkative about a lot though," Kino rolled her eyes at herself. 'How boring could I possibly get?' She thought a little bitterly. She retreated a little farther under the cushions. "Favorite colors are white and blue though?" Kino added pathetically in a sheepish manner.

Tanji grinned, kinda lopsided, "Dancin and things like that? Ahh I see. Also great for giving four tailed kitsunes named Kesu headaches."

Tanji decided to lay back on his bed, hands behind his head. Maybe just looking relaxed would make him feel more relaxed. Hey anything could help.

"I like lotsa stuff, Kesu says I'm just.. umm.. what's that word? Well anywho I spend most my allowance on music and food.. hehe, Kesu also says I eat half my weight every day," bad topic, made him hungry, time to change. "Give him some money now and then so he can eat," off subject of food Tanji.

"Ty told you much about Jujinkai? I mean, I'd ask her, but she'd probably kick my ass shortly thereafter. Trouble follows me around... really," he glances over at Kino, blinking.

Kino smiled to herself, well she hadn't meant it that badly... She chuckled quietly as Tanji continued on about food and music, shaking her head. What was it that Kesu said about Tanji? Overly active? Something like that.

Then Kino looked up abruptly on the mention of Ty and Jujin...she hadn't though Tanji would be interested... She gave a soft but broad smile. Ty beat everyone up. "A few things...their world is like a mass jungle...the older and younger ones live in tribes, quite complex huts to live in, villages...they don't like technology as a society...Tyger doesn't mind though..." Kino shook her head and paused, blushing when she realized she probably was boring him to death.

Kino looked up, meeting red eyes and then looking away. "At least with trouble following you, you'll never be bored." She said, smiling a little.

Tanji was sitting up with his elbows resting on the table by the time 'A few things' got out of her mouth, leaning forward with total focus on what she was saying. "Wish I could see it, just for a little while, just go open that gate and wander around," he said kind of dreamy-like, then sat up straight and gave a sheepish grin.

"Well, I'd trade trouble for boring, especially when trouble is making me look like an idiot," he pouted a little bit.

"Been wonderin, I'm half Jujin, why can't I learn to fly. I mean really? Why not? Yotaka gives me that you only get so many gifts excuse, pleh. I don't have gifts, I have curses."

Kino gave a one-sided smile. Hmm, it would be cool to visit another world... But Kino preferred the one she lived in...Though she always wondered about the Makai realm... Possibly, her father...

"Good point." She commented, nodding. Yeah, she'd rather be boring than troublesome...but that was only because embarrassing situations came with trouble...and it wasn't as if she had enough of those...

Kino rose a brow at the comment of flying... "I...really don't know...I think that's one you'll really have to ask Ty about..." She coughed, and shook her head.

"Well, you have an amazing way of sparking people's attention...That could be a gift..." She said, shaking her head. Kino emerged a little more from her hiding place. "And you're a good fighter, neh, I can't even play soccer..." Kino's mind flickered back to school and the torture of gym... She grimaced. "Umm, on second thought, I can barely do a push up..."

"Ty is the last person I wanna ask anything for," Tanji picked at the wrapping on his hand. "She'd probably take it seriously just long enough to drop me on my head or somethin when I was least expecting it."

"Sparking people's attention huh? Too bad all the attention is negative, just makes me want to hide more."

Tanji giggled, "I'm sure you could if you wanted to, you look like you're in great shape. I've always thought that about you... that you could do anything, especially in school. I just spend most of my time in detention, heh, that's where fighting ability gets me in ningen."

Kino grinned, he was probably right...Or, Ty wouldn't even take it seriously and just laugh and pat Tanji's head. Yeah, that sounded like Tyger. "Well, eh, it's not _negative_ provoking at times..." Kino winced, unable to find a way to put Tanji's effect on people nicely.

" eh...I don't think so..." Kino thought back to the awful "physical education' class...and grimaced. But despite herself, Kino flushed at the compliment. "Anything I wanted?" She murmured uncertainly. "I think you're exaggerating there..." Kino shook her head. "At least Yotaka saves you every time they think about holding you back." She added thoughtfully, smiling.

Tanji scowled, "Well if I thought they'd give me half a chance I might actually try. I can do the work, but I just don't see the point in wasting my time," he shrugged, trying to get rid of that nagging anger. "I can suffer a little while longer, I don't see how any of it matters."

Tanji scooted back and leaned against the wall, flicking loose the wrapping of his left arm and unwinding it around his right hand with a speed of three years of doing that motion every evening and every morning. The wrapping was wound back onto his arm as quickly as it had come off.

"Can you imagine everything that Kesu has seen in his life? I can only get so much out of him, of course, but he's told things about Makai that are... wow. Just think about actually going there, and then how important does school seem?" he looked over at Kino with a sort of quirky smile.

Kino looked down, pouting slightly. She didn't say anything, what was the point? That was how Tanji felt, and Kino doubted anything she said would change his opinions.

She refused to watch as he unwound and rewound the bandages on his arm, they evoked too many memories, still fresh in Kino's mind even after three years... She remembered how many weeks she had to lay off almost any physical activity, and how many months afterward she felt weak almost all the time... Quietly, she shuddered, and reached for her tea, taking a deep sip. But, if she hadn't, Tanji wouldn't be here...

Kino scowled and looked up, her orange eyes held a slightly irked brightness. "It isn't school itself that is important, it is the gain of knowledge, for without knowledge, where would you be in the heat of a crisis on one of you little adventures? Off into some other world, when you don't even know anything about the one in which you've been raised in." She flushed suddenly, looking away, ashamed.

"Sorry." Kino added softly.

Tanji looked down and stopped moving completely. He blinked several times, thinking. She had a point... a really good point.

"No," he nodded, "don't be sorry. You're right," he looked away to chew on it for another moment. "Maybe I'm just being stubborn. I mean I thought my whole life that I didn't belong here, thinking I don't have any ningen ties. But you're right..." Tanji absently rubbed his temple, "You're right," he muttered, staring at nothing and thinking.

"Guess I was caught up in the idea of... ya know, finding where I really belong. But, truly I know neither one is gonna accept me. At least here I'm accepted at little bit," he stretched out on his stomach, poking at a sketch on the wall of Yotaka.

Kino's eyes went wide, was Tanji agreeing with her?


But he was. Kino quirked a red brow incredulously. Then her eyes went gentle.

"No, Tanji I didn't mean that it was a bad idea to go looking for the worlds that you came from..." Kino sighed, oh look, now she was to blame for crushing his hopes.

Hopes Kino had never grasped on, afraid only that one day they would come crashing down upon her. She didn't like to think of her father much, didn't like to think of her 'home land', because, at least partially, the ningen world was her home too.

Belonging. Such a petty thing. Kino though bitterly to herself. But how could such a petty thing taunt the heart so much? If it were really so petty, why did people of all worlds long for it?

"You'll always belong here, at least." Kino said, but was it sounded as if she were comforting herself along with Tanji.

Tanji giggled when Kino looked surprised. Yeah he supposed he was throwing her curves. Better quit it before she'd passed out from shock.

"Awww, I'm not giving up, I still want to see Makai and Jujinkai, find some piece of my parents maybe. Doubtful, but could happen," he rolled onto his side, reaching to take a drink of tea, glancing out into the yard.

"Belong here... heh, I think we're stuck here," his face showed no expression, except that little mischievous glimmer in his eye showing that he really didn't mind, in fact he probably enjoyed it.

Kino sighed in relief. Well, at least she wasn't responsible for any sudden depression. She eyed him carefully, glanced to the window and shrugged off the rest of the cushions, keeping one in her lap and resting her arms there.

"From they way you've been talking lately, I don't think that you'll be sticking around long?" Kino asked, a brow slightly quirked. "To be honest, I'm not sure where I'm going, hmm, you know, after high school and all." She tapped the edge of her teacup, a little anxiously. Kino knew she would go to college, but, she had no idea what she wanted to be...

Tanji kind of 'fell' onto his back, stretching out like a lazy little cat. There was a dreamy glimmer in his eye.

"Nah I just wanna go somewhere now and then, have some change. But I can't imagine not staying here. Yeah that sounds like me don't it? I'm dying for something to do but I'm too chicken to do anything bout it."

He scowled a moment, thinking, then laughed at himself. "Chicken little feather," he wasn't being entirely accurate, he'd left out one little thing, he was too scared to go alone.

Tanji sat up and poured himself some more tea, "I could see you bein a teacher... or hmmm... an actress!" he grinned.

Kino nodded, understanding, yet disagreeing. Tanji wasn't a coward... "Chicken little feather?" Kino repeated, raising another brow. "Probably don't wanna let Tyger hear that one...or else that's _all_ you'll be hearing." She warned.

She thoughtfully pondered the teaching suggestion, nah, well, seemed like you had to do an awful lot of talking...and too much to put up with...imagine, trying to teach someone like Ty?

"Actress?!" Kino asked, her eyes wide, she cast Tanji the 'are you crazy?' look. "Actress..." She said again, groaning and covering her face with one hand. "In front the camera and lot's of people, always dressing up, photographs everywhere... uuuuggghhhh... sounds like hell."

"After hearin Ty call me that for three years things start to sink in," Tanji shrugged with a little grin.

Hehe, I just thought actress because... well..." a little flush crept back into his face, "well ya know. Okay nevermind," he put his head down like he was studying his tea.

"If I tried to make it in this world like a normal ningen... I don't think I'd get very far. I spose if I had to, and then again what are my options?" he sighed. "Never really thought about it. Hard for me to really think that far ahead. Life is just so... precarious," he blinked at himself. "Okay, startin to sound mystical like Kesu, gotta quit that. Then again the way Kesu talks about the future, it's pretty damn frightening."

Kino dropped her hand, taking another drink of tea. "Tyger's just making fun...ugh, she always calls me squirt..." Kino grimaced.

She watched him with suspicion as he stumbled and then blushed, a slight red coming to her cheeks. 'Now what was THAT supposed to mean?' Kino thought, frowning slightly.

Kino smiled and chuckled. "Kesu is rather...unique." She said, eyes twinkling. "I just don't think you're really made for the 'rat race'." Kino said, slowly, trying to imagine Tanji part of the working class. "You're too...eccentric..." She added, tapping her pert chin. "Bleh, I think I'll just be a writer...yeah, won't have to go anywhere, mess with anyone at all..."

"Eccentric!" Tanji laughed, "Yeah that's a word I coulda used earlier. Hehe, you couldn't imagine lil ole me workin fast food or something like that?"

He blinked, "Heh, neither could I," he giggled. It felt kind of strange to be this happy for this long, but to hell with questioning it. "You'd make a good writer, but then again mine's a subjective opinion. With the grades you get in school..." he shook his head.

"The only reason I'm surviving at all is Yotaka, you're right about that," Tanji stretched himself over the table, somehow arching over it so he didn't disturb the tea, pulling back with sketches in hand and flipping it open to work on a sketch of the pond. "I may have gifts, but they just don't work right in this world

"Fast food" Kino cracked up giggling. "Hmm..." She murmured. Writer...ah, plenty of time for that later. Kino shrugged, she wasn't sure how she got such good all just seemed natural. How weird.

Kino peered over with curious orange eyes, glancing to the sketch. The pond... She sighed. Memories began trickling through her mind. "Hey Tanji?" Kino asked, voice rather quiet. "That day you..." She paused, scowling at herself. "Why did it? This I mean..." A small hand brushed his bandages lightly.

"Because... well, I believed in a great many things that weren't really true. Here I am a Makai Jujin cross, never going to be accepted by those worlds, and living in Ningen, the very last place I'd ever fit in. I figured I was so worthless because even my parents hadn't wanted me. Nobody would care one way or the other if I lived at all... and... the dagger was... calling for my life," Tanji struggled to put that into words but his tone was rational and strong.

"Now I know things different," his deft little fingers sketched in tiny little koi beneath the water in the picture. "I may never fit in, but that doesn't matter, there is a purpose to my life even if I don't know it. People do care about me... two of them died for me," a slight pause, like he'd caught a tremor of emotion before it could show itself. "You could have died," Tanji's voice was much softer.

"The dagger still calls for me..." he kept his head down. "I hear it always... or maybe I'm just insane."

"But I won't answer it... there are three lives balanced against mine..."

"I understand..." Kino's voice was solemn, her eyes tender flames. She glanced to the dagger on the stand... Calling for his life? Quickly, she averted her eyes.

"But I didn't die." She said, quite firmly, then she grinned. "Or, I think we all would have noticed by now..."

"You would have done the same for me." Kino added, her voice steady and heavy with emotion. She looked away, feeling the weight of 'what if's' on her slim shoulders... What if she had died? What if she hadn't recovered, what if she hadn't saved him? Kino rubbed her eyes and brushed back her hair. None of that now, it could go on forever.

"Well I'm glad you've finally come to your senses..." Kino said, rolling her eyes. But then she went serious again. "You know Tanji, that...wish you don't have to do that, I don't feel as if you owe me any kind of debt..."

Tanji giggled, "Nope, you didn't die, and neither did I. You brought me to my senses and now we're both sittin here chatting and avoiding everyone, hehe. Which I enjoy very much, and I don't think anybody misses us."

He giggled and dropped his sketchbook casually, catching himself before yawning. He wasn't going to argue with her. She'd said she didn't feel like he owed her anything, she was entitled to feel that, just as he was entitled to feel like he did about it. No sense arguing it when he'd just end up being stubborn and make her mad. He wasn't taking the chance on that, she might leave.

"Not much longer til midnight, just an hour. Time's gone by so fast," he sighed. "Hope it doesn't snow too bad like they say tomorrow, Kesu's mom promised we could go for a drive. You wanna come with?" Tanji smiled hopefully at her, eyes bright.

Kino smiled brightly, and took another drink of her tea. She looked at the now empty cup, and gently set it on the table. Too much and she wouldn't be able to sleep at all. Though Kino slightly wondered why Tanji didn't say anything about the whole debt issue...but she kept her silence.

"Hmmm...Getting late..." Kino nodded slowly. "A ride?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. "Sure I'll come..." And then a sly look came into her eyes. "Is Ty coming?"

Tanji visibly brightened, "Good! Was hoping you'd come with."

"Ty? welllll..." Tanji giggled, "that's up to Kesu I spose, he said he might invite somebody. Do you want her to come with? Don't think Kesu would let her drive though, hehe," he rambled, grinning happily.

He was so perfectly content with the idea Kino was coming along, the idea of Ty didn't bother him at all. Tanji pulled his blanket over his bare shoulders, getting a little cold, "Heck Kesu doesn't let me drive very often."

"You were?" Kino asked, surprised. But not in an appalled way, just in an...unrepentant way.

Kino gave Tanji a slightly worried look, but couldn't help grinning. Jeesh, he was so bubbly all of the sudden... "I'll ask Kesu...and I know we ALL don't want to let Ty drive." Kino said, seriously, while chuckling at the same time.

"Do you even have a driver's license?" Kino asked curiously, she hadn't taken the test...she never thought that she would have a chance to drive anywhere.

"Didn't expect you to say yes, dunno why. Ty driving, hehehe, ooh that's one way to give Kesu's mom a heart attack for certain, if we got back alive."

"Heh, I'm cleared to drive with somebody with a license, and Kesu's got a license," Tanji grinned mischievously, kind of scary. "We even went so far as Osaka once as a day trip, but Saya kinda flipped when she found out," he slumped in that guilty pouting way of his.

He blinked up at her from beneath his hair, "And don't gimme that look, I have my hyper moments," which was precisely why he'd stopped drinking the tea, it made him hyper even if he was tired.

"Of course I'd say yes...she's my friend..." Kino paused, then winced. Well, Ty had grown on her. Tyger always said whatever she was thinking...made for good or bad conversation... "IF we got back alive, that is..." Kino shook her head.

Kino laughed at him happily. "Yes, do have many mood swings...I can't believe you got a permit...I hope you didn't threaten the teacher or anything..."

"Ty's not so bad with you around, hehe. Gotta love telekinesis huh? And my mood swings get listed under my curses," he shrugged, "more sensitive than a ningen I spose."

Tanji coughed and abruptly turned a pretty shade of red, rubbing the back of his neck, "Well ummm... uhhh," he glanced up at her, then all around, "I kinda had to... ahem.. convince him of my age."

"But I didn't hurt him!" Tanji added quickly, muttering and chewing on his lip, "permanently anyway."

Kino snickered. "If I just happened to be away, and you and Ty just happened to be stuck together, I don't think you'd survive, Tanji..." She shook her head, yes, Ty was always out of control...

Two red brows rose, Kino's eyes went curious. "You had to convince him of your age?" Orange eyes studied Tanji for a few careful moments...and then Kino burst out laughing. She covered her face in her hands. "What?" Laughs. "Did he..." More Laughs. "Think you were ten!?" Tears of mirth came from the corners of Kino's eyes.

Tanji turned a bright shade of crimson, hiding his face. But then she started laughing... and he started laughing. "All right let's just all make fun of me!" he fell over laughing.

He laid there for a minute, getting himself under control. "Yeah, no amount of ID made him believe I was any more than twelve," his laughing had settled to a giggle. "Dunno why though, I'm not that short," Tanji pouted a little bit between snickers.

Kino slowly stopped laughing. "I'm just imagining..." She chuckled. "Well, you certainly don't act ten..." Kino side glanced to him. "Maybe he was American?"

She paused as she heard the bells ring over Kiro. "Lil' late doncha think Ty?" Kino muttered. "So, on Kesu's birthday are you going to get an actual license?" Kino snickered. "Of course, if they'll give it to you..."

Tanji vaguely wondered if that 'not acting ten' meant he acted older... or younger? Did he dare ask? He blinked at her as he debated.

He flinched at the bells, "Ow, little late and a little loud. Dang she's gonna break 'em," he rubbed his head, laying there and looking up at the ceiling.

"Yeah I'm gonna get a license," he grinned, leaving absolutely no room to question, no if's about it. "It's a freedom thing I spose. And it's not like I can't drive, just can't drive bigger cars," he giggled.

Kino glanced down to Tanji laying down. "I just hope they give it to you nice and easy...don't hurt them though..." She chuckled. "I don't suppose you have to worry much about big cars...we are in Japan you know..."

Kino sighed. "I guess I could take that test..." She grimaced. "I've always just liked walking though..." Kino shrugged give me a staff and call me primitive." She smiled and then yawned.

"Mmm, maybe it's time for bed.."

Tanji had to admit he was getting tired, heck he'd 'been' tired, but he really didn't want this to end. It was so nice to just sit here and talk with her, or even not talk, just the fact that she was there. What if everything was different tomorrow? Different moods, especially him. Good moods never stuck around Tanji very long, that was for sure. And he'd stopped making an idiot out of himself, that was bound to come back.

"It's the one night of the year we have an excuse to stay up," he snickered to himself. "Old enough to stay up late, dangit I'm stayin awake," Tanji shook off a yawn. It may have been an embarrassing slip to say it, but this was heaven.

Kino blinked and shook her head as she covered another yawn with a pale, slender hand.

"It's so stupid, this ritual of staying doesn't really prove anything..." Slowly she lay her head down on a cushion. Her fiery hair, still tightly waved, spilled across the pillow. Her head lay next to Tanji's but Kino's body faced a different direction. She blinked tired orange eyes up at the ceiling, fighting to keep them open.

Ehhh, she should really get up...hmm, it was quite comfortable...Kino pulled her robes more tightly about herself.

"Getting chilly..." She murmured.

Tanji blinked over at Kino, smiling just a little bit. She'd likely kill him if she knew he was thinking she was cute like that. "Yeah it is stupid," he whispered and yawned, today had just exhausted him.

Her words about being chilly drug his eyes back open. She did look cold, he noticed, taking his blanket off and gently draping it over her. He wrapped his arms around himself and laid there slowly drifting off to sleep.


Tyger bounded up the steps leading to the upstairs in twos and three.

"Stupid bells, why do I have to ring the bloody suckers anywho?" Ty grumbled to herself. Swiftly, she came upon the 'bloody bell' and yanked the cord as hard as that Jujin could...resulting in a very loud chord...

"Uugh, that hurts..." Tyger rubbed her ears and set herself upon the top step. "Well, that should at least cause some kind of ruckus..." Ty said to herself happily. "I just hope I graduate this year..." Tyger mumbled, and then grimaced. "Or at least next year..."

Ty sat there for the next half hour, pondering going back out and trying to find another guy to hit on, but knowing she'd get distracted and never make it back on time, and then "old gran" Yotaka would be upset with her. She sighed and stood again, "Time to ring the thing one more time..." She yanked the cord, winced slightly, and grumbled. It didn't sound quite so bad as last time.. Eh, then again...

She slid down the railing and landed nicely on the first floor of the temple. Now, wasn't she supposed to do something...what was it? Eh, make a wish right? Yeah, something like that... "Uuuhhhggg...I wish that this year...I uuhhh..." Ty grinned mischievously. "I wish that this year I getta drive...reeeeaaaalll fast...yeah..." Snickering, Tyger left the temple.

Kesu sighed a little, striding back toward the lights of the courtyard. Almost midnight. Party almost over, then maybe he could recuperate, sleep in at least a little bit before his mother brought the car for them to...

Oh yeah, he should ask Ty about that.

He slipped his way around the people and along the walkway, hoping to catch Ty at the temple before she dove head first back into the crowd with a new attachment. And speaking of attachments...

"Ty!" he scampered up to her, looking extremely like the old trickster he used to be, feeling like it too. "Ty, you will not believe this!" he crept up close to her and dropped his voice, "Tanji and Kino crashed... in Tanji's room," he paused, giggling, "together!"

Ty paused as caught a glimpse of silver that was Kesu. She rose a brow, now, something must have been up for him to look that excited... She leaned in to hear him better, though it was really unnecessary...

Her eyes became large discs of violet, her slit pupils contracted and the black brightened. "No..." Ty replied, disbelief in her tone. But she looked eagerly to Kesu. "Are you serious? Show me..."

"Ya I'm serious!" Kesu darted back down along the walkway. "And she's covered in his blanket," Kesu giggled, keeping his voice too soft for anyone else to hear him.

He scampered along the outside of the building and slid to a stop outside Tanji's door. He motioned Ty to be quiet, ceasing his giggles, and slipped the door open a crack just big enough to see into.

Ty followed quickly, stopped her snickers and peeked in. Her sharp eyes easily saw the two forms that were Tanji and Kino...

"Oh...this is rich..." She said, flashing a grin to Kesu. "I've gotta get the camera..." Ty went over to her room, snatched up the Polaroid and came back. "Would you like to do the honors?" She asked, giggling. "Or shall I? This is great blackmail material..."

"I'm so going to haunt them...hmm, always knew Tanji liked Kino..."

Kesu giggled and reached in to turn on the light, "Gotta make sure the pic comes out. Might wake Kino, but Tanji will sleep through anything. You go ahead," he tried to stifle his laugh as he stepped out of her way.

"So that's why he's been so weird lately, hmm, think I should have figured it out, not like he didn't give me clues. I must be getting dense in my old age, hehe," Kesu was totally thrilled.

Tyger giggled happily, she felt thrilled, this was fun...hmm, the tiger had had no idea that Kesu could be so fun... She opened the door quietly, and slowly crept in. Once in perfect position, she snapped the picture, grabbed it as it slid out and scampered back out. Ty shut the door silently, grinning.

"Can make copies too...hmm, oh...well, I dunno 'bout Kino, but Tanji just keeps blushing and I can hear his heart pretty well..." Tyger rose both eyebrows. "Kino is too shy too shy or proud to admit or even act like liking someone..." Ty paused, thinking about her little red headed friend. "Yeah, well, we all have our quirks..."

"So, Kesu, exactly how old are you anyways?"

Kesu snatched the picture and shook it until it turned out, giggling, "Oooh that's good. Yes, million copies. Get the little bird back for drawing me... ahem!" he stopped himself, a tiny little red touching his checks.

Kesu looked up at Ty, grinning. "Not quite sure how old I am, I mean, after so long you just forget. Pretty close to five hundred though. Ooh this is so good. Lookie at that, he gave her his blanket. He's gotta be cold. How sweet it that?"

Ty snickered at Kesu. "So, Tanji draws you now?" She rose an eyebrow.

"Five hundred?" Tyger repeated, "That's pretty damn old..." She replied, shaking her head and scratching the back of her neck. Ehh...wasn't a hundred less than a thousand? Uugh, damn, she couldn't remember...

She leaned over to study the picture. "Jeesh, he did give Kino his blanket...Lil' Feather bein' sweet..." Ty blinked lavender black speckled eyes in contemplation. "...Amazing..."

"Tanji-chan has been drawing me for years... many years," Kesu added with a grin.

"Hey, I wouldn't say damn old," he snickered, "I like to say experienced... or finely aged, not really old in the scheme of things. Jujin routinely live at least a couple hundred years, although I admit most of my Jujinkai friends are de..." Kesu blinked, realizing he was rambling and it was probably time to shut up.

"Hehe, just imagine Kino waking up in the morning. Oooh, just imagine the 'drama'. I'm going to have to get up early to see that," Kesu was having a blast, the night had really taken a turn for the better.

"Hehehe, seasoned...finely aged...I still say damn old...and I'm prolly not livin' _that_ long..." Ty replied, thinking. Who'd want to live that long anyway?

"Dead? Did you say all your Jujin friends are dead?" Ty asked, peering at Kesu. "What about me! Eh? I'm still well and alive." She pouted.

"Oh, Kino'll probably kill herself from embarrassment...of course I'll be waking them could always come over to help..." Ty grinned mischievously.

"Oh," Kesu looked caught, slightly apologetic, "I meant all my friends from when... before... nevermind," he waved it off.

"Oooooh yeah, go stumbling in there early in the morning to wake them up and just shock the hell outta 'em, teeee, sounds like a blast. Of course I'm in!"

"Oh forgot to ask you, we're going for a drive tomorrow, my mom's bringing the car and letting us go out while she talks with Yotaka. You could come with, you and Kino. Tanji probably asked Kino, don't think he'd forget he was going to, he's not quite as absent-minded as I am."

"Hmm..." Ty scrutinized Kesu carefully for a moment. Oh well, she'd torture it out of Tanji or something later.

"Hehe, good, then we have an appointment then, seven o' clock, we bust their asses..." Tyger snickered to herself. She couldn't wait to see Kino's face...big angry orange eyes... Oooh boy, better bring a fire extinguisher...

"Hmm, car? Go out...I'm SO there!!" Ty almost bounced with anticipation... "Of course, Tanji was probably busy doing something else with Kino..." Ty giggled deviously. Then she remembered the silken headband she held, and glanced to it. Hmm, she should probably give that back...

"Well," Kesu peered at the picture, "Kino IS wearing different clothes. Lookie," he offered the picture up for Ty's eyes to survey.

"Good, we all go out for a little drive, hopefully not get on each other's nerves. Tanji's buying lunch, and if we find a safe spot I'll let you guys drive," Kesu got that trickster look again, winking.

"Almost midnight," Kesu mentioned softly and glanced over at the tea room.

"AH HA! She is! Hehehe...did the nasty with Tanji...eeww, now that's a nasty image..." Ty grimaced, pushing the picture away. "Though they look too clean, mebbe they took a shower too..."

"Hmm, me driving..." Ty grinned in approval, "And I don't get on anyone's nerves...Tanji is always provoking me, that's all..." Yeah, sure Kitty...whatever.

"Eh, midnight, tomorrow we have school, can you believe?" Ty followed his glance to the tea room. "Lookin' for something special fox boy?"

Kesu giggled at her disgust, "Can't believe you, with your promiscuities taken into account, should find such a thing repulsive."

"Tanji annoys you by just being there, I know." He nudged her a little bit, "No school tomorrow, silly, that's the day after, or actually you're sort of right because after midnight it is indeed tomorrow we go back. Oooh, can tell I'm tired, confusing myself. Either way we have one more day of break to enjoy. And I'm looking for Yotaka. Figures I'd just start enjoying my own party when it's nearly over."

"Go, play, have fun," he handed her the picture for her safe-keeping and stepped slightly away towards the crowd.

Ty scowled, she was sure that Kesu had insulted her... Dammit! She didn't know that word! "Umm...yeah..." She replied, a darker glimmer in her eye. Sure, well, she'd get him back for that...after she used Kino's dictionary...

She scooted at being nudged, still pouting slightly in that cute cat like way. "Good news we don't have school tomorrow...I was afraid of putting that uniform back looking for Yotaka?" Ty rose both eyebrows, "Well, it doesn't look like she's around... probably hiding..."

Tyger watched Kesu walk away, chewing her lip in thought. Man, was he the odd one...she glanced to the picture in one hand, and snickered. Oh yes, plans for tomorrow were already formulating.


