
Tipol is copyrighted to Sallie Drazzi


Calm felt it a few seconds before his children apparently did. The collection of small koulings all paused what they were doing before scampering, tripping and climbing up onto Calm’s lap, hiding amongst each other in a pile. Calm glanced over at the couch, checking that Jenii and Pestilence had picked up on that feeling – they had, Pestilence snagging Genesis and sitting her between them.

Damael shivered and pressed up against Calm’s side nervously. “Do you feel… what is that?”

“That’s something bad,” Calm answered, looking around the room carefully. The Shadow Demons seemed on edge – alert at the least, which was no bad thing – Damael was curled against his side with the bugs, they were definitely all ill at ease… Yotaka was in the house recently, she seemed herself, but aware of something else too. The Felinoid, Tipol, seemed… bored and expectant?

Calm looked over his shades at the cat, levelly asking, “What is it?”

“That would be Dannanko,” Tipol replied in an equally level voice – mocking in some small automatic way.

Damael blinked uncertainly, “Dan-who?”

Something suddenly misted and then formed into a harder, larger shape around the Felinoid. At the sight of it, the gathering of children of Calm’s lap freaked out, tumbling off and trying to hide collectively in his coat. Damael squeaked and tried to follow them.

Tipol gestured at the True-Demon around him, “This.”

“I see,” Damael murmured, managing to wriggle under some of Calm’s trench-coat.

The Demon formed a somewhat human-like form, except that parts kept shifting between other species or monstrous forms and then back again. It was unnerving to say the least, Calm was glad his children were hiding.

“‘This’ today. What a thing to call the Being who possesses your worthless life.” The Demon shifted without really moving from one side of the Felinoid to the other, the voice he used fairly human if unkind.

Tipol remained looking bored, “If you’re done feeding and whatever you do, then just get back inside me and get it over with.”

Even if that boredom was just an act, Calm was impressed with the cat for displaying it.

The Demon grinned an impossibly wide smile, rows of teeth glinting in the movement. “Already begging for it?”

Tipol rolled his eyes – probably a movement which gave him time to gather himself. “Just do it.”

“Oh, you miss people watching you get what you deserve, is that it? That’s why you’re so desperate for it here and now?” Dannanko smirked, jaw dropping lower, wisps of mist curling around the Felinoid vessel as his voice dropped slightly from human-quality. He shifted again slowly around to Tipol’s other side, still shifting form disturbingly. “Is that why you’ve been so social all this time? Secret desires to annoy everyone so much, that they gang-rape you, just like you used to love. Just like you begged for. Just like you lie awake wishing for.”

Tipol’s bored expression had cycled slightly through several emotions, ending on less-than-bored anger. “Okay, I know you’re a Demon, but where the fuck do you get off trying to lie about me to mysel-”

“Sleep,” The Demon interrupted, powerfully, his voice shifting between several at once.

Tipol’s body suddenly slumped, every muscle noticeably relaxing – even the long tail falling limp – while his eyes half-lidded and became vacant.

“He’s more interesting this way, don’t you think?” The Demon asked the room, swelling up larger.

“Demon bad!” Genesis growled from the couch, trying to escape. Pestilence and Jenii both grabbed the back of her shirts and pants and held her where she was.

Calm winced slightly at Damael’s claws digging into his chest. He looked down at his husband – he had no real need to watch Dannanko, Jenii was paranoid enough to be quietly watching every slight movement.

Damael stared up at Calm with wide, completely terrified and freaked out eyes; Eyes that clearly wanted to know why Calm was just sitting there and not shooting this creature dead, ten times over.

Much as Calm loved those rare instances his husband would let him shoot things, that wasn’t much of an option now. “I can’t shoot him,” He admitted. “There’s no soul to die.”

“Oh, you still want to kill me,” The Demon crooned in some inhuman voice. “If you wish for my death so much, I could always take a piece of my vessel’s soul.” Dannanko smiled a perfectly normal and innocent human-like smile – until the moment his body shifted between several forms again.

“No!” Pestilence snapped suddenly from the couch.

Damael blinked back and forth between an area where the Demon was – unwilling to look at it fully – and Pestilence, and then Calm. “But… killing it…?”

“If give someone part of your soul willingly, it's okay,” Pestilence explained. “If are not willing, you die. Really painfully. Do not think Tipol would willingly give you a piece of his soul.”

“Oh my, you are far too smart for your own good, Force,” The Demon smirked that wide, tooth-filled grin again.

“Step off and get over yourself,” Pestilence glared, pulling Genesis firmly onto his lap to keep her still. “We like Tipol, so you telling - or twisting - his past, thoughts and feelings is not going to change that. We aren’t going to let him get upset or embarrassed about it or let you try and torture him about it.”

The Demon mockingly raised his eyebrows. “Far, far too smart. I will have to gracefully take my leave.” The creature misted again, swirled around the Felinoid and then disappeared into him.

Tipol blinked a few times, shaking his head and slipping out of that trance-like state.

“I hate True-Demons,” Calm muttered. He rubbed Damael’s shoulders, trying to relax his husband and get him to remove his claws from Calm’s chest. “You okay there, Tipol?”

Tipol didn’t answer, remaining silent a moment before he suddenly pulled himself to his feet gracefully. The Felinoid tossed his hair over his shoulders, advancing himself in an extremely provocative manner across the room towards where the younger Shadow Demon sat.

Tipol gripped at the arms of the chair, leaning down and gazing at him with deeply, licentious eyes. “Ash,” The Felinoid purred in a deeply, seductive, almost sexually-begging voice. “Why haven’t you just pinned me to the wall and fucked me, yet?”

Ash blinked with nothing short of shock, nothing less than from just the Felinoid actually using his actual name – let alone everything else. “Ehn?!”

Calm blinked himself, before it clicked in his head. “Oh for- that’s the bloody Demon!” He snapped, hoping that much got through Ash’s thick head.

“My S’adow!” Cocoa exclaimed. The kouling started to detach from the pile before blinking and huddling back down again. It still didn’t feel right to the little kouling, and that bad feeling was even enough to keep him away from the Felinoid at this point.

“Well, clearly it isn’t fucking him!” Ash snapped at Calm, glad to be momentarily insulted and distracted. Tipol’s every movement was oozing nothing but pure sexuality as he pushed himself onto Ash’s lap, wrapping his tail around the Shadow Demon’s thigh, breathing heavily.

“At least he worked that out,” Jenii grunted.

“Every day I torment and tease you, and you never get angry enough just to pin me to the wall and rape me?” Tipol’s voice had shifted to an almost sexually-moaning quality, his hands sliding over Ash’s torso. “Don’t you want to prove yourself to me? Don’t you want me?” Tipol’s face moved closer to Ash’s, hard breaths pushing against him.

“Poor Ash’s brain-cell,” Yotaka sighed.

Calm snorted and then composed himself as Damael glared at him. “What? I can’t do anything about this. He just has to ignore it and the Demon will get bored.”

Pestilence looked at Ash – the poor young Shadow Demon completely clueless, somewhat slack-jawed with shock, but definitely finding it damn impossible not to be aware and completely enthralled by Tipol – “Think that will be easier said than done…”

Tipol slid his body against Ash’s, pouting sexily. “Why don’t you want me? I want you,” He moaned, pushing himself up on his knees, his face staying locked barely an inch from Ash’s. That was helped by the fact the Shadow tilted up his head in time with the Felinoid just to keep locked to his face.

Ash growled without meaning too, or even being aware he was growling. Much as he tried to fight it, his hands were moving towards that tempting cat that was shifting against him.

Calm looked at Jenii, “Stop him doing that so they can both save at least a little face here, huh?”

Jenii grunted, but liked Tipol enough to do it. “Ash, hands down,” The Shadow General growled the order.

Ash’s hands paused where they were, but that was it.

“Think have lost your power because of that act,” Pestilence blinked in surprise.

“Bad Demon!” Genesis growled, gnawing on Pestilence’s arm to try and get free.

“I need you, Ash,” Tipol moaned, pressing harder against Ash, his arms circling around the Demon’s neck.

“Now!” Jenii growled louder, more forcefully than before.

Ash slammed his hands back against the arms of the chair, digging his claws in as much as he could, anything to try and obey.

“For fuck’s sake, it’s not even him,” Jenii grunted.

“I know that!” Ash snapped without meaning too. He managed to break eye-contact with the Felinoid and glare somewhere else in the room.

“I don’t think it being him or not makes much difference at the moment,” Pestilence said innocently, watching the cat rub his body against the Shadow's chest. Tipol licked up Ash's cheek, before purring sultry, sexual things against the Shadow's ear. Poor Ash had practically dug his fingers down to the knuckles into the chair-arm, while he fought to keep glaring off at that neutral point. He even seemed to be trying to stop breathing.

“Just keep ignoring him, solider,” Calm said encouragingly.

Tipol blinked suddenly, shaking his head before looking down at himself on Ash. He startled back and quickly untangled himself from the Shadow Demon, moving back across the room. “Oh what the… ugh! I hate random fucking possession!” He hissed.

“Oh good, that sounds like you,” Calm said. Even as he spoke, the koulings started peeking their heads out from his coat – Cocoa looking very sulky as he did so.

“Oh just… what the fuck…” Tipol rubbed his temples with the heels of his hands. “What the hell was he making me say?”

“Nothing,” Damael answered quickly, before anyone butted in. He’d never seen Tipol look quite that ruffled and uncomfortable – he didn’t want it added too.

“Thanks for lying there,” Tipol muttered. He pushed his hair out of his face and took a breath, lifting his head. “Okay, you’re all unsettled, so I’ll just go somewhere else until the Demon is... yeah.” He carried himself in his usual manner out of the room.

Jenii grunted, looking at Calm. “We’re unsettled? I’m more disturbed. By Ash,” he glared at the younger Shadow Demon just for the hell of it.

“Poor kitty,” Genesis pouted, petting Pestilence’s arm where she’d bitten it.

“Mhm, poor kitty,” Pestilence agreed, rocking her from side to side a little.

Damael looked at Calm. “You really can’t kill it?”

Calm shook his head. “You think there wouldn’t be a Demon corpse there now if I could?”

Damael sighed sadly before looking back at Calm seriously. “Not that I want you shooting anything.”

“Of course not Moonlight,” Calm smirked, watching the fully-settled koulings scamper out from under his coat and return to playing.

