
Pestilence is copyrighted to Sallie Drazzi


Jenii drifted in and out of heat-dazed sleep. They had remained there in front of that fireplace, only at one point Pestilence leaving him to go find some bedding to curl up in. And there they were what had to be over a day later, a tangled mass of blankets and limbs that now and again moved and cuddled and made love.

The Shadow was too lethargic for the heat to really drive him any harder than that, still worn out from his battle with the Onyx not a week past. It made for a very content, lazy time of lovemaking, perfect for that pervading afterglow feeling lingering from the wedding.

Ah yes, the wedding. The single most terrifying and yet amazing moment of his life. It was growing less terrifying and more wonderful as the time moved on past it. In a week’s time, he was sure, he’d forget all about his nerves and anxieties and remember the pure joy alone.

Jenii purred a long, happy noise, shifting about in the blanket, moving against Pestilence’s soft skin. Those small hands were playing in his hair, causing purrs to rouse up from his chest beyond his control.

Each time before when Jenii had moved like this, it had meant slowly working them into mating. This time, however, Pestilence seemed to sense the change, the lack of heat in Jenii’s body, the absence of any pressing sexual desire. The Force stayed as he was, lounging there and lazily caressing his lover.

The demon settled himself down with his head resting against Pesti’s heart, humming another content noise, nuzzling, offering short little licks to Pesti’s dark skin. The Force uttered a bubbly, happy sound and nuzzled into Jenii’s hair.

“I love you,” he cooed, as if to a child.

“Love beautiful husband,” Jenii murmured, too dazed to make his speech anymore coherent than that.

Pestilence squeaked anyway, hugging Jenii tightly for a moment. “Are feeling better now, my Shadow?”

“Feel great,” Jenii nuzzled his way up to Pesti’s neck, nosing and resting there. It was a good place to rest, marks from previous bites rough against his lips, and here just to one side the unbitten smooth skin, pulsing with the Force’s heartbeat. “What day is it?”

“Hm… early what you would call Monday.”

“Doesn’t… feel that late,” Jenii scowled.

“Time moves faster here than in the sixty fourth realm, is a… uh… bit of a… lag feeling for you maybe?”

“Hn, right, damn peculiar time.”

“And have been doing nothing but sleeping and making love, but suppose might have opposite effect when go back,” Pestilence blinked, watching strands of Jenii’s hair fall from his fingers.

“Unless we just,” Jenii stretched slowly, growling a little during his yawn, “just don’t go back.”

The Force giggled softly, “Jenii, we have to go back… eventually.”

Jenii wriggled upwards. Neck was good, but all that mass of fluffy blonde hair was very good to nuzzle into as well. So many parts of Pestilence were good to nuzzle and kiss and touch. Good thing he had plenty of time to appreciate every last bit.

Pestilence squirmed in Jenii’s hands, murmuring happy little noises. “Haven’t had enough romance by firelight?”

“Just want to touch every part of you, every part so beautiful…” Jenii made his way back down the other side of Pesti’s neck, nibbling gently, nudging Pesti counter to that coy head-tilt.

“Think have touched… every part of me… in near two days,” Pestilence wriggled cutely among those blankets.

“Just to be sure, might have missed something,” Jenii purred as he rubbed himself back down along Pesti’s body

“Haven’t done that twice already?”

“Have I? Little hazy last day or so… all a blur… of dark skin…” Jenii licked down along the arc of Pesti’s ribcage, hands caressing up and down his sides, “… golden hair… sweet scents…”

“Jenii,” Pestilence gasped, arching his hips up.

Jenii purred, “Hnn?” he caressed his lips over Pesti’s hipbone, hands traversing their way down to massage at those oh-so lovely thighs.

“Doubt… very sweet scents… haven’t washed in so long… hmmm…”

“You’re complaining, but your body is not,” Jenii licked up the length of Pestilence’s quickly hardening sex.

“Not… complaining…” his little lover moaned, “Love… being with… my Shadow.”

“Is perfect, so long as I am with you,” Jenii prowled his way back up the Force’s dark form, seeking out those pouty red lips, “my husband.”

Pestilence uttered some sort of sound, a mingling of a moan and a happy squeak, but muffled by the kiss. Jenii wrapped his arms around his slender mate and kissed him deeply, pouring all his love and adoration into that kiss. It never ceased to amaze him how they spoke through motions, touches and kisses.

Jenii read the subtle shift in Pesti’s body, felt that thigh rubbing against his hip before it ever made contact – the Force was eager to have his lover inside him, completing him. Jenii was more than ready to oblige him, testing and stretching the way with a gentle touch.

The hot little Force moaned, letting his head fall back, hips rolling as his back arched up off the floor. He writhed there, caught blissfully between pleasure and the intense pain of needing for so long as Jenii saw necessary to keep him there – which wasn’t very long at all.

The scarred demon warrior captured Pesti’s lips again as he pushed himself into his lover’s tight heat, the two of them moaning against one another’s mouths before being able to continue with the kiss. Their bodies waited, fitted together perfectly, content remaining there as they made one another breathless with that kiss.

Jenii’s hand sought out Pesti’s, holding tightly as they laid their cheeks together and panted for breath, heartbeats tripping along the same rhythm.

“I have never felt so…” Jenii struggled to find the word.

“…complete,” Pestilence finished for him, eye sliding shut as their hips began slowly rocking against one another.

“Yes…” Jenii’s eyes also slid closed at that moment, other hand seeking out Pestilence’s other.

“I know,” Pesti murmured.

They stayed that way, panting against each other’s ear, whispering quiet, mostly wordless things to one another. Neither of them bothered to speed the rhythm, keeping with that slow, almost lazy pace. The pleasure built upon itself well enough, rushing swiftly to orgasm despite the both of them clinging to the moment for as long as possible. They came together, bodies shuddering and straining against the other, slender and softly curved fitting perfectly with angular and firmly muscled.

And once again they were back to a tangled mass of limbs and blankets, slowly moving only a long time after their mutual release, nuzzling and caressing as slowly as if they had all the time in all the worlds.

Jenii licked lovingly at the numerous bite wounds along Pesti’s neck, eventually getting a giggle out of the happy little Force. He growled playfully as he was swatted at, ducking the hit and chasing after the fingers with a half-hearted snapping of teeth.

“Bad General,” Pesti giggled.

“Rarr,” Jenii growled lustfully, capturing a slender little finger much more gently than his teeth gnashing and growling had implied.

“Rarr? What is rarr?” the Force giggled again, squirming a little, as if playing at trying to get away.

“Rarr is you, my sexy, happy, wriggling, beautiful little husband,” Jenii let the finger go, thudding his head down on Pesti’s chest, entire body going entirely slack and heavy atop his so much smaller than him lover.

“Eee, Jenii!” Pestilence squeaked and squirmed, trying to push the heavy demon off. “Get off.”

“I just did.”

“Pervert, get off me,” the Force whined just a little.

“I just did that too,” Jenii feigned confusion.

“You are a very bad man!” Pesti protested, wriggling fiercely. “Jenii, I need to wash,” he whined more certainly this time.

“Did I make you all dirty?”

“Yes,” Pestilence pouted cutely. “Let me go shower, you can stay here and rest a bit.”

“Store up some energy for my next ravishing of my sexy husband?”

“Fine fine call it that yes, now let me go?”

Jenii yawned and stretched and rolled himself lazily to one side, thudding down on his back. “What if I’m thirsty? Or hungry? Feels like Sunday, day I usually eat.”

“Is Sunday back at home is why,” Pestilence sat up, smiling prettily, running his hand over Jenii’s rippled abdomen. “Let me wash, I’ll come back down and feed you something good right after, promise.”

“I’m not dirty too?” Jenii shifted a little into the touches.

“If you want can come with, but think you want to wait and get wet in lake, hm?”

“Raarr lake,” the demon grinned.

“I’m jealous, lake gets more rar than me,” Pestilence pouted, stumbling himself onto his unsteady feet.

Jenii swiped and swatted that fine little rear end he was presented with, “Raaarrrrr.”

Pestilence tripped and just barely caught himself from falling, blinking coyly over his shoulder before tripping up the stairs. Jenii stretched again, growling as some of his muscles protested the movement. He attempted rolling his left shoulder only to be met by enough pain to get him to freeze and hiss and not try that again. The wound from the battle with the Onyx was still being temperamental.

The demon warrior decided to try his leg, which had a tendency to lock up in a similar manner, but had at least stayed relatively functional to get through the wedding. He hauled himself to his feet well enough, managed to find and slip into his pants.

He was fairly sure they were alone out here, but then again all those Forces that Pestilence knew could perhaps come well-wishing, and who knew what dangers lurked in the house, it was best to wear at least trousers. And since he was up, and was terribly thirsty, he might as well explore this new territory. After all, they’d be staying here a month that they’d planned, if not longer, and Jenii had to know his surroundings to feel comfortable.

His leg offered him no protest as he prowled, circling the first shiny object he encountered. He lowered himself, eyes level with this foreign thing. It was in the living room. Therefore, Jenii’s mind deduced, it could be some gadget of entertainment. It didn’t look very much like the blinking boxes of the sixty-fourth realm, and it was taller, slender, almost artistically designed.

Jenii reached out to touch it, arm tense, ready for anything.

The demon startled and leapt back at the flash of light that rose up from the object before he had even touched it. He tilted his head at it, blinking, examining how it continued to emit a soft, pleasant light.

“Okay, it’s a lamp of some sort,” Jenii nodded and moved on.

He prowled back to the front door, taking a long look from right to left, surveying everything he’d ignored upon entering, instead having focused on his new husband, naturally. Jenii tilted his head up, scenting the air.

There was of course their scents, fresh, mingled with sweat and sex and fire. Underlying that was a scent of a place untouched for some time, dusty, neglected. There were deeper scents, but Jenii didn’t bother with those, no doubt just Pestilence and friends from whenever the Force was last here. He was more concerned with the very light scent of something edible from this direction.

The kitchen, which this room surely was, was even shinier than the living room. Jenii crouched himself low to the floor, peering around corners and cabinets before moving on, now and again rising up to scan the counter-level critically.

He followed the faint scent of edibles to this row of cabinets, just barely touching the smooth surface and having it come open. The demon recovered from that slight startle, taking one of these cylinders, rather like the cans back on earth that contained food. He turned it over in his hand, studying the label.

“Hn, whatever that is,” he grunted, setting it up on the counter. It looked edible, and he was hungry, just a little something to hold him over until Pestilence prepared something.

It was just a matter of getting that can open.

Jenii peered up over the counter-top again, spying a few shiny things along the walls. He prowled that direction, watching each and every shiny object he passed, glancing away from those “threats” only to peer around corners. He surveyed the various gadgets, recalling from the sixth-fourth realm that there was a little tool he didn’t mind too much that opened cans because it was cranked by hand. There was of course a technologically advanced version of that even there, so he was expecting something similar here.

This long slender object looked somewhat like what he had in mind. He darted a quick poking at it to be sure it didn’t like… spontaneously light up the room or explode or something. It didn’t, so he gingerly picked it up and brought it down to his level to inspect it closer. There were a few buttons that looked like settings, nothing overly dangerous looking.

He returned to the can, setting the object atop it, nudging at these buttons. Nothing happened, so he nudged at a few more, trying to find the switch to turn on the cursed mechanical device.

Suddenly the can exploded in a burst of flames. Jenii darted back, slamming back into the counter behind him, gadget clattering to the floor. He stared at the flaming counter, too surprised and confused to really do anything about it.

“Eh? Jenii?” Pestilence came into the kitchen wearing nothing but a towel around his shoulders and a nicely patterned smattering of moisture over his dark skin. He blinked at the fire and pushed at a button on the wall just beside him.

A shower of water came down from the ceiling, startling Jenii into ducking down to the floor, eyes wide and inspecting the water-producing ceiling.

“Sprinkler system, there’s one in every room. I’m so clumsy and all… was expected I’d burn my house down if I didn’t have it,” Pestilence smiled sheepishly.

Jenii peered up over the counter at the smoking mass that was the remainder of the can. Pestilence stumbled over to inspect it as well, hugging Jenii’s right arm.

“Now why did you do that?”

“Trying to get it open,” Jenii grunted, “was hungry.”

Pesti giggled, “Silly General, told you I’d get you food.”

The Force held into Jenii as he reached down to pick up the offending object, nearly falling over when Jenii shied away from it. He squeaked, clinging to his husband for support.

“Jenii, is just a heat-wand.”

“A what?”

“A… eh… handheld microwave.”

Jenii just stared at him, one eyebrow raised. Pestilence blinked up at him, then giggled softly, tugging Jenii’s head down to kiss his cheek.

“It heats up food. You push these buttons to the setting and wave it over what you want heated.”


“You thought it was a can-opener?”

“Stop laughing at me,” Jenii sulked.

“Oohh my silly Shadow, I’m sorry, come here,” Pestilence tugged him further down, kissing him properly, running fingers through his hair.

Jenii settled, just a little, nosing into Pestilence’s damp hair, taking in that scent. He wrapped his arms around his freshly showered little lover, holding him nice and close there against him. Hmm, the scent of freshly showered Pestilence was so sweet and thrilling.

Pesti squeaked as he found himself lifted up onto the counter, squirming and trying to push Jenii away from nipping at his chest, “Jenii… we just… I… bad General.”

“Rarrr, yes, very bad.”

The Force arched at a touch to the small of his back, gasping, “Think… you’re still… in heat.”

“Hnnn, could be… lingering heat.”

“Don’t you… ahh,” Pesti arched up more, wrapping his legs around Jenii, “don’t you want something to eat?”

“In a minute, want you first,” Jenii trailed his lips down Pestilence’s stomach, hands still working in patterns over his back.

Pestilence moaned at Jenii’s mouth closing over his sex, rocking his hips up before he could stop himself. Jenii never minded those moments of lost control, taking that firming length easily, giving it very thorough attention as it hardened to its fullest. Jenii broke that attention only long enough to wet his fingers.

The Force shuddered and nearly fell back, barely bracing himself on the counter before he fell all the way, arching his hips up, begging for that teasing invasion. Jenii smirked around the hard sex in his mouth, curling his tongue around it as he pushed and curled his finger up inside his lover. Those moans rising up from Pestilence ran a shiver up and down his spine in the most delicious way.

The demon wasn’t so gentle or slow this time, moving much faster, prepping that passage as quickly as he could and still be sure it would accommodate him before pushing inside. His lips moved blindly against Pesti’s, the Force caught between trying to give attention back to his husband and attempting to catch his breath.

Pestilence gripped to Jenii’s strong shoulders, tightening his legs around the demon, “Oh gods… Jenii… there!”

Jenii purred at hitting that spot, a wonderful combination of those noises, Pesti’s nails digging into his skin, and that pressure demanding at his invading length. It didn’t take long of slamming up against that spot before Pesti was moaning loudly, entire slender body completely enslaved to hard shudders.

“Ahn! Jenii!” Pestilence cried out, digging his nails in hard as he came in a hard rush.

Jenii tucked his head down against Pesti’s shoulder, listening to all the crashing going on beyond his closed eyes at that orgasmic shockwave, the thrill of it pushing himself into his own release.

They stayed there clinging to one another, not so long as anytime before, Jenii’s leg wasn’t going to tolerate that. It was behaving for the moment, he wanted to keep it that way. He licked his way down his lover’s body, washing him until he was as clean as when he’d first come from the shower.

Pestilence slid nearly bonelessly off the counter, leaning against Jenii, “Bad Shadow… very bad… look at my kitchen.”

“It tried to hurt me.”

Pesti giggled, “It did not…” he gasped as if just realizing something, “You’re going to try and blow up every room in my house aren’t you!?”

Jenii just grinned, slowly, maliciously.

“Out! Out with you, to the lake, out of my house!” Pestilence pointed, pushing at Jenii’s chest.

Jenii grinned more, stepping backwards as Pesti directed, “What about food?”

“I’ll bring food!”

“Have to let me back in eventually.”

“Oh no I don’t!”

“Oh yes you do, I haven’t even tainted your bed yet.”

“You’re not going to!”

“Going to make me sleep outside for a month?”

“Yes!” Pesti pushed, but that flustered façade was giving way to now and again giggles.

“You’re so sexy when you’re angry.”

“I don’t even have a bed you silly,” more giggles bubbled up, “bad General.”

“I’ll defile all your guest beds then, you said you have guest beds.”

Pestilence was giggling almost constantly now, pushing Jenii right out the front door, “No! Out with the bad demon!”

Jenii feigned falling back, tumbling down into the grass and sprawling there, grinning up at Pesti. Pestilence fixed his towel around his waist and stuck his tongue out at Jenii.

“And no more ass for you.”

And with that, Pestilence retreated back inside the house and slammed the door, or attempted to slam the door. Jenii just smirked and laid there, closing his eyes. Pesti had said he would feed his General, he would feed him.

So Jenii laid there in the grass and waited, enjoying the feel of the sunlight warming him. This area where Pesti’s cabin was nestled was close to the mountains, giving it an almost cool feel, but no more than the region they lived in back in the sixty-fourth realm. The sunlight was enough to offset that though.

He’d never been this happy in his whole existence, he knew that for certain. He doubted even the time before, that time when he’d had Pestilence and had him and the memories stolen, had been this happy. Of course he couldn’t remember that time, other forces – and Forces in particular – had seen to that. Pestilence’s memories were returning, though, so perhaps his would as well.

Jenii grunted, rolling over and letting the sun warm his back, resting his head on his arms. Life had been the one to separate them, to order Pestilence to leave Makai, to take their memories away from them. She’d been at the wedding as well, a formality of sorts apparently, it was only proper for her to attend Force weddings. And yet, she had appeared there by Jenii when he’d been alone, and had spoke rather cryptically to him. Or rather plainly, and he just couldn’t pin down the meaning.

“My lazy Shadow,” Pestilence’s bubbly voice broke into his thoughts, the Force stumbling from the house and tripping his way over to Jenii.

Jenii forced his eyes open despite the sun just making him want to keep them closed with its strange power. Damn, Pestilence had put pants on, or shorts rather, those very short, tiny shorts that he called “hotpants”. Those hotpants had a way of making Jenii lose his mind, or at the very least his concentration.

Pestilence held up a basket and a towel, “Can have picnic by the lake and a swim, how’s that sound?”

“Get me away from your precious house?” Jenii grinned.

“Mhmm!” Pesti beamed.

Jenii pushed himself up, wrapping his arm around Pestilence’s waist and tugging him close against him, “Plotting little imp.”

“Mhmm!” Pestilence repeated again with the utmost cheer, “Is this way.”

Jenii checked the position of the house and the sun, calculating the direction so he could find his way back here himself if he so wanted. It wasn’t too very far, at the crest of this hill it stretched out in front of them, nestled there against the foot of the mountains. Jenii could even discern, with his exceptionally sharp vision, the vague impression of the town in the distance, at the far edge of the lake.

Pestilence blinked up at them, questioning why they had paused there, nuzzling against Jenii’s arm.

“Hn, never saw anything like this before. The only real lakes in Makai are in the mountains, and none of them are near this size.”

The Force waited for Jenii, seemingly perfectly content to wait as long as was needed. Jenii moved eventually, still taking in the surroundings as they wandered down the slope towards the lake. They settled together there in a silently agreed upon place, the both of them just stopping there without a word to one another. Pestilence set about unpacking the basket.

Jenii continued his look around, “The mountains look different… they aren’t so dark and menacing, seem smooth, calming. And then the lake, it’s all so peaceful.”

Pestilence stopped what he was doing, tilting his head, watching Jenii. He reached and gently ran his hand through Jenii’s hair, pulling it back away from his face. “You look very peaceful too.”

“I feel peaceful… happy even, I think.”

“I like my Shadow being happy,” Pestilence wrapped his arms around Jenii’s shoulders and leaned against his back, nuzzling at his ear.

“A year ago I barely felt much of anything at all, this is all so strange, not unpleasant… just… different.”

“I hope I make it pleasant, a little.”

“You do, my beautiful Pestilence, you certainly make me very happy. I’ve never really known anything like this.”

“Never been a house-demon before either,” Pestilence giggled.

“Hmm, no I haven’t,” Jenii started to lean back.

Pesti squeaked, “Don’t you squish me again!”

But it was too late, Jenii was already laying back on him, grinning up at the sky. “But you’re so very comfortable.” He reached over and tugged the basket close.

Pestilence wriggled so he could at least partially recline, swatting Jenii’s hand out of the basket. “Some of that in there you wouldn’t like.”

“Is there anything I’m going to like?” the demon settled more, propping one leg up, gazing heavy-lidded at the sky.

“Try this,” his little husband dangled something over his mouth between his slender fingers. “Probably has more flavour than you’re used to, but it’s meat.”

“Hnn meat.”

Jenii was very hungry, even strange First Realm meat he wasn’t going to be too picky about. He tilted his head up and snatched it from between those fingers with his teeth. The strong flavour hit his senses immediately, even before he brought it completely into his mouth. Stronger yes, much stronger, but it was still meat, and meat was good.

Pestilence squeaked a happy noise, “You like!”

“Hn, more,” Jenii growled, snapping his teeth up at those fingers.

“All right, I’m getting you more, greedy Shadow,” Pesti giggled.

“Hungry Shadow, rarr more,” Jenii snapped at the next bit of meat he was offered.

“Hehe, would think I starved you,” Pestilence found a system for feeding Jenii with one hand, running fingers through his hair with the other.

Now and again Jenii let him have a break from feeding him to eat himself, eventually leaving Pestilence alone entirely and just being content to lay there. He finished his inspection of the sky, noting his left shoulder was getting irritated, pain starting to throb enough to get his attention despite his high threshold of tolerance.

Jenii grunted softly and shifted onto his right side to get any pressure off that throbbing, hoping to keep it from getting any worse. His eyes scanned the landscape, inspecting that as he’d inspected the sky.

“Are sore?” Pestilence asked softly, lovingly running his hand over Jenii’s left shoulder.

“Hnn, how could you tell?”

“Don’t know, was just something in the way you moved.”

“Swim will make it better.”

“Can’t swim right after eating,” Pesti moved his fingers in delicate patterns over the sore area and down Jenii’s arm.

“Have to kill some time then,” Jenii grinned slowly.

“You have that tone again.”

“Tone? What tone?” the demon grinned more.

“You know what tone,” Pesti leaned over and kissed Jenii’s temple.

“If I knew what tone I wouldn’t ask.”

“No, you’re just playing with me,” the Force giggled.

“I am not, yet, I’m just laying here.”

Pestilence squeaked, “You said yet! See, you’re plotting something!”

“No, just laying here until you let me go swimming, sir,” Jenii couldn’t quite suppress that lustful growl in his tone, shifting onto his stomach, nuzzling against Pesti’s stomach.

“This is not… hmmm… just laying there,” Pesti leaned back a little, blushing rising to his cheek as Jenii nibbled at the skin right above the waistband of his hotpants.

“You must be mistaken, sir, am just resting, awaiting your orders.”

“Not resting…” the Force was having a difficult time concentrating, already lifting his hips slightly.

Jenii skillfully nipped at the closure of that tiny, annoying little garment, tugging it open. Honestly, how dare it conceal his beautiful Pestilence, it had to go. Once they were discarded he could freely lick and nibble at that dark skin, but tactfully avoiding anything that would feel too very good, teasing.

The slender Force made soft little begging noises, wriggling and arching up more, trying to get Jenii to pay attention to what he wanted. Jenii smirked and ignored the wordless pleas, scooting down to nibble down a strong, sexy thigh.

He nuzzled his way back up, the femoral artery there a hot pulse beneath his tongue and lips, that distinct scent of his lover strongest here. Jenii rested his head there on Pesti’s thigh a long moment, eyes closed, just taking in that scent. Pestilence squirmed a little beneath him, burying his hand in Jenii’s fine hair, nudging in another way of silently begging.

“Jenii,” Pestilence finally gathered himself enough to pout.

“Hnn?” Jenii held himself back from smirking, staying right how he was.

“Want kiss,” the Force whimpered.

“Hn,” Jenii grunted, amused. Pestilence knew he couldn’t resist that, the little manipulative imp.

Jenii hauled himself up, slinking up along Pesti’s body, settling just barely atop him, just a slight pressure. His slender husband squirmed even more, arching up to rub against Jenii, curling one leg around him as his arms wound around Jenii’s shoulders, as if attempting to keep him there.

The Shadow nuzzled his lips against Pesti’s, flicking his tongue for little tastes, teasing himself before finally giving Pestilence that kiss he was shamelessly begging for. He buried his hands into fluffy golden hair and kissed his lover deeply, sweeping that hot mouth slowly. Pesti curled his tongue around Jenii’s in a slow caress, everything else forgotten for a long moment, until the need to breathe intruded upon the both of them.

They nuzzled cheek to cheek as they caught their breaths, heartbeats thudding along together, hands lazily moving and caressing, bodies shifting now and again just a little against one another. Time seemed to stretch out and vanish.

Pestilence kissed up along a scar on Jenii’s face, giving it little flicks of his tongue in just that way that made Jenii shiver and growl lustfully. It incited Jenii enough that he was no longer able to just lay there contently. Every little lick made him want Pestilence more.

The dark-skinned Force moaned and arched up as Jenii’s hand slid down his back, wrapping his legs more tightly around Jenii. Jenii growled softly at that sudden increase in pressure against his excitement, shifting to rub himself against Pestilence’s length, tormenting the both of them. He slid his hand back up between shoulderblades and lifted Pesti up off the ground.

Pestilence squeaked softly at the movement, finding himself cradled in Jenii’s lap. He smiled beautifully, rocking his hips to tease Jenii through his pants, but also to caress his sex against those hard, rippled abs of Jenii’s.

“My sexy Shadow,” Pestilence breathed, a noise catching in his throat at a sudden heat against his skin, Jenii having sneakily pushed his trousers down enough to free his own excitement.

Jenii let that teasing go on, attempting to push it to the back of his awareness, something extremely difficult with a Being this attractive rocking and arching and moaning, cheeks so beautifully flushed. He tried, caressing over Pesti’s lips, encouraging him to take his fingers into his mouth. A moan caught in his throat when Pestilence obeyed, sucking eagerly, running his tongue up and down them.

“My beautiful Pestilence,” Jenii managed to find a little of his voice.

He hated himself for doing it, but he tugged his fingers from that hot mouth, setting them to work at slowly stretching his lover’s passage. Pestilence cried out softly, hands digging into Jenii’s shoulders as he arched, head falling back.

That was a gorgeous sight, the sun striking that rich golden mass that framed that blushing face, amethyst eye heavy-lidded and lust-glazed, mouth open, quiet but entirely pleased sounds tumbling free. It was nearly enough to make Jenii come right there, or pass out from the sheer joy and absolute love for this beauty, he wasn’t precisely sure.

“Please… Jenii… enough… good enough,” Pestilence forced out the words, resting his forehead against Jenii’s.

Jenii smiled, withdrawing his fingers and wrapping his arms around his Pestilence. Those twists of spun-gold tickled against his face. Pestilence smiled back at him, caressing Jenii’s face with both hands.

“Wonderful… to see my Shadow happy,” he panted softly, nuzzling his nose against Jenii’s. “Even more wonderful,” Pestilence drew out the words, a playful glint in his eye, “to have my Shadow inside me.”

Pestilence tilted his hips, catching Jenii’s length at just the right angle to gain an inch or two. Jenii growled, tightening his grip on his lover and holding as he began thrusting slowly up into him. It only took a few times before Jenii was hilted up inside him, striking high, causing Pesti to quickly lose control, arching his back and rocking his hips in desperation for more.

“So easily riled up,” Jenii growled, attempting to hold Pestilence to slow him down a little, he wasn’t moving quite that fast.

“You… make me… this way,” Pestilence moaned, forcing his hands to let go of Jenii’s shoulders and drift down his chest, down over his abdomen. His length was rubbing there, and it was obvious he was trying to avoid touching himself despite desperately wanting to, badly needing the release Jenii’s slow rhythm was just barely denying him.

“You’re beautiful this way.”

“Jenii… ah… please let me…”

“Shh,” Jenii shushed him tenderly, kissing over those blushy cheeks, “wait for me.”

“Trying,” the strung out Force whimpered, biting his lip.

“Almost, just little more watching you, my beautiful, sexy little husband,” the demon growled lustfully, nuzzling his way to Pesti’s neck.

Pestilence drifted his hands back up, caressing over scars where they came across them, eventually back to cradling Jenii’s face in his hands. Then he made a quiet noise, one hand slipping back to rub at Jenii’s incomplete ear.

White-hot fire raced down Jenii’s spine, causing his entire body to shudder, back arching and shoving himself hard up into Pesti before he realized it. Orgasm overwhelmed him instantly, dousing that hot passage with his burning release.

Pesti cried out at that strong thrust, that heat suddenly hitting so deep inside him. His desperately needed release hit him, sending out that pulse of power to tear up the land around them. Neither one of them noticed it much as they tumbled back to the ground in a tangle of shivering and sweat-glossed bodies.

Jenii purred, licking affectionately at Pesti’s face when he’d roused enough energy to move again. Pestilence uttered those delighted little giggles, rubbing at his Shadow’s muscles, particularly that left shoulder.

“Hurt much?” he asked when he’d finally caught his breath.

“Will be better with swimming,” Jenii licked lovingly, nuzzling up into Pesti’s hair.

“Suppose can swim now…”

“Can wait a minute,” the demon rested there a long moment, just enjoying that tender massage.

“Lazy demon,” Pestilence giggled, hugging Jenii tightly, “Love you.”

“Hmm, love you,” Jenii sought out those soft lips, kissing, long and slow and sweet, enjoying every moment. Then he moved on, continuing to lick his lover, rubbing tense muscles here and there as he perceived they needed it.

They settled into a lazy afterglow, just lingering there together and enjoying that moment. Jenii was in no hurry, the lake would be there. Pestilence would be there as well, would be there forever, but at the moment Pesti took precedence.

Eventually Jenii moved, the throb in his shoulder enough to pull him out of that lethargy. Pestilence clung to him enough so Jenii pulled him sitting up, giggling.

“Instead of blowing up house, you’re landscaping now.”

Jenii looked around at the blast damage and grinned, “Nhnn, very nice.”

“Where are my hotpants?” Pesti blinked around.

“Maybe they got blown up,” Jenii grinned more, wickedly.

Pestilence squeaked, slapping at Jenii’s chest, “Bad Shadow! You like my hotpants,” he stuck out his tongue.

“Yes, I like them off you,” Jenii nipped at Pesti’s lips, pushing himself to stand up. “May I swim now, sir?”

“Yes you may, while I look for my hotpants,” Pestilence stumbled up and staggered around the blast area in search of his poor, lost little garment.

Jenii smirked and strode towards the lake, discarding his pants along the way, striding through the water until it rose up over most of his thighs. He leaned forward, gliding smoothly into the water, sliding through it, ducking his head beneath the surface and peering around.

The water was clear and clean, cleaner than the ocean he’d swam in before on his holiday with Pestilence. This was much clearer, letting him see a better distance, the smooth stones beneath him as he prowled into deeper water, pushing himself off the bottom with his right arm. His left shoulder was relaxing, soothed by the feel of the water, but it wasn’t quite ready to allow him use of that arm yet.

He pushed himself up, breaking the surface slowly, peering around for Pestilence. The poor Force was still staggering around looking for those damn hotpants.

Jenii kicked off the bottom, pushing himself out to where his feet couldn’t touch. It was a little difficult keeping his head above the water without the use of one arm, but he managed it, diving to explore beneath the surface before pushing himself back up for a breath and a look at his husband.

He kept on like that for a long time, until the sky was beginning to darken overhead. Pestilence had perched himself near the edge of the water, as he had on that holiday, calling out to Jenii, pleading for him to come back. Jenii lazily drifted in that direction, going back down for a few more explorations, before finally surfacing near his lover.

“Aw, you found your pants.”

“And yours too,” Pestilence waved them at him. “Next time you go swimming I’m bringing something to do, been out there all afternoon!”

“And it’s wonderful,” Jenii pushed himself up from the water, grunting slightly at how heavy his body felt in comparison to so easily gliding around. “I wish you could swim.”

“I can barely walk,” Pesti proved this by stumbling and nearly falling into the water as he was trying to get up, barely caught by Jenii’s quick hand.

“Yes, I can see that. Can we come back out tomorrow?”

“Eehh, Jenii, fine I’ll find something to do.”

Jenii kept hold on his lover, leading him away from the horrible, dangerous water, drying off a little before putting his trousers back on. Pestilence retrieved the basket and cuddled against Jenii’s side as they headed back towards the house.

“Could have gone back inside if you were so bored.”

“Hmm, no, was enjoying watching you,” Pesti beamed brightly, shining even in the fleeing light. “Worried a few times though, you stayed under so long.”

“I can hold my breath for a long period of time.”

“I know, but also worried because your shoulder… kept thinking it could keep you from getting to the surface before running out of air, and then I wouldn’t be able to help.”

“I’ve been swimming for a long time, beautiful, I’m not going to drown simply because one arm doesn’t wish to move,” Jenii pulled the door open and let Pestilence stumble in first.

Pestilence recovered and turned, blinking at him, “But it could have happened.”

“There’s a chance of that happening with both arms functional, going to start worrying about that?” Jenii cradled that lovely face in one hand.

“I always worry, get scared and start thinking when are down there so long,” that large, amethyst eye blinked, so much fear shining out from there.

“I can hold my breath a very long time, I enjoy looking around beneath the water, especially in water as clean as that lake. That was beautiful, peaceful, and I can move so much easier, without quite so much pain. It helps the wound, soothes it.”

“So does heat, right? Must be cold now, got cool with sunset,” Pestilence tugged Jenii over to the fireplace, tumbling down amongst the blankets as if he’d meant to do that. “Come on,” he tried to tug Jenii down.

“Hnnn,” Jenii protested, getting his hand loose and prowling around, peering at things he hadn’t noticed before.

“Eh, Jenii… silly Shadow,” Pesti giggled, stumbling himself back up and hopping to put a blanket around Jenii’s shoulders. “Do you want a drink? Can probably find something.”

“That would be really nice, yes,” Jenii poked at this box sort of thing, pushing at buttons. The screen flickered on, startling him back. He poked it again, blinking at Pestilence.

Pesti giggled even more, “Don’t break my TV while I’m gone you silly,” he stumbled off into the kitchen.

“Hn, TV, right,” Jenii knew and hated that from the sixty-fourth Realm, so he moved on, poking the next thing he came to.

Poking was probably not the best course of action, but these seemed to be the entertainment devices. This was some sort of disc player, and here was another one. This shelf here contained some packages of discs, what sort he wasn’t sure and didn’t care to know.

He reached the end of the living room, peering into the next room. This one appeared to be a rather empty room, with a bed, nothing much out of the ordinary. This room over here had a desk and shelves with files full of papers. And there was a strange device near the desk. It looked something like a weapon, mounted the way it was. Certainly Pestilence wouldn’t have a weapon here, would he?

Jenii crouched down low, beneath the scope of the weapon, prowling toward it slowly, in case it had some sort of advanced motion sense. Some of Calm’s cameras had that ability to move and track motion. He canted his head at that thought, perhaps this was a camera like those, not a weapon.

Ah well, overreacting to possible danger had always protected him in the past, better to be safe and assume it was a weapon.

He reached and poked it very gently. It whirred to horribly technologically advanced mechanical life, spewing forth a bright light into the air in front of it. Jenii had his back against the wall by the time he realized it was projecting an image, a spinning little figure, right there in midair!

Before he could really think about it he hurled fire magic at it to make it stop the evil and the horror it was doing, watching it burst into flames.

“Jenii? Where did… Jenii!” Pestilence squeaked, hitting the sprinkler on the wall just above Jenii’s head.

The Force blinked down at Jenii. Jenii blinked up at him. For a long time.

“You said not to break the TV,” Jenii finally managed.

Pestilence blinked – and burst into giggles. He reached and shut off the sprinkler, offering Jenii a bottle of liquor and tugging him away from the smoking and soggy office, “Silly, silly Shadow, can’t leave you alone anymore, I’ve decided. Is supposed to be me that was going to burn this house down.”

Jenii prowled where Pestilence led him, up the stairs to the second level. The Force paused there, blinking as if thinking about something.

“Think up here is safe for you, not much different in the bathroom, well… first time you need to go in there I’ll come with you,” Pesti nodded.

“I’m not a child,” Jenii huffed.

“You’re trying to destroy my house!”

“You’re so cute when you’re angry,” the demon couldn’t help but smirk. “I destroy our bedroom near daily and you never complain about that.”

“This is my house!” Pestilence tried to maintain that angry, pouting expression, but it faded quickly into an adoring smile, “Oh… you… what am I going to do with you? I put in those sprinklers expecting me to burn this place down,” he giggled.

“Shush,” Jenii put his head down slightly, pouting.

“But nooo, it’s you,” Pestilence hopped and stumbled playfully, flirting.

“Shuuush,” the demon sulked more. “Which is your room?”

“That one,” Pesti giggled, pointing.

Jenii stalked past him, determined to prove he wasn’t going to burn one single thing in this room. He reached to flick on the lights…

And was doused with water.

He stood there, growling. Pestilence skipped up behind him, hands over mouth to contain his giggles. He failed miserably and tumbled to the floor, laughing.

“Shut up,” Jenii closed his eyes.

“Ooh my Shadow,” Pestilence hopped up, thudding against Jenii’s back before he fell all the way over, tapping the sprinklers off. “Room’s soaked now, but oh well, no bed anyway in here. And you got a shower!”

“But no shower sex, I’m so unhappy,” Jenii grumbled, letting Pestilence tug him across the way into another bedroom.

Pestilence smiled prettily, tugging off the wet blanket and letting it slosh to the floor. He ran his dark hands down Jenii’s sides, fingers slipping beneath the soaked fabric of his pants and easing them down, inch by inch, teasing himself.

He knelt there, nearly falling over but correcting himself, his hands continuing their work nice and slow. Jenii just canted his head down at his little lover, curious as to what he had in mind. He really did not expect that flash of extreme pleasure as Pesti’s tongue drug itself along that mass of scarred flesh of Jenii’s upper thigh.

Jenii took a step back, bracing himself against the wall before a room spinning from pleasure made him lose his balance. The tug in his groin was almost immediate, not the most common of reactions from him, that sort of immediacy, but nothing unwelcome to be certain.

The blonde licked the entire length of the scar at its deepest point, returning back along it with quick flicks of that wickedly hot tongue. His hands had finished the task of removing Jenii’s pants and could now slide their way back up those strong legs, taking their time, playing random patterns over the strong calf muscles first.

Jenii was tense from the irritation, but only mildly so. Tense several months ago had meant as hard as stone, but after a few moments of Pestilence touching him he was already starting to relax. Those slender fingers slipped to behind his knee, finding one of those strange places of smoother skin.

The Shadow purred, leaning harder against the wall. Pestilence stopped his ministrations of that thigh scar and peered up at his demon, blinking curiously, no doubt wondering what it was he had done to deserve that purr. Jenii was busy getting lost in pleasure, far too busy to explain.

Pesti returned to giving that scar attention, caressing his lips over it, sliding his hands up to the backs of Jenii’s thighs and rubbing those thick, strong muscles. His hands reached the top of Jenii’s thighs, sliding around to the front and rubbing over that rippled abdomen. There was a very definite excited flush across his dark cheeks, he was turning himself on just as much by doing this as he was Jenii.

The little Force staggered up, taking Jenii by the hands and leading him over to the bed, urging his Shadow to lay down without a word. Jenii settled back onto the soft bed, closing his eyes, letting himself be surprised by why his lover was going to do next.

Pestilence wriggled himself between Jenii’s legs, wincing and tugging off those now painfully tight little shorts. He ran his hands over Jenii’s scarred thigh, rubbing at the muscle, then played his fingers over the scar indention, giggling softly at Jenii’s resulting shiver and purr. Those little hands slipped beneath the leg and down, caressing at the back of Jenii’s knee.

Jenii growl-purred and veritably writhed, propping his leg up at Pesti’s insistent tugs. Pestilence continued rubbing at that soft spot behind Jenii’s knee, having figured out that was what was causing the purring.

“Raaarrrr,” Jenii shivered.

“Hee, have to remember that spot,” Pestilence giggled, shifting to lay down between Jenii’s legs.

Jenii shifted in anticipation, feeling Pesti’s hot breath against his skin, that aura of heat surrounding his little lover’s body so close he could almost predict where he was going to be touched. Almost, he was off by a few inches, the slickened touch drifting and sliding along the taut muscle of his ass.

Before he could question Pestilence on the matter, the Force’s hot mouth came over the head of his arousal, tongue curling and caressing. He couldn’t resist arching up, attempting not to do that very much for fear of gagging the poor Force. Pesti didn’t seem to mind that little bit, taking Jenii’s length just a little deeper as he slipped a slender finger against his husband’s entrance.

Jenii tensed up slightly. He’d only been penetrated once before in this manner, he still wasn’t quite used to it, even if it felt really good once he relaxed. So he focused on relaxing, taking a few deep breaths and focusing on what Pesti’s mouth was doing for the moment.

“Just trying… do something… nice for my Shadow… pay back for… being so kind to me,” Pestilence murmured between licks and sucks.

“Hnnn… lake was… special… food… hn, drink,” Jenii remembered the bottle he still had in his hand, tucking it under the pillow for now. If Pestilence had an orgasm and blew the room it would be inside the safe zone.

“Not special enough for my Shadow,” the Force hummed, vibrating Jenii’s hard flesh.

Jenii buried a hand in Pesti’s fluff of hair, encouraging him to continue. He could feel the bed shifting, his little lover moving in some sort of rhythm, likely stroking himself against the bed he was so excited. It broke Pestilence’s concentration slightly as well, forgetting for a long moment before remembering his attempt to push his finger into Jenii.

The demon’s back arched again, almost beyond his control that felt so good. It was just that little bit, but it still felt so damn good. He tried not to move, trusting Pestilence to his work, but damn he wanted more, needed more.

He’d never imagined letting someone possess him like this, and certainly never imagined himself enjoying it. It was a possession, a marking of sorts, to let Pestilence lay him out and have him like this. He trusted his little lover entirely though, wanted to be possessed by him almost as much as he wanted to be inside and possessing him.

Pestilence abandoned his attention to Jenii’s length for a moment, renewing the wetness of the finger he hadn’t yet pushed into Jenii before attempting to do so. He didn’t return immediately to it, though, laying his head against Jenii’s thigh and watching those fingers pierce into him.

Jenii rolled his head to one shoulder, forcing his eyes just barely open, peering lustily at his companion. The Force smiled lovingly, nuzzling the thigh he was resting against. He curled his fingers, seeking that precise spot.

Jenii’s body went alight with pleasure, back arching hard, eyes squeezing shut against that white-fire burning of pure need twisting through him. His length jerked slightly, leaking out onto his belly.

Pesti moved up, squeaking softly, no doubt distressed at the friction the movement had put upon his arousal. He licked at that leaked fluid, slowly and deliberately, savouring the flavour of his demon lover. The Force then wrapped his lips back around that swollen head, sucking as if to encourage more, pushing his fingers deeper to stroke more firmly against that spot that had elicited that response.

“Pestilence,” Jenii gasped, his tone warning.

“Mmhmm,” Pesti hummed, affirming that he knew what the warning was for, but continuing anyway. He wanted his Shadow to come like this.

Jenii couldn’t really fight it off at this point, shudders rippling up and down his spine as if playing with one another. He tried not to arch his hips up too much and failed at that as well. His body was moving beyond his control now, entirely at the whim of his lover.

Pestilence got another little taste, moaning around that length in his mouth, sucking harder, pushing deeper, driving Jenii over the edge. The demon bucked hard and shudder, jerking his release into Pesti’s waiting and eager mouth.

The Shadow only barely noticed the pulse of power from his little husband, the random destruction of the things in the room. He was too busy panting to catch his breath, already drifting so very far down into that lethargy. Pestilence laid where he was for a moment, gold-spun hair tickling over Jenii's belly as he gathered his willpower to finally move, wriggling up to lay on Jenii’s chest instead.

Jenii reached and tugged the blanket over the both of them, then reaching up to find the bottle liquor – which had survived the episode. He nudged it toward Pestilence with a grunt.

Pesti made a quiet, amused noise and took the bottle, duplicating it and tucking that one away for later. He opened and took a long drink of the original, leaning up and kissing Jenii, passing the liquor to him mouth to mouth. Jenii appreciated that first drink oh so much more because of that.

The Force snuggled back against his chest, tracing lazy patterns over and around scars. Jenii took his time with the liquor, savouring that fine taste, letting it seep into him and relax him further, drifting him down from lethargy to near-sleep. It only took a few more swallows and some tender hair petting from his beautiful Pestilence to send him all the way down into content slumber.


Jenii purred softly, listening to the song of Pestilence’s slowing heartbeat, enjoying the taste of that salt-tinged skin. His body was so nicely heavy from that post-orgasm bliss.

They’d made love often in the past two weeks, had a few episodes of rougher sex that left Pesti’s neck beautifully marked. It was never enough for Jenii, he always wanted more of his Pestilence, wanted more scents of heat and excited trembles and moans of pure pleasure, gasps of begging.

He was trying to be a good Shadow, but the technology of this Realm just had him on edge when he wasn’t post-orgasm sedated. He’d set fire and drenched and broken a few more things in Pesti’s poor house, but nothing on purpose. The first trip into town for food had been such an ordeal for Jenii that he just stayed home and waited for Pesti to return from every trip after.

After two weeks he was starting to get used to being around technological gadgets, so long as he didn’t have to touch them. Pestilence prepared the meals, and they often ate outside or cuddled up in bed or in front of the fireplace. It had been a very sedate and lazy two weeks. Jenii didn’t mind one bit, it was nice, this heavy and happy feeling.

The lake was just a few feet away, lapping against the bank in its own lazy, seductive dance, as if trying to tempt Jenii back to it. He swam nearly everyday. Doing so had eased the irritation of his battle wounds considerably, and he had almost full range of motion in his arm back. Not far away from them Pestilence’s book laid, waiting for the Force to return to it, his saviour from boredom as Jenii got lost out in that water. But for now neither of them were prepared to return to those separate worlds. It was nicer just to lie against each other, naked and content.

Jenii tried to recall a time in his life where he might have been this happy, sifting back through his memories. Had it been, like his sexual drive, suppressed for some reason many years ago and he had experienced if before, merely forgotten about it? For two weeks he’d found moments here and there to allow Life’s words from the wedding to return to him.

Your memories can be returned to you, she had said. Jenii had been taken aback, confused, and questioned her only to receive the response, You heard me. Think about it.

So now and again he thought about it, churning over those thirteen words over in his brain. Memories returned to him, he had deduced, could only mean those memories that had been taken of the last time he’d known Pestilence. Unless there was another memory-stealing incident he didn’t know about, which he wouldn’t put past Life really.

He paused in his lazy licking across Pestilence’s cheek, almost glaring for a second as he happened upon a thought, fixing his eyes on Pestilence, “Was I good to you?”

The Force blinked, shaking himself a little out of his hazy afterglow, “Hm?”

“The first time we met, was I good to you? Did I treat you the way you deserved?”

Pestilence blinked again, and then giggled softly. He wrapped his dark, strong arms around Jenii’s neck, tugging him closer, “Silly Shadow.”

Jenii remained completely serious, “Did I? If I treated you just like a sex toy or something, I think I’d have to just have to kill myself rather than know I used you like that.”

Pestilence made a soft little noise that might have been distressed, “No, my Shadow…” he nuzzled against the demon’s cheek, thinking for a long moment, “You were good to me… you always protected me, fought for my honour… you loved me even though you didn’t know you did, didn’t know what it was really. You were always so sweet to me.”

“Hn…” Jenii seemed satisfied with the answer, returning to lapping across Pestilence’s neck, mainly across the deep bite mark there.

The Force ran his fingers through Jenii’s hair until the fire demon was purring again, easing him down from that tense moment rather easily, “What brought that on?”

Your memories can be returned to you.

Jenii grunted, shaking his head a little before returning to the affectionate licks, “Hn… nothing.”

“Hmm, if say so,” Pestilence accepted it even if he didn’t really believe it.

“My language didn’t have a word for “love”, had trouble with it when I met you this time.”

“Mhmm, and the last time too. I was attempting to speak your language, had to resort to Rumanji to say I loved you,” Pestilence smiled. “One time you spoke perfectly in Rumanji to say it back to me.”

“Only once?”

“Yes,” Pesti blinked.

Jenii growled softly. Pestilence’s hands cradled Jenii’s face, delicate hands caressing lovingly, that amethyst eye moving to intercept his gaze, questioning him.

“Why does that upset you, my Shadow?”

“You deserved more than once.”

“Silly, you didn’t know the words. I knew you knew the feeling, but you had no word for it.

“I should have learned it faster, told you sooner.”

Pestilence kissed Jenii softly, lovingly, “You said it in other ways… like this.”

“Isn’t enough,” the demon attempted to keep that irritation, but it fled with those soft lips whispering against his own.

“You did what you could, why does it matter now? Even with all your inhibitions… you still stole my heart.”

Jenii gazed at his lover, his husband, an emotion tightening his chest that he didn’t quite understand. Still now, hundreds of years later, he was yet having problems with emotions. Perhaps Pestilence was right, he did what he could until he moved on and learned more.

“You’re so patient with me.”

“Because I love you, my Shadow,” the Force nuzzled Jenii’s cheek with his own.

“Raarr yours, all yours,” Jenii wrapped his strong arms around Pestilence and held him tightly, “Love my beautiful.”

Pestilence squeaked a happy noise, absolutely beaming, bursting with joy, “And I’m yours, my husband.”


Jenii stretched and growled as he yawned… then promptly rolled over and snuggled back into the blankets. He blinked, opening his eyes and peering around. There was something very important missing from his bed.

“Time to get up!” Pestilence chimed.

Jenii glared over his shoulder at the offensive missing object who was bouncing happily around the room, eventually bouncing back onto the bed and his demon lover.

“Wake up wake up!” he giggled, rubbing Jenii here and there, friskily, trying to encourage Jenii to move.

The demon wriggled a little, attempting to catch the hyper Force. “What’s wrong with you?”

“It’s morning! Time to get up!”

“I am not a morning demon,” Jenii grunted, swiping at Pestilence.

“You’re so cute when you’re not awake,” Pesti bounced out of reach, then back close again for more rubbing. “Get up.”

“Rarrr, getting up sir.”

“I don’t mean like that, I mean out of bed!”

“Oh, so you want sex in the shower?” Jenii opened one eye.

“No you silly Shadow, I want you up and dressed,” Pestilence clambered up and sat on Jenii’s hip as he laid there on his side, bouncing a little. “Has been four weeks.”

“Already?” those dusky red eyes slipped shut again.

The Force thudded down onto the bed and back into his spot, wriggling under the blanket against his husband, “Mmhmm, time to go home.”

“Can’t we stay?” came the answering groan.

“Jenii, don’t you miss home, all your friends? Don’t you miss Chancey and Sex and everyone else?”

“Hnn… maybe, a little.”

“Maybe a lot more like,” Pesti giggled, rubbing Jenii’s shoulder and down his arm. “Death will be here later to take us back, we need to get ready to go, pack things, lock up the house.”

“Take one last swim?” Jenii slit his eyes open, blinking groggily at Pestilence.

“If you hurry, mhmm, probably. Really like it here?”

“Hn, well, except for all the damn mechanical things, it’s not so bad. Home is good too, mounts are likely throwing a fit, can have sex there just as well, just less alone.”

“Mhmm! Much less alone.”

“You miss everyone, don’t you?” Jenii sighed.

“Yeah, but we can stay longer if you really don’t want to go back, it’s okay. Can tell Death when he comes to try again in a week or two.”

Jenii shook his head a little, pushing himself up from the bed, “You’re right, I do miss… a few people. Four weeks is enough. We can always come for holiday, correct?”

“Yep!” Pestilence bounced up, leaning against Jenii’s back, nipping playfully at his ear.

“Hnnn imp,” Jenii grinned, starting to lean backwards to squish the Force under him and trap him in bed again.

“Or if you really want to stay, you can go down to the kitchen and make breakfast.”

Jenii’s eyes went wide, instantly hauling himself forward, “I’ll get the bag.”

