
Calm is copyrighted to Sallie Drazzi


“So this… is the moon?” Damael blinked around curiously.

“Mhm,” Calm led them away from the crowds which he was sure made Damael uncomfortable. “Second Moon of the First Realm.”

“It’s not…”


“No, it’s not at all like I imagined it,” Damael said. The soil was rich and fertile, plant life growing happily where it was cultivated and where it wasn’t. There was a large lake before them, where Calm was slowly taking them.

“Think of one of those dusty, bare Sixty-Forth Realm moons?” Calm asked with a smirk, opening a small wooden gate. He nodded to a Being in a booth by the gate, leading Damael along a wooden pier on the rich golden lake.

“A little…” Damael admitted, curling against Calm’s side, starting to relax despite himself. His tail swung in a slow lazy fashion. “Even from down… there, it looked like just a gold ball. Gold was a little… odd for a moon…”

Calm grinned. “Gold and brown, that’s our moons. The First Moon wasn’t even a moon at first; it was where everyone was created. We left at a ‘plauge’ – which turned out to be a Force, heh.” He brushed some of Damael’s hair out of the Kou’s eyes, “That moon’s dead now, but this one? This one is pretty alive.”

He stepped out onto the pier and a shock of birds that had been roosting at the far end took off into the air. They had brilliant colours and sweet voices.

Damael couldn’t help but watch them fly overhead with a happy squeak, “Very much alive.”

Calm smiled, wrapping his arm around Damael and leading him up the pier. “And you seem very alive today. Have I mentioned how much I missed you those six days we were apart?”

Damael blushed a little, attractively flushing his dark cheeks. “I think… you mentioned it a lot during that… whole wedding ceremony.”

“I can mention it again though, can’t I?” Calm sat on the end of the pier, and Damael followed eagerly, cuddling under his arm and against his side.

“Mmn… if you want,” The Kou said lazily, his tail curling around Calm’s back.

Calm smiled, reaching down and scooping up some of the golden water into his hand. He offered his hand to Damael, who blinked before attentively licking at the liquid in Calm’s hand. He squeaked a little surprised noise, “It! .. It tastes like honey!”

Calm grinned and kissed Damael’s forehead. “That’s why they call this the Honey Moon, Moonlight.”

