A Piece of Freedom

Tipol is copyrighted to Sallie Drazzi


“Careful here,” Ash took hold of Tipol’s hand and helped him down through the rubble.

“You said be careful through that Gate thing we just went through, is this whole trip going to be ‘be careful’?”

“No, this Temple’s just falling apart,” Ash looked up at the structures around them.

The Gate Tipol had referred to was nearly the only thing standing anymore. There was a portion of the wall on either side of the Gate, a few columns, but most of those were toppled over as well.

“It’s even gotten worse since the last time I came through,” Ash sighed.

“That’s a pretty important thing though, isn’t it? A portal linking the worlds of your Realm, you’d think someone would want to take care of it.”

“It used to be taken care of by this one Clan, most Temples and other sacred places were their domain,” Ash picked his way down through the ruined Temple, leading Tipol. “If the Dragons take it, the Shadows kill them, which destroys it more. If the Shadows take it, the Dragons attack them. And very few can work it anyway, I guess they don’t think it’s worth bothering over.”

“Very large birds,” Tipol eyed the aisailtarns.

“Yeah, eh, we could get to Saitennin a lot faster using them, but… I don’t know how to ride them.”

“You don’t know how to ride much of anything,” Tipol remarked.

“The Koorime use them to get to their island, it floats up above the western mountains, in the sky, so the only way to get there is to fly.”

Tipol regarded Ash unfolding his cloak and shrugging it on. “It’s bloody hot here, not to mention it smells.”

“That’s the swamp,” Ash nodded to their left. “And the cloak has the Dragon insignia on it.”

“Ah, don’t want to look too Shadow.”

“Right. We’ll take this path up to the trade road, there’s always merchants on it lately, we can get a ride,” Ash hesitated, then moved down the path, keeping himself from holding Tipol’s hand again.

The Felinoid was looking all around during the entire walk to the road, peering into the swamp, glancing behind them, even looking up at the sky. It was early morning, and the sky was a deep burnt red, though it was hard to tell if that was the clouds or the actual sky.

Ash had seen Tipol out of doors before, so the beauty he was seeing now was nothing new really. Makai seemed to darken everything, but it didn’t darken Tipol at all. Ash wanted very much to tell Tipol these things, but he doubted he could put it into words, and it was probably bordering on that which Ash had promised he wouldn’t say.

The trees thinned out to nothing, giving way to broken ground with a wide flat ribbon of road snaking its way through the rocks and minor canyons. Ash continued walking along the road, but it wasn’t long before someone came along behind them.

Tipol backed away warily, a natural reaction no doubt. Ash had promised him that he wouldn’t stand out in Makai, that no one would notice him, but Ash really didn’t even know for certain. Or maybe it was the hulking beasts that pulled the cart that had made him nervous, Ash could never really tell what Tipol was thinking.

Ash approached the merchant wagon, showing off the insignia on his cloak and bowing his head.

“Ah, where you heading soldier? Saitennin.”

“Indeed. I can pay if you’d allow us a ride.”

“The Neko’s with you then?” the merchant peered around Ash at Tipol, but only looked at him for a moment. “Out of respect I let you ride for free, but not the Neko, I don’t trust Nekos.”

Ash offered up a few crude coins, which sedated the merchant nicely. It took a little encouraging, but finally the two of them settled in the back of the wagon.

Tipol glanced around the wagon, just a touch of nervousness escaping his usual composure. Ash smiled at him, nudging him with his foot.

“See? Neko, it’s fine,” he tried to reassure Tipol, he wanted the Felinoid to enjoy himself. After all, Ash had brought him here because he’d felt bad and wanted to apologise, and to give Tipol a little bit of freedom. He couldn’t very well enjoy that if he was scared.

It was a long ride to Saitennin, and eventually Tipol began to relax a little. He started looking up at the sky again, the clouds rolling and churning about to reveal the sun above them. He looked radiant in the sunlight and Ash again had to fight the urges to tell him so.

No, best to just let him alone. Let him enjoy his freedom.


“Thank you for the ride, sir,” Ash bowed his head to the merchant.

“No, thank you for keeping these lands safe and free, soldier,” the man nodded his head in return before driving his beasts onward down the road to Saitennin.

Ash had opted for he and Tipol to get off the merchant wagon before reaching the city, going the rest of the way on foot to give Tipol time to adjust to the situation. The sun had set, and a large and bright moon was well on the rise. The sunset had been magnificent, off to their left as the city had come into view ahead of them.

The city was impressive with its high walls, but certainly Tipol had seen things more impressive. This was a backwards world compared to the one the Felinoid had come from.

Then again, it was the first city where Tipol could walk freely, as far as Ash could figure.

Ash had lost himself too deep into his thinking, shaking his head when he realised Tipol was not walking at his side. He turned and looked back to find Tipol standing several paces behind him, gazing up at the city, the moonlight accenting upon his pale skin and colourful hair. He looked so beautiful standing there, Ash didn’t want to look away, or disturb him.

Finally Tipol broke the spell himself, pacing slowly towards Ash until he was pressed up against the demon’s side, curling his arms around Ash’s muscled upper arm. He laid his head there, but kept his eyes on the bustle of people that were still pouring into the city.

“Do you want to wear my cloak?” Ash proposed it because Tipol might feel more comfortable if his odd features were hidden. “It gets cold after the sun goes down,” he added, to save pride.

Tipol shook his head, “I’m not wussy about temperature like you are,” the usually insulting tone was softened though.

“We should find a room, it’s still early, but it looks busy, inns might fill up. Has to be something going on for it to be this busy…”

“Don’t hurt yourself trying to figure it out,” Tipol murmured, staying close against Ash as they continued towards the city gate. “It was a rather long trip, when will we have to leave to get you back home for work?”

“Can probably catch a faster ride back south, and I asked for Monday off if I’d go in Friday instead. So we have at least all day tomorrow and Sunday,” Ash hugged Tipol tighter against him.

“That was surprisingly smart of you,” Tipol said dryly, glancing all around as they moved across the bridge, Ash purposely keeping distant from others as best he could through the gate.

“Just want you to enjoy this as much as possible,” Ash spied a cheap looking inn and headed toward it, but slowly, giving Tipol ample time to look around.

“Thank you…” Tipol said quietly, almost silently, pressing tighter to Ash’s side.


Ash settled himself down for the night before he had to pull himself out of the relaxation and look at Tipol. “Are you enjoying yourself?” He asked uncertainly, despite the fact he was sure that the cat was. Tipol definitely seemed more at ease here; freer - that beautiful freeing effects taking over everything in him, making even his usual grace seem clumsy in comparison.

“Mm,” Tipol intoned in a slightly-softer than usual way. That was another thing – even before they’d come Tipol had seemed to be in a better mood. Now they were here it was like the mask he wore was permanently – at least towards Ash – askew.

Something under the rough blankets moved – possibly Tipol’s long prehensile tail, but so long as Ash couldn’t see it, it didn’t distract him too much.

“Mm,” Tipol hummed again, brushing some hair back over his shoulders. “I am. Even if it’s a backwards place, some kind of twisted version of hell… it’s kind of beautiful in its own way.”

Ash didn’t really think he could think of his homeland as beautiful – not unless Tipol was in it making it beautiful. Just by standing somewhere, feeling free and looking so alive… Tipol just seemed to brighten Makai, to Ash anyway.

“I’m really glad you like it,” Ash couldn’t help but smile at the thought of doing something to please Tipol. Let alone doing something that made Tipol look so pretty.

“I am, but you’re spoiling me.”

“You deserve it.” Ash smiled more, unable to resist reaching out and stroking the silky waves of Tipol’s hair. It was so vibrant in the Makai night – all of the Felinoid was; he positively glowed.

Tipol tilted his head, allowing Ash that touch and looking off elsewhere as he seemed to think to himself. Then he shifted beneath the blankets.

Ash watched Tipol hesitantly, unsure what the Felinoid was doing until the cat shifted over pressing his chest against Ash’s chest: More than that, pressing his slender, and completely naked, form against Ash’s partially naked one.

The Shadow was sure he blushed for a split second before he tried to work out what the cat was doing. It was difficult, though, just to think beyond how nice Tipol’s body felt right there.

Tipol slid his arms around Ash’s neck before pressing his lips just softly against Ash’s for a short kiss – then again – little affectionate attentions but nothing too deep, too ‘love’-like. Both times Ash couldn’t think enough to respond, much as he knew he wanted desperately to kiss Tipol. He could feel Tipol’s heart hammering against his chest, and he knew that was fear but Tipol didn’t move away from Ash despite that obvious fright pulsing through him.

The Felinoid kept his face close to Ash’s, those slate-blue eyes locked with Ash’s – not that unusual, but there was so much in those eyes this time. “Let’s have sex, baby,” Tipol said softly. “I think I’m ready and want to, if I do it with you.”

Ash had to control his startle reaction, his surprise, so severe it was almost a panic. He managed it rather well, calmed himself, and took a moment to realise Tipol had actually said what he'd said. Tipol was willing to have sex, with him.

Ash had brought him here, to Makai, to apologise for wanting to have sex with Tipol the week before. Tipol had said then that it might happen eventually if he healed from his past and felt comfortable with Ash. Evidently, he felt very comfortable.

He also felt very good, his slender, naked form pressed against Ash. He was very beautiful, his entire being just shining as it did when Ash gave him these small pieces of freedom.

Ash hadn't been able to get that off his mind all day, even before reaching Saitennin, before the ride with the merchant, before even coming through the Gate into Makai. The shine of Tipol's reaction to this freedom was even much brighter than ever before, so bright and beautiful Ash wondered if he would be struck blind for daring to look on it. He would have looked anyway.

Ash found sense enough to give Tipol a soft kiss, "If you're sure."

"I think I'm ready," Tipol murmured again, not sounding terribly sure, a little afraid.

Ash forced down his own uncertainties. He'd wanted Tipol for awhile and felt bad about it, but if Tipol wanted to - well it was not an opportunity Ash was going to let get away. Jenii had said it would not be the same as those who had forced Tipol, Ash certainly didn't want to be, and he trusted Tipol's judgment that it wasn't, that it was okay to do this.

Ash cradled that beautiful face in both hands, giving Tipol a long, lingering kiss to thank him. He wasn't terribly certain what to do after that, but thought it a good start just to touch Tipol, softly, lovingly, everywhere he could. Tipol often said his body was sensitive to too many touches and Ash never got to touch as much as he wanted to. So he began there.

Tipol's body was terribly sensitive and it showed quickly. To those places that garnered the best responses, Ash returned his touches there, caressing over and over again. He focused on that, ignoring his nervousness, and the desire seemed to follow naturally after. Or perhaps that was Tipol paying him attention in return, Ash was too consumed in his touches to really tell the difference.

The Felinoid was veritably writhing as Ash took his time, drawing it out. He was enjoying it, Tipol seemed to be enjoying it, but Ash wasn't really sure what to do next.

As he nuzzled against Tipol’s neck, Ash reminded himself that they’d done this before. Granted, enither of them had been comfortable with that incident. So this was a chance to do things right. Shame Ash had no idea still of what was right. The touches had been a good start, certainly, they were both well excited.

“Come on baby,” Tipol breathed, shifting himself fully onto his back, bending his leg up and outward.

“I’m not sure what to do, can you help me… learn what you like?” Ash asked softly.

Tipol might have had a tender look then, it was hard to tell in the light as Ash pushed himself up from resting atop the Felinoid. He could still hear Tipol’s heart even sitting up, fainter, but still fast and scared, perhaps excited, but there was definitely a fear remaining there.

Ash let Tipol have a moment then, freeing himself of his pants, every motion slow and deliberate. His excitement ached already, and he didn’t want touching, he’d had plenty of touching from Tipol before. Even if it had been good all those times, the hands and the tail, this time was not just about him, it was about the both of them being together.

The young Shadow shifted himself between Tipol’s legs, caressing up and down the thighs, then up to his hips. Uncertain but determined, Ash knelt there, not even attempting to look in the darkness. He instead felt along with his excitement against Tipol’s most heated place.

“Here…” Tipol curled himself, reaching down between them, taking Ash’s length gently in his hand. He arched his hips up, pulling Ash into the correct place. “Right here…”

Ash pushed against that heat, feeling the wetness there, gasping as he moved just barely inside the Felinoid’s female sex. Tipol squirmed a little, making a quiet noise, arching his hips up more as Ash pulled back.

Strong hands gripped Tipol’s hips, keeping him down against the bed. Ash didn’t want to treat him as an object or a tool for his own pleasure, certainly not, but he wanted this to go a certain way and Tipol moving about like that wouldn’t help him any.

He moved forward again, gaining a little inside Tipol’s heat, but not forcing any further than that. Ash continued this slow deepening little by little. He in no way wanted to hurt his precious Tipol, and certainly not this way. The Felinoid was making noises in the back of his throat, sounding a little irritated or impatient. Ash’s own desires were pressing him, no doubt Tipol felt the same, but Ash was determined to continue this way.

Finally Ash pushed past the barrier and slid deep into Tipol, not his full length, but as deep as Tipol could accommodate him. The Felinoid beneath him shuddered and arched up off the bed, gasping, breathless.

Ash found himself captivated in watching Tipol’s first orgasm, how the slender body slumped back down onto the bed, the shaking tapering off to be still save for breathing once again. Tipol’s face looked so pleased and serene, his eyes half-closed for that moment. Then he roused himself, blinking at Ash as if in silent questioning why he hadn’t continued.

The demon bent himself down, caressing Tipol’s mouth with his own, taking a moment to savour the feel of silken hair in his fingers. He couldn’t bring himself to push up off Tipol, so he remained there, hesitantly moving inside him, finding a slow rhythm.

“Hmm,” Tipol hummed a very content sounding noise, shifting his hips into a slightly different angle.

Ash took the hint and angled his thrusts more upward, never very deep, always slow but strong. He treated it as if caressing Tipol’s insides, not just questing for his own pleasure – that followed well enough on its own.

Tipol’s eyes fell closed again, his arms reaching up and wrapping around Ash’s neck, legs curling over Ash’s hips. He tried to encourage Ash’s thrusts to move faster, but the demon was stubborn at his pace, the slow building. This was not just sex, this was a chance to make up for all the wrong things their first time had been.

When Tipol moaned softly, Ash was pleased with himself that he didn’t orgasm immediately, as if on command which it seemed he’d been conditioned to. It was just a quiet moan, but a small victory for his self-control.

Another moan followed not long after, longer and louder, Tipol arching himself up against Ash harder. Ash pressed his face against Tipol’s neck, taking deep breaths to settle those shivers that were trying to take over his body. Unfortunately it didn’t do much to calm him for long, Tipol was just too hot, around and beneath him, driving his pleasure ever higher.

The pleasure broke in shuddering waves, Ash releasing deep inside the Felinoid. Somewhere lost in all that pleasure, he was disappointed in himself.

Tipol’s hand moved through his hair, petting, as if to comfort, trying to gather his breath to say something.

Ash knew it wouldn’t happen again like last time, Tipol wouldn’t force him, and Tipol didn’t force him. Ash forced himself, after a moment to collect his senses, pushing up off the slender white form. He didn’t move his hips though, staying tightly against Tipol, and even though his length diminished, it never left the Felinoid’s heat.

Ash resumed the touching, over Tipol’s chest, stomach, hips, then over his legs and inward to his male sex. Ash curled his hand around the hard length, glancing up at Tipol to study his reactions.

The Felinoid went alive with moans, rocking his hips up into Ash’s touch, but trying not to move too much. Even just those slight movements gave Ash a thrill, still there inside that tight heat. As with the last time, it wasn’t long before Ash’s length was hard again, building up inside Tipol and driving the Felinoid even more wild.

Ash resumed the slow, strong thrusts, not letting up on his touches even as he settled back down over his partner. Partner… lover now, perhaps? But no, not yet. This was just sex, slow sex, meaningful to Ash, but he wouldn’t force Tipol into sharing that meaning. Love scared the Felinoid, Ash had felt it for a long while now, there was no need to rush Tipol, it would only scare him more. So he was not a lover, or a mate, not until Tipol said as much.

“Ash…” Tipol murmured, one arm back around Ash’s neck. His other hand moved down, sliding over Ash’s as it caressed his arousal. He squeezed Ash’s hand tighter around his hard flesh, moaning loudly.

Ash did as Tipol silently instructed, touching as Tipol wanted, speeding the pace of his thrusts as if to naturally match the increased stroke Tipol desired over his length. The young demon was finding himself rushing towards orgasm all over again, far too swiftly.

He shifted himself, angling his thrusts upward, stronger now, grunting with the effort of each thrust. The neck beneath his mouth was so tempting, but he held himself back from biting, sucking hard instead, focusing on that to try and stem off his release. If he came again, he doubted he could recover again, and that wouldn’t do well for pleasing Tipol.

Tipol arched hard beneath him, shuddering and gasping, curling his legs tighter. “There,” he gasped, mewling softly among the breathlessness, begging.

Ash repeated the movement, stronger, then again, harder with each thrust. Tipol cried out, back bending as his body shuddered hard, his length jerking in Ash’s hand and spilling his release, hot fluids coursing over Ash’s invading member. Ash lost control so very willingly to that intense heat and shuddering pressure.

They laid there for a long while afterwards. The time before, their first time, Ash had pushed himself up immediately, afraid that Tipol wouldn’t want him there once he was satisfied. He had desperately wanted to stay there, had felt wrong in moving. This time he didn’t move, he cradled Tipol against him, enjoyed listening their heartbeats settling down, their breathing slowing together. He enjoyed the smell of Tipol, the heat, the sex, the unique smell of Tipol mingled with his own. It was all so perfect.

Ash roused a little bit of strength, shifting himself off to one side just slightly. Tipol turned with him, cuddling up against him, curling his leg over Ash’s. His tail was somewhere curled around behind Ash, as it had been nearly the entire time.

Ash didn’t feel anything but wonderful, there was only contentment, satisfaction, pleasure in being there entangled with the one he loved. There were no doubts, no worries, no questions. Nothing needed to be said.

So they drifted to sleep in perfect, blissful silence.


“Mrf,” Tipol glared towards the small window, then burrowed back against Ash. “What is all that noise?”

“The city,” Ash grunted, similarly groggy and not happy at being awakened.

“Why is it so loud though?”

Ash drug himself a little more out of sleep, focusing on the particular noise, or rather music, that was passing by outside. “It’s the festival of the last harvest, thanking the land for being so kind and fertile… I think. It’s a farmer… merchant… thing.”

“Well they can be thankful somewhere else,” Tipol grumbled, snuggling down more into the blanket. It was definitely not time to wake up yet.

“They are, just passing by,” Ash yawned, nosing into Tipol’s hair.

Tipol felt so good and warm against him, Ash was very thankful he hadn’t decided to get up. All the feelings of the night before were lingering around, making for a pleasant mood, almost like a dream – one that Ash wasn’t ready to wake up from just yet. If not for the very real scents around them, Ash would have assumed it had been a dream.

Just remembering it left an all too real feeling inside him as well, and a very hard one to conceal given how close Tipol was against him.

The Felinoid stretched and yawned, shifting himself against Ash, curling his leg around him. It took no effort at all for Tipol to push Ash onto his back, shifting to straddle him as if it were the most casual and natural movement to do.

Tipol settled himself down on Ash’s arousal just as easily, bracing himself on Ash’s broad chest as he slowly began rocking his hips. He didn’t keep the pace very slow for long, building it quickly, sliding himself up and down over Ash’s length.

Ash let him have control of the pace. He’d had his perfect togetherness with Tipol the night before, Tipol could get what he wanted from him now. Ash wasn’t about to complain, not at all. Especially not with Tipol arching his body so beautifully in the morning light, moaning out loud, moving faster and faster.

Ash gripped those slender hips, adding strength to Tipol’s movements, bringing him down harder. By some miracle he held off his orgasm, despite the intense barrage Tipol was putting him through. He held off until right before Tipol came, when the shudders began to play strongly through the Felinoid, pushing Ash over the edge into blissful release, then Tipol a moment later.

The slender, graceful body came down upon him, curling up there on his chest. Tipol was purring softly, nuzzling at Ash’s skin with barely noticeable movements.

Ash sighed, running his fingers through Tipol’s hair. He was so tired, but it was a very good kind of tired. He would have been perfectly content to lay there the entire day, so he certainly wasn’t about to bother Tipol. The city would still be there later.

And it was far too early to wake up from the dream yet anyway.


Ash started to cling to Tipol, before he was truly awake, but quickly let the Felinoid go once the haze of sleep cleared. Tipol slipped elegantly off the bed, stretching and bending. Ash lazily rolled himself over, reaching out to bat at Tipol’s tail.

“Ugh, I smell like sex,” Tipol grumbled.

“So?” Ash rather liked the smell.

“Male and female sex.”


“That isn’t exactly normal in this world, is it?” Tipol turned at the waist to glare back at him.

Ash blinked at the look, turning over the words for a moment, “Oh right.” He forced himself up from the bed, pacing to the other side of the room.

“Don’t suppose this backwards world has showers.”

“No, but because of my… um… status, we do get water with our room,” Ash lifted up a bucket to show Tipol, pouring it into a wooden tub.

“Small miracle,” Tipol muttered, stepping into the bath as Ash warmed it up, sinking down into the steaming water. “Hmmm…”

“And,” Ash scampered over to where he’d dropped his things, pattering back as he dug through the bag, fishing out two bottles, “I brought the soaps you use.”

“Now you really are spoiling me,” but the Felinoid seemed quite content to set about washing himself.

Ash settled down with what remained of the water, washing himself as he’d learned to do with very little water. It didn’t get him completely clean, but cleaner than most other inhabitants of the city. Tipol, with those soaps, would smell downright exotic.

He took his time dressing and grooming, he had to look appropriately Dragon Clan after all. Then he peered out the small window into the city. “Nearly midday, we should find something to eat.”

“That doesn’t come with the room too?” Tipol dried himself off with one of the blankets.

“No, but there’s bound to be plenty at the festival. Lots of people too… want me to go find something and bring it back here?”

“I draw the line at that much spoiling,” the Felinoid slipped his shorts on, sidling up against Ash. “Let’s go, baby.”

Ash smiled a little. The night before, that ‘baby’ had been soft and affectionate, as most would refer to a partner. Today it was back to the insulting short of ‘stupid baby demon’, but softer, an insult meant to be affectionate.

Ash led Tipol through the city, the Felinoid holding onto his arm, down into the market district. The market was overly busy, full of bustling people, shouting out their wares, most of them speaking the common youkai language. Despite all the noise and crowd, Tipol seemed rather content.

They managed to find fruit and greens for a light lunch, settling down in a relatively quiet, shady spot as the midday sun began warming the city. The greens were rough and took effort to chew, and the fruit was tart bordering on bitter, but together it made an interesting salad that Tipol didn’t complain about, so Ash was content.

Afterwards they wandered the market, content save for one incident. They had wandered a little too close to the slave trade area of the market. One slaver in particular, a large man with a stage full of enslaved Nekos, gave Tipol a critical look.

Tipol gave him a bored look in return, meeting his gaze. Ash stood up taller, baring his shoulder to the man, purposely displaying the insignia on his cloak. They exchanged words Tipol couldn’t understand before Ash finally moved them away from the slave booths.

“What was that about?” Tipol asked when they were further away.

“He asked me where I got such a uniquely coloured Neko, and if I was willing to breed you to some of his females,” Ash shook his head, blushing just a little bit.

“What did you tell him?”

“Well… no, obviously. I kept it short, like he really didn’t have right to speak to me.”

“Ahh, the superior ruse, you’re keeping it up rather well.”

“I was trained to, trained to act like one of the aristocracy,” Ash looked up at the sky. “The sun is going down, the festival will start again soon. This morning was the sunrise tribute, they have another at sunset that lasts through the night. Come on.”

Tipol smiled and let Ash pull him along, up through the market and along the road. There was a town square of some variety, very large, with quite a number of people gathered already. It wasn’t long before the music started up again, though it was more lively than the morning awakening they’d gotten.

Ash tugged Tipol against him, further into the crowd as it began to move to the music.

“I don’t-“ Tipol began to object.

“Just follow my lead,” Ash smiled, pulling Tipol into the dance with him, a quick step to follow the lively music.

Tipol showed off all his natural grace once he learned the steps, relaxing, putting a little flair into his movements. More lively dances followed, Tipol learning each one the same way, Ash leading him. As night fell the pace of the music slowed, gradually, until they were among a crowd of slow-moving couples, more fitting to a grand ballroom than a backwards world’s harvest festival.

Around them, the darkness came alive with fire and flares of magic, coloured plumes jetting up into the air, all so beautiful and bright. Ash didn’t pay attention to any of it, not the lights or magic shows around them, not even the other dancers.

All of the beauty and light in existence was there in front of him, dancing with him, and smiling at him.

